Vol 2 Chapter 688: The emperor's honesty (two in one)

Unlike the complex emotions of Viscount Alside at that time, Matteus Fandral was just out of curiosity at this moment.
Therefore, he did not directly say nothing like Victor, and greeted him with the profound meaning of "van der flow," and Heliga naturally did not need to fully demonstrate his power. Moreover, he is still not sure which side the emperor is on. He is the biological father of Oribart, and it is true that he has given Oribart a lot of help, but Osborne, who is regarded by Oribart and himself as a thorn in the eye and an enemy who needs a decisive battle sooner or later, is also his hand, intentionally or unintentionally. Let the reformer go where he is today.
Mateus didn't use the Upanishad, and Heliga didn't show the "Dragon Form"—just simply showed some spells that he usually uses. Rao was so surprised that the Emperor and Thor, who had never seen this method before.
"It's true... this is not the effect that the tactical force guide can achieve. I didn't see any traces of him manipulating other equipment just now...the power of those elements, he used his own abilities and ideas."
"It's not other ancient powers, nor is it related to the "curse" of this country..." Ukent murmured, "Is this...? "
"Curse?" Heliga noticed Jukente's wording—Rossey mentioned something similar.
Combined with the suspicious old school building, it was ordered by Emperor Drekers to be repaired when he was alive, and Arian Hurd's words-Heliga had long been suspicious of what was brewing secretly in this empire. But there has been no breakthrough. In the last conversation, Emma accidentally revealed that there is such a thing as the "Black History Book" in the world, which seems to record the historical process and some inevitable future-but Heliga also quickly gave up looking for it. The thoughts of these things are basically endless.
The emperor's words made him suddenly aware that he was making a lot of trouble on the surface of the empire, but in fact, he did not make full use of his intelligence network for the contents of the empire. Of course, this is also due to the secret conspiracy of the entire mainland, almost inseparable from the relationship between churches and associations, and I have always avoided taking the initiative to get on things related to "association."
"Hehe, it seems that you don't know anything." Heliga's words also surprised the emperor again. Perhaps he did not expect Heilijia to react to this word at all, but the emperor's brows soon relaxed, "It's just that there are some things that have not yet been revealed...so they cannot be made public. Or even if they do it now. No longer makes any sense."
"His Majesty……"
"I know what I'm talking about. Mateus, I temporarily changed my mind... When we go back later, you should avoid it first. I have some things here, I am afraid it is not convenient for others to know."
"...I understand." It seemed that he wanted to refute, but Matthaus said nothing in the end and accepted the emperor's order.
"The little girl next to you...At this stage, it's best not to let her follow." Yukent turned his gaze to Fei again. Somehow, Heliga always feels that Ukent’s expression is a bit subtle now, as if secretly trying to express and test something. Of course Heliga can’t let Fei suffer: "You know, no matter what it is, I will do it afterwards. Will not hide it from her."
"Even if it involves the deepest secrets of this country?" Ukent frowned.
"If it's such an important content, then you'd better not tell me." Heilijia titrates.
"No... if it is really important." Fei doesn't mind these things, because she is not as sensitive as Heilijia-the emperor doesn't just have the superficial meaning.
"You..." Mateus on the side was a little angry, obviously Heliga's attitude towards the emperor a little offended him.
"Forget it." The emperor waved his hand and gave a wry smile. The attitude that made Heliga feel a little uncomfortable just now is gone, "Don't say... it's really similar to Olibat. You two are really the same. People, no wonder they are walking together now."
"..." Now, Ukent seems to have meant something again?

It was the same room where I had just met the emperor. But the difference is that there is no Fei and Mateus in the room this time: the latter faithfully implemented the emperor's orders, while the former is just really uninterested-at least for now.
The maid who poured black tea and dessert also left the room under the emperor's order. On the luxurious sofa, two people, one old and one young, were looking at each other with complicated eyes.
"Put your companions more important than political life-you and Olibat are exactly the same. He has followed his mother's character. As for you... I don't know much."
"His Royal Highness Olibate's mother?" Heliga said softly, and Olibate had never told him about this. Although Olibat avoided talking in the first place, Heilija knew that if he asked now, Olibate would definitely tell him and tell him - but for now, it is not necessary.
"Why? Don't you know?" Ukent seemed surprised that Heliga didn't know about this. "Well...I think it was because he was caught in the quagmire of work right after he came back from Libel. There is no time and opportunity to say These."
"Well... Since your Highness took the "White Wing" back to China, there have not been too many opportunities for small talk. Even if there is occasional contact, it is just something very formal. Heliga nodded.
"Well, it's not a big deal anyway. Basically, the nobles who can be regarded as famous know this... Although I know that your father doesn't like these noble affairs." Ukent said lightly, "Tell you. It’s okay to speak."
The story about Oribat told by Ukent was indeed the first time Heiligar had heard of it. It turned out that Olibate's mother was a woman of civilian origin, and she met Emperor Yukent at the Torz Military Academy. After falling in love, the two people are like glue. It is not that Yukent did not intend to take her to the palace and canonize her as the imperial concubine, but her commoner origin made her marriage to the emperor met with unanimous opposition. In the end, the sensible woman, in order not to disturb Yukente, left the palace alone without saying a word, and was born in Olibat alone, but eventually died because of the nobles' conspiracy and tricks Because of the constraints and obstacles of the nobles, the emperor has not been able to make up for this regret.
"..." Heliga didn't speak. He knew that the power of the nobles had almost split the entire empire into several independent countries when it reached its peak, and the imperial family also had a vague tendency to be emptied, but he did not expect such a thing to happen—the emperor’s Life-long events, although to a certain extent, they can’t do what they want. Many factors must be considered, and they can never be solved simply. However, like the mothers of Ukent and Olibate, the emperor himself can do nothing at all. No. Moreover, although Ukent didn’t say it, Heliga heard a hidden message when listening to the story: Not long after the death of Olibat’s biological mother, it was the beginning of the "Hundred Days War" and he Prime Minister Spence came to power.
"After that, the nobles headed by the "Four Famous Sects" began to tell me about marriage. "Ukent continued to tell his story, seeming to not take these things that made him very sad at all serious. "It was also at that time that I decided to always be the daughter of the inferior noble family and take care of my daily life. Priscilla-I like her very much, but I don't deny that I had a hint of revenge against the nobility. Because Priscilla is also of noble origin, and perhaps considering my emotions, the nobles can only compromise. Priscilla never took Oribat's from a commoner seriously, but as his own son to educate and nurture...Finally, Olibat's cold appearance since his mother died Changed, and he finally started to think of Priscilla as his real mother. Later, Alfin and Cedric were born. When he took care of his younger siblings, he also took care of them as his own siblings. "
"You must be thinking, this is how I helped Osborne to be on the political stage, and then replaced me to fight against the aristocracy, right?" After all, Ukent was the emperor, the head of a country, and a keen political olfactory machine. He knew what Liga was thinking about, "Olibate asked me about this earlier in person—and you just thought about it in your heart. But, as a politically-related figure, such thoughts—in fact, all There should not be, do you understand?"
"...There are no eternal friends or enemies, only eternal interests." Heliga remembered the words his father often said, "This is the true meaning of politics... Is this what you want to say?"
Jukent did not speak, but only slightly nodded, Quandang tacitly acquiesced.
"Olibate may not be as good as you at this point. He can't hide things in his heart. When he judges that a person is trustworthy, he will take the initiative to communicate, even if some questions are almost stupid enough to not say. But in essence , Both of you consider the favors on the books to be more important than the actual things. Just now I was just a test, and you relentlessly competed against me, completely ignoring my face as an emperor—and The girl next to you didn't even understand the other meaning of my words at all. This is very telling-the degree is different, but you are the same type of characters, and it is precisely because of this that you have come together."
"Your Majesty, please make it clear." Heliga said, the emperor has already said something, and he should make a statement himself, not to go around like this.
"Okay. Then I'll just say it straight. Everything that Gillies Osborne does has my participation behind the scenes, and I am fully aware of it. Both in the superficial and in-depth sense, he I didn’t think it was wrong, so I acquiesced and delegated the authority to him. In view of this consideration and my position as a father, it is impossible for me to personally find Olibate to remind him of this, so I only I can find you to act as the middleman and megaphone-if he continues to stick to his previous path, then one day, he will continue to move forward and have a ruthless duel with Osborne, who is supported by me. You have to tell him to make him think clearly what he is doing."
well. Heliga thought to himself that the emperor was happy enough this time, and said his true purpose without any muddle. Just now, I deliberately hinted that Alfin’s coming to Geying himself was just a little test, and his real purpose was to express his attitude towards Olibat and Osborne. Of course, what Heilijia didn't know was that he greatly accelerated and advanced this process. It was precisely because of his own existence that Osborn saw the threat from Olibat's faction more quickly. It would be okay if Heilija is a powerful person with an unobvious political tendency, but now he has consciously or unconsciously released the relationship between himself and Olibat, and by this he has attracted the enthusiasm of discussions within the empire, which has proved a lot. Problem. Because Olibate is the son of Ukent after all and a member of the royal family, Osborne cannot directly deal with other political enemies as he did, but must take care of Ukent's emotions. Jukent's willingness to accept such a request has shown that the relationship between him and Osborne is extraordinary.
"In addition, since you already know the story of the royal family, and the tragedy of me, Olibate, and her mother, then I don't mind talking to you about Alfin." Ukent took care of himself. I continued, "Although she was born in a family of emperors, Alfin has many advantages that ordinary people do not have, and she is unexpectedly not delicate. After she became an adult, she was immediately plunged into the vortex of political struggle and was regarded by the great nobles. Talking about the relationship between my own son and the royal family, and the tool for passing on from generation to generation, is also a bit unbearable for me-so, I will not interfere too much in the relationship between you and her. Just don't let me hear what you have to say to her. The thing... The imperial man has always been in the air since ancient times, but I don’t want him to follow a who only knows how to play with other people’s feelings. Although from the performance just now, you are not like that."
"..." Heliga laughed blankly. He played both hard and soft, slapped a candy, first succinctly gave Olibat and himself a head, and then took Alfin out to comfort himself-the emperor's hand is really thief, it is impossible for him to not relax his emotions . It seems that we can now draw conclusions. According to the various news and articles I have seen before, the fact that Ukent III was emptied by Osborne and that he is now the puppet emperor is completely fictional. People just don’t want to be attracted to the stage. Gaze, waiting to get rich behind the scenes.
However, in addition to these very real things, now that he has already said things, Heliga doesn't care about it, wanting to seize this rare opportunity and ask some things that he usually has no way to know.
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