Vol 2 Chapter 682: Stop abruptly (two in one)

"This is Nethart. It has retreated to the temporary explosion-proof fortification near the backup war garage."
"This is Sarah Barrestan. Group A has left the train cannon and is currently approaching the exit on the east side of the assembly yard."
"Yeah. It should be safe enough there." Lieutenant General Craig nodded. With the help of armored vehicles, he and his soldiers retreated to a safe place early. Soon after leaving the battlefield, he also learned a temporary message from the technicians from the fortress command center: The automatic fire control system of the Garella fortress was hacked by unknown forces. The highest control authority is set to automatically launch indiscriminately in the downtown area of ​​Clos Bell, and even the relevant guidance supply priority has been modified, and all guidance is given priority to the direction of the train gun. Although the technical department responded quickly and cut off all the guiding force generating devices in the Galeria Fortress, in order to avoid accidents, the train gun was originally equipped with a backup guiding device sufficient to support the complete firing process of several rounds. Force-in other words, after doing this, the two out of control train guns will eventually complete several complete firings-even if the two train guns only have one shell fired, but as long as they fall in the gram In the city of Los Bell, the seriousness of the consequences will be incalculable.
In this case, it is almost impossible to break through the high ground with a large number of guided weapons guarded by guided train guns within fifteen minutes; and the self-destructing program that is said to the outside world is actually a problem. The furnishings have not really set up such a thing-in other words, the situation is extremely critical now, if Heilijia can't do it, or if he fails-no one wants to think about the consequences.
In this situation, only Fei showed a calm expression: "He will definitely succeed."

"...There is still a little time. Thinking about it...or this is the safest way." After learning that everyone had withdrawn far enough from Guidance Communication, Heliga was finally able to let go I've had a dry hands and feet. There are still dozens of seconds before the launch of the guided train cannon. In fact, if he wants to, it is not impossible to find a place to climb up and turn off the train cannon. But he is not sure that he can do this. After all, Ling once said the power of "Star Code"-if you oppose it in operation, it may cause some more serious consequences. Moreover, I have to take into account the possible launch at any time and focus on one person operating the train gun that usually requires several maintenance teams to operate. This is really a bit troublesome for Heliga, who has no knowledge of follow-up.
After thinking about it, there is only another way—that is, directly destroying the two train guns.
Although doing so, the domestic situation may become more chaotic-Heliga himself almost foresaw what might happen after this. The regular army will use this incident to expand its armaments grandly. At the same time, the aristocratic faction will certainly not let go of this opportunity to embarrass Prime Minister Osborne. The prime minister put pressure on it. Coupled with the news that the aristocratic faction has begun to secretly increase its armaments a long time ago-this operation may aggravate the conflicts of the civil war.
Heilijia has also hesitated-if this incident really caused unpredictable consequences, can the previous plan of himself and Olibat succeed? Can some of the aristocratic and reformist forces be wiped out in this civil war? Can Olibat really gain a foothold in the political arena? Can he score enough merits in exchange for wanting further bargaining chips after the war?
If you don’t do it yourself, the worst result is nothing more than the launch of the train cannon to Crossbell, causing tens of thousands of casualties. For those veteran politicians, they won’t take this too much. The thing, after all, in their eyes, 10,000 people died, in fact, they just lost some names. If it is such a consequence, I will definitely not bear any responsibility. All the spearheads will be directed at the general guarding here and the actual controller of the regular army, as well as the Prime Minister Osborne who asked to build this train gun. But if I act now, some extra attention and accusations afterwards may be attracted.
However, although hesitated, when Heliga remembered the faces of the friends he had known in Crossbel, the hesitation disappeared again. Neither himself nor Olibat is a very typical politician. Instead, he talked about emotions that most people would not talk about in politics. Although such a move may seem stupid in the eyes of some old-school politicians, he knows that it is what Olibat can get from an ordinary prince to a new star who has started to stir up political waves. The source of all support.
Therefore, in order to prevent Crossbell's companions and innocent people from being affected by the political struggle and losing their lives and relatives-Heliga must prevent the launch of the train cannon anyway.
"Here." Soon, the barrels of the two train guns were lifted again after the first launch, with a slight drop after the first launch-all operations were proceeding in an orderly manner: setting the elements; parameters Adjustment, trajectory warming up-the life-threatening cannon has been staring at the crowd who still don't know what happened, as always, lively and laughing.
"Let me use this method... to pay tribute to the heroes who have fought side by side with you in the Long Xiao Palace." Heliga smiled confidently, staring at the muzzles of the two giant cannons.
He can directly use powerful magic to blow up the entire hill-but if he does that, he will definitely be questioned why he retained his strength before. So at least for now, he can't let this ability be fully exposed.
What he was going to adopt was a more ingenious method—something he showed to Lieutenant General Craig just now, and it was also a way to warm up himself first.
The muzzle was pressed down for the last time-this means that the target has been aimed. Heliga didn't know where the random target was in the city this time, but he knew that no matter where it was aimed, this shell could not get out of the muzzle.
The guided thruster began to roar, and in the quiet situation where the others had already fled the scene, Heliga heard it very real. His attention became more and more concentrated, his eyes staring at the muzzle of the gun painfully-at the same time, the two regiments in his hand far exceeded the cyan flashes of the six chariots in his hand.
The Dragonborn used to be on the ruins of Longxiao Palace, and his partner used magic and steel to make a shackle that trapped Gulong Audaweiying.
But now, as the heirs of the dragonborn power-although they do different things, they are all to protect the people and things they each cherish.
In a place that Heilijia couldn't see, on the launch preparation panel next to the train gun, the small electronic progress bar was filling up little by little.
"Tiid (time)..." With a murmur—the world's colorful colors instantly turned pale. In Heliga's eyes, the entire world was only black and white at this time.
The muzzle of the train cannon, a subtle trembling sound is causing a roar.
"Klo (sand)..." The second whisper—everything in the world that had just turned into black and white monotonous colors seems to have further become blurred; the beautiful scenery under the canyon that was still clear at this time has also become A vague mess.
"Ul (eternal)!" There was a firm cry-the pure white world once again recovered its colors, and the blurred vision became clear and transparent again. Heliga slowly raised his hand-it wasn't because he was so nervous that he moved slowly, but because time had become stagnant!
For Heliga, the current time is as slow as one-sixth of its original length, so simply raising his arm is already very slow in his own view.
However, Dragon Roar-the greatest ability of "Slow Time Lag"-it allows the world to appear in a more affected posture in the eyes of its users. If in Heliga’s eyes, his time at this moment has only become one-sixth of its previous speed, then this originally normal speed is just like toothpaste being squeezed out a little bit. I can see clearly under my own eyes.
Even Bernardo himself can only do this step with absolute concentration of energy-in the face of almost everyone in the world, this trick can make him guarantee the first move The man is himself. Although for him, the first shot is only a certain advantage, and the real result needs to be obtained by subsequent battles, but for Heliga, this second step has already demonstrated an inevitable victory!
It should have been in a barrel that was several sub-a-square-meter long, with the powerful power provided by the latest artillery control system, cut through the arc of hundreds of Ser. , In the eyes of Heliga at this moment, it was like a curious child who secretly opened the crack of the door to see what was inside the door, moving out from the muzzle at that speed little by little.
"That's it!" At this speed, if you can't make it right, then you are really ashamed of the name of Dragonborn. Two groups of blue-purple electric lights with destructive energy, like two beasts that had been imprisoned for a long time before they were released, whizzed towards the prey named "Train Cannon."
Like penetrating the outer layer of a tank, the outermost protective layer of the shell is easily penetrated. Just like a rabbit that just came out of the nest, the two shells had just been boring with strong power-but they were caught by the hunter Heliga.
To those who watched this scene silently in the distance, the sight just now was simply too absurd. The second time the train cannon made its firing posture, it was when people were most worried, as if they were just with a thick rope and hung from the edge of a cliff, and they would be buried in it at some point, falling to pieces. Because of this, when the huge roar symbolizing the launch rang through the fortress, the hearts of almost everyone popped out of their throats-didn't he say that he could stop the launch?
However, compared to the loud noise that is almost heartbreaking, the following scenes feel more weird. A huge flame swept through the air waves, bursting above the canyon where the train gun was located; the huge impact directly exploded the solid high ground built of steel where the train gun was located; the size of a watermelon In the impact caused by the explosion, the heavy metal parts flew feebly in the air like pieces of paper. If not everyone had retreated to a safe distance and place, just the aftermath of the explosion could cause a lot of damage. casualties.
"This is..." Lieutenant General Craig was dumb, "The actual power of the train cannon!"
"...If it's a blast, it shouldn't have such an exaggerated explosive power... because if the propulsion system has a problem, the shell will never have enough kinetic energy." Instructor Sarah also saw that something was wrong, "and What was it just now?"
"The shell did fire... The flames from the muzzle just now proved that it was a live ammunition this time. However, it exploded just as it was fired out?" Nethalter didn't understand this kind of thing at all, "It's ridiculous. ...How did it do it?"
"Aim at the shell that just fired...?" The terrorists looked at the "S" who came to this conclusion with incredible expressions-even though everyone was a certain distance away, the "S" stood tall. At the same time, there is no obstacle from the sun, and there is no other obstacle to prevent her from seeing the train gun—only she saw the scene just now, and the shell that had just been boring was hit by a powerful lightning chain. Wear, which caused an explosion.
"It's absolutely impossible..." The other terrorist also didn't believe it.
"I finally know why "C" gave such an order. "S" showed a weak, bitter smile, "It seems that looking back, the plan has to be revised carefully..."
Compared with these few people who grasped the point at once and fell into thinking, the rest, including all students and ordinary soldiers, were in a more confused state. Even though the shock wave of the explosion just a little bit spread, some people were blown to cheek pain, but they still did not relax, did not want to understand what happened.
Only Fei seemed to be indifferent, but she was relieved of the threat of the train cannon so that she no longer worried. She knew that Heliga would tell herself all these things when she turned around, and she just had to listen carefully at that time.
However, no matter what these people think, there is a fact that most people now have to admit.
The "Train Cannon" that had threatened Crossbell for five years and made the Republic so afraid of the empire... From this moment on, it was destroyed—it turned into discarded parts that were completely disintegrated in the explosion. The seat is towering, and it has always been the launch pod for the Crossbell people's nightmare.
The series of tactics and conspiracies surrounding the train cannon, no matter who originated from it, can only be at this moment-draw an end and stop abruptly.
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