Vol 4 Chapter 79: Surprises (one more)

Su Fengnuan, Ye Xi, Xiao Han, and Xie Xuan set an hour limit. If she doesn't come back an hour, something has happened.
The three nodded and asked her to be more careful, and then waited in the stone room.
Su Fengnuan reopened the sky gate and walked in.
Just like last time, not far away, a trap appeared on the ground. She drew out the soft sword from her body and pierced it diagonally into the stone wall. She flew up in the air, relying on the support of the soft sword, and gently pressed it. On the stone wall.
The black hole on the ground instantly overturned the ground, like a roller, turning the ground into a big flip.
Just as the roller on the ground rolled up, two people sprang out from below.
One person brings another person.
Su Fengnuan saw that the figure carrying the person was Ye Chang, and immediately shouted "Ye Chang", threw out the brocade silk from his sleeves, and wrapped his body. He dragged his body to her side with the person he was carrying.
Ye Chang heard Su Fengnuan’s voice, turned his head and saw that she was against the wall, his eyebrows stretched instantly, venting the strength of resistance, and obediently let her lead him to his side, his voice softly smiled. "I knew it was you who came."
Su Fengnuan saw clearly that the person he was holding was Lin Zhixiao. Lin Zhixiao closed his eyes tightly, one leg was bloodied and it looked like he was injured. Looking at him now, he seemed to have fainted.
She asked Ye Chang, "You fell into a trap? Are you trapped below?"
Ye Chang nodded.
"Are you hurt?" Su Fengnuan asked immediately.
Ye Chang shook his head, "I didn't. His leg was seriously injured by a stone wheel. He must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise the leg will not be protected."
Su Fengnuan thought that Lin Zhixiao's current status was the second prince of the dynasty. If he was physically disabled like the former prince, it would not be a good thing if his leg was disabled. Immediately he said, "Let's go out, let me see his legs, can there be any help?"
Ye Chang said, "Okay!"
Su Fengnuan said to him, "I will use my strength to help you take him out first, and then I will move out slowly along the wall."
Ye Chang nodded.
Su Fengnuan had enough skill, threw out the brocade silk, and pushed Ye Chang and Lin Zhixiao to the stone room.
The two of them were sent out more than ten feet away by her in an instant, but they did not reach the door of the stone room. Ye Chang drew the sword from his body and inserted it into the stone wall. Using the stone wall as a fulcrum, he once again borrowed strength to fly with Lin Zhixiao Into the stone room.
After Su Fengnuan left, Ye Xi, Xiao Han, and Xie Xuan were always very worried. For fear that she would be trapped and unable to get out, one person kept pressing the opening and closing of the Tianmen to prevent the Tianmen from closing.
After the three of them waited for a cup of tea, they saw two people flying in from the door, and they were all startled.
When it was clear that it was Ye Chang who was seriously injured and unconscious Lin Zhixiao, Ye Xi immediately asked, "But Junior Sister saved you? Where's Junior Sister?"
Ye Chang nodded and said, "She is behind."
Ye Xi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the stone door.
Not long after, Su Fengnuan walked along the wall and flew into the stone room.
Seeing that she was intact, the three completely let go of their hearts.
Ye Xi immediately said to Ye Chang, "Why are you so stupid? You were trapped in a stone room. If it weren't for the junior sister to venture to rescue you, wouldn't you be trapped there?"
Ye Chang carried Lin Zhixiao and didn't put him down, but said, "Quickly, let's go out first, and speak slowly after saving him."
Ye Xi also saw Lin Zhixiao's leg injury and stopped.
Su Fengnuan immediately led the way, and a group of people walked quickly along the path and walked out.
The road back and forth is already very familiar, and time is naturally less laborious than when it came. After a while, the group returned to the exit.
Xu Yunchu had been waiting in Xu Lingyi’s room. After Su Fengnuan and the other four of them went down, he ordered someone to call Yun Ni. The people who sent said Yun Ni was dead and died on her own bed. Xu Yunchu His complexion changed, he wanted to go and see, but worried about Su Fengnuan and the others. After all, Ye Chang and Lin Zhixiao hadn't come back for a long time since they went down. Something must have happened. Su Fengnuan went down and he was worried. After the decision, he ordered people to guard Yunni's courtyard first, and he just waited in Xu Lingyi's room.
He waited for an hour, and a group of people came up.
In addition to Su Fengnuan, Ye Xi, Xiao Han, and Xie Xuan, there are also Ye Chang and Lin Zhixiao.
Seeing a group of people coming up, he immediately got up and said, "You finally figured it out, I am very worried." When the words fell, he also saw Lin Zhixiao's leg injury and immediately asked, "What happened to the second prince? His leg was injured. ?"
Ye Chang nodded and said, "We encountered a trap, which is very powerful."
Su Fengnuan said immediately, "Put him down first, and I will treat him."
Ye Chang immediately put Lin Zhixiao on the bed.
Su Fengnuan stepped forward and stretched out his hand to probe Lin Zhixiao's pulse. Then, he cut through the clothing on his leg with his hand and found that the calf of his left leg was crushed to blood. She frowned, and lightly checked the injured part of his leg bone, and then said to Ye Chang, "His leg bone was crushed, but fortunately the time is still short, I can heal him, but, For three months, he can't move this leg."
Ye Chang said, "It's good to keep his legs, so please bandage him with medicine immediately."
Su Fengnuan nodded, and said to Xu Yunchu, "Is there a medicine box in the mansion? If not, please send someone to Su Mansion to fetch my medicine box."
Xu Yunchu said, "Yes, I have it in my study." At the end of the word, he shouted outside, "Floating Shadow, go to my room and fetch the medicine box."
Fu Ying responded and went immediately.
Su Fengnuan said again, "Let someone fetch water and bring wine."    Xu Yunchu ordered again.
Su Fengnuan washed his hands, first washed the blood stains on Lin Zhixiao's legs, and then washed him thoroughly with wine. Not long after, Fu Ying fetched the medicine box, and Su Fengnuan saw that Xu Yunchu's medicine box was full of good medicine for traumatic trauma, and he immediately began to apply medicine to Lin Zhixiao.
If Lin Zhixiao’s leg injury is encountered by an ordinary doctor, I am afraid that this leg will really not be able to keep it. Even if the doctor Meng from the hospital is here, he can’t guarantee that his leg can be cured. Fortunately, Su Fengnuan is here. His medical skills can keep his leg.
About half an hour later, Su Fengnuan fixed Lin Zhixiao's injured leg and bandaged it.
She was about to wipe off the sweat with her sleeves, and Ye Chang wiped her face with a kerchief in her hand.
Su Fengnuan then had time to ask him, "What's the matter?"
Ye Chang wiped her sweat, took the veil, and said, "We strayed into that trap. When we found out, it was already a little late. His turning back was a step slower and he was rolled down by the stone roller. I Investigating the case with him, we are the only two of us, so naturally we can’t let him have an accident. So, it’s too late to rescue, so I can only follow."
Su Feng Nuan said, "So that's the case, no wonder I feel that with your martial arts, you shouldn't fall into that trap."
Ye Xi said, "Isn't the martial arts of the second prince also good?"
Xiao Han said, "Earlier, we were also a step slower and almost fell into it. Fortunately, the junior sister caught us in time. That trap is really powerful."
Ye Xi glanced at the two of them and thought that their skills were indeed good. Although he could no longer use martial arts at the moment, he was carried by Su Fengnuan at the time, and he realized that the trap was indeed more powerful. So he said to Ye Chang, "What's the next?"
Ye Chang said, "It's also a stone room, but there are sharp knives below."
Everyone suddenly wailed.
Ye Chang said, "If the roller doesn't crush people to death, they will be stabbed to death by a sharp knife when they go down. It's a place where there is no burial place."
Ye Xiyou sorrowful, "Really cruel, how come you are intact and not injured?"
Ye Chang said, "After I followed and grabbed the second prince, I took him to stay on the sharp knife. There was no way to get out. When the trap was opened for the first time, I was thinking of a way, so I missed it. I knew it. It was you who came down, thinking that you would not see me, so I would definitely take the risk again, so I didn't want to do it anymore, so I waited for the second time when you opened the trap to take the opportunity to go out."
Ye Xi rolled his eyes, "I don't know whether to scold you for being an idiot or praise you for being smart."
Ye Chang rubbed his eyebrows and said, "I am indeed a fool, my cousin is right."
Ye Xi snorted.
Su Fengnuan said, "I can't blame you, after all, you are trying to save the second prince."
Xu Yunchu heard that Ye Chang took Lin Zhixiao on the sharp knife for half a day and couldn't help but admire, "You stayed on the sharp knife for half a day, and it was unharmed. In terms of skill, few people in the world can match it."
Ye Chang said, "Thank you."
Ye Xi said, "You have also learned what Junior Sister learned, so why didn't she have a thorough understanding of the mechanism? If Junior Sister did not resume martial arts, wouldn't you have been trapped? If you can't think of a way, you can only die there. ."
Su Fengnuan took over and said, "Brother, although he has learned what I have learned, he has no practical experience in the art of organizing. If he were to be thrown into the Wu Forgotten Valley in Yanbei, it would be earlier than me. It won’t take a month to come out. The technique of organs should be honed in a real way. Otherwise, why did the master want to do that deceptive thing that made my second uncle get angry and trap me in Yanbei?"
Ye Xi stared, "I just said something to him, you are now protecting you again! Stinky girl!"
Ye Chang chuckled, "That's right."
Ye Jianjiang and the two sang together, silently.
Xu Yunchu was amused and said, "In short, there is no danger. Although the second prince has a serious leg injury, it is a blessing to be able to recover in three months and save his leg."
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