Vol 2 Chapter 90: Anger

Because the Southern Qi emphasizes culture and despise military affairs, although the Military Weapon Supervisor and the Crossbow Office are not considered vacant posts, they have always been working as old weapons in their posts and have not been improved over the years.
After Su Fengnuan and Zhou She reviewed the current situation of the Nufang Administration, Su Fengnuan's face was a little ugly. She did not expect that the military supervisor and the Nufang Administration of the Southern Qi Dynasty would be regarded as important places, even if they emphasized the culture and the military. , It shouldn't be so light that it can't be picked up, but it's really dilapidated and it's hard to pick it up.
There are very few ordnance craftsmen that can really be used, and very few manufacturing equipment that can really work.
Many are so old that they can't move.
Zhou She naturally knew this was the case for a long time. Seeing Su Fengnuan’s expression on his face, he sighed and said in a low voice,
Twelve years ago, because King Rong’an and General Su were still alive at the time, whether it was the military The Supervisor and the Crossbow Office are stronger than today. Later, the prince died in battle and the general left the court. We enjoyed peace again in Nanqi, and the Supervisor and the Crossbow Office became useless again. Until half a year ago, In the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the generals led the army and needed military bows and crossbows to barely support them. Fortunately, the generals made a quick decision. Otherwise, not to mention food, horses, and equipment."
Su Fengnuan's face was even more ugly, "Dang Nanqi, even neglecting military affairs to such a degree, does the emperor know such a ruin?"
Zhou She sighed, "Foreign relatives have been competing with the royal family for many years, see-saw for many years, under the peaceful and prosperous age, how did the emperor know such a dilapidated situation? Although he knows that it is weaker, he probably didn't expect it to be like this."
Su Fengnuan looked at him, "For many years, why didn't you report?"
Zhou She said, "It's hard to say a word. The Southern Qi has been focusing on literature and military affairs for a long time. The official can't speak in the court, and the official is light. It's also difficult to see the emperor in one year."
Su Fengnuan said angrily, "It's a waste of me to say that he is the Holy Lord Mingjun."
Zhou She was shocked, "Miss Su, don't say anything wrong. It's hard to say. For many years, the emperor has not been easy."
Su Fengnuan snorted, "Others can't say it, I naturally say it. I don't have so much scruples in front of the emperor." When the words fell, she took a deep breath and said, "Master Zhou, I will leave it to you first. , You can pick it up as soon as possible, I must go back to Beijing and then enter the palace."
Zhou She agreed and nodded, "Miss Su, don't worry, leave it to the officer here."
Su Fengnuan left the Nufang Office and returned to Beijing.
On this day, the sky was excellent, the sky was shining brightly, and there was a flow of people coming in and out of the city gate.
Su Fengnuan entered the city openly as if out of the city.
She rode her horse back to the palace. Before entering the palace, she was stopped by a carriage guarding the door. Princess Shuya jumped off the carriage and said angrily to Su Feng Nuan, "Su Feng Nuan, do you mean anything? Up?"
Su Fengnuan was in a bad mood, and she glanced at Shuya. She thought she was like Shuya for what kind of woman is a stupid woman. Repeatedly looking for her to keep her from approaching Xu Yunchu, but not going to Xu Yunchu to work hard, her mind is so stupid that she is hopelessly stupid.
She wasn't in the mood and didn't bother to entangle with her. She waved her hand and clicked on her acupuncture points, and said to the maid behind Shuya, "Take your princess back to the palace and don't be embarrassed here. Her acupuncture points will be half an hour later. Untie."
The maid's face turned pale, and she hurriedly went to Fu Shuya and found her body stiff. She was frightened and said to Su Feng warmly, "Miss Su, my princess...How can you make acupuncture points so casually? "
Su Fengnuan looked at the maidservant coldly, "I have told her very clearly the last two times. If she comes to trouble me uninterestingly, it won't be as simple as tapping acupuncture points next time." , She turned and entered the gate of the palace, and ordered the gatekeeper to close the gate.
The maid was anxious, and didn't dare to provoke Su Fengnuan again, so she dragged Shuya into the car and brought it back to the palace.
After Su Fengnuan entered the mansion, he went to Wang Lu's study.
When Wang Lu saw her coming back, he glanced at her and said, "Seeing that you have a bad face, can you regret that you took the emperor's secret decree and took this burden?"
Su Fenghuan said angrily, "I have never regretted it, but I didn't expect that I was negligent in military equipment in Nanqi. Did the emperor always think that relying on a famous general, the army, and without equipment can win the Northern Zhou Dynasty?"
Wang Lu said bluntly, "Twelve years ago, relying on King Rong'an, he did win. This year, your father regained control of the military and he did win."
Su Fengnuan said angrily, "Although it was a victory, it was also a tragic victory. How many thousands of soldiers did I lose in Nanqi? How much money was spent on pensions? How many wives were scattered and my home was broken?"
Wang Lu sighed, "After all, I won. Now the royal family and foreign relatives are at peace, and the emperor attaches great importance to military commanders and ordnance. It is always a good thing."
Su Fengnuan said solemnly, "It's so dilapidated, it will take a lot of time to pick it up, I hope it's too late."
Wang Lu looked at her, "If it weren't for such a difficult situation, the emperor might not have handed you over to do this secretly. After all, you are a daughter's family." After the words came, she said, "Do you need to come back in a hurry? ?"
Su Fengnuan said, "Grandpa, you can give me a message to the palace, let the emperor find an excuse, and call me again, I must enter the palace and talk to him. I also want to ask for something, relying on the military supervisor and The Nufang Administration simply cannot complete the task."
Wang Lu nodded and said, "This happens to be an excuse. Didn't you offend Shuya when you first returned home?"
Su Fengnuan was taken aback, and said, "Yes, this Princess Shuya, the brain has been flooded or not fully developed? Since the first time I saw me, I have been holding on to me. I explained to her twice and promised Twice, she said she would definitely not marry Xiaoguo's uncle, but she still didn't believe it. Now she's entangled again, and I really don't bother to care about her. Dignified princess, self-willing to be inferior."
Seeing Su Fengnuan's anger, Wang Lu laughed immediately, "You little girl, you have said such ugly things. I have never seen you so angry. You have been laughing and laughing since you were a kid. It’s a good thing to laugh at a temperament that doesn’t care much about everything. It’s rare to see you angry nowadays."
Su Fengnuan was speechless, "Grandpa, when is it? You are still in the mood to make fun of me."
Wang Lu said, "Don't worry, things may not be as bad as you thought." When the words fell, he called the housekeeper to come in.
The housekeeper heard the sound and hurried into the study, "Master, what's your order?"
Wang Lu instructed the housekeeper, and the housekeeper went quickly.
After the housekeeper left, Wang Lu said to Su Fengnuan, "How can you enter the palace with your dress? Go back and clean up. It won't be long before the emperor will send someone to tell you to enter the palace."
Su Fengnuan nodded, went out of the study, and returned to his yard.
Sure enough, after she changed her clothes and cleaned up, Koizumi came to the palace and said that after Princess Shuya was taken back to the palace, she was disturbed by the acupuncture points, and the emperor ordered him to come to Xuan Su Fengnuan to enter the palace.
Su Fengnuan thought that it was also time for Shuya to come today, otherwise the emperor would bother to find other reasons to announce her to the palace.
When she came to the gate of the mansion, the housekeeper had already prepared the carriage. Seeing her coming, Koizumi leaned forward and greeted respectfully, "Miss Su!"
Su Fengnuan nodded and got on the carriage. The carriage driver waved his whip and the carriage headed for the palace.
Coming to the gate of the palace, Koizumi got out of the car first, and while leading the way, she lowered her voice and said, "When Princess Shuya returned from the palace to the palace, her body remained frozen. The emperor ignored it. Later, she heard from Lord Wang. Only after entering the palace did I care about it. Now Princess Shuya has been sent back to the palace, and no one in the palace can unlock the acupuncture points you have chosen. When the slaves leave the palace, they are said to have alarmed the Queen Mother and the Queen."
Su Fengnuan nodded, and there was a big whirlpool in the palace. Princess Shuya was tapped by her acupuncture points, and she didn't hide it. Naturally, it was impossible to hide it. Especially the master in the palace.
Koizumi said in a low voice, "The emperor is still summoning you in the warm pavilion of the royal study room."
Su Feng Nuan nodded.
The two of them had just entered the palace gate and walked not far. Grandpa Yan hurriedly came from the harem, blocking Su Fengnuan’s path, and said a thousand times, "Miss Su, the queen mother knows that you are in the palace, please go to Shuya first. The princess solved the acupuncture points. The queen mother, her old man, was afraid that the acupuncture points would be suppressed for a long time. What happened to the princess."
Su Fengnuan said, "At most half an hour, the princess's acupuncture points will be automatically unlocked, please rest assured, the queen mother."
Strictly and justly, "This...after all, the princess is the body of a daughter, and her dignity is tight. You... better go there first..."
Su Fengnuan had a secret headache and turned to look at Koizumi.
Koizumiko immediately said, "Duke Yan, the emperor urgently summoned Miss Su. This is the closest to the warm pavilion of the Imperial Study. The minion first took Miss Su to see the emperor, and then asked the emperor to go to the Queen Mother Palace!" The emperor knows about the princess."
Upon hearing this, Yan Gonggong could only say, "The slave will first follow Miss Su to Nuan Pavilion and ask the emperor for an order."
Koizumi nodded.
Su Feng Nuan stopped talking, and the three of them walked towards the Imperial Study Room.
When he arrived at the Nuan Pavilion next to the Imperial Study Room, the emperor was already waiting. After Koizumi told Su Feng Nuan that he had arrived, Gong Gong Yan took the opportunity to ask Miss Su to go to Princess Xie Shuya's acupoint first.
The emperor heard the words, "You go back and report to the Queen Mother, the princess secretly went out of the palace to make trouble at the gate of the Royal University's mansion. It was a shame to me, and it deserves to be tapped."
Gonggong Yan whispered, "But the princess's daughter..."
The emperor said angrily, "Can you do whatever you want with the body of a thousand gold? Get out of me!"
Grandpa Yan was horrified, didn't dare to say more, and hurriedly went back to report to the queen mother.
Su Fengnuan rubbed her forehead, thinking that the queen mother had just been kind to her, this time she probably collapsed because of Shuya's affairs.
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This is the second watch, see you tomorrow~
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