Vol 2 Chapter 793: On the eve of the war (two in one)

"Prince Olibate?" Hearing this answer, Mihail couldn't help but be taken aback.
This is very different from the possible outcome he imagined-he didn't have all possible guesses: maybe this is aristocratic person, it is to see the chaos in the imperial capital today, so they can take further action; maybe they are some overseas The figures arranged by the big businessmen and financiers in the imperial capital will feed back to their employers through the sight of the imperial capital, so that they can decide the next change to the imperial investment plan; perhaps they are simply bodyguards privately hired by a big nobleman , Hoping to protect his daughter who was studying in St. Astraia, and to live safely in this imperial capital that has become a little chaotic-but he really did not expect that behind this incident was Prince Olibate. The prince who suddenly appeared in public view a few years ago. I heard that his sudden rise a few years ago was because he solved the Libel mutation with a young boy from the same empire, and made his debut in the empire political arena through that power-then, like "The Bear of Killing" How did the hunters collude?
Mihail felt a little big head instantly. He has good abilities, but after all, he is not Kleiya, not the kind of person who is good at intelligence analysis and calculation. In the hands of this infamous hunter, the symbol of Olibat's token is not fake, which already explains the problem.
Although the current emperor is in trouble, even though the railway gendarmerie is essentially the power of Prime Minister Osborne-Ereponia is an empire after all, and the emperor and the royal family are ultimately privileged in this land. With the royal family as a guarantee of the legitimacy of the action, let alone a small official, the military chief of the imperial capital, they can directly use this as an excuse to refuse to disclose more.
What's more, the prince-Prime Minister Osborne has always said that the current primary goal is the nobility, not the young prince who is very interested in him but does not need to be concerned at this moment. It seems that this matter can only be ignored, and my busyness these days seems to have no practical significance.
"In that case... I can't control what the prince has arranged." Mihail politely returned the token to Garcia and said.
"Well, Mr. Officer, it should be hard to keep track of these days? What's more, the Heimdall of the past few days is what it is now, I'm afraid..." Garcia took the seal and put it away properly. A smile appeared-it made Mihail feel very weird. Is this taunting himself with Olibate's power? Or, is there something else in it?
"Mr. Garcia, I respect your hard work." Marthabeth on the side gave Garcia a glance, cleared his throat, and said sternly: "In fact, your Royal Highness did ask us to do something important to him. , It’s just that you shouldn’t disclose it to anyone until it’s done--but, as Garcia said just now, you should be very busy now, right?"
"It's true... Today's parade is huge. Just maintaining that order has made the useless military police do their best. If the situation worsens, I am afraid we will need to be dispatched tomorrow."
"Your guess is correct. Tomorrow is not "if" the situation worsens-but tomorrow there will be a very serious mutation. For you, for this country. "Galcia said solemnly.
"What?" Unexpectedly, Garcia would say so, and Mihail stood blankly on the spot.
"If I'm not mistaken...you should be a fairly high-level officer...except for those who really have command." Garcia looked at the officer badge on Mihail's chest and nodded. "Therefore, you should also be aware of this matter... Just this afternoon, the Empire’s invasion of Crossbell was completely defeated. Twenty of the latest guided tanks "No. 18" were completely defeated. All annihilated, the Imperial Army can only stand still in the Galeria Fortress, waiting for the next plan and action, right. "
"This... how are you... Is the prince his..." Mikhail's inner shock was beyond words-this is impossible. He knew about Olibat’s itinerary this afternoon: After finishing the work in the morning, Olibat had lunch in the palace, and then went to the Imperial City Hall to discuss some things with the Mayor of Regnitz. Then he set off and went to the headquarters of the railway gendarmerie, taking the Queen Alfin and another dark-haired girl who he didn't know her name, and boarding the bulletproof car exclusively for the railway gendarmerie with Captain Claire Levitt. That's because he wants to participate in the night closing ceremony of the Tolz Sergeant Academy Academy Festival. Although there is quite a criticism of this approach, Mikhail knows that not only Olibat, but also the very remarkable young man of the nobility and Rufas Albarea, whom the reformists are focusing on, have also gone. Even Mayor Regnitz himself has to go later after finishing today's work. In other words, on the surface it is just a party, but in fact it may have a lot of meaning.
But in any case, Mikhail knows—His Royal Highness Olibat’s schedule is full, and after he knew the news about the Garella fortress, it must have been after three in the afternoon, and since that time At the beginning, he himself began to monitor these two people, and the Dao Li wave communication obstruction device that was arranged before has never received any feedback that someone contacted them.
So, how did they know that this has not yet been released to the outside world, which is called a state secret?
Thinking of this, Mikhail whispered in his heart. He regretted taking care of this matter.
"I know, far more than you think." Garcia seemed to be very satisfied with Mihail's reaction, "Let's do it, Shao Zuo... Since you are one of the ground snakes in this imperial capital, how about we exchange information? As you know, we are people trusted by His Highness Olibate, and we must be trustworthy... and we have been in the imperial capital for so long, there are always some things that are still unclear, hoping to get further guidance."
"Although I don't know how you know our country's current military secrets..." Mihail murmured, "but no. For the face of your Highness, if you don't deal with you, it is already the greatest face. Any information exchange work, Forgive me for not being able to accompany." After speaking, Mihail turned and left.
"Hey..." Martha shouted tentatively, and was stopped by Garcia, "Forget it...didn't the kid say it? If you can't do it, don't force it, I think so too, elite soldier of the Empire , Will never be shaken by words of this level. Besides, we don’t have a bargaining chip that can be trusted by him. Even if there is, we should not show it to him."
"Yeah... Then, I will destroy this thing?" Martha nodded, then pointed to a hidden place in the corner of the room, and said.
"Destroy it. Come back quickly after it's destroyed. Let's contact that kid again and see what he says."

"Failed...but it's okay. I didn't expect you to succeed in prying something out of his mouth. However, since you told me that this person is not an "Ice Girl", I think there might be something like that. A little bit of opportunity. "After hearing Garcia's retelling, Heliga nodded, "And we didn't lose anything... He knew about the Garella fortress a long time ago through the military. "
That's right, it was Heliga himself who told Garcia about the frustration in the Galeria fortress. Before leaving Lloyd and others, he contacted Garcia before heading to the Galeria Fortress-the latter stated in a previous regular contact that he found that the surrounding area seemed to be installed. The force-conductor jamming device will be detected once someone uses the force-conductor to contact him. Therefore, on two days a week, he will go to the second-floor box of an inconspicuous coffee shop at noon to talk and talk with Heliga. Information exchange. Since there is only one window in the second floor box, it is absolutely impossible to monitor what Garcia is doing in the room as long as you choose a good angle, and Mikhail would never dream of someone who personally witnessed the destruction of the Garelian fortress army. People will tell Garcia the real facts before the military headquarters communicates the revised and deliberated news to officers at all levels.
After learning from Garcia that there was surveillance, and that this person was not a famous and flawless "Ice Girl", Heliga's first thought was whether he could obtain some information from him. The vouchers arranged by Olibate were sufficient to allow them to give up the continued surveillance of Garcia, but it was difficult to make these tight-lipped soldiers speak and break the rules of the army. Therefore, Heliga did not expect too much in this matter. Using the news of Garella Fortress as a bargaining chip, it was Garcia showing his power in a certain aspect-me, and the helpers behind me, could Knowing the secrets of the military means that we have something worthy of your exchange, and what you need to pay is naturally only the intelligence possessed by military personnel. However, Mikhail apparently weighed the pros and cons, and decided that since Garcia and others had no problem, he should not be the reformer’s interest person to over-examine the actions of the neutrals represented by His Highness Olibat. Therefore, he Choosing to leave directly to avoid further incidents is also a wise move.
"Since his business is over...That's right, I will tell you the next point." Heliga deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Listen, how are your action plans prepared?"
"In today's review, there were no errors in Martha's three hours of hundreds of steps." Garcia gave a reply that made Heliga very relieved.
"That's good... instead, it's just right." Heliga said with satisfaction, "Listen-I have a strong hunch that in the last few days, you may want to put it into practice."
"So fast?" Martha said in surprise, and then realized that her voice might be too loud, so she lowered her voice, "Why?"
"Just now I exchanged some information with His Royal Highness Olibat." Heliga said, "He retelled me in detail what happened before in the Zaxon Iron Mine. I always feel a little weird...Galcia, this Things may still need your opinion, your opinion as a seasoned hunter."
"What's the matter?" Garcia snorted, you guy with supernatural power, is there anything else you need to ask mediocre veterans?
"It's about hunting soldiers. Let me ask you, suppose you are the best sniper of "West Wind", in a mine pit with a visibility of less than 30 squares, with the aid of a sighting device, outside 200 squares, One shot smashed the fuel tank of an airship that the man was familiar with and crashed it-was it difficult? "
"Why is it such a weird question?" Garcia whispered inwardly, but since Heliga asked, it must not be a joke of his whimsy, but what's the use, "I think... If the visibility is less than 30 sub-moments, even the best sniper rifle aiming aids on the market may not be able to help this person see things beyond 150 sub-moments. I think this is not very reliable. ."
"Then we ignore this condition and assume that he can see." Heliga said. He had no time to explain to Garcia that the gun was not a creation in the ordinary sense, but a weapon from the "Black Atelier". After the appraisal by the appraisal department of the "Railway Gendarmerie", it was stated that using the sighting device, under the circumstances at that time, it was possible to see things beyond five hundred squares.
"If you can see it, it's not difficult." Garcia replied without hesitation, "I can't do it naturally, but the snipers in the regiment can certainly do it... And I don't know if you mean something. , But even that fellow Jeno can do it."
"Really... Sure enough." In Heliga's heart, this conclusion was basically a conclusion. He quickly explained the cause and effect of this incident, "It stands to reason that the noble faction supports terrorists behind the scenes. It should be known to everyone, but at that time the bizarre disappeared... the sniper hidden in the dark. The incident itself of hand and shooting the spaceship is even more strange and unspeakable."
"Just as if the terrorists didn't die." Garcia naturally knew what Helija meant. "So?"
"Have you forgotten their purpose? Their purpose is only Prime Minister Osborne from beginning to end." Heliga was very meaningful. "Since terrorists officially entered people's field of vision, Prime Minister Osborn has never been public. He appeared on the occasion... After this incident in the Galeria Fortress, he had to stand up and express the imperial government’s attitude towards Krossberg’s
wrongful behavior
-a public speech, it is very likely that he will be selected in Lekers Square". "
"..." Garcia knew this place-extremely wide and magnificent, with only the statue of the Great in the square overlooking the mountains.
"A great opportunity for assassination... if it were the sniper who destroyed the airship." Martha murmured to herself, and she also understood what Helija meant.
"Prime Minister Osborne...has no choice. He must be there at that time.
"And that sniper... is likely to appear at the same time."
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