Chapter 123: Naoyu Study Room

On the way, Su Fengnuan saw a butterfly flying by, her eyes lit up and she immediately chased the butterfly to catch it.
Grandpa Yan stayed in a daze, and said quickly, "Miss Su, butterflies are everywhere, don't play, let's go quickly."
Su Feng Nuan said without looking back, "This is a butterfly in the palace, can it be the same?"
Yan Gonggong was speechless.
Su Fengnuan chased the butterfly, and the butterfly flew over the rockery. She also jumped over the rockery. After a few ups and downs, her shadow disappeared.
Grandpa Yan was shocked and quickly shouted, "Miss Su!"
Su Fengnuan replied from a distance, "Father-in-law, hurry up to keep up, why are you so slow?"
Father Yan hurriedly chased after Su Fengnuan in the direction where Su Fengnuan had left. He had no martial arts, and naturally did not have Su Feng Nuan's leg dexterity. After he climbed two rockeries, where was Su Feng Nuan's shadow? He was anxious and annoyed, thinking about such a small ancestor, it would be difficult for General Su and his wife to raise her up.
He yelled twice, and there was no answer everywhere, he stamped his feet angrily, and he could only search around quickly.
Su Fengnuan jumped over several rockeries, and after shaking off Father Yan, he held the butterfly and pondered for a while, then walked in the direction opposite to the imperial garden. After walking a few steps, a little came to face her. She smiled and asked in a low voice, "Little father-in-law, do you know where the emperor is?"
The little raised his eyes and saw a bright smiling face. He was stunned and said, "When the emperor goes up and down, he will usually be in the royal study room."
Su Fengnuan patted him on the shoulder happily, then smiled and said to him, "Thank you." When the words fell, he took out an ingot of silver from his arms, "Forgot what I said."
The little took the money blankly.
Su Fengnuan released the butterfly in her hand and gently raised her hand. The butterfly ran forward in the direction of the airflow in her hand. She still chased the butterfly behind, the direction was Yushufang.
She felt that it would be fine for the Queen Mother to find her today. Anyway, she had already entered Beijing as she was summoned. In case the emperor had forgotten to cover her, she would embarrass her and would not save her when she was in trouble. What about the field? It's better for her to go to him first.
So, she chased the butterfly all the way, and the butterfly cleverly followed her instructions and flew to the royal study room. On the way, she ran into a court lady all the way. Everyone saw a woman in a riding outfit chasing the butterfly. She was happy and hard. .
Outside the imperial study room, there are many soldiers.
Following Su Fengnuan's guidance, the butterfly flew directly to the door of the Imperial Study Room, and Su Fengnuan naturally chased it to the door of the Imperial Study Room.
An Ouchi guard immediately stepped forward, stopped him with a long tassel, and shouted solemnly, "Who are you? Dare to break into the study room!"
Su Fengnuan immediately stopped, raised his eyes to look at the person in front of her, then looked around again, and asked in confusion, "Who are you? Where are you?"
The guards were asked, one of them raised his eyebrows, "You don't know where this is?"
Su Fengnuan shook his head. His eyes were pure and innocent, "I came after a butterfly."
The man immediately said, "This is the Yushufang, you leave quickly."
Su Fengnuan opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise, "So this is the Imperial Study Room, where the emperor's office is?" After the words came, she danced and said, "Is the butterfly raised by the emperor? I chased it. I ran all the way." After a pause, she asked curiously, "Is the emperor in the royal study room?"
The guard wanted to drive her away, but after hearing a series of curious questions from her, he immediately awakened, "Who are you?"
Su Fengnuan immediately said, "I am Su Fengnuan."
The guard was startled, Su Fengnuan? Miss Su Mansion? He tilted his head to look to the left and right, and the other guards were also a little surprised. It turned out that this was Miss Sufu! She was as rumored as she was, foolish and playful, self-willed and rude.
"Is the emperor inside?" Su Fengnuan took the opportunity to ask again.
The guards scowled, "This is not the place for women to come, Miss Su leave quickly."
Naturally, Su Fengnuan would not leave like this. She came here on purpose. How could she leave like this, so she shouted, "The emperor, the emperor, are you inside? I am Su Fengnuan."
The guards looked at her silently for a while, so loud, did they deaf their ears?
The emperor was naturally in the imperial study room, and he naturally heard that the queen mother had summoned Su Fengnuan into the palace this morning, but after going down the court, the governor sought him for discussion, so he naturally couldn't get away. Now that he heard Su Fengnuan yelling outside, he was also taken aback.
The head of the country frowned, thinking that the person making noise outside was Miss Su Mansion? Didn’t the queen mother summon her to meet in the palace early in the morning? She actually ran to the emperor's royal study room to make noise? What a shame!
Feng Sheng looked at his words, looked out from the crack of the door, and whispered to the emperor, "The emperor, it is Miss Su outside."
The emperor waved his hand, "Go and ask, why did she get here?"
Feng Sheng responded and left the door of the Imperial Study Room. When he saw Su Fengnuan, he immediately pulled her aside and asked in a whisper, "Miss Su, didn't the Queen Mother call you into the palace early in the morning? Why did you come to the Imperial Study Room?"
Su Fengnuan said innocently, "Duke Sheng, I came here chasing a butterfly. Before I came, I didn't know this was the Imperial Study Room."
Feng Sheng was stunned, "Have you seen the Queen Mother?"
Su Fengnuan shook his head, "No."
Feng Sheng glanced at the sky, thinking that it is said that the queen mother had gone to Yuhuayuan to wait for her early in the morning, but the sky was like this, she hadn't even gone to see the queen mother, but came here? He quickly asked, "What do you do to chase the butterfly?"
Su Fengnuan said immediately, "The butterfly is very beautiful. I saw it, so I couldn't help chasing after it. I wanted to catch it and play."
Feng Sheng was speechless for a while, and said to her, "Wait a moment, I will reply to the emperor."
Su Fengnuan nodded.
Feng Sheng hurriedly entered the imperial study room again. Seeing that the emperor and the governor were looking at him, he asked the truth about Su Fengnuan's situation.
The governor was furious, "It's really shameful! The queen mother was waiting for her in the Yuhuayuan, she actually chased the butterfly and played with it, taking her motives improperly."
Feng Sheng lowered his head and thought to himself, Miss Su must be deliberate, but he wouldn't say anything wrong.
The emperor laughed, "This little girl is young and still at the age of playfulness." When the words fell, he stood up and said to the ugly head of the country, "Just do what the head of the country said. That's it. I haven't seen my mother for a few days, so I happened to go to the Imperial Garden for a walk. Did the king go out of the palace? Or follow me to the Imperial Garden?"
The governor handed over, "The old minister hasn't seen the queen mother for a few days, so let's accompany the emperor to the imperial garden."
The emperor nodded and walked out of the imperial study room.
Su Fengnuan was waiting outside the imperial study room, looking around curiously, and seeing the emperor walking out of the imperial study room, his eyes lit up and he shouted clearly, "The emperor!"
The emperor raised his eyes and looked at her, and saw that she was wearing a crimson riding attire with a simple hair bun on her head. There were no complicated falling objects all over her body, and it couldn't be simpler. He stood with his hands on the steps and looked at her with a smile, "Little girl, who do you want to fight with in this outfit?"
Su Fengnuan blinked and smiled, "The last time I wore it was too cumbersome. I stepped on the skirt and ran into the queen mother. This time I was afraid that I would offend the queen mother again. The queen mother called the guards to besiege me again. The dress was too cumbersome. I can’t lift my feet, I can’t fight, I just wear something simple.
When the words fell, she said to her body,
Holy blessing, the emperor!

The emperor laughed and waved his hand. "You don't need to be polite when you see me in the future. It is really awkward for me to see your polite posture. It is really dirty, so it is better not to look at it." When the words fell, he walked down the steps and pointed to the person walking out behind him. Said to her, "This is the head of the country."
Su Fengnuan naturally saw the state leader coming out behind the emperor. The old man's face was as ugly as it was about to rain. She immediately greeted him cheerfully, "Hello, the president."
The governor looked at her and snorted with a calm face, thinking to himself how such a wild girl, who is irritable and ignorant, can be worthy of his excellent grandson? Originally, he thought that the value of the general mansion was barely feasible, but now he saw Su Fengnuan, he didn't even think about it.
Xu Yunchu is the person who will support the head of the Guozhang Mansion in the future. In the future, the Guozhang Mansion will be handed over to him. The so-called male leader is outside and the woman is in charge. How can the hostess of the Guozhang Mansion be Su Fengnuan in the future. A wild girl playing nonsense? Wouldn't it cause disaster to the inner court and ruin the mansion?
Su Fengnuan’s hot face stuck his cold in front of the governor, and he didn't care, turning his head and saying to the emperor who had already stepped down, "My butterfly has entered your royal study room."
"Oh? What kind of butterfly?" the emperor asked.
"Very beautiful and beautiful butterfly." Su Fengnuan described, "Colorful."
The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Do you like butterflies?"
Su Fengnuan nodded, "I like it."
The emperor said to Feng Sheng, "Go in again and take a look, if you have any, catch her."
Feng Shengying entered the imperial study room again. After a while, he poked his head out of the room and said, "The emperor, the butterfly is stuck on the roof of the shed, and the old slave can't reach it."
Su Fengnuan said immediately, "I'll catch it."
The head of the country angrily reprimanded, "Making a fool, how can a woman easily set foot in the Imperial Study?"
Su Fengnuan looked at the emperor immediately.
The emperor waved at a guard and ordered, "You go in and get him caught."
It was the first time that the guard received an order from the emperor to do this kind of butterfly catching thing. After a while, he quickly bowed his head and immediately entered the imperial study room.
Within a moment, he caught the butterfly and came back and handed it to Su Feng Nuan.
Su Fengnuan stretched out his hand to take it, and said happily, "That's it." When the words fell, she held the butterfly's wings and held it up to the emperor, "Look, isn't it beautiful?"
The emperor took a close look and nodded, "Well, it's very beautiful."
Su Fengnuan showed it to the governor again, "Guidelor, look, is it very beautiful?"
The governor glanced at it and hummed, "It's just a butterfly. It's the same. You don't even pay attention to the Queen Mother summoning for a butterfly. Let the Queen Mother wait for a long time. Can you be convicted?"
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This is one more~
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