Vol 4 Chapter 116: Half a box of powder (one more)

The emperor came to the front, smiled gently and waved to the crowd, "Don't give me the gift."
Everyone got up.
The emperor said to the queen mother, "The child minister learned that the mother and the queen were enjoying flowers in the Su Mansion, and they also came to join in the fun. I heard that Su Yatou had warmed up a few begonias. I also want to see these rare things."
The queen mother smiled and said, "The Aijia hasn't seen it yet, you just came here, we are going to see."
The emperor looked at Su Fengnuan, who was standing next to the queen dowager holding his hand, and said with a smile, "Su girl, why do you think of warming up a few begonias in the winter?"
Su Fengnuan said with a smile, "Years ago, I used countless good medicines. Not only did my injury not get better, but it got worse. When I was in a bad mood, I thought that if I covered the flowers in the winter, then Maybe my body can really have a miracle and be saved. So I built a greenhouse for a few crabapple trees. Unexpectedly, it really gave Nuanan flowers."
The emperor laughed when he heard the words, "This shows that you should not be killed, and now your complexion is getting better."
Su Fengnuan smiled and nodded, "It is estimated that Lord Yan saw that I was still young and my body was barely fleshy. I would not be able to do chores if I was arrested in the underworld, so I would live a few more years."
The emperor laughed again, and pointed his finger at her, "Look at how quietly you look now, but your mouth is tight at all times."
At this moment, it happened that Ye Chang and Xu Yunchu came closer.
Su Fengnuan glanced at Ye Chang and said with a smile, "I didn't all learn this from Ye Shizi."
The queen mother couldn't help laughing and said, "So you learned from Ye Shizi?"
The emperor looked at Ye Chang, and everyone looked at Ye Chang. For a while, many people laughed.
Ye Chang looked at Su Fengnuan's playful appearance, wondering who learned from whom? She threw the pot to him like this in public, and she didn't blush or breathe. He laughed angrily and said, "Auntie should be most qualified to judge this statement."
Mrs. Su laughed, smiled and glared at Su Fengnuan, and said fairly, "Xiao Chang was the most well-behaved when he was a child. On the contrary, you are the one who can’t help but be like a monkey. For so many years, it hasn’t changed. Now. How can you say that you learned from Xiaoshang?"
Su Fengnuan stomped her foot, and said, "Mother, whose mother you are, so tearing down my stage."
The emperor laughed.
Everyone also laughed.
The queen mother let go of Su Fengnuan's hand and said to her, "Now that Ye Shizi is here, it will be unkind for the Ai family to hold you by your side. Who are you who learned who you are? Let's negotiate."
Su Fengnuan blushed speechlessly.
The emperor curiously said, "It's rare that this little girl will blush."
Su Fengnuan was speechless and funny.
Although the folk customs of the Southern Qi Dynasty are not as open as those of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, it is innocuous that the men and women who promised the marriage were joked by the elders in public. Therefore, some people sighed in their hearts that the two are really a match made in heaven. Some people secretly envy the two of them, and some people are not thinking about these two people, but focusing on Xu Yunchu's body.
Uncle Xiaoguo has never promised a marriage. He is the heir of the Xu family. He is both civil and military, a gentleman of modest and modest gentleman.
After some jokes, Mrs. Su continued to lead everyone to the warm tent.
Su Fengnuan left the queen mother and came to Ye Chang's side, falling a little further away from the others, and whispered to Ye Chang and Xu Yunchu what happened today briefly.
After hearing this, Ye Chang's expression became heavy and heavy, and said, "I have reached out to Su Mansion, but I can't wait."
Su Fengnuan nodded, "I won't be able to kill me this time, there should be more tricks."
Ye Chang said, "Waiting for her to kill you and catch her, she would be passive. After today, you have to think about how to invite you into the urn."
Xu Yunchu took over and said, "Yes, this person's methods are getting more and more fierce, and we must find out who she is as soon as possible to eliminate future troubles."
Su Feng Nuan nodded, "I have to think about it, but now there are only the slightest clues, I don't see the beginning and the end, it is really difficult to find out, even if you invite you into the urn, it is not easy to invite."
Ye Chang said, "As long as her purpose is to kill you, that's easy."
Xu Yunchu said, "Feeding a wolf with your body is dangerous."
Su Fengnuan smiled upon hearing the words, "I am not a weak lamb now, and I am not afraid to feed wolves with my body."
Ye Chang said, "Look back and think of a comprehensive way. In any case, I can't hurt you."
Xu Yunchu said, "It is better to be careful."
Su Fengnuan nodded.
While talking, the three of them walked forward, a little far behind everyone, the people in front had already arrived at the warm shed.
The emperor stood outside the warm shed with his hand in his hand and smiled and said to Mrs. Su, "This warm shed is guarded by no less than a hundred people. What kind of begonia is so precious? It needs so many people to look after."
Mrs. Su knew that it was because of an accident today that Su Fengnuan put so many guards here. She smiled without changing her face and said, "Today, the empress dowager and the empress are coming to Su Mansion to enjoy the flowers. The minister’s wife was afraid of something wrong, so she arranged more people here. Temporary arrangements were made. There were not so many people in the past.
The words fell, and said with a smile,
The variety of Begonia is not very precious. Before Su Mansion left Beijing, it was Nuan'er. In my childhood."
The emperor nodded.
Koizumi led someone into the warm shed.
Only the loach guarded the warm shed, and the charcoal fire sent by Cheng Boxin was upside down. The charcoal fire was burning vigorously. But the loach had a lot of heart and eyes, and learned from the earlier lessons of poisoning. Just in case, when the new charcoal fire was quietly delivered, he opened the curtain of the warm shed two large holes for ventilation.
Therefore, although the charcoal fire is warm today, the warm shed is not too warm. It feels deserted.
Koizumi looked around and asked the emperor to enter.
Mrs. Su is now leading the way, and several high-quality first-class ladies, including the emperor, queen dowager, queen, and the prime minister's wife, then enter. After all, the warm shed was not considered spacious. After a group of people entered, the rest of the ladies and ladies did not enter, but waited outside, waiting for the emperor, dowager, queen and other ladies to come out before going in to watch.
Ye Chang, Xu Yunchu, and Su Fengnuan came to the warm shed and stopped.
Su Fengnuan smiled and waved to Sun Qingxue, "Sister grandson, come here, I'll tell you something."
Sun Qingxue did not follow Madam Sun in, but waited outside with the other ladies. Seeing Su Fengnuan beckoning to her, she walked to her with a smile, and met Xu Yunchu and Ye Chang with a smile. The two of them nodded with smiles and nodded back. Smiling and asked Su Fengnuan, "Sister Su, what's the matter?"
Su Fengnuan pulled her aside, smiled and asked in a low voice, "What kind of powder did you wipe? It smells so good."
Sun Qingxue pursed her mouth and laughed, and looked at her and said, "I have seen Sister Su several times, and you have not applied the powder, why are you interested in rouge gouache now?"
Su Fengnuan smiled and said, "I talked to you just now when we entered the house, and I smelled your body is full of fragrance, not strong or not strong, very elegant and nice, and aroused some interest."
Sun Qingxue smiled and said, "It is the jade fragrance produced by Fang Huazhai last year. My brother ordered a box for me."
Su Fengnuan was puzzled, "Fang Huazhai?"
Sun Qingxue smiled and said, "When you look at what you don't understand, you never use rouge gouache. Fang Huazhai is famous in Beijing. He specializes in rouge gouache, especially the jade fragrance, which is top-grade. But the price is too expensive. A box of gold. Because of my birthday last year, my brother ordered a box for me, but it was also worth it. One box can last a year, and a little bit of it will give me a fragrance."
Su Fengnuan said, "It's really a good thing." When the words fell, she said to Ye Chang, "We will get married in a few months, and you will go to Fang Huazhai to buy a box."
Ye Chang nodded.
Seeing Ye Chang nodded, Sun Qingxue laughed, "At first glance, Ye Shizi didn't understand incense powder, otherwise he would not agree so happy. Fang Huazhai launched ten boxes of jade incense last year. They are all sold out. I want them again. If you do, you will have to wait for three years, and now it's just over a year, and two more years. It’s too late for you to use this powder for your big wedding, and Ye Shizi can’t buy it either.

Su Fengnuan was not discouraged when he heard the words, and said habitually, "That's it, then forget it."
Sun Qingxue looked at her and said, "I used half a box and half a box. If my sister doesn't dislike it, I will give it to you."
Su Fengnuan shook his head quickly, "How can this be done? How can I win the love of my grandson? I didn't like to rub rouge gouache, but now I smell my grandson's powder, so I asked."
Sun Qingxue smiled and said, "Two years later, Fang Huazhai will launch another jade incense. You can return me half a box. So expensive gouache, I can't let my brother buy it again. Last time he bought me a box of incense. Fans have been restrained in their pockets for half a year and dare not go out for drinks with others."
Seeing her saying this, Su Fengnuan smiled smoothly and said, "Since Grand Sister said this, I will accept it unceremoniously."
Sun Qingxue said, "It's right for you to collect it like this. It's not a handkerchief, and it's not much difference. I will send it to you when I go back today."
Su Fengnuan smiled and nodded, then thanked him again.
Xu Yunchu said to the side at this time, "I smelled the smell of Miss Sun's body not only the fragrance of jade, but also some kind of pollen."
Sun Qingxue was startled, put her sleeve between her nose and smelled it, and frowned, "It really smells of some other pollen, but I haven't developed any spices recently. Maybe it was contaminated elsewhere."
Xu Yunchu nodded with a smile.
Su Fengnuan reached out and grabbed Sun Qingxue’s sleeve, and put it in his nose to smell it, and blinked at Sun Qingxue,
Sister Sun, I said, no wonder you have such a strong fragrance, so I became interested in gouache. It turns out that there is still floral scent contaminated together." When the words fell, she suddenly said, "Sister grandson is very popular, it must be contaminated by which lady."
Sun Qingxue sniffed it carefully again, and said, "If you don't tell me, I will just chat with people, and I really haven't noticed such a strong fragrance on my clothes." After the words came, she turned her head and glanced, and said with a smile "I will also ask them later, who wiped such a fragrant powder and contaminated me, even Sister Su and other people who do not love fragrant provoke it."
Su Fengnuan smiled and nodded, "Hurry up and ask, if you look back, if it's a good powder, you can make me some more."
Sun Qingxue chuckled, "Okay."
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