Vol 2 Chapter 110: Rouge Xia (two more)

If it was in the past, a jar of wine would be a piece of cake for Su Fengnuan, like drinking water, but the wine I drank today is rouge drunk, which is indeed different from other wines. When I first drank it, it was sweet and mellow. But I didn't expect the stamina to be full.
Coming out of the garden with the wine cellar closed, her footsteps fluttered when the wind blew.
But since she was a child, she has been drunk and used to restrain herself, so she walked slowly step by step, but she couldn't see the appearance of a drunk.
After she walked out for a while, she met Sun Qingxue and others who were looking for her.
Sun Qingxue was overjoyed when she saw her, and immediately walked forward and pulled her back, "Sister Su, where have you been? I thought you were lost, afraid you could not find Huayan Pavilion. Sister Shen has been looking for you for a long time."
After she said this, she smelled the rich fragrance of wine exuding from Su Fengnuan's body and asked, she was startled, "You...drank alcohol?"
Su Fengnuan opened her mouth and smiled, "I have troubled Sister Sun for looking for me for a long time, I'm sorry." When the words fell, she glanced at the crowd, and whispered to Sun Qingxue's ear, "There is a wine cellar in this garden. With a lot of good wine, I sneaked in and drank a bottle..."
Sun Qingxue opened her eyes wide and looked at her, "No wonder we couldn't find you after looking for a long time, so you went to the wine cellar." When the words fell, she looked at her, "Are you...are you okay?"
Su Fengnuan smiled and shook his head, "It's okay!"
Sun Qingxue looked at her carefully and saw a smile on her eyebrows. It didn’t look like something was going on, but the smell of wine around her body was so strong that she was almost drunk. She quickly asked,
You’re drunk. No?"
Su Fengnuan shook his head, "Not drunk."
Sun Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief, "It's almost noon, and the Queen Mother is hosting a banquet in Huayan Pavilion, but you really smell like alcohol... If you are smelled by the Queen Mother, how can you tell the Queen Mother?"
Su Fengnuan said, "Just confessed truthfully, saying that I was drinking secretly."
Sun Qingxue looked at her and said worriedly, "The Queen Mother will blame you."
Su Fengnuan knocked his head and chuckled, "It's okay, I'm not afraid of the queen mother to blame. If she punishes me, I will steal this garden someday and drink all the wine hidden in it."
Sun Qingxue was speechless.
Shen Yan stepped forward at this time and said with a smile, "Sister Su, you like drinking!"
Su Fengnuan glanced at her, smiled and nodded, "Yes."
Shen Yan immediately said, "I'm really a fellow, I also love to drink, but my mother and my third brother take care of me and don't let me drink." When the words fell, she said to her, "Next time you have a place to drink alcohol. , Will you take me too?"
Su Fengnuan had a good impression of this Miss Shen, pleasing and not annoying, and smiled and agreed happily, "Okay."
When Shen Yan saw her promise, she was happy, "A word is for sure."
Su Fengnuan nodded honestly, "A word is a deal."
Sun Qingxue was funny, "Let's go, it's late."
Su Fengnuan nodded.
A group of people walked to Huayan Pavilion.
On the way, Sun Qingxue looked at Su Fengnuan and saw that although she was walking lightly, but her feet were extremely stable on the ground, she did not approach her, did not smell the wine on her body, and saw nothing unusual. She was already extremely beautiful, because after drinking wine, her face was stained with rouge. In this way, she was truly an overwhelming beauty, and she was rare in the world.
She sighed secretly, and heard that Ye Shizi had gone into the palace to ask for a marriage. The emperor had long intended to give them a marriage. With the imperial decree, the marriage between her and Ye Shizi was decided. It's really a shame not to be her sister-in-law.
It was noon when I came to Huayan Pavilion.
The inside and outside of the pavilion were already full of people, and men and women were sitting in two separate seats. At a glance, there were as many as a hundred tables crushed by black.
Inside and outside the pavilion, the scent of wine and coriander is diffused in the square.
The wine is fruit wine, with a light and light taste, which is in the air.
Sun Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief. Today the Queen Mother had a banquet and prepared wine. If Su Fengnuan were not close to the Queen Mother, she would not have noticed that she had drunk a lot of wine.
A group of people came, and everyone looked at when they heard the movement.
Rouge drunk as the name suggests, wine stains cheeks, like rouge haze.
Many people saw her, combined with what Ye Chang said earlier, saying that he had a cannapin by him. She was ashamed. Many people didn't believe that Ye Chang was already a rare appearance in the world. Would she be fascinated by her? But now when I saw it, I couldn't help but believe it.
Isn't Ms. Su's face like a real person than Huajiao?
Su Fengnuan was tainted by the wine, and he didn't realize how blind his face was at this time. I walked into the pavilion on my own, and at a distance, after meeting the empress dowager and the queen in a meaningful way, he asked in wonder, "Where is my mother?"
Everyone was stunned, wondering if she didn't know that Ye Shizi pulled Madam Su to the palace to ask for a marriage?
The queen mother was also taken aback, and said with a smile, "Where have you been?"
Su Feng Nuan was about to speak truthfully, Sun Qingxue immediately pulled her sleeve, took the words, and said to the Queen Mother, "Sister Su is visiting the garden with us to enjoy the flowers."
The queen mother nodded with a smile, and said to Su Fengnuan, "Your mother has gone into the palace."
"Into the palace?" Su Fengnuan frowned and asked in confusion, "What did she do in the palace?"
The queen mother smiled and stopped talking.
The queen took the conversation and laughed, "The queen mother and the palace are going to congratulate Miss Su. Ye Shizi pulls Mrs. Su, and asks the queen mother to send Mrs. Yan. It is said that he will also invite the Patriarch Ye and the king's scholar to enter the palace together to the emperor. Please give the imperial decree of marriage."
Su Fengnuan was stunned, and for a while his mind couldn't turn around, "Go into the palace together...please give the imperial decree for marriage? What imperial decree for marriage?"
The queen laughed, "Naturally it is your imperial decree to marry Ye Shizi."
Su Fengnuan's brain banged, is she and Ye Chang's imperial decree for marriage? Ye Shang? What is he doing!
She stayed there for a while, and she was stunned for a long time, but she couldn't return to her senses.
Su Qing was sitting in the men’s seat, looking at Su Fengnuan’s dumbfounded appearance, and really couldn’t see it. He left the seat and walked in front of her, staring at her. Just as he was about to reprimand, he smelled the rich aroma of wine on her body. Startled, lowered his voice and asked, "Did you drink?"
Su Fengnuan nodded silently, as if he hadn't recovered.
Su Qing asked in a low voice, "How much did you drink with such a big smell?"
Su Fengnuan said truthfully, "One altar."
Su Qing stared and said annoyed, "No wonder I think you are not right, it turns out that you have drunk so much wine." When the words fell, she grabbed her and said to the queen mother, "The queen mother, I have something to say to her, Rong Let's go out for a while."
The queen mother seemed to admire and love Su Qing very much, thinking that Su Fengnuan didn’t know Ye Chang’s request to marry her, she didn’t know what Ye Chang had asked her to do. It didn’t look like a joy, but don’t make a fuss and smash her banquet. I was afraid of her. Then nodded accurately.
Su Qing pulled Su Fengnuan out of the Huayan Pavilion.
After walking far away to a secluded place, Su Qing let go of Su Fengnuan and angered her, "Why do you drink? You still drink so much?"
Su Fengnuan had already calmed his mind and looked at him calmly and said, "I have been drinking since I was a child. Drinking is the same as drinking water. What's weird about drinking some wine today?"
Su Qing choked and stared at her, "Where did you drink the wine?"
"There is a wine cellar here, closed, I sneaked in to drink." Su Feng Nuan said.
"Only you?" Su Qing looked at her suspiciously, "The first time you came to this Hundred Gardens, this place is so big, how did you know that there is a wine cellar?"
"I just happened to bump into it when I was just walking around with nothing to do." Su Fengnuan didn't pull Feng Yang out, and said boringly, "Is this Hundred Gardens big? If I do my best work, one stick of incense can walk twice. ."
Su Qing choked and believed her words and said to her, "You tell me the truth, what's the matter with Ye Chang? How could he suddenly ran to the back of the mother today and talked about it with you, and then I can’t wait to enter the palace, please give me the imperial decree of marriage?"
Su Fengnuan looked up, looked at the sky, and shook his head, "Where do I know."
Su Qing stretched out his hand and patted Su Fengnuan's head fiercely, "Are you tight? Don't think I am playing with you. If nothing happens, he can't wait so much?"
Su Fengnuan rubbed his head and leaned against the corner of the wall. The weight of his whole body leaned on the wall lazily. After a moment of silence, he chuckled lazily, "It is estimated that I am the most beautiful person today. There are many people. Chunxin couldn't help but moved me. He was afraid that I would be snatched away by others, so he started ahead of time."
Su Qing stared at her, took out a small mirror from her arms, and handed it to her, "You look in the mirror yourself and look at your eyes. Your face is smiling, but your eyes are not smiling at all. Don't fool me. , Do you think I’m so foolish? If others don’t understand you, can I still not understand?

Su Fengnuan reached out and took the mirror, glanced at it, and said in surprise, "Ah, this rouge drunk is really a good wine. If I knew I didn't need to wipe rouge after drinking it, I would have..."
Su Qing slapped her viciously again, and said angrily, "Stop interrupting me."
Su Fengnuan handed the mirror back to him, and laughed teasingly, "Brother, you are a man, and you carry a mirror with you. What's so stinky? When did you love stinky so much? Say, today's Baihua Banquet, look. Whose lady has you been? Such an emphasis on appearance?"
Su Qing was so angry that he almost jumped his feet, "Don't you tell me!"
Seeing that he was in a hurry, Su Fengnuan smiled boredly and said lazily, "Brother, I ask you, is there a problem between me and Ye Chang?"
Su Qing hummed, "It's not just that there are problems? There are big problems."
Su Fengnuan sighed, "Yes, there is a big problem. The so-called, the authorities are fans of the bystanders."
Su Qing raised her eyebrows and looked at her, "What? Did you realize the problem today?"
Su Fengnuan nodded honestly, "Well, I just realized it today." When the words fell, she looked down at the ground. Because of the age of the old bluestone brick floor, many moss grew in the cracks, and ants came and went occasionally. After watching for a while, he whispered, "Unfortunately, what's the use of my own understanding? He just didn't understand. Now if it is the emperor's decree, how far can our relationship go... in the future?"
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This is the second watch, see you tomorrow~
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