Vol 2 Chapter 689: The curse of the empire

Heliga's acumen once again surpassed Yukente III's expectations. Originally, he thought that after he had told him about Olibat and Alfin, he should focus his attention and main thinking direction here. Unexpectedly, he still remembered his own wording, the word "curse" that he had just said.
However, Heliga asked the right person. Because the emperor is indeed a person who knows a lot of inside information.
"How much do you know about "curse"? "The emperor did not answer Heliga's question, but asked rhetorically like this first.
"I don't know if it exists... But historically, things happen almost every once in a while. These things have brought disasters to the empire again and again, from the earliest imperial dark dragon incident to the later The vampire incident, coupled with the traces of the "Lion Battle" period that were obviously erased artificially... Behind this, there is always something that connects them all together. "
"... That's right." The emperor closed his eyes, "That was something that was born at the beginning of the founding of this land and has been affecting the present. You and Olibate witnessed a complete difference in Libel. Change experience, so you should be able to understand that it’s not an exaggeration for something similar to happen in the empire."
"...In the ancient land of the imperial capital, are there two great treasures?" Heliga said, this is the news that Rousai revealed to him last time. "The two great treasures merged after the conflict and formed a force called "Steel". ... Is this the origin of everything. "
"...It's surprising, you already know its existence." Ukent said, "This makes things easier to make sense. Heilija, let me sum it up, you think the imperial people should be What kind of? From the process of your research."
"Imperial people... value the sense of honor, but they are not extreme, they are not sick fighters. Do you want to say..."
"Well... this is the effect of the "curse". As you said, Ereponia people are, and should have been hospitable, people who have a place on this land. The empire values ​​honor and will not regard things that do not conform to universal values ​​as things they believe in. However, such imperial people have repeatedly suffered unusual disasters, and have repeatedly made some stupid mistakes that, in retrospect, they did not want to believe. "
"Disaster...Is it the ones I said before, the dark dragon event and the vampire event?" Heliga said softly.
"Yeah. And before and after the creation of the new Ereponia by Emperor Drekers, all sorts of weird incidents happened-I won't talk about it. As for the "stupid mistakes" just mentioned, you Don’t you already know the best example? "
The emperor's meaningful expression immediately made Heliga understand.
"...Hamel." He said the name slowly.
"Yes. You know." The emperor nodded. "The stubborn fighters among the nobles, in order to start the war, did not hesitate to abandon the honor of the nobles, listen to the instigation, and design to slaughter their own people... this matter , The trial of those planners was also conducted by Osborne. Do you know what they said in the trial?"
Heliga did not answer. Ukent continued: "They said that at that time, they were in a state of enthusiasm and frustration. Afterwards, they didn't even believe that they had done something like that. The main criminals were interrogated separately. Yes, arranged by Prime Minister Osborne, a group of different trial teams conducted inquiries and collected evidence before conviction. In the absence of a chance to collude with confessions, their remarks were surprisingly similar. Although most of them were sentenced to death , But in all fairness, don't you think this is weird?"
"...You may not know yet. When I was in Libel, I met a former "association" apostle with a terrible character... but he was already dead. "Heliga hesitated." He admitted personally before he merged into the "Ring of Radiance" that the occurrence of the "Hamel Incident" had nothing to do with his incitement behind his back. "
"I also heard about the "white noodles". "The emperor nodded, "It is true that he may have played a role, but I don't think he can incite several nobles to do the same thing at the same time." Whether it’s my affairs with the prime minister or Hamel, coupled with the abnormal events and rare brotherhood in the "Battle of the Lions"-all these blood and flames have forged the history of the empire , Far better than any country on the mainland. When facing these things, the people of the empire will turn into violent and frustrated beasts, completely disregarding traditional etiquette, abandoning honor, and losing their reason-that is the hidden in the shadow of this country, which makes people’s hearts twisted and crazy. In existence". "
"Is that a "curse"? "Hilija knew it. If the emperor said so, then this "curse" is not a random inference, but something that has existed at a real price.
"On this continent, there used to be something called "Black History Book". If you can find it, you will be able to better grasp this period of history. "The emperor said, "Although I heard that the church has been looking for it... but its "original" has been kept in the hands of the royal family. "
"...I haven't heard of this." Heliga laughed bitterly, as if he had learned something extraordinary.
"To be honest, the power in you, I once thought it was related to the "curse." Regarding those contents, I have already conducted thorough research myself, but your power is not up to you anyway...This is the reason why I want to tell you this. I think that as a "singularity" with a powerful force, there should be a way to solve this matter by providing "possibility". "
Is there a way to remove or avoid the "curse"? "Heliga thought of a question.
"According to the record in the "Black History Book", no. If you try to escape, it will only cause greater disaster. As for the relief... it was something from the treasure left by the goddess. "
"Is the attitude towards the prime minister because of this?" Heliga understood thoroughly. It seemed that what Prime Minister Osborne wanted was more than pure political power and influence.
"Well. I knew about this, so I agreed to the Prime Minister's "certain plans." "Ukent III paused, as if he felt that he had said too much, "Anyway...I just ask you to convey those words to Olibate tactfully." This is not just a pure political struggle... He, as well as you, will understand sooner or later. "
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