Vol 2 Chapter 780: Persistence (Part 1)

"So, what is it for?" Dita said. Not long ago, the association informed himself of the existence of this person and what he had done in Liberty-which made Dita a little curiosity about Heliga. At the same time, he also knows why Guy Bennings and others are almost unknown to the prophet. They performed so well and quickly in the handling of the "DG Order" incident. First, they found the source of "true knowledge" before circulation. At the same time, they also took the first step to prevent the guards from being blocked, and finally stopped the hunters who came to attack, and completely defeated Joachim in the Rock of Sun. During the whole process, some intelligence was that they did not May know. The appearance of Heliga now shows all this-there is an unreasonable force operating, providing them with intelligence and guidance, allowing them to resolve the entire incident in a perfect manner. All the reports after the incident failed to catch the clues of this man. I think it was also what he strongly requested at the time, and gave all the credit to the guerrillas and policemen of Clos Bell.
"What really makes me dislike you is the truth about the "D.G Order". "Heliga bluntly said, "If you let the chasers of the red constellation attack your own citizens, it can only be regarded as a politician abandoning humanity for the purpose and doing everything, then instruct the members of the cult to do it. The things that violate innocent children are anti-human behaviors that cannot be concealed by any defense. Because of this, no matter how you decorate your justice, I don't bother to be with you. "
It would be a tragedy for the "D.G Order" to develop into that...not that we led them into that way. In the final analysis, all we need is their experimental data to create a perfect carrier that can welcome the return of the treasure again. A sneer appeared at the corner of Dita's mouth. "It's a pity that these data are obtained through torturing the children." "
"Don't say that it doesn't matter to you." Dita's performance made Heliga even more angry, but he still suppressed his anger, "Those remnants of alchemy, those weird potions, weird potions of true knowledge The formula, plus the magic spells for summoning demons, which one was not taught to them by you? Is it because you have created one of the best troubles on this continent and left them alone. After hundreds of years have passed, you will be able to do nothing. Guan Ji's attitude?"
"Huh... so what? The matter has passed, and there will be no chance of turning over this matter. Besides, the Qi Yao Church already knows these things, even if you go to them, I think I am afraid—"
"What the church thinks is their business, what I think is my business. Besides, don't you really think that with Kia's power, you can always protect you from this false paradise. ?"
"What?" Dita frowned. He could understand Heliga's anger over the "Order" incident, but he didn't expect him to say such a thing. Hear what he said, is there anything other than Clos Bell that can defeat Kia?
"Sure enough... you don't know anything." Heliga sighed lightly. "For the association, Clos Bell is just a springboard for them to extend their black hands to Ereponia... after you finish you After the mission, they will be abandoned-don't think that after "White Face" is dead, the other apostles will be as noble and noble as the "Saint of Steel". Especially the sixth pillar, he is also a person who does not hesitate to kill innocent people for his own experiments. Such a person is not a person who does not need to pay attention to getting along. "
"You don't have to go to great lengths to provoke my relationship with you. "Sure enough, Dita said this, completely disregarding Heliga's words, "I have the most experience of their support and help for us, and I can best understand who is worthy of trust. I am very amazed by the technological power of Your Excellency Novartis. It is a brand new technology that no research institution in the world has. Except for such a powerful partner, I don't know anyone else to be trusted, nor do I believe there are any threats. "
"Take it like that." Heliga said lazily, too lazy to continue fighting with him-no matter how much Qi Ya said, it was just a re-emergence of the magical treasure, and she was not the real treasure, for power The use of is still being gradually controlled-if according to Thomas and Rossi's words and hints, after the empire's "flame" and "earth" combined the "steel" treasure awakens-the direct relationship between the treasures Collision, by then Clos Bell is definitely not an invincible army that will win.
"In addition, what do you plan to do with the next thing? Although you have blocked their assets, the economy in the Empire and the Republic will be chaotic and panic in the next period of time... But Crossbel himself will also be affected. Well. If the empire and the Republic remain in such a stalemate, can you withstand the resistance and dissatisfaction from within?" Heliga asked again.
"Don't worry. Reform is always accompanied by labor pains." Dita replied, "With the "Holy Son" as a helper, there is nothing worth worrying about. "
"To put it bluntly, you can only rely on Kia's divine power... You don't know what you are doing, and you don't understand what your actions mean... Let me tell you. Your actions will be given to Kross Bell brings harm in every sense."
"Why do you see it?" Dita folded his arms and was interested. "Even Speaker McDowell just rebutted that I was too radical in doing things. He never had any objection to my patriotism... What do you mean? , Dare to say that I am the one who caused the harm to Crossbell?"
"There are many reasons, but only one of the most important...Do you really know what you are doing?" Helika said coldly, "Relying on the fact that you control the corner of the treasure, do you feel that you are invincible in the world? Libel has reclaimed the "Treasure of the Sky" and let alone the association. Since you must treat them as partners, I have nothing to say... What about the Qi Yao Church? Is it a persimmon that the Qiyao Church, which has been fighting secretly for a long time in association with no outcome, is it? The sum of the ancient relics in their hands may not be able to break your defense. "
"Why did the church take action? I did not do anything against the wishes of the goddess." Dita calmed down and then retorted. Heilija was right. Dita, a member of the high-level alchemist family, also understood. The church is powerful, and I have heard the fact that the young man in front of him has an ambiguous relationship with the church-but he also feels that the church will not pursue itself on this matter, because the one thing they have the most reason to do-"DG The ecclesiastical incident is over, and they didn’t do anything when they knew a lot of information, which meant that the church would not be against itself in this matter.
"So, what about the Empire and the Republic?"
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