Vol 2 Chapter 673: Heliga's Message (Part 1)

Sure enough-after a search, almost every soldier had such a small capsule hidden in his mouth. Although the purpose of this capsule is not known yet, it can be guessed with the heels. If the terrorists who have spared their lives will not be caught if the mission fails, will they care about their own lives?
Looking at Vulcan's somewhat dim expression, it seemed to confirm this.
"Take care... and then give these to Chief Pierre." Guy told his men--then he glanced at Vulcan, who was still lying on the ground with some irritation. Just now, I was about to be fooled—not only would Heliga’s plan fall short, but even the security problems in the autonomous prefecture would be further magnified.
"Why..." Vulcan, who was handcuffed, didn't seem to be as weak as before. However, with an entire team of investigators and the "Sword Saint of the Wind", it is even more impossible to escape after being restricted from freedom-Vulcan said with an expression of resignation.
"If you die, the autonomous prefecture will be in big trouble." Guy didn't hide it. "Moreover, we got the information, and you know what all of this is... right?"
Vulcan did not speak, but was silent. After a long time, he spoke again: "Heliga... told you what happened to me?"
"Yeah... we all know it. Including "Ehrengam" was once a very rare hunting regiment that didn't take money as its primary purpose, or an adventure regiment was more appropriate. "Arios nodded, "Of course, I also know that he was with you, and I know that because you have listened to the nobles' instigation, you went to intimidate Prime Minister Osborne who hadn't fully established his footing at the time, but... Something unexpected. "
"Then why...can't you understand? Can't he understand?" Vulcan was excited in a rare voice. "This anger and desire for revenge is justified! You don't mention why even Heligana Boys are—"
"Before I say this...he wants us to pass it on to you." Guy interrupted Vulcan's excited confession. "This is the recording he left before he left last time... We played it with Anigma. Here you are.
As they said, Guy and Arios looked at each other, and put the small conductive circuit crystal into the force guide.
Soon, Vulcan heard the familiar voice-that has matured a lot, but still has a little juvenile voice.
"...I’m Heilija. Uncle Volkan, if you hear this, it’s 80% that you have been captured and subdued by Alios and Guy. Don’t blame them, because All of this is what I mean-I think you know it yourself, your leader sent you to assassinate Prime Minister Osborne? It's ridiculous. Although he left the Empire, he left the headquarters of the Intelligence Ministry and the Railway Gendarmerie- -But do you think that he has been running across the continent for so many years, and he has faced fewer threats of self-reliance? Impossible. Your action this time, no matter what, it is impossible to succeed-if I know No matter what, then you will inevitably encounter the "Red Constellation". I don't need to say more about their horror-therefore, since it is an action that must be defeated, this gave me the idea that I don't want you to die-I don't want you to be Prisoners come to torture you, but, I hope you can think about it...Should this kind of revenge really be imposed on Prime Minister Osborne? "
At the last sentence, Vulcan suddenly opened his eyes.
"It is true that it was Prime Minister Osborne, who knew everything in advance, sent another chasing unit to ambush our only way, and gave them the order "We must die." However, isn't it normal for the prime minister of an empire to protect one's safety and eliminate enemies who dare to threaten oneself with illegal means? "
"..." Vulcan frowned and said nothing.
"Listen... Uncle Vulcan. Prime Minister Osborne, I was originally just an ordinary noble boy who didn't know anything-but in the years since I left "Ehrengam", with various things, I gradually realized his horror. He is a savvy politician. He became famous as early as ten years ago in the war with Libel. He dealt with the very difficult post-war issues at the time. Later, he was crowned an earl, which is very rare in the Empire. , And he was directly promoted to the prime minister. After he came to power, the old-fashioned aristocratic faction, who had been very stubborn before, began to lose their territory little by little; and the empire also expanded its territory outward for the first time in more than two hundred years after Emperor Drekers. . He constantly excludes dissidents, fights against the "four famous sects", and increases his influence in the regular army-these things, he did very well from the beginning, until now, they have become daunting " Prime Minister of Iron and Blood".
"I'm not saying this to brag about his strength-I just want you to realize that he is a clever and ambitious political careerist-such a person, before you accept that commission, go to "scare" When he was—think about it, the nobleman who entrusted you didn't know what he was doing? As a figure on the front line of the struggle against the noble faction, his horror has long been known to the nobles throughout the empire. "
"..." Following Heliga's explanation, Vulcan's brows shifted back and forth between tightening and stretching-until Heliga said the sentence just now. "What..." he muttered to himself like this.
"Do you want to understand? The nobleman who issued this kind of entrustment is undoubtedly asking you and us to die together-Prime Minister Osborne already had a huge power at that time, even if he really wanted to If you want the hunters to take action, you can only look for the big hunting regiments like the "West Wind" and the "Red Constellation", and no matter how bad they are, you will have to be the ones like the "North Hunters" who are completely free. But he didn’t... He just looked for us who didn’t even touch drugs and arms before that, and were like a white lotus in the hunting world. The unknown us-no matter what he planned, at least in ours. In fact, that was his plan.
"When you were in the regiment, you often told us the story of your early career as a mercenary. You said that because of personal grievances, the commander gave orders to some members indiscriminately, leading to the defeat of the entire battle. .You said that such a commander will be spurned by the soldiers and even be retaliated against-then in this matter, it is worthy of you, worthy of me, worthy of the surviving companions, worthy of the anger and hatred of the dead companions. Isn’t it the "commander" who gave this stupid order he himself knew! "Speaking of the last sentence, Heliga's voice suddenly became hysterical, but Vulcan fell into a period of contemplation from the excitement just now.
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