Chapter 1013: [The dispute is starting again! 】

>Chapter 1013
A few days later.
In the morning, nine o'clock.
The season has entered the spring, but because the winter of the past two years has been relatively late, the current air is still the temperature in winter. Some cold, cold, dry and cold feelings, I am afraid at least some days to see the spring flowers. The taste of opening.
Zhangzhou City.
Municipal Party Committee.
Everyone came to work on Monday.
For more than a week, the Disciplinary Committee inspection team ended the task. Dong Xuebin also took the team back to the unit and looked at the atmosphere in the courtyard. His heart was slightly warm and went out for so long. Dong Xuebin was a little tired as a patrol team. The three team leaders, there are a lot of things that he needs to worry about. This week is simply busy running before, but once I get back here, I always feel that my body is full of spirit.
Commission for Discipline Inspection.
meeting room.
The people in the inspection team are back, and it is natural to have a meeting to sum up.
The meeting was written by the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, He Xinen, personally presided over: "Everyone has worked hard this time. The problems seen in the inspections of each group are probably about to talk about."
Xiao Bin, the director of the Supervision Bureau, said.
Finally, it was the turn of Dong Xuebin’s three groups.
Dong Xuebin read it with the report prepared in advance, and the situation reported by the previous two groups was similar, but in the end, when the cadre had a problem with the name, Dong Xuebin first said Liu Haiwei’s son Liu Haibin. "The life style of Comrade Liu Haibin, deputy director of the Tourism Bureau of Mayang County has a lot of problems. I have already reported on the details. The inspections these days also found out many problems of Comrade Liu Haibin, and I don’t recognize life at work. On the above points, I also went to the following to understand the investigation. The situation has basically been implemented. I once again recommend that the comrade Liu Haibin should temporarily suspend the investigation or directly punish the dismissal of the position." Liu Guowei took the initiative to withdraw the investigation of Dong Xuebin, but Dong Xue Bin was not prepared to let go of his son, one yard of one yard. Since he saw the problem, Dong Xuebin could not help but report it. Moreover, Liu Guowei also withdrew the investigation because of the deputy commander Xiong. Dong Xuebin could not buy his face. What is his temper? Xu Yan’s son was beaten, and Dong Xuebin could not let go of this simple!
It was said that the small venue suddenly became quiet.
As the deputy of Dong Xuebin, Luo Haiting took the documents for the report and investigation and distributed it to the Standing Committee of the Disciplinary Committee.
He Xinen looked at it and his brow was slightly wrinkled. "Everyone talks."
Zhan Guiping squinted at Dong Xuebin, the first one said: "The report of Director Dong has been seen before. Now this piece of evidence is also conclusive. No doubt, withdraw it, let him go with the agency." What is it like? This atmosphere must be contained!"
Xiao Bin frowned, "Is it another check?"
Zhan Guiping shook his head and said: "Is not enough to check now?"
"If the dismissal, is the punishment a bit heavy?" Xiao Bin insisted.
"They were all met by our inspection team. This Liu Haibin usually doesn't know what it looks like. If the warning is taken, it is really impossible to serve the public." Zhan Guiping said.
Wang Youfu, Secretary General of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection: "This Liu Haibin is a bit too much."
Everyone talked a few words and finally looked at the secretary.
He Xinen slowly knocked on the table and finally said: "Remove the investigation, that's it!"
Xiao Bin did not say anything after listening to it. Now, in this case, it is difficult to keep Liu Haibin. After all, he and the unit have made some smog, and he also understands that Liu Guowei took the initiative to withdraw the investigation of Dong Xuebin two days ago. It has already given people a soft attitude. Probably Liu Guowei, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Xie Huilan, Dong Xuebin, has had a private contest. They can understand it, so even if Liu Guowei’s son, the Disciplinary Committee’s pressure on Liu Haibin’s punishment is also It is not very big, and it is not even necessary to solicit opinions from the city. After all, it is only a small cadre at the sub-department level. In fact, if Liu Haibin is the son of the municipal party committee, Dong Xuebin’s opinion alone is enough, and there is no need to take the disciplinary committee. Discussion, as the director of the supervision room, Dong Xuebin has this right.
Things are set.
In fact, it is not too unexpected for everyone.
If Dong Xuebin is determined to run Liu Haibin and still hold evidence, there is no one in Zhangzhou City, because Dong Xuebin’s lover is a level with He Xin’en, even if Liu Guowei is ranked in front of Xie Huilan. In terms of local influence and real power, Xie Huilan is bigger than Liu Guowei, and people are taking advantage of it. No one can control this matter, nor is it necessary.
Will be scattered.
Dong Xuebin returned to his office.
The news that Liu Haibin was dismissed was soon spread in the municipal party committee. However, there was a gossip before this incident, and everyone also digested it. So the discussion was not too big, but it was only for Dong Xuebin who was not afraid of offending people. Personality and working methods, everyone has a deeper understanding of the first layer.
The bell rings and the phone rings.
Dong Xuebin picks up, "Hey, Huilan."
"Is it still with him? If you said something, your kid never listened right?"
"I don't listen to you. I understand what you mean. Don't take Liu Guowei offended. But I am a cadre of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. I have to be responsible to the people. I can give him Liu Liuwei because of my investigation. Face? What did he do early? I was inexplicably involved in the investigation. Originally, he did not take the reason. It was the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to suppress me. Now because of the face of the Deputy Commander of the Bear, he has to investigate, I have to thank him. Let's go and talk about it, he said that he didn't educate the children, he was too connived to get out of the present!"
"Oh, your Xie sister did not say that you would not want to check Liu Haibin. I mean that even if you are a cadre of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, you must pay attention to ways and means."
"what way?"
"First hit a beat and beat him, and the matter of dismissal will be said later."
"Do you think I can wait? I have to do whatever I want, or I am uncomfortable in my heart, you still don't know my character?"
"Well, you hate evil, you are all good, you are not good, thank you, can't you?"
"Cough, I don't have to say that. I admit that you are more sleek and more suitable for the system, but mainly because your work style is not suitable for me."
"If you withdraw, you will withdraw. It is also very good. Liu Haibin is really not suitable for the official. There is no accident today, and it will happen sooner or later."
"Well, I think so too."
"I haven't seen you for more than a week. I will give you a good meal at Xie Jie in the evening, huh, huh."
"Don't worry, I will buy food when I get off work. It's all you love."
"That's a good thing, you Xie sister can wait, or my husband is at home, this week your wife, I eat outside every day, eating tired."
"Not to let you call my mom."
"Auntie looks after the children, I am bothering."
"Because you have to leave it alone, I will definitely let you eat it today."
"Then I waited, I swallowed, huh, huh."
With Huilan on a phone call, Dong Xuebin’s mood has become better. He has begun to ponder what to do with Huilan at night, and to pour the fish? Sweet and sour pork ribs? Cola chicken wings?
The experience that can be told to Dong Xuebin, he can not be happy for a long time, there will always be all kinds of troubles and things will always find him on the head, this time is no exception. It’s not that Dong Xuebin’s luck and bad fortune, but his way of working and the character of the often sinful person. This is not, when no food is available at noon, the trouble comes.
The first phone call was Luo Haiting. "Director! It happened!"
"What's wrong?" Dong Xuebin is drinking tea leisurely. When he hears this, he sighs and has an accident. Let me stop for a while.
Luo Haiting said: "Do you know the South Morning News?"
"Know, what are they doing again?"
"They said you there again, I will send the newspaper to you."
"My news? Ok, I am waiting for you."
Not long after, Luo Haiting knocked in the door and handed the Nanqi Morning News to Dong Xuebin. "Look at it, the above words are too much. What is this?" The last time Dong Xuebin and the vice president of Nanqi Morning News Huge soldiers and reporter Liu Gang had a conflict. It was still in the Nanshan-Zhong district. Luo Haiting knew it. In the end, the two men let Director Dong go down the scorpion and were strictly investigated. I didn’t expect the huge soldiers to be dismissed after they were suspended. From the morning newspaper, this small newspaper company actually went up with Dong Xuebin. What does this mean?
Dong Xuebin looked down at the position of the second edition, and his face could not help but sink down.
Luo Haiting pressed the fireway: "I heard that Liu Haibin and the high-level person from the South Morning Post in Mayang Was he and Liu Commander smashed in the past?"
"It should have nothing to do with Commander Liu."
"That is Liu Haibin’s dismissal, and this is a bit of a broken jar."
"80% is like this, Luo Sister, you go back first, I will call a few calls to deal with it."
When Luo Haiting left, Dong Xuebin turned his face again and turned this morning morning newspaper in the south, and he became more and more annoyed. This is a gangster, and he is still addicted to black. ?
The first line of the news broke the property of Dong Xuebin, one hundred million - this was checked by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the city leaders. There is no problem at all. This money is the proper channel of Dong Xuebin, but it has no impact. It’s public, but who wants to get up in the morning, but writes it out a lot. Later, it involves some things that Dong Xuebin used to do. For example, the cousin’s wedding has blocked the road, such as hitting someone else’s car with the city’s disciplinary committee. The family members of the Lu'an Municipal Committee blocked the door and did not let the family's wedding car pass. It was still some violent law enforcement that was born out of nothing. In short, there was no reason to explain the incident. The whole news is saying that Dong Xuebin is not, and the words are very mean. The description of Dong Xuebin is simply a corrupt official, a locust!
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