Chapter 521: Daily (five)

"--After that, the Empire finally realized the importance of the air force--using the advantages of the powerful resources brought by the huge land of the Empire, the imperial guided airship and core air combat technology began to develop rapidly, and Libel went hand in hand— —I believe that in the near future, we will be confident of surpassing in this type of technology.
In the military science course, the one who taught seriously was the instructor Nethar, the ace of the famous Fourth Mech Division. As a temporary instructor due to some special reasons. Unlike other instructors with different personalities, Knight Hart is a very serious person, and sometimes even feels very rigid. But this is also in line with his military characteristics and style: decisive, capable, and meticulous in the execution of orders.
This course was delayed for nearly two months after the school started. On the one hand, the instructor Nethalter himself had tasks in the army to complete before that, so he could not spare too much time to teach. On the other hand, since a considerable number of students have basically no concept of battlefields and warfare before entering school, and those basic knowledge are necessary conditions for military studies, this kind of pre-education also takes a certain amount of time.
To some people’s surprise, Nethart’s first class did not start with the famous army of Ereponia as everyone expected—on the contrary, what he told The starting point is the air force system that has been identified as the weakness and shortcoming of the Empire for some time.
The defeat of the "Hundred Days War" ten years ago was considered an unrepeatable miracle. In the final analysis, it is because the "Juggernaut" Cassius Bright won by using the "air force", a combat system that has never been seen before on the continent, and has completely defeated Egypt with a powerful army in terms of advanced thinking. Reponia. After the defeat of the war, in addition to dealing with the aftermath of the war, mediating international public opinion, and dealing with the so-called "war criminals" who were behind the scenes, the empire also reflected on the failure of the war. As a result, the investment in the air force began to be substantial. increase.
Libel’s Air Force can develop extremely rapidly. In addition to the royal family’s policy and financial support, there is also a huge factor that is Dr. Russell—if such a talented scientist and engineer devote all his energy to defense products In research and development, the technological productivity based on this is very scary. Relying on this, Libel very cleverly got the hole card that made the surrounding powers dare not act rashly, and based on this, he worked hard to actively increase economic ties with neighboring countries-the word for profit, whether it was war. Still peace can't escape the entanglement of interests, and if the cost of launching a war is huge, then those militants who are always planning to attack again must carefully weigh the form. Of course, if you have always been relying on the level of technology to dominate others, there is no way to encounter a more advanced existence of technology. Therefore, when the "association" turned out, Libel's system also suffered a lot. question.
Of course, the empire and Libel are different-the huge land not only provides the empire with the accumulated strategic depth of various terrains, but also provides abundant natural resources. In terms of talent pool, although there is no technology giant like "Chase Central Studio" that has the power of the country, the new manufacturing company "RF Company" and the well-known university "Luray University of Technology" also provide considerable manpower. Resources. Coupled with the fact that the empire has one of Dr. Schmidt, one of the three direct disciples who is also the father of the guidance force, as the trump card, in this case, Nethalt is concerned about the empire’s future development, even catching up with Strong self-confidence is understandable.
In fact, Heliga and Olibat have also discussed this topic-after all, war is a struggle between economics. War is only a means, and the entanglement of interests hidden behind it is the source of conflict. In this respect, the Empire’s fault tolerance rate is much higher than that of Libel-if the war starts again, even if Libel, with more advanced equipment and rich combat experience, firmly controls once, twice, or even more times. However, the empire can rely on its comprehensive national power, with various diplomatic methods and economic sanctions, to put pressure on Liber-just like a gambler can never truly defeat a banker whose capital is close to infinite.
But at least at this stage, Lieber’s Air Force, both in terms of equipment and personnel combat quality, has been far ahead of the Empire’s several positions-even instructor Knight Hart. Have to admit.
"I have a little doubt." Macias raised his hand, and after instructor Knight Hart nodded at him, he continued: "I read the library materials before... It said, Empire Most of the guided airships currently owned belong to the aristocratic faction of the "Four Famous Men", right? "
"Yes... the noble faction headed by the "Four Famous Doors" has purchased a large number of guided combat vehicles and equipped with new airships in the past few years in order to expand the standing army and upgrade equipment of the leading army. If I remember correctly, this ratio is close to 6.5 to 3.5. "Machias nodded, and instructor Knight Hart said again: "However, what they buy in large quantities is the old model airship produced by "RF Agency"... The price is cheap, but in terms of performance, it is far better. On newly launched products. "
"Then what is the possible reason?" Macias continued to ask.
"Does it want to transform it into a civilian ship, so as to try to monopolize the freight and passenger market?" Fei tilted her head.
"It's an interesting idea...but the empire currently uses a logistics system based on rail transportation. Airboats are not very suitable for the national conditions of the empire." Nethal looked at Fei in amazement. It was obviously not. I thought that Fei could come up with such a distinctive thought—the students around him also thought so, and the look in his eyes explained everything.
"So is it possible that it is used as a raw material for experimental machines and parts?" Heliga curled his lips. "Although the old airship can't be used again...but it can be analyzed and researched based on the original blueprint, and some parts may also be fine. After reprocessing, it is used on the new airship-if the cost of secondary processing of parts is not a decisive breakthrough, I remember that the cost will be greatly reduced..."
"Yes..." RF company" sells a large number of new airships, a considerable part of which uses these refurbished parts to reduce costs... But also because of this, the selling price of these refurbished parts should also be corresponding. reduce. "
"Why do you know this?" Juses found the blind spot.
"Ah...that..." Alyssa was flustered.
"..." Heliga and Fei smiled at each other.
Happy cooperation.
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