Vol 2 Chapter 816: Time and space shift

Lunarria Natural Park is a natural park managed by the duke’s family, located near the important trading city of Keldyk in the southwest of Kruchen State. A long time ago, the southern and western parts of the natural park had a large number of scenic spots and resources carefully managed by the duke's family, and it was often used for vacations by the nobles. But later, with the occurrence of some things, such excessively high-profile and extravagant activities ceased for this reason. From then on, the duke’s family seemed to care about this once-loved place. The managers of the Grand Bazaar in the trading town of Keldyk also spontaneously began to manage this green area near Keldyk until today.
It is management, but in terms of the scale of the town, it is absolutely impossible to be as meticulous as the Duke’s house. Therefore, what they can do is to hire some people to carry out some maintenance activities in the shallow layer of the park, and warn the occasional visitors not to go deeper in the park because there is beautiful scenery, but because of lack Management has resulted in a lot of beasts and poisonous insects appearing there. It is not recommended to go there if there are no experts like guerrillas and other powerful people.
And as the Guerrilla Association was completely expelled by the Empire, there were almost no such tourists. Therefore, the depths of the forest have completely become a paradise for animals and monsters—except for occasional, rare occasions, human footprints.
However, today it is clear that it is a strange day for this natural park that has not been populated for a long time. If there is a monster that lives here all year round and has the ability to think like a human being around the clearing in the deepest part of the forest, watching this scene, he will definitely feel surprised-a gray-haired, but clear and healthy old man, A tall and sturdy young man, and a rather old man with wrinkled temples, appeared in this clearing. The old man swept across the surrounding trees with a sharp look, and after confirming that there was no danger, he continued: "No problem... it can start."
"Um... let's start now." The man said, and then told the young man on the side: "Pay attention to your surroundings and watch the monsters around you."
"Don't worry." The young man believed.
Then, under the combined efforts of the old man and the middle-aged man, two or even more magical powers were released, and the originally soft and even muddy land was caused by the intersection of spiritual veins and magical powers. The conflict was slightly hot, and there was an indescribable smell in the air. Fortunately, they seem to have succeeded in the end-a frame woven by magic, the inside is like an abyss, something like a door, and the spiritual veins around this clearing begin to give it Recharge.
"Um... this is..." Soon, a few strange figures appeared in the passage that had never been seen before. The silver-haired teenagers were the first to bear the brunt, while the blond-haired white-clothed man and the brawny man with muscles and scars followed. Finally, the blonde girl, the pink-haired girl and the black-haired girl supported each other-the moment the eight people stepped on the ground, the "door" constructed and maintained by spiritual and magical power disappeared.
"It looks like... it was a success." After confirming that the others were okay, Heliga looked at the three familiar people on the side and smiled, "Thank you, father, Aran... Butler Claus is also here."
"Haha..." The butler Klaus naturally smiled and bowed softly. He was still swift and agile after he was over sixties. Your father's message... I didn't expect that when I came, I happened to hear what he said, your plan to leave the Royal Highness."
"Butler Klaus must be trustworthy...With him, it won't be too much trouble for me and Alan to come to the depths of the forest together." Warners nodded, confirming the latter's words.
"It's been a long time, Master." Alan on the side was as bold as usual, "It looks like... a lot of things have happened."
"This is?" Fei asked softly on the side.
"When I was young, the captain of the Viscount Mansion... later left because of something, and only recently returned." Heliga whispered.
"So...Although the situation is a bit special now. But, Her Royal Highness Alfin—" Warners walked to Alfin and said softly with impeccable noble manners and gestures.
"His Royal Highness is really getting more and more beautiful." Klaus also took off his gloves and bowed in salute.
"Where..." Alfin hurriedly waved his hands, and picked up the two of them, "It's better to say that I disturbed you, in this chaotic empire..."
Then came a round of polite remarks and greetings-of course, this is not a derogatory meaning. Judging from Alfin's character, her gratitude is naturally sincere, and the respect and etiquette of Warners and the others are justified. Heliga waited patiently while calculating his next plan.
It stands to reason that even if there are any other factors, Olibat and the others should send in contact.
"So..." Warners interrupted Heliga's thoughts and said, "In that case, let's leave here and go to Daxis. The refuge there, I think it's almost time to open... …Miss Martha, I remember that you are the leader of "Rose", right? "
"Ah... yes." Martha said with some trepidation, the man in front of him is Heliga's father-the fact that this is still a little bit shocking, "They didn't trouble you, right?"
"Let's say, it was a great help... This is the first time I heard that all members have a hunting regiment with tactical missiles." Warners said half-jokingly. Even the most elite players in "The Hunter of the North", even large groups such as "Westerly" and "Red Constellation" can't be equipped with such a luxurious configuration as a tactical force. The reason why Martha and her regiment are so special is that they are small in scale, and they are secretly supported by the church. It is precisely because of this that these hunters are not like those on the road. It’s very polite to eat, drink and squander money everywhere in the station, and avoid disturbing the local residents. It is loved by the citizens. In addition, Warners’s prepared rhetoric-hire to protect the citizens during the civil war People who are safe-even more for them.
"..." Garcia looked at this scene, seeming to be thinking about something.
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