Chapter 81: Zongmahengjie

In the emperor's bedroom, what Ye Chang had talked with the emperor, Su Fengnuan didn't know, but when Ye Chang came out, the corner of his mouth was smiling, obviously in a good mood. His satisfying smile was like the expression that would appear every time Su Fengnuan nodded and promised him something, like a fox.
Su Fengnuan endured out of the palace and got on the carriage before lowering his voice to ask him, "What did you let the emperor promise you?"
Ye Chang let out a "huh" and said with a smile, "Promise to marry me."
Su Fengnuan gave him a mouthful, "Get out."
Ye Chang was in a good mood and was struck away by her word and lost his voice.
Su Fengnuan thought about the case of the shipwreck of the East Lake painting boat, the poisoning of the prince, the assassination of Master Lingyun, and the suicide of Crazy Yi. How could the emperor still have time to care about her marriage? Naturally it is impossible.
She waited for Ye Chang for a while, couldn't help but open the curtain, and saw him sitting against the wall of the car with a gloomy face, and her good mood disappeared. She coughed, "I'm serious, you No one is serious, it's really hard to be your escort. I have been running with you for half a day. I didn't drink a sip of water, and I was thirsty. If you ignore me, I will go."
Ye Chang turned his head to look at her, his face still gloomy, "Marrying me makes you so unwilling?"
Su Fengnuan choked and retorted, "It's not something you want or not."
Ye Chang stared at her, "What's the matter?"
Su Fengnuan couldn't bear his eyes, put down the curtain, and simply gave up asking him what benefit he got the emperor. He was so happy, and whispered, "If you don't tell me, I won't be able to do it if I don't ask? You won't be bothered after running for a long time? Have the strength to talk to me about this."
Ye Chang snorted coldly, "You promised to stay with me yesterday."
Su Fengnuan's forehead jumped abruptly, and said angrily, "Accompany, accompany, accompany, little ancestor."
Ye Chang heard her words helplessly, and most of the depression in his heart dissipated. He stopped worrying about marrying or not, so he turned and said with a chuckle, "The emperor assigned me a team of light martial arts. "
"What?" Su Fengnuan was completely shocked.
Qian Han's expression was also a little excited.
Ye Chang smiled triumphantly and said, "The Royal Palace of Rong'an only has a thousand guards. For such a big case, the guards are not very useful when it comes to the rivers and lakes. The Qingwu guards are different. He is the emperor's Jinyi Guards. If you want me to stand firm and check it smoothly, I have to be willing to pay for it."
Su Feng Nuanxi said, "The emperor is indeed too willing to pay for the capital. For a long time, Qing Wuwei is only for the emperor, right?"
Ye Chang let out an "um".
Su Fengnuan turned back and lifted the driving curtain and looked at him, "You have already negotiated with the emperor at midnight. Today you went to the Ministry of Justice and Dali Temple first, and then to the palace. Could it be that you rushed to the emperor Qingwuwei? When you pinch, the queen mother will go to the emperor to stop you? Then, because the queen mother is unwilling to let go, the emperor is dissatisfied with the queen mother, so he cruelly called a team of light guards to you?"
Ye Chang nodded and said lazily, "Although the queen mother has no objection on her face, she must not be able to sit still behind her. When I first entered the court, I took two cases of this size. Contend? The emperor has been suppressed by the queen dowager for so many years. The prince is now half a crippled body. The other princes are all young. The emperor’s body has been weak. He stayed up all night and fell ill this morning. How long can such a body support? If he doesn't want the queen mother to continue sitting with his relatives, how can he not give up?"
Su Fengnuan remembered the prince who had been in contact for two days, and said to him, "The prince is different from what I imagined."
Ye Chang looked at her, "Huh? Why is it different?"
Su Fengnuan said, "It's not like a really weak person, or a stupid person, and it's not like a person who has been nurtured by the concubine Yue."
Ye Chang laughed, "Growing up in the palace, the queen mother suppressed, the queen tried every means to kill him, but he lived for many years, how can he really be useless?"
Su Fengnuan said in a low voice, "That day, Master Lingyun went to the government office with me to diagnose and treat him. He was hit by the Wuhuahua, and later detoxified with the affection grass. The emperor ordered him to go to Lingyun Temple Mu Zhai One hour before Master Lingyun was assassinated, he had gastrointestinal discomfort, and Fengyang left the Bodhidharma Academy and was not there. After I cured Master Lingyun, I checked his pulse again. He was indeed injured by Wuhuahua , Really disabled."
Ye Chang looked at her, "Did you check his pulse again?"
Su Fengnuan nodded.
Ye Chang said, "You are very concerned about the prince."
Su Fengnuan glared at him, "I just thought something was wrong. He gave me the feeling that I should not have been easily hit by Wuhuahua, but after a pulse was diagnosed, it was indeed hit by Wuhuahua. I just think Pity."
Ye Chang laughed and stopped talking.
Su Fengnuan lowered the curtain.
The carriage returned to the Royal Palace of Rong'an. After getting out of the carriage, Ye Chang said to Su Fengnuan, "Since you have been tired for a long time, go into the house and rest. I will go to the study. If the emperor's Qingwuwei arrives, I will see you. they."
Su Fengnuan nodded and went directly to Ye Chang's room.
After Ye Chang came to the study, Qian Han stayed outside.
Not long after, a hundred Qing Wuwei leaped into the high wall of Rong'an Prince's Mansion and came to the outside of Ye Chang's study. They respectfully met inside through the door of the study, "Ye Shizi."
Ye Chang opened the door of the room, leaned against the door frame, swept his eyes around, and finally fixed on the two of them, saying, "Wind and rain? Thunder?"
"Yes, Ye Shizi." The two bowed their heads together.
Ye Chang smiled, "I will rely on the two and everyone in the future."
The two clung their hands together, "According to the emperor's order, Ye Shizi will be our master from now on, but if you have orders, don't dare not follow."
Ye Chang nodded, "Twenty people went to pick up the people I sent to bring back Fengmeiren. Twenty people went to Lingyun Town and closely monitored Lingyun's calmness. Twenty people went to the Criminal Ministry and around Dali Temple, paying close attention to the Criminal Ministry and Dali. The temple is moving and going. Twenty go to check the origin of the lunatic and all the things that involve him. The remaining twenty people will stay with me. I just ask who is good at what, you can make arrangements."
"Yes." Wind, rain, thunder and lightning all bowed their heads.
Ye Chang turned and returned to the study.
Fengyu, Thunder and lightning quickly arranged for someone to make arrangements, and Fengyu personally took the people to pick up the people sent by Ye Chang to bring back Fengmeiren. Raiden personally took the people to stay in Rong'an Palace.
After proper placement, the entrance of the study fell silent.
When the sky was getting late, he stated that he came to Rong'an Prince's Mansion. Hearing that Ye Chang was in the study, he went straight to Ye Chang's study.
Ye Chang is painting.
Hearing the statement came, Qian Han directly let him in. After the statement came in, he saw him painting leisurely, raising his eyebrows, "Because you have taken two major cases outside, the Ministry of Justice and Dali Temple have to cooperate with you. It is a sensation, and you are still painting freely?" He leaned closer. , Took a look, did not understand, frowned, "What is this painting?"
Ye Chang slowly took the paintbrush and continued to paint unfinished paintings, "You'll know in a while."
The statement heard that he stood beside him and waited for him to finish painting.
After about two cups of tea, Ye Chang made the last stroke and raised his eyes to read the statement, "Can you understand it now?"
The statement was surprised and said, "You drew Nan Qi's...power map?"
Ye Chang smiled and said, "Is it a power map? That's appropriate."
The statement looked at his painting and was amazed for a while, "This way the places and personnel under the jurisdiction of the prefectures, prefectures, and county guards can be seen at a glance. You are really..."
Ye Chang handed him the pen, took another piece of drawing paper, and said to him, "You are the best at the intricate network of connections in the capital. You can also make one."
The statement raised an eyebrow and looked at him.
Ye Chang sat on the chair and shouted outside, "Qian Han, make a pot of tea."
"Yes." Qian Han answered immediately.
Stated, "Are you sure I'm coming?"
"Naturally." Ye Chang said, "Just use the three palaces of Guozhang Mansion, Prime Minister's Mansion, and Su Mansion as the line, and link the rest of the palaces together."
The statement looked at him, "Why do you want these three residences? What about you Rong'an Palace?"
"Guo Zhang's Mansion is a relative, and the Prime Minister's Mansion is the clear current of the court to resist. The Su Mansion is the military power, and the Rong'an Royal Mansion is nothing. It is just a clan noble, not a pivotal weight. It can't be the main line, it's better to be a branch line. ."
The statement was silent, "How long did you make that painting?"
Ye Chang said, "One and a half hours."
The statement took the paintbrush, "I may be longer, there are unexpected places, you can mention me."
Ye Chang nodded.
The statement took the brush and wrote the mansion of Guozhang, the prime minister's house, and the residence of Su in the position of the triangle, and started to build a network of relations with the three residences as the point. Ye Chang sat aside and looked at him.
Although both of them knew that the Southern Qi capital was full of complicated networks, they hadn't really studied it carefully. Now it is really complicated. The lines are twisted and twisted, involved, and intricate. After more than half of the drawing, it will be like a mess. Even though he was good at it, his forehead was sweating.
After Qian Han brought tea, he whispered to Ye Chang, "Shizi, when do you use dinner?"
Ye Chang waved his hand, "Use it later, you can use it first."
Qian Han nodded and walked out.
Two and a half hours later, the night was already deep, and the statement put down the last step, sat down on the chair, wiped his sweat with his sleeve, and said to Ye Chang, "My head can no longer turn, I can only go here. Yes, my eyes are almost blind. You can see if there is anything you need to add."
Ye Chang picked up the pen, erased the line of play between Su Mansion and Shangshu Mansion of the Ministry of War, and drew a straight line directly.
I heard the statement and wondered, "Have you heard that Shangshu Mansion of the Ministry of War is closely related to Su Mansion?"
Ye Chang said, "If there is no support from the Ministry of War, do you think that General Su can win the Northern Zhou Dynasty at the border? Although the Shangshu of the Ministry of War is replaced by General Su after returning home, he has been in the Ministry of War for twelve years. But he and General Su has a very close friendship."
"Ah? I heard that the Minister of War Shangshu was recommended by the head of state." The statement was even more puzzled. "How can you have a close relationship with General Su?"
Ye Chang smiled, "Back then, my father, mother and all the soldiers in Nanqi kept the country with their blood and heroic souls. Even though General Su was guilty of the death of my father and mother, how could he ignore the South Qin Dynasty? , Directly shook his hand to resign? The Ministry of War Shangshu was just that he had arranged for the head of the state in the morning, and was promoted to the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of War through the hands of the head of the state."
The statement said in amazement, "General Su will not only be able to fight, but he will also conspire?"
Ye Chang was noncommittal, and he took the pen and erased the line of play between the Guozhang's Mansion and the Hubu, and drew a straight line.
The statement looked at him, "Isn't Hubu Shangshu a good fellowship with the Prime Minister? How come the relationship with the Guozhangfu is closely linked?"
Ye Chang said, "The real prosperity of the Xu family, that is, the two generations of the empress dowager and the empress, really flourished for a while. But the origin of the prosperity is not the two women in the harem. They are just the icing on the cake, which makes the glory of the Xu family aggravated. That's it. The root of the Xu family's position is the Hubu. During the first emperor, the Hubu Shangshu had a close relationship with the Guozhangfu. During the reign of the first emperor, the Hubu Shangshu was exchanged for two terms and both were members of the Guozhangfu. The first emperor passed away and the new emperor was enthroned, and the Hubu Shangshu was exchanged for two terms. It seems that it has nothing to do with the Guozhangfu, but how can it be okay to think about the growing Guozhangfu? The Hubu is in charge of the territory, fields, Household registration, taxes, salaries and all sources of finances. If the Xu family does not have a household certificate, how can it be so powerful?"
State 歷歔, "Of course, you still understand better than I see."
Ye Chang threw a pen and instructed outside, "Prepare food in the front hall, and the second son and I will go over here."
Qian Han hurriedly responded.
The statement stood up and immediately said, "I'm hungry with my chest pressed to my back, and go quickly."
Ye Chang put away the two drawing papers on the table and went out of the study with him.
It was late at night, and the statement thumped his shoulders, and asked Ye Chang, "How are you going to check? King Jin is still in Lingyun Town now? The prince and Xu Yunchu are still in Lingyun Temple now? If you are only in the capital, maybe check Nothing will come out. After all, it happened in Lingyun Town. Are you going to Lingyun Town again?"
Ye Chang said, "Investigation may not be done by yourself. Lingyun Temple may not be able to find out, and Beijing may not be able to find out."
The statement blinked and suddenly saw a group of flaming red "swish" from the courtyard to the main courtyard. He was startled and asked, "What is that?"
"Cat." Ye Chang glanced at him.
"Don't you only have one big white? Why did you take another cat? Still red? I haven't heard of red cats." The statement was puzzled.
"It's just the red clothes." Ye Chang said, "Wildcat, I guess it was brought by Dabai."
The statement suddenly stopped curious.
After the meal, the statement was too tired and too lazy to move. Ye Chang told Qian Han to clean up the guest room for him, and he stopped at Rong'an Palace.
Ye Chang went back to the main courtyard. The main courtyard was completely dark and there was no light on. He entered the door of the room. After palming the light, he saw that his bed was neatly empty and empty. He couldn't help frowning and asked outside, "Where did she go?"
Qian Han shook his head, "I also thought Miss Su was already asleep."
Ye Chang frowned and said to him, "Go out and check to see where she went?"
Qian Han answered.
Ye Chang cleaned his face and sat at the table, looking out the window.
After a while, Qian Han came back and said in a low voice, "Huishizi, Miss Su has nowhere to be found and can't find out. The guards in the palace never saw her go out."
Ye Chang laughed and rubbed his eyebrows, "I forgot that the high walls of Prince Rong'an can't trap her, and the guards in the palace can't keep her eyes on her." After the words fell, he stood up, took off his coat, and waved off. Lamp, walked back to the bed and lay down and said, "Forget it, no need to look for it."
Qian Han retreated.
Ye Chang was lying on the bed, his face a little gloomy, thinking in his heart, she was not here, it was really cold in this room.
No words for a night.
Su Fengnuan did not return overnight.
Ye Chang fell asleep only after the third shift, and woke up in the morning. Because he had never slept well, his energy was a little ill.
Stated that I had a good night’s sleep, and when I got up, I looked for him and saw him look languid, wondering, "You slept at about the same time as me yesterday? Why is the complexion so bad? It seems that you didn’t sleep well? Did you not sleep all night last night? ?"
Ye Chang's face was ugly, "I slept for two hours."
The statement looked at him, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder, and said with relief, "Brother, I know that the pressure on you suddenly carrying such a heavy package on your shoulder is very stressful, but you can rest assured, I will spare no effort to help you. If it were myself If it is not enough, I will call Qi Shu and Shen Qi over to help you."
Ye Chang flicked his hand away, "Qi Shu is going to prepare for the Golden Autumn Exam. Shen Qi's Jingyang Houfu has been in a delicate situation in the middle of the court over the years, so don't mix them in."
The statement looked at him, "What do you mean, only I can interfere with you?"
Ye Chang looked at him, "Duke Ang is almost stocking you, and the steplady hopes that you will not stare at the title of Anguo Duke Mansion. You can be considered as having nothing to do, and it is okay to help me."
The statement choked and asked him, "What do you do today?"
Ye Chang said dullly, "Do nothing."
"Huh?" The statement looked at him, "Are you okay with your mind? The emperor has handed you such a big case, and you don't do anything today? Is it impossible to just stay in the house?"
Ye Chang let out an "um".
The statement was completely speechless, "What about tomorrow?"
Ye Chang said, "I will stay tomorrow too."
The statement reached out and touched his forehead, "Are you not having a fever? The emperor handed you such a big case, and you didn't carry out the investigation. If you wait for two days, the Yushitai gang will impeach you. The imperial library is piled up into a mountain, and the Sponging Star will probably drown you."
Ye Chang didn't wait for him to touch him, so he opened his hand, disapproving, "For so many years, their impeachment has often piled up the Imperial Study Room, and the spitting star did not drown me." The words fell, and he said to him, "I Although you do nothing, you can do one thing for me."
"Say." The statement withdrew his hand.
Ye Chang said, "I don't have enough ice in my mansion. Go and find some ice, but you must be secretive so that no one can find that you are transporting ice to my mansion for a reason."
"Why do you want ice? Although it is sunny today, it doesn't look like a scorching sun." The statement looked at him.
"Used to freeze the dead, on such a hot day, I don't want the stinky corpses of the dead in my mansion." Ye Chang glanced at the sky.
The statement was startled, "Who in your house is dead?"
"Mad Yi." Ye Chang said.
The statement was even more shocked, "It's that... Crazy Yi? Isn't he the key person? Why did he die? You..."
Ye Chang waved his hand to interrupt him, "biting his tongue and committing suicide, he died anyway. But even if he is dead, it is not useless. I still pointed him to solve the case for me." After the words fell, he said to him, "Don't ask more. , You just do it."
The statement stood up and said, "Okay, I will go now. I will send things to your mansion every other time. It is easy to find a cart of ice from the head." The words fell, and I turned around.
Seeing him leaving, Ye Chang stood up, went back to the back room, and lay back on the bed again.
In the evening, it was stated that a batch of cloths used to make clothes for the subordinates of the Rong'an Palace came to the Rong'an Palace, and several large boxes of ice were hidden inside.
Qian Han took the people to unload the ice and sealed up Crazy Yi's body in ice.
After being busy with the statement for a day, Ye Chang slept in the room for a day. He asked Qian Han what he did today, and Qian Han said that the son slept for a day. When he saw Ye Chang, his complexion was still very bad, as if he was extremely sleepless, and he couldn't help but be surprised, "What's wrong with you? Why are you still like this after sleeping for a day? Is it sick again? "
Ye Chang shook his head and said gloomily, "I'm sick."
The statement said, "Hurry up and ask Dr. Meng."
Ye Chang said, "The disease that the doctor Meng can't cure, lovesickness."
The statement was completely shocked and looked at him. After a while, he burst into laughter and pointed at him, "I said, brother, you are really... When did you learn to be a female harem? I didn’t take a closer look before. When I look at you, it's not like that full-fledged harem woman. Who do you think about? Since you think about it, you can just catch her and stay in Royal Palace Rong'an. What kind of woman are you reluctant to do?"
"Can't bear it?" Ye Chang sneered, his anger remained, but he accumulated a lot, "Even if he is willing, he must be capable."
The statement was even more shocking, and it suddenly occurred to me that Se Se also knew the woman, especially Se Se was entrusted by that woman to stay in the Hong Fen Building to look after Ye Chang. He knows that the arrogance in his bones can make her willing to stay in the pink building. She must be an extremely powerful woman. He looked at Ye Chang's still gloomy face, and said, "Brother, even if you like her, you haven't been inseparable like this before? Why have your temperament changed drastically recently?"
Ye Chang stretched out his hand to support his forehead and laughed blankly. After a while, he looked out the window in a daze, "Yes, I could bear it before, but I can't bear it recently. I want to see her all the time." The words fell, he said. , "Go, go to Jianghu Teahouse, and have a pot of tea."
The statement was bitter, "Where can I drink tea? Do I have to drink the broken tea in Jianghu teahouse?"
Ye Chang only asked, "Are you going?"
"Go." The statement nodded, "In the summer, every household needs ice, but you still need a lot of ice, and you need to get it secretly. I got it back secretly for you after a busy day, and I didn't even drink my saliva. Come on. Break the tea and break the tea, it's better than nothing."
The two left Rong'an Palace together.
It was late, but the streets were bustling with pedestrians, and the night was brightly lit. The capital was very prosperous. Along the way, the railings of the Hongfenxianglou building facing the street were covered with handkerchiefs, light gauze and red sleeves, and the girls were graceful and unfeeling.
The curtain of the carriage was not covered, and one side was opened. Ye Chang and Xiangtan sat in the carriage, enjoying the scenery along the street while walking towards the Jianghu teahouse.
The girls upstairs saw the carriage of the Royal Palace of Rong'an and the people sitting in the carriage. They all loosened the embroidered handkerchief. The embroidered handkerchief floated down the stairs, and it was really fragrant.
The statement reached out and took a piece, and as soon as it was squeezed in his hand, it was knocked off by Ye Chang, his face was ugly, "All dirty things are collected in my carriage." The words fell, and the curtain fell with a wave.
The statement looked at the falling curtain and was speechless for a while, "Is it dirty? Isn't it fun?"
Ye Chang snorted, "If Sese knows that you are so stubborn, do you still want her heart? Waiting for your King Xiang to feed the dog."
The statement choked completely and rubbed his hands vigorously, "You are right, I will stay away from these dirty things in the future."
When the two of them talked, a rush of hoofs rushed from the city gate. After listening carefully, the hoofs of the two horses stepped on the ground and made a consistent sound. Just listen to the sound. The horse is a good horse with iron palms. The rider is also a good rider.
Expressing his curiosity, he stretched out his hand to push the curtain and looked out again.
Ye Chang also looked out at this time, and his face was a little heavy after only one glance.
Seeing everyone avoiding Nanchengmen, two horses rushed towards the street together, a man and a woman. The man was handsome, elegant, and handsome. The woman was delicate and beautiful, slender and magnificent, bright and beautiful. There was another person behind the man. The man looked like a thin man with a dishevelled hair and could not see his appearance. He was carrying a bag behind him as if he had carried a pocket.
The statement saw the woman clearly, her eyes widened, "Why is it her again?"
Ye Chang squinted his eyes, and solemnly ordered Qian Han, "Hold the car across the road."
Qian Han naturally also saw the two people on the two horses. He didn't know the man, but he knew the woman. Not only did he know, but the one who was not familiar with it was Su Feng Nuan. He wondered why he couldn't find out about Miss Su in the city, because it turned out to be out of the capital yesterday.
I don't know who the man next to her is? It is not Young Master Feng, but he has never seen this man who looks similar to his family, let alone his identity.
He thought to himself that this time the world would lose his temper again.
In accordance with Ye Chang's instructions, Qianhan crossed the carriage in the middle of the road.
The statement turned his head and stared at Ye Chang, "Are you crazy? Those are two fast horses? What if they can't hold the horse's reins and step on us?"
Ye Chang didn't say a word, his eyes darkly looked at Su Fengnuan who was riding a horse.
As soon as the carriage crossed to the middle of the road, the two horses had already come close, Su Fengnuan naturally saw the carriage of the Royal Palace of Rong'an clearly, stretched out his hand to slam the horse's rein, and the man with him also stopped the horse at the same time. With the reins, the two horses raised their front hooves in unison in unison, paused for a moment, and stopped again with a "bang".
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