Chapter 105: [Great reversal! 】

Dong Xuebin’s BACK once a week from Monday to Friday was useless. At this moment, he was not hesitated to use it five times.
"Hehehe, this small courtyard is still the same." Lu Lao nodded to Yan Liang to point out a small courtyard not far away. "When I was not assigned to my family, I rented it here." The room, look at the camphor tree is not, hey, it may not be so high, every year, I and the old Xu climbed to the roof to help people pick the fragrant scent, oh, for a few decades, the yard is still, the tree is still People are old."
A group of people in the branch office followed the old man in a mighty manner.
Yan Liang smiled and said: "Where is old? I see your body is stronger than me."
Lv Lao haha ​​smiled and waved: "Now it will not work, no."
Time has returned! It was the time period five minutes ago!
Dong Xuebin didn't know that five minutes was enough. But now that he has no other choice, he is eager to find something, and finally his eyes are in the southwest direction. I remember seeing it outside the street there. There is a big pharmacy in Jinxiang, and the goal is determined. Dong Xuebin runs away without saying anything, and he does not care about his leader’s image. How fast he runs, he uses his milk.
Dong Xuebin ran, Lu Lao and Yan Liang did not pay attention, Tan Limei Chang Juan and others were shocked.
Director Xiao Dong, this is... Why are you going? What is so urgent? To the restroom? Can't run so fast in the toilet?
Guo Shunjie sneered at the back of Dong Xuebin's running, and his mouth screamed, and he wanted to be a leader.
Run and run! Run and run!
Dong Xuebin ran along the alley to the street, why haven't you arrived yet? Hurry up! Run faster! Otherwise it is too late!
The speed of his sprint when he was at school has always been among the best in the class, but his ability to continue has not been strong. At most, he can't run any more than 100 meters and 200 meters. Today, Dong Xuebin broke the limit and ran for three or four hundred meters. Going out, the speed is still not slowing down. In order to keep the official position, in order not to let Guo Shunjie the bastard, he only has to fight!
A minute has passed...
Two minutes passed...
See it! See the pharmacy!
Dong Xuebin is almost exhausted, and there are thirty meters... twenty meters... ten meters...
bump! Dong Xuebin squeezed a young man who had just bought medicine from the inside and rushed into the Golden Elephant Pharmacy. He didn't know if the asthma drug was a prescription drug. It was not clear whether the pharmacy staff would open it for himself. He had no time to waste. On the mouth, so I went straight to the work permit and slammed it on the counter. "Guo'an! I want to cure asthma medicine and heart disease medicine! Immediately!"
The female teller behind the checkout counter glanced down and looked down at his documents.
Dong Xuebin hurriedly said: "Hurry up! Life is off!"
After a while, the staff behind the white coat rushed to get the medicine.
The other party's speed is quite fast. After a while, she holds a small box of what is sour sardine and what kind of medicine and a bottle of nitric acid-glycerin tablets and quick-acting rescue pills have come over. Dong Xuebin swiftly swept over the eyes, a hand Grab the medicine in his hand, take three hundred dollars to her, then turn and run, "... Thank you!"
"Hey, I can't use so much, find you money!"
Dong Xuebin did not return, and headed back into the alley to return to the original road!
Physical strength is not enough, the speed of the return trip is obviously slow down!
Dong Xuebin insisted on his teeth and ran with all his strength! Run and run!
It’s been five minutes since my BACK has retreated. Lu is now sick! Is it too late? It’s too late! ?
Five seconds passed...
Ten seconds passed...
When I passed a hutong mouth, far away, the anxious figure of the people in the branch came into view!
Arrived! Catch up! !
Over there, looking at Lu Lao, who is sipping the air with a big mouth, Yan Liang is already in a hurry. This time, the responsibility is all in itself. If he knows that Lu Lao has recently got asthma and put the medicine in the bag, then Yan Liang hits Death can not forget to take the bag, because he is not clear, did not mind, so it became a disaster! It’s too late to say anything now. If there is any danger in Lu’s old, the consequences... Yan Liang can’t think about it anymore! Anyway, it’s definitely not just a lost official!
Suddenly, Lu’s eyeballs began to turn up, and it’s no longer possible!
"Old leader! You will stick to it! Persevere!" Yan Liang said: "The ambulance! Why is the ambulance still not coming??"
This is the hutong, the road is very poor, the ambulance wants to start from the nearest hospital to spend at least 20 minutes. There is definitely no time to catch up with the branch. I took the bag from the bureau and drove it over. Even if there were no obstacles in the middle, even if it was flying from the roof... it would not be enough within ten minutes! The pharmacy is the only hope, but there are several pharmacies around the street outside the cottage area. It is impossible to go back and forth for six or seven minutes. However, now Lu Lao... can't hold it for half a minute! !
Tan Limei's pile and several people from the six political offices are rushing around in a hurry! What can't help?
Finished! Yan Liang's brain is blank! It’s all over!
"Director Dong! Director Dong is back!" Seeing Dong Xuebin from afar, Chang Juan called out subconsciously and quickly explained to the situation with the uninformed Dong Xuebin: "Mr. Lu has an asthma attack! Director Dong !What should I do?"
When Guo Shunjie heard it, he immediately shouted: "What can he do? Hurry and call the ambulance!"
The younger two young people in the two sides also listened to each other and shook their heads. My heart said that the director Xiao Jun, who is comprehensively organized, said that he was a firefighter. He rushed over the fire and threw a penalty. But no one can come to this sudden situation. That is asthma. What kind of trick can Director Xiao Dong have?
Yan Liang glanced at the direction of Dong Xuebin, and did not take it seriously. He said to Guo Shunjie: "Pharmaceutical! Go find medicine!"
Guo Shunjie wiped the sweat: "They just went, I am afraid that it will take five or six minutes at the earliest!"
Yan Liang looked down at Lu Lao, who was in danger. "No time! No time!"
"Lv Minister!"
Everyone is desperate!
At this moment, Dong Xuebin, who was out of breath, ran to the crowd. "Call... medicine... call... I have medicine!"
you have! ?
After listening to Dong Xuebin’s words, everyone was on the spot! !
"Where is it? Where is the medicine?" Yan Liang squinted and stood up!
Everyone's eyes are looking at Dong Xuebin!
On the way to run, Dong Xuebin dismantled the package. At this time, he was panting and he reached out for a pocket and gave the bottle an aerosol to Yan Liang.
God! It is an asthma medicine! ?
Yan Liang stunned, and then quickly grabbed the vial and handed it to Lu Lao. "You take a quick breath! Fast!"
The weak Lu Lao took the plastic mouth in his mouth and sucked it hard for a dozen seconds. He took another breath. Slowly, Lu Lao's breathing gradually became even, but his expression was still painful, his hand was on the chest, and his head brushed cold sweat.
Yan Liang and the heart that everyone just fell in vain in the air. "No! It is a heart attack!"
A wave of unrest has started again!
Heart disease is also terrible!
Tan Limei and Chang Juan and other women hurriedly said: "It's over!"
Yan Liang angered a swearing word fast! Call the person who buys the medicine and don't forget to buy a heart medicine! fast!

"Call...nothing..." Dong Xuebin reached out and stopped a person who was going to call. Seeing everyone looked at him with amazement, Dong Xuebin calmly gasped and sighed with his hand, "... I have medicine, quick-acting pills."
"Ah?" Everyone stunned again.
Yan Liang a sigh, don't want to ponder anything else, hurry and grab the quick fix to help Lu Lao.
But Lu Lao slowly shook his head, and he screamed hard: "I eat fast... save my heart... no matter what... I want to... I want to protect you... Xindan... or... Nitric acid-glycerol tablets..."
Everyone's heart is a tight one!
Yan Liang is going crazy.
Who knows, Dong Xuebin actually touched his trousers again, "...I also have nitric acid-glycerin, give it."
Guo Panwei, Tan Limei, Chang Juan and several people from the Sixth Division and the Political Department almost fainted!
Asthma medicine, quick-acting, heart-saving, nitric acid-glycerin... This little director Dong has nothing to do with his mother! ?
Yan Liang does not know what to say!
Guo Shunjie is almost screaming, you have neither asthma nor heart disease! How do you carry so many medicines with you? You think you are a robot cat! ?
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