Chapter 2629: Endless power

As for what the eldest brother said, Xiaohong Empress didn't understand, she laughed and said: "Brother, have you forgotten, now you are in the water!"
Cheng Buyun only remembered now, patronizing happy, but forgot where he was.
The outlying areas of Qingfeng are mostly water areas!
The waters within a few light-years are very vast, and it is also a place for most foreign powers to break through. Even the strong at the level of Teacher Chaos and Lord Peng Gong will occasionally wander in this waters.
Not to mention the top-notch existence like the Lord of Longxing, who wanders in the waters, rarely goes inside the Qingfeng realm, the interior is too dangerous, the human race cannot afford that price.
Besides, in the outer waters, as far as the treasure is concerned, it is not necessarily worse than the treasure inside. In many cases, it still depends on luck.
"Haha, indeed, if you don't mention it, I almost forgot that I was still in the water." Cheng Buyun recovered, his face was feverish, but the location was still on the edge, and the threat was not much.
"Brother, hehe, try to see if the waters talent is strong or not, let me see." Xiaohonghou said with enthusiasm.
Cheng Buyun himself wanted to try, how much power this waters talent has in his hands, will it be just a look, or in the hands of different beings, the power will be weakened.
In the waters filled with endless chaotic air currents, the line of sight is affected by the chaotic air currents, and it is basically impossible to see the more distant place, and the water under my feet is also very extraordinary, containing extremely powerful power.
Compared with the power of the top field, it is estimated that it is not much different.
Almost any drop of water has a mass comparable to a star. Even the sage of the universe is basically unable to survive here, because any drop of water that rises from a shallow level may hurt them. If it is a large number of water drops, it is likely to be They paid the price of their lives.
Staring at the water under his feet, Cheng Buyun narrowed his eyes slightly. He was thinking, if a water system is equipped with the realm of treasure, the environment changed?
It's all water anyway!
It is also impossible. Although the realm supreme treasure is driven by divine power, it only acts as a catalyst, and its own effect is the supreme treasure's own effect power.
It's worth trying. If you have a chance in the future, you have to try it. Anyway, it doesn't hurt.
As Cheng Buyun's thoughts ended, his mind moved, a special mysterious aura appeared on him, and quickly spread, the water under his feet had changed a lot, the waves were obvious, and the waves were shaking. , Waves slowly rise.
Since Cheng Buyun is not yet familiar with the new secrets of waters talent, he naturally has a familiar process of manipulation.
Time is big.
The waters in the range of hundreds of millions of kilometers became turbulent, and endless waves gathered one after another, converging in large numbers toward the area where Chengbuyun was located, forming an extremely scary power.
I saw that the waves were about millions of kilometers high and tens of millions of kilometers long, rushing and converging in exaggeration.
In the blink of an eye, behind Cheng Buyun, there was a wave of heaven and earth, that kind of mighty power and momentum, any master of the universe would be scared to pee and be frightened when he saw this scene.
A wave of such a degree rushed down, and the endless impact power would be crippled without death.
Cheng Buyun was almost frightened when he saw the horror scene that appeared because of his performance.
He didn't know how much power the master level of the universe had in controlling the waters in the water spirit flow. He only knew that the power of the waters talent he displayed before him was at least comparable to the power of the fifth-tier universe master.
Lord of the fifth-order universe, what level is that?
Almost all of them are the top powerhouses among the masters of the universe. Just a talent for water control has reached this level. Just kidding!
Or is it because the water under your feet is too special?
If you develop an attacking secret technique based on the waters talent, plus your own will power, then... what level will the power reach?
The secret power of the strongest in the universe?
Go ahead!
He was already a little impatient, he wanted to turn around and leave the waters to go back to the stronghold temple, and then settle down to study and create.
But before he took a few steps, he was dispelled by a sentence from Time and Space, "You only know how to use water talent, and you don’t have any basic knowledge to study the secrets of creation and attack. !"
Cheng Buyun's face was blank, he really forgot this. When people are happy, they always forget many things.
"Take your time, what's the rush, there will be sooner or later, don't fight at this time, the main thing is to sharpen it, no matter how many secrets you study, you don't have much sharpening experience, and it's just a mirror in the sky. What's so good." The reminder said: "Although it is said that there are not many secret methods, and knowing a lot of secret methods can cope with many environments, what you lack now is the secret method?
In fact, there is no shortage of Cheng Buyun when it comes to secret methods. The general master of the universe is only two or two sets of commonly used secret methods, and he is not bad, attacking the secret method has the sky and the earth, the domain secret method is illuminated by the light, and the perfect secret method is the shield. Guardian, there is another trick that is not commonly used because there is no suitable treasure (the seal).
In the waters tens of billions of kilometers away from Chengbuyun, behind a huge rock concealed a head with double horns, a few strands of forehead and beard wavy, a long and narrow beak and face looks hideous, a slender neck and neck is estimated to be thousands of kilometers, the body The obese man is covered with gray scales, the back has two wings and the back has a dense row of thorns and bones, and the tail is thick and covered with dense thick scales and has barbs.
The image is a bit similar to the western dragon, but it looks more hideous and ugly.
This is a special beast, but at this moment he seems to be a little frightened, stretching out his neck from time to time to look forward, and the far place ahead is where Cheng Buyun is.
"It's such a terrible wave, and I don't know where and what kind of water spirit flow, how can it have such a terrible power."
There was a look of fear in the eyes of the alien beast, but he didn't dare to move rashly. He just hid himself quietly. He was afraid of being discovered and then chased.
Such a high wave, I am afraid that when a shock comes down, he will have to be hit the spot.
Shui Lingliu doesn't have any conceptual awareness. As long as he sees other beings, he will chase madly, the kind of endless death, unless you leave the waters.
Otherwise the water spirit can chase you to the sky.
"It's terrible, I knew it would not come. I didn't expect it to be so terrible here!" The strange beast muttered, his strength barely close to two levels, facing the waves of the water shown by Chengbuyun. There is no resistance.
If it is a normal strong person, it may not be a big deal to see him as a weak person, but Shui Lingliu will not let you go because of your low strength.
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