Chapter 503: chance encounter

What is this scenario?
Looking at the lovely black uniform in front of him, the blond girl who looked at her with a smile-Heliga was blank.
Although the design of the women's college uniform itself is very conservative-the skirt of the skirt basically exceeds the knee-but the symbolic meaning of the dress itself is well known. And the unique identity of the girl in front of her makes this attention even worse.
Why does this happen? I just want to take a look at the surrounding environment of the Women’s College. If I don’t know it beforehand, I will probably not be able to take the Princess away safely when things happen — I can do it in the siege. Come and go without a trace, but Alfin, who is an ordinary person in combat capability, can't do this. Anyway, there is still a period of time before I return to school. How about planning a course of action in advance during this time?
With this idea, Hailijia got up early, and looked around at the door of the Women's College, the back door and the two side doors, while paying attention to the surrounding environment. On the one hand, it is necessary to confirm the nearby terrain and road conditions, and on the other hand, to avoid other people’s attention-there are men wandering around the women's college early in the morning and it will definitely be noticeable-so Heilijia uses guerrilla fighting Fa, take advantage of the time when there are few people, quickly engrave the terrain in your mind, and immediately move your position when there are too many people.
According to Heliga’s judgment, it is already nine o’clock in the morning. Except for a small number of students, most women’s college students should have classes at this moment; and all the office workers passing by are already sitting in their offices. Comfortable tables and chairs are in front. In addition, since the Imperial Capital Summer Festival will take more than one month, the number of tourists in the Imperial Capital is relatively small, so there should not be too many people gathering nearby at this time.
However, by coincidence, when he just walked to the side gate on the west side of the campus, he heard a cordial and cheerful call, which was his name-looking back, Alphan Lazer His Royal Highness Yanor was looking at him with a warm smile.
"His Royal Highness Alfin?" Looking around nervously, confirming that no one is watching, Heliga whispered, "Why are you here?"
"I don't have a class today... so I just come out to get some air." Alfin was obviously satisfied with Heliga's expression and said lightly.
"Where's the access control of the Women's Academy?" Heliga wondered, the strict access control of the Women's Academy was famous.
"Haha... For me, it's just a few words." Alfin blinked playfully, and Heliga understood: As for the members of the royal family, the academy seems to be not strict.
However, having said that, the hidden problems behind this are also obvious. After a little stunned, Heliga said: "I know the truth... But your Royal Highness, shouldn't you pay more attention to your own safety?"
"Captain Claire is responsible for the security of the entire women's academy." Alfin said, "Actually, don't worry too much... Besides, Mr. Heliga has obviously experienced so many adventures with his brother and watched his brother chaos. People...If there is such a role model, it should be fine for me to do this."
These words almost didn’t make Helija amused—what’s wrong with learning Olibat, you have to follow him to death, "Yeah... I’m really not qualified to say that. After all, he had already stated that After the royal status, he still insisted on taking risks personally, and he really put himself in danger..."
"So..." After hearing this, Alfin nodded triumphantly, but she found that the teenager in front of her seemed to be holding back a smile.
"So, he was punished by Mr. Mulla in various ways because he was always messing around, and he was even with a rope and hung on the ceiling beam... This matter, when he brags about his so-called adventure stories to you Didn't mention it at all."
"What... My elder brother..." Imagining such a scene, Alfin couldn't help but laugh, "There is such a thing..."
"His Royal Highness Olibat is already an adult, and he has the ability to take responsibility for what he has done. Even so, Mr. Mulla is still concerned about his safety with due diligence." After the joke, Heliga said sternly: " And your Royal Highness, you haven't stepped into the social world yet...As the most treasured treasure in the hearts of the people of the whole country, you should be more cautious in your words and deeds? Aside from other things, this security issue can't be sloppy..."
"Um... okay, okay, I know it's wrong." Heliga played both soft and hard, knowing affection, moving reason, Alfin decisively surrendered, Olibate's mouth and sophistry, she only learned its form Rather than the essence, so he couldn't say such brazen words as Olibat. Although she still wanted to point out that Heliga herself was even younger than her-but thinking about the things he had experienced, Alfing suddenly felt that there was no point in saying this, and had to be honest.
"Actually, I wanted to take these novels with me and read them on the benches on the street outside." Alfin defended, "If I read them in the dormitory, I always feel a little sorry for Elysee..."
"What novel?" Heliga asked curiously, something that fascinated the princess, it seemed a bit interesting.
"Um...that, it's not convenient to show to Mr. Heliga." After such a reminder, Alfin couldn't help but start to imagine richly in his mind-if he develops according to the routine and plot in the book, Heliga Sir and elder brother
"Puff...hahaha..." Imagining that the adult Olibate was bullied by a boy ten years younger than him and turned over. Alfin finally abandoned all manners and reservedness and laughed out loud.
"..." Heliga was speechless for a while, and then he felt an inexplicable chill. For some reason, it seems that someone was suggesting something bad just now. In Balfram Palace, a little further away, Olibate, who was reviewing the documents, suddenly sneezed in a big way for no reason.
", nothing...Since I met Mr. Heliga by such a coincidence..." Alfin wiped away the tears of laughter with a handkerchief. "Then can you allow you to accompany me to a little foolishness? "
"You want to..." Seeing Alfin's still somewhat uncontrollable expression, Heliga's unknown premonition continued.
"Just as you think." Alfin converged for a moment and said sternly: "I hope you can accompany me during this time... not only to tell about what you have seen during this time, but also to visit our College, what do you think?"
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