Vol 2 Chapter 660: Kezhou Fengqi

"Then, introduce yourself again." In the sluggish gazes of the four members of the Special Services Division, the blond man who was just cynical and frivolous suddenly converged his expression, and said solemnly: "I am Emperor Yukente III's. The agent, a member of the royal family from Ereponia, Olibate Lezier Yanor. Of course, Olivier Langheim is indeed my other identity." Speaking of the back, he was serious His expression collapsed, changed to what it was just now, and blinked.
"It's a pity... but the fact is like this. I am not a music agent, but his escort, Major Mula Vandel of the Seventh Mech Division of the Empire... This time it is for His Royal Highness Kolotia. Invite, and visit you with the prince. Everyone in the Special Services Division, please take care of me."
"..." The brains of Lloyd, Randy and others still didn't respond. What was going on?
On the first day of the Commerce Conference, the Special Support Section under the police department started their own task-patrolling designated areas in the city, reporting abnormal conditions observed during the patrol to the police headquarters and searching One department, or to help residents deal with some temporary commissions-in such a rhythm of work, at noon, the headquarters of the support section suddenly received an urgent commission-a music agent from the Empire said that his employer He disappeared in the city and he didn't know where to go. After that, he still had a very important meeting to attend, and the Guerrilla Association was also full of tasks at this time, so he had to entrust the support section to help.
Under the detection of Lloyd and others, they finally found the musician in the commissioned population-the whole afternoon was simply colorful. First, while playing the lute, he sang publicity songs, intervened in the street gangs of the old city gangsters, and used embarrassing performances to make them lose the idea of ​​fighting each other; then, he was playing again. Royd and the others came to the Bay Area during the chase and interception, and danced passionately with the Crossbell mascot Missy there. Finally, he went to the high-end bar in the back street and played a sound of heavenly sound. Let the boss sign him on the spot to become a performer in the bar.
Fortunately, in the end, everyone in the support section was dressed in suits and leather shoes, and with the help of a meticulous "agent", they caught the musician. However, less than an hour later, when they completed the patrol in the city and prepared to respond to the call of the Queen Liber on the "El Seio" that they had said before, they saw the blond scumbag again. , But the difference is that this time this guy is wearing a luxurious red and black dress, is sitting on the first seat next to the prince with a smile, looking at them with a smile.
Of course, surprise is surprised, and you can't forget to talk about business. The purpose of Kolotia and Olibate is to inform the people of the support section some important information-because of Estiel's strong recommendation and Heilijia's affirmation, both sides chose to trust these fledgling newcomers in unison. Due to the limitations of vision and position, many of these pieces of information are impossible for Lloyd and others to know anyway, or even if they know some general outlines, it is impossible to know the details. Among them are the leaders of the noble faction in the empire. The terrorists under the Duke of Kane have sneaked into Crossbell, and the goal is naturally the head of the "Iron Prime Minister." The radical nationalists in the Republic also have their eyes on hatred. Got President Rock Smith.
What's more interesting is that the prime minister and the president who are targeted are very clear about the fact that they are in danger, but they have not taken any measures, instead letting things continue like this. One of the most obvious evidence is that even a third country like Kolotia has already known about this, but the government of Closberg has not received any form of notification-not only that, Rekert and Fog The two of Xiang also participated in the intelligence control on both sides. It seems that the Empire and the Republic did not want the autonomous state government to play a role in this matter.
For this reason, the two can only disclose the information to the people in the Support Section in a private way-I hope they can figure out a way to resolve this incident. Once they walked out of this door, they would never admit that they had said something, only that it was Olibate and Kolotia who wanted to recount their old feelings when they were in Liber, and it was by no means a sneaky move.
The frankness of Olibate and Kolotia made Royd and others feel good. In return, they also informed the two nobles about the abnormal behavior of the "Black Moon" and the appearance of the "Red Constellation" that they had recently discovered during the patrol.
"What do you think?" After Lloyd and the others left, Olibate put away his frivolous smile, "They."
"As Joshua and Estiel said...Although their strength is meager, they have enough willpower and determination." Kolotia smiled, "Although it is a bit rude...but that Lloyd Bennings The investigator, at first glance, looks like a male version of Estir."
"Yeah...but compared to Estiel, what he is carrying is much heavier..." Oribart sighed, "Now the situation has become more complicated...If only Heliga came with him. Up."
"It's up to you to decide." Mulla relentlessly took down the stage from the side.
"If he follows, a lot of things will no longer be things." Olibat said sullenly, "At least the "Red Constellation" thing, he had already figured it out, and first revealed the information to the search. The First Division and the Guerrilla Association—Recter, thought that his intelligence was well controlled. "
"That's true. That "scarecrow" is completely unknowingly doing useless work, which is really rare. "Mura also laughed. In the curious eyes of Princess Kolotia and others, he explained: "Heliga seems to have had an information exchange with your Libel’s former head of the intelligence department... Then he was accurate. He inferred the fact that the "Red Constellation" was hired by the imperial government, and informed the elite police department and guerrillas of Crossbel about half a month ago. "
"This..." Yulia said in surprise, "In other words, isn't the autonomous prefecture completely ignorant?"
"Yeah." Olibate's eyes were proud. "It's worthy of being my ally... But let's assume that there is nothing like this. After all, I want to see it too. The "Iron Prime Minister" sees things. The development is not what he expected. "
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