Chapter 308

: Who Uses Words When They Can Use Fists?
The cultivator did not dare try to hide the truth when he saw how serious these two were and pointed towards the north. The blue-clothed bandit let out a light snort before he flew in that direction as light and swift as an eagle while leaving his light voice trailing behind,
I’ll go have a look!
This actually left Fang Xing rather confused—why would this person be even more anxious than he was?
Fang Xing ordered the horse carriage to chase after the blue-clothed bandit, and as they gradually began to draw closer to Chaotic Stone Valley, they saw more and more cultivators arriving as well. The cultivators all had rather exceptional cultivation levels and their faces were wreathed in excitement as they rushed towards the location; It seemed as though they truly saw this
Fang Xing
as a great opportunity for them.
Fang Xing didn’t know whether or not the unlucky person trapped inside the valley actually had the same level of ability as him, and he didn’t know how to react when he saw so many people rushing forward. This imposter had been pretending to be him and causing such problems, but now that he’d ended up trapped and unable to escape Chaotic Stone Valley, he could only wait for his death. Such a fate was incredibly sad, and Fang Xing was moved enough to decide to enter the valley as well—he wanted to see the true identity of this fake for himself if nothing else.
After traveling less than ten miles, a giant canyon came into view. Both of its sides had two enormous black cliffs gazing over the valley like two resting dragons coiling endlessly along the canyon’s borders. Thick black smog covered the valley, and if someone were to activate their Mystic Eye, they’d be able to see flashes of light occasionally coming from within. This was clearly Chaotic Stone Valley.
A large number of cultivators could be seen at the entrance, with two groups split to the left and to the right with everyone either sitting with their legs crossed or just newly arriving. Whether it was flying or walking, alone or in groups, more and more cultivators continued to gather from all directions and began to ask around for more details once they arrived.

That little demon is inside this canyon valley?

Indeed. The top master of Huangfu’s Eight Bewitched Followers—Sir Lei Jiu—chased that little demon for seven days and six nights. He didn’t have much battle prowess, but his speed was so great they couldn’t catch up to him. It wasn’t until the Heaven-Descending Reverent Sect helped that they were able to trap the little demon inside the valley, but this valley is too large with a large variety of formations and dangers. Sir Lei Jiu was worried the brat would take the opportunity to escape if he personally went inside, so he didn’t dare to enter so readily and instead ordered people to place formations around the valley to keep him from escaping. He doesn’t have enough people to search the entire valley, so he sent an offer to all the sects and clans that whoever entered the valley and captured the little demon would have the chance to enter the Sword Mound….

It is indeed a great chance from the heavens. Let us go inside and test our luck!

Wait, you need to have the summons plate from the Nine Songs Tribe before entering the valley, and you’ll need to have your identity verified before you’re allowed inside. It’s also easy to enter, but difficult to leave. In order to ensure that sly person doesn’t manage to sneak out using another identity, the restrictions over the valley will be removed only once that brat has been captured. It is best we prepare ourselves before we go in because we can’t leave prematurely!

Hm, if that’s the case, we shall have a discussion about this first!

Fang Xing extended his spirit sense as the horse carriage continued forward, and all of the conversations within a thirty-foot radius found its way to his ears. The sides of the road were filled with all kinds of people trying to get more information about the valley, so it didn’t take long before he’d already gathered most of the information as well.
No wonder there were so many cultivators who weren’t in a rush to enter the canyon valley! As it so happened, those who entered the valley wouldn’t be able to readily leave—someone had to capture Fang Xing first before it was opened up to release those inside. All of this had been done to stop
Fang Xing
from sneaking out of the valley, and the fact the Huangfu clan had expended so much effort showed they were definitely confident they’d capture him.
Fang Xing’s horse carriage was being pulled by an ordinary beast this time. Having the five dragons pulling it would simply require too much blood essence and he wasn’t trying to purposefully show off, so there was no need to have the five dragons out and on display. This black horse carriage still managed to catch attention, however, and plenty of people quietly left some space around it while quietly muttering to themselves about the identity of the person inside.

I’ve heard that Fang Xiaojiu of the Snowy Mountain also uses a black horse carriage like this one….

The carriage has black smoke around it, and although it’s not being pulled by five dragons, it’s still a rare beast….

Could it really be him? The Nine Songs Tribe is right here; how could he be so daring…?

With Fang Xing’s spirit sense spread out, it was only natural he wouldn’t miss any of the shifting expressions from those around him. After seeing this, he simply smirked to himself, ‘It seems my name has really become famous!’

Within the realm of cultivation, it was a common occurrence to directly fight with one’s fists over cultivation resources. Robbing someone weaker was simple, but trying to rob someone who ended up being much stronger would only bring trouble. Surviving within the realm of cultivation therefore required the ability to observe other people’s expressions and bearing. When Fang Xing had entered the Mysterious Domain, he did many things using the name Fang Xiaojiu and it had already started to spread. As his name grew more renowned, people began to remember his characteristic features as well, the most important ones being his black horse carriage, his black flag, the five dragons pulling his car, the wounded little girl beside him, and his viciously arrogant temperament that couldn’t be matched by the rest of the younger generation.
Although Fang Xing didn’t show his flag, banner, or the dragons, he still intentionally retained his appearance when he arrived at the Chaotic Stone Valley—in his mind, pretending was something losers do and there was no need for him to do so. People had started to recognize the features of his car the moment he drew close to the Chaotic Stone Valley, and they started to guess at his identity as the information traveled out.

Snowy Mountain’s Fang Xiaojiu is inside the horse carriage ahead?
a few cultivators gathered the courage to ask.
Some of the cultivators did indeed recognize him, too—cultivators from the western deserts. When Snowy Mountain’s Fang Xiaojiu first entered the Mysterious Domain, he’d killed four groups of people and among those groups had been one of the most well-known western deserts branch under Jing Guang. One of the people he killed had been among the top four elites of the western deserts as well—Yuan Shenglian—which had diminished the overall prominence of everyone who’d come from there. After such an event, people believed the battle prowess of those from the western deserts simply didn’t live up to their claims. Many people had even started selectively targeting those from the west because of this, and it naturally led to Snowy Mountain’s Fang Xiaojiu becoming the person those western cultivators hated the most.
The horse carriage halted before Fang Xing poked his head out and cursed,
It is indeed your grandpa here, so what?

All the cultivators couldn’t help but to take another step backwards, as though a terrifying beast had just stuck its head out from the horse carriage. This left Fang Xing feeling rather annoyed; although he was disguised as Fang Xiaojiu and wasn’t showing his original handsome features, it wasn’t as though his current appearance was as ugly as that freak Li Ying. Why were all of them so terrified of him?

Snowy Mountain Disciple Fang Xiaojiu…. Are you here to admit to your crimes?
the western desert cultivator asked in a loud voice filled with alarm.
Fang Xing was a little surprised at hearing this.
Admit my crimes? What crimes?

The three cultivators exchanged angry expressions with each other. They believed Fang Xing was intentionally trying to play coy, but they weren’t stupid and none of them dared to actually assault him. The infamous name of Snowy Mountain’s Fang Xiaojiu had already spread far and wide and they knew he wasn’t someone they could easily take down. Unless someone had an extremely high battle prowess, they’d be a madman to dare attacking this little brat.
Those three cultivators could only dare to yell from afar,
How dare you, Fang Xiaojiu! Do you know what place this is? The head of the Eight Bewitched Followers and young master of the Nine Songs Tribe—Sir Lei Jiu—is nearby. Quickly get out of your carriage and admit your crimes! You must know that the Huangfu clan’s young master placed a bounty on you because you offended us cultivators from the west. They have ordered for you to kneel and admit your fault before being dealt with by us!

Oh? There’s also that reason behind it?
The bounty called for Fang Xiaojiu dead or alive, and this was the first time Fang Xing heard about this kind of reason behind it. In truth, the original bounty was an order to bring him to the Mysterious Domain’s inner depths for him to admit his fault and apologize in person within three days so the Huangfu clan’s young master could use his status to resolve the enmity between Fang Xiaojiu and the western deserts. Since Fang Xing had been busy healing Chu Ci at the time, however, not only was there no sight of him at all over those three days, he wasn’t seen even after eight or so days later. The Huangfu clan believed Fang Xiaojiu was belittling his might and the
capture Fang Xiaojiu
turned into
capture or kill Fang Xiaojiu
. Dead, alive, it had become enough as long as Fang Xiaojiu was brought before him.

Fang Xiaojiu, hurry and get off the carriage immediately! Kneel and apologize to us western cultivators and there may still be a chance for you to survive!

That’s right, we have already alerted the master of the Nine Songs Tribe. You will soon be as good as dead, so why are not kneeling for your crimes?

Kneel before us and stop wasting time!

The three cultivators from the west all yelled out while the gazes revealed chilling gleams.
It was incredibly difficult to send messages within the Mysterious Domain. These western desert cultivators were showing such hatred towards him because he murdered the entire Jing Guang branch, killed Yuan Shenglian, and hindered the overall battle prowess and reputation of the entire western deserts. They were not yet aware that the other person with the same status as Fang Xiaojiu—Han Longzi—had already perished by his hands as well, or else they surely would not be speaking such words right now.
Another reason these western cultivators were acting so tough was because the people from the Nine Songs tribe were nearby, and they believed this was enough to intimidate this arrogant Snowy Mountain disciple and keep him from doing anything without solid justification. As they continued to curse out, Fang Xing surprisingly didn’t answer back and only creased his brows, and these three cultivators assumed he didn’t dare to respond and that they’d guessed correctly. This brat was indeed frightened by the Nine Songs tribe, or else why would he remain so silent while they said such things?
Fang Xing didn’t respond, but his murderous intent gradually began to grow. Although Fang Xing did enjoy a verbal brawl and was very good at it, that was only if he’d be disadvantaged in an actual fight! If he could get into a fight with fists… who the hell would choose a fight with words 
After quietly waiting until the three had finished cursing and criticizing him, Fang Xing finally said,
I’ve seen plenty of western desert cultivators so far. Why is it everyone of them who can speak… are so loathsome?

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Xing flicked his finger and a Flying Sword suddenly thrust out from the carriage.
The speed of the sword under Fang Xing’s control was so fast it almost immediately arrived at the neck of the western cultivator at the front. The cultivator had seen a silver light flash towards him and had reflexively tried to form a protective barrier, but the Flying Sword swiped across his neck before he even managed to form the seal. He touched his neck and his eyes grew wide with disbelief. His palm shivered against his neck and blood began to stain his hand.
Even up to the very moment he died, there was something he could not understand: those from the Nine Songs were so close, so how could Fang Xiaojiu dare to attack?
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