Vol 2 Chapter 630: Action on the Liberation Front (Part 1)

In the middle of the night, in the depths of the Lunarria Natural Park, the whole body exudes a terrifying breath, so that the most ferocious beasts in the forest at night can only choose to avoid the giant wisely, while looking at the night sky with indescribable eyes The moon in the middle seemed to be waiting for someone.
"It's coming." For a long time, such a sentence suddenly appeared in his rough voice. Then, as his voice fell, a little rustling voice came from the bush beside him. Soon after, the man wrapped tightly in black armor and mask, and the one-eyed girl in coquettish costume, walked slowly from the direction of the bushes.
"It's so fast." The new masked man obviously uses some kind of voice changer. The sound is not like a human being, more like some kind of mechanical sound, "cadre "V"...this I would advise you to think twice about this matter. "
"Yeah... Comrade "V", is this really good? "Different from the glamorous costumes she wears, what women say is very gentle.
"No...If Big Brother "G" is still here, this kind of mission that is almost equivalent to sending him to death will definitely be followed by him. "The man called "V" turned around, his burly body has an astonishing scar on his face, but his tone of voice at this moment is very gentle, "but things always have to be done by someone. If he is not here, then I, who used to be a hunter, will take over this task."
"...Since your mind is determined." The masked man no longer insisted, "So be it. Comrade "G"'s loss is indeed something we did not expect... Since he was captured that day, I have tried everything. I couldn't find out any news about him. What is certain is that he was transferred from the temporary prison of the Imperial Gendarmerie to the secret prison of "T.M.P." "
"That bunch of bastards," the woman said angrily, "I'm probably using various methods to torture him now."
"Calm down, comrade "S". "The masked man's words calmed the women's mood, "I don't think there is any need to torture him... Hehe, although it sounds ridiculous, but if it is a person like "Ice Girl", I am afraid that it will not Would not choose this way. What's more, now that we have announced our existence and have begun to take action... It is too easy for them to follow the traces we left behind to find the door. If my estimate is correct, he will not be tortured or executed now, but may be used as a "bait" to attract our attention. To put it simply, if in the next few months, our intelligence agent came to news that we saw the figure of comrade "G"-don't be surprised, it must be a trap. The "Ice Girl" and "Scarecrow" will never make mistakes in this kind of thing. "
"...Yes." After listening to the man's analysis, "S" calmed down.
"But... I didn't expect it to be him." The tone of "V" is uncertain whether it is a sigh or helplessness. "I thought he would only be one of the countless visitors in my life... At best, it is a bit special. ."
"Your former companion in "Ehrengam" was a strange boy who came from a noble family but chose to travel around because of his own problems. "The masked man said, "Indeed...this is really an arrangement of fate. This is indeed a variable, something that none of us expected-there was an accident in the imperial capital's actions. Although the plan itself was finalized by the comrade "G" himself, I am also responsible for agreeing to this point..."
"Don't blame yourself too much, Comrade "C." "S" said hurriedly, "In the past few years, you have proven that you are worthy of all of us trust, and worthy of entrusting everything. In other words... With regard to his intelligence, our biggest supporter, how is it going? Up?"
"Haha... It seems that comrade "V" also wants to know. "Looking at the expression of "V", "C" smiled softly, "Since the battle of the royal summer solstice festival, he and Tova Herschel have almost become famous in the first battle-but compared to the student president, His fame is even more jaw-dropping, and it also caught people off guard. His information, Duke Kane has already obtained all the information currently available."
"Oh?" Both "S" and "V" showed interest.
"After parting with you." "C" looked in the direction of "V", "he joined the command of "West Wind Brigade". "
"What?" "V" was surprised, ""West Wind"? "
"Yes. We don't know what happened in the "West Wind" for more than a year-but after the "Jerking King" and the "War God" of the "Red Constellation" died together, the hunting regiment ostensibly announced its disbandment. Run things, and the "Hunter King" was doted to almost doting goddaughter during his lifetime, "Westwind Fairy" was found to act with him-this is enough to prove that he was in that period, no matter what aspect, Was highly recognized by Luca Kraussell-then he went to Liber, and participated in the settlement of Liber’s internal coup and subsequent changes caused by the "association" action, and in the process with Austria Get acquainted with Prince Libat Lezer Yanor. The two hit it off and he became a powerful hole card in the hands of the prince. At this point in time, his sense of existence was still so low that no one noticed it until the summer solstice festival last month—"
"In him, if I remember correctly, he has a power that seems to be a "curse." "V" recalled, "It is precisely because of the fear of this unknown that he has been hesitating and stopped. It seems... now he is completely able to control that power?"
"Is it completely controlled? I don't know. But if it is not, it would be terrifying." "C" said, "The witch, after the association's action in Libel, I have a lot of information about this matter. Through communication. When he liberated the power a year ago, he could face-to-face confrontation with the association "Apostle" combined with "Treasure of the Sky." If you want to say something...Although it is difficult to admit, it is a power that transcends "reason"-belonging to the realm of non-human beings. "
"What?" This judgment surprised the two of them. They had already had various ideas, but they never thought that their opponent had this level of strength. "Fortunately, he is next to the prince, not to the prime minister..."
"Moreover, there is intelligence that shows-although he deliberately concealed it to reduce his sense of existence, Closbell's current political situation has been turned upside down, and there is also his secret participation-before the events of the summer solstice, he has been dormant like this. In the shadows."
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