Vol 2 Chapter 595: The era of drastic changes (two in one)

Balfram Palace, reception area.
The prince Alfin and the prince Olibate specially waited here to see off the VII group who made great contributions in this summer solstice festival.
To everyone's disappointment, the trip to the hot spring town that had been promised failed due to various reasons. On the one hand, it is because the stadium facilities on the Umir side have not reached the most complete state, and on the other hand, it seems that it is difficult to persuade the school. So come and go, this surprise-like gift was finally postponed again and again, saying that "I will make up for it if I have a chance in the future."
The so-called "opportunity in the future" is basically gone-this is the first thought of everyone present. However, it is not incomprehensible. After all, the current school curriculum has not yet ended. It is better to say that because it is now, it is a critical period.
"I really thank you for your care. Our brothers and sisters are really grateful to the Military Academy." Olibat once again officially thanked what happened two days ago.
"You really don't dare to say that..." The average students naturally said flattered and modestly. Only Heliga, who knows Olibat’s nature and is closest to him, dared to say: "Yes, but no one needs to help you with anything... Didn’t Mr. Mulla say it, if it’s not the case? No, you might just ride the terrorists like that."
"I don't have the courage." Olibate said so, but his eyes lit up. I'm afraid he would really play that way if there is such a chance next time.
Of course, Heliga doesn't care about this. Olibate’s excuses, leave it to Mr. Mulla for a headache-sorry, brother Mulla.
"Snee." In the lounge near the welcome hall, Mulla, who was drinking hot tea, couldn't help but sneezed for some reason, and an ominous chill rose above his head.
"Where." Alfin is also full of sincere expressions, "If Elysée and I are captured like that, I don't know what the situation will be... No matter how many times I say thank you, it is not enough to express my gratitude." Obviously, Ai Alfin said this specifically for Heliga, so the other students did not intervene wittily.
"It's okay if you're fine." Heliga originally wanted to say something else, but suddenly remembered that Fei was on the side at this moment, so she could only end up with such a piece of soup. But it was too late: there was already an inexplicable atmosphere between the two, which made the people present couldn't help but be attracted. Fei coughed unrelentingly. Indicate Heliga to converge a little—it is allowed in principle, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't show anything. In this regard, Heliga, who had gotten the bargain, could only smile embarrassedly and stopped talking.
"Elysée too." Li En touched his sister's head affectionately. Only this hopeless brother and sister could ignore the strange atmosphere of the other group and show off. Thanks to the two of them, Heilijia was relieved.
"The other members, thanks to you for protecting Cedric." Olibate's serious look, he will get used to seeing more, although the image of the exaggerated bard always flashes and lingers. .
"It seems that the kindness of setting up "Class VII" can be regarded as a return to a certain extent. "For some reason, when the atmosphere on the side of Lien Elysé and Heliga was not right, Instructor Sarah seemed to be eager to get the topic back on track, "It's just..."Imperial Liberation Front"... the name... ,It really is. "
"Yeah." When talking about this, Olibat's eyes became serious. "Nord Plateau, the provocation against the border conflict between the Republic and the Empire, and the events in the western part of the empire that have caused various disturbances-although there have been There are many signs of secret activities, but this time it is finally what they call "formal debut." Although their debut looks messed up because of Heliga... but it still deserves our attention. They are undoubtedly a group of terrorists through and through, and the Intelligence Agency is now thoroughly investigating their identities. "
"That's what I said." Heliga murmured to himself, "In fact, the Intelligence Bureau knew about it a long time ago." Of course, he just complained in his heart and didn't really say it.
"Burning with quiet anger, sanctioning stupid and stubborn dictators...huh, what an easy-to-understand slogan." Euses snorted coldly.
"Yeah... this direction is already very obvious." Olibate agreed.
"Everyone!" The voice of a young boy interrupted the conversation. Follow the prestige-is a delicate young man who is about fifteen years old and looks quite similar to Alfin. And he was accompanied by the head of the imperial capital Carl Regnitz.
"Cedric... the timing is right." Alfin laughed, and Olibat on the side also showed approval. It seems that his appearance was expected by the two royal family members.
"His Royal Highness...Did you come here to see you off specially?" Among those present, Euses had the highest title and was the closest to the Crown Prince, so he asked on behalf of everyone.
"Yeah...I thank you for your care. If you don't do this, the etiquette will not be justified." Cedric nodded, "Thank you again for your help... this way." He paused, "Heliga... ...Is it? Long time no see...I sincerely thank you for saving my sister's crisis."
"...Did you tell him something weird?" Heiligar looked at Olibat with a strange look, "I don't remember how Cedric was so cautious when I met last time..."
"Haha... After all, you are really out on the limelight this time... Compared to what I told him before, our story in Libel is more authentic and shocking by more than a level. Cedric "He patted his brother on the shoulder affectionately. "He's a person who will be embarrassed in the face of praise... So don't be so restrained, just call his name normally."
"Yes, after all, I am not like someone who has a thick skin over the city wall. I can row a boat and appear in front of two arguing people to scare them away. In the end, I can say that it is the power of music and beauty." Liga replied immediately.
"Hey..." Macias whispered nervously, "Is it okay to speak like this?"
"That's how the two of them get along." Fei is obviously used to it.
After a while of laughter, everyone was no longer formal.
"Speaking of it, it's really strange to see you two together." Olibat was obviously referring to Mayor Regnitz.
"Haha, after all, the opportunity is rare. It is good to be able to watch them leave." Mayor Regnitz laughed. Most of the bandages on his hand have been removed, and he seems to be recovering well, but his arm movements are still a bit unfavorable. Suo, "Although the process is a bit unusual, as a director of the Noncommissioned Officer Academy, I still have to tell you hard work. The way Class VII uses it, there are three directors with different positions, although everyone must have their own ideas. , But I still hope that you can spend your academy life well... At least on this point, Your Excellency Rufas and Ms. Irina should have the same ideas as me. Your Highness can also rest assured."
"Haha, I see. I already trusted you very much." Olibat also talked and laughed very relaxedly, "It's just your ally..."
"It seems that everyone is here." Saying Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived-a powerful voice suddenly sounded in this hall, low and full of magnetism, and very oppressive, all of which showed that the visitors were extremely strong. Presence and boldness.
"Woo..." For some reason, when this voice sounded, Li En, who was still behaving intimacy with his sister, suddenly felt his chest tighten and was very uncomfortable.
But everyone didn't notice his unusual behavior, because everyone was attracted by those who came.
"Prime Minister Osborne." Cedric exclaimed, revealing the identity of the person who came - although everyone would know who it was without him.
"Actually, we just accepted your majesty's summon together." Mayor Regnitz explained why the Prime Minister would appear here.
"It's great that Your Highness Alfin is safe and sound. This must be the guide of the goddess." Osborne ignored the surprised eyes of everyone, but bowed to Alfin in a very low salute.
"Thank you, Prime Minister." Alfante squatted slightly in his skirt, which was considered courtesy, but instead of the usual grace and calmness, he looked a little nervous.
"His Royal Highness Olibat is also." He greeted Oliba's head, "As for the "Imperial Liberation Front", I have issued a wanted to the whole country, and I will also thoroughly check their respective backgrounds, please rest assured. "
"Oh, the arrangements are really good." Olibat didn't know whether he was admiring or mocking. "It seems that the "Trade Conference" next month can be relieved, right? "
"Well, leave everything to me." Osborn said in an unquestionable tone, and then turned to the students: "It's rude. Haven't said hello to you yet. I am the representative of the Erebonian Empire. Gillies Osborne-Although I want to say that, the name "Iron Prime Minister" should be more widely known. "
At this moment, the atmosphere on Oss itself reached the extreme. Even the students of Class VII who had seen the big world were overwhelmed by this momentum.
Except for one person.
"Yun is quite calm...that group of terrorists, how do you think the target is your life? Is it really good not to make more targeted arrangements?" The person who said this is naturally Heliga, he has already Once I saw Osborne, I naturally had a way to deal with him. Besides, having all the power of the dragonborn as a hole card also made him not at all shocked by the monster inside the empire.
"Of course I don't need to worry about this... I did make some additional arrangements. But it is also for confidentiality, so I won't disclose the details to you." Osborne nodded, "But... it's been a few months. It seems that you are going to change your previous style?"
"How do you say?" Helika said, staring at the prime minister with interest.
"When we first met and talked to Lieber a few months ago, you were not such a high-profile party." Osborne said, "At that time, you obviously won Lieber's mutation as good as Olibate. Your Majesty’s accomplishments..." At this point, he paused for a while and glanced at Olibate’s reaction, "but later he deliberately eliminated his sense of existence, so that within the empire, almost no one knew about you. Existence—Even if I hadn’t just traveled to Liber to meet you at that time, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to know many of the details. As for after that, you were also very cautious in your actions in Crossbell — —The poor fellow Harutman, until he died, he didn't know where the Levee of Thousand Miles he built had collapsed." At this point, Osborn showed a weird smile.
"His power empire had loopholes as early as the first day it was established. After that, all his actions were nothing more than tearing down the eastern wall to make up the western wall. Sooner or later it would collapse and destroy." Heilijia did not. Osborne deceived, "But I don't think you are deliberately complimenting these actions."
"The downfall of corrupt officials like Harutman is naturally something that the people like to see, even if it is praise?" Osborne said, "But indeed...I'm just curious about your attitude change this time. Why did you deliberately change it this time? You who want to eliminate your sense of presence in the country, but you acted so high-profile this time? Single-handedly rescued His Highness Alfin and showed your sense of presence under the eyes of the entire empire-this is completely inconsistent with your previous style. Got it."
"Now and then." Heliga didn't answer directly, "People will always change...I think the time is right, I just do that. Is there any problem?"
"No...hehe, offended, I'm just curious." Osborn coughed twice, then turned his gaze to the other classmates-at this moment, because the conversation between Heliga and the prime minister was too informative, And the prime minister actually didn’t get a favor from Heliga under that kind of aura, making everyone look surprised—"Okay... Class VII classmates, I also heard some rumors about you. The "special internships" that have traveled all over the country are considered to be an interesting experiment in my opinion. Please continue to work hard in the future. And..." He fixed his gaze on Instructor Sarah, "It's been a long time, Guerrilla. I heard that you changed to a new career, and it looks good. that is really good. "
"Yeah... Thanks to you." Sarah folded her arms, her tone was full of gunpowder, but unlike Heliga, she was not afraid of the prime minister. Sarah was purely because her anger overwhelmed her inner fear. "That time You really took care of you."
Osborne didn’t care about it, and smiled:
Marshal Van Dijk was also my commander before. In this sense, I intend to give further assistance, perhaps insignificant, but further... in short, please look forward to it. Right."
"This means..." Sarah and Olibat behind them both changed their faces.
The expressions of the two of them, Osborne looked at them, but did not break, but said seriously to the students: "The same is true for all of you-please actively cultivate the bonds behind you and exercise your iron will and body. In order to welcome this next "era of drastic changes." "
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