Chapter 1063: [Director Ma scared away! 】

> Late.
Yao family.
On the table in the center of the courtyard, Dong Xuebin and Yao Cui and her family talked and laughed while eating, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.
"Xue Bin, are you working smoothly?" Yao Cui asked.
"I have just reported this time, the situation has not yet been found." Dong Xuebin eats the vegetable.
Yao Cui looked at him. "What business are you? How are the working conditions?"
Dong Xuebin thought for a moment and said: "It's okay, it's very hard anyway, the environment is average."
Yao Cui smiled and said: "Our environment is like this, and habits and habits are estimated."
Yao Muzhen Dong Xuebin, "Our family Yao Li has not found a job yet. This child is too honest and too honest. People are not willing to do it. Even if he wants his place, it is also physically active. We don't want him to do it. Because Xiaoli is a little sick, the body is sometimes not very good. Don't look at him to be solid, but he often gets sick. Xiao Dong, is there a shortage of people in your unit? If there is a shortage of people, You see that my family is not qualified enough to go? The child is also twenty years old, and there is not even a job. I am a mother who is dying."
Yao’s father also said:
For Xiao Dong, would you help me?

Yao Cui immediately said: "The family is also just coming, and where to help."
Yao Li said: "Daddy, don't worry, I will go to work next week!"
Dong Xuebin pondered, "I help Xiaoli ask, our unit is not expected, but other places should still be possible, then come back."
Yao mother is happy. "If you do, thank you."
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "I have been with Yao Cui for so many years, little things."
Yao’s father is also a big hand,
Come on Xiao Dong, and drink some wine!

Yao Cui turned his eyes and interrupted: "I have both of you. Who can dare to drink, who can I rush! You both fell down on that day, how can you still drink?"
Father Yao grinned: "You have to get it. Listen to my daughter."
Dong Xuebin also remembered the scene of spending the night with Yao Cui's house after drinking too much. The two of them slept on the same bed that day, and they stretched their feet and explored at night. It is estimated that I don’t know how much cheaper Yao Chi is. He was a bit embarrassed when he thought of it. Over there, Yao Cui saw Dong Xuebin's face slightly hot, and it was estimated that he also remembered it. He coughed and quickly let everyone eat and talk about it.
Outside the small courtyard.
Ma Bin and Cai Ke grew up.
Ma Bin squinted to the station there, and Cai Kechang would go up and slammed the door of Yao’s small courtyard.
Xiao Yao! Xiao Yao!

Ma Bin seems to be more energetic with Yao Cui today. He is the director of the county government office. Yao Cui is just a general staff member. In Ma Bin’s opinion, as long as he said a word, Yao Cui should point out where to play, what to do and what to do, but Yao Cui seems to have no such consciousness. The last time, last time, it was pushed three times and four. Do not give him Ma Bin face, even after going to the entertainment, he is still grinding and not drinking, and persuaded him to drink a cup a few times. Counting today's business, Ma Bin was a little annoyed. Plus, he really has some inconsistencies in Yao Cui, so now he is making up his mind to catch Yao Cui to accompany him, and this time he wants to beat her.
In the courtyard.
"Xiao Yao! Not at home?"
Listening to this voice, Yao Cui's face was a white.
Dong Xuebin asked: "What happened? Who is outside?"
Yao Cui whispered: "It’s our Cai Kechang, how did she come?"
Yao mother breathed a stagnation, "So, what should I do?"
"What can I do?" Yao Cui didn't know what to do. He couldn't pretend to be inaudible. He had to walk carefully and opened the door. "Cai Kechang... Hey, Ma Director, are you here too?"
Ma Bin came up with a calm face: "You Xiao Yao! What to do!"
Yao Cui sneezed with a sneeze on his nose. "Director Ma, I am really ill, it is..."
Ma Bin said: "This is a very important entertainment! It is about a cooperation with our neighbors! Isn't it a small cold? It is a disease!"
Yao Cui explained: "I am afraid of infecting leaders."
Ma Bin impatiently said: "You don't have to make excuses with me! Several neighboring county cadres will arrive soon! You have to pack up and go with us! There is nothing in the overall situation! What to do!"
Yao Cui also has a fire, "Director Ma."
Cai Kechang is on the side. "Xiao Yao, you are going to wear clothes, don't let you drink today, just accompany the leaders to eat and eat, hurry."
Yao’s father Yao’s mother was annoyed and her eyes were already picked up. Their daughters were sick like this. You still took her to socialize? What do you mean? The old couple also know that these two people are the top bosses of their daughters. They are also one of the best figures in Lianshui County. They must not be offended. Therefore, they can only suppress the fire and look at Yao Cui, waiting for her daughter. reaction.
In particular, Yao Li, screaming in the eyes of his fist, seems to have to go to beat people!
Only Dong Xuebin’s expression is different from them. When he saw this scene, he was happy to come out and drink it. Is this all coming to the door? Okay!
"What are you waiting for!" Ma Bin urged.
Cai Kechang gave Yao Cui a straight eye. "Hurry up, Xiao Yao!"
Yao Cui bit his teeth and stood there for a long time without moving the nest.
Dong Xuebin knew that he should have come out, but he did not speak. He took the cup directly and went to the table to make a sigh of noise!
Cai Kechang looked at the past and said who is this?
Hearing the sound, Ma Bin frowned and brushed his eyes and looked at it. But it didn't matter. Ma Bin's eyes were awkward and his eyes suddenly looked awkward.
Dong Xuebin still did not say anything, slowly pick up the chopsticks to eat the dishes, do not look at them.
Yao’s mother was anxious, and she was afraid that Dong Xuebin, who had just arrived, would offend the local county leader and quickly touched him.
Everyone thought that Dong Xuebin’s move caused Ma Bin’s dissatisfaction. However, what made everyone wrong was that after Ma Bin saw Dong Xuebin, the sweat drove from the brain to the naked eye!
I rely on!
Is this not the county magistrate? ?
what happened? How did the county magistrate eat at Yao Cui's house? ?
Ma Bin was stunned, and the back was already shocked by a cold sweat, and it was soaked!
Ma Bin finally seemed to understand why the county magistrate did not give him a good face when he talked to the county magistrate. The county magistrate knew Yao Cui? The phone that I used to call Yao Cui was heard by the county magistrate. So later, this (book book house m fastest update m) attitude to me? ?
Bad things!
Dong Xuebin didn't look at Ma Bin from beginning to end. Ma Bin saw it. Of course, he didn't dare to go up and just had to pretend that he didn't see it. At this time, he would recognize the person, but he would let himself sit on the wax. Ma Bin had a quick brain. Turn around and start remedy right away!
Yao Cui bites the back groove: "Director Ma, I..."
Many people have noticed the delicate reaction of Director Ma, but they didn't care too much.
But everyone can be dumbfounded, Ma Bin suddenly changed his face, put on a gentle expression, smiled and looked at Yao Cuidao: "Xiao Yao, you too, why not say that you are eating Ah, if I say it early, can I call you? OK, since you have all eaten it, it’s okay, we are gone, you pay more attention to your body, remember to take cold medicine, it’s a small illness. However, it must not be delayed, as soon as possible to raise the disease, if tomorrow can not go to work, I will put you a few days off."
Yao Cui, "I, this..."
No one expected that Director Ma suddenly changed his tone.
Cai Kechang also stunned, and did not react!
Ma Binzhong has a long-term heart: "It depends on me. I don't care enough about my comrades. You said that you have a cold. I haven't taken it seriously. I didn't expect to be so sick. Oh, your comrade, the biggest drawback is that Work too seriously, don't pay attention to the body at all!"
Yao Cui immediately said: "It is cold, thank you Director Ma for your concern."
Ma Bin softly said: "That should wear more clothes, take a rest after dinner, and we will not bother you to get sick, and left."
Yao Cui inexplicably said: "That, the director of the horse is slow."
Ma Bin finally took a quick look at Dong Xuebin’s direction. He walked quickly and hurriedly went to the entrance of the hospital with disappointment. But because he was in a hurry, he was stunned at the door but was almost stunned. Let Ma Bin fall to the ground, but fortunately, Cai Kechang, who was on the side, helped Ma Bin quickly. This did not make Director Ma arrogant in public. Cai Kechang is also wondering, what happened to Director Ma? Why are you so scared? Was it still good when I came over? What happened? How does it seem to have changed one person?
In the courtyard.
After Yao Cui sent Ma Bin Cai Kechang out, he closed the door and came back. His face was suspicious, and he couldn’t understand how Ma’s director suddenly did this.
Yao mother is busy: "Cui Er, you lead this is..."
Yao Cui smiled and said: "I don't know."
Yao’s father said strangely:
I’m just looking fierce. How do you change it?

Yao mother worried: "He won't really hate you? Nothing is pretending to be Then tomorrow, when you go to work, will you wear small shoes? Or give you a match?"
Yao Cui's face changed slightly. "No?"
Yao Ma Dao: "Can you change his face so fast?"
Yao’s father also stunned his face.
The county government office is also a good department. If you really send you the grassroots level in the middle of the town, then where did you get the pain? The conditions in Lishui County are poor, but the family has always been Living in the county town is at least much better than the township! It is really bitter!"
Yao Cui helplessly smiled: "How do you say that the more I play in my heart?"
Yao’s father glared at his face:
You’ll be careful about it tomorrow. These county leaders have more flowers and intestines in their stomachs. Are you still playing the same?

Dong Xuebin affirmed: "No."
Of course not, since I saw Dong Xuebin, Ma Bin obviously did not have this courage! (To be continued) RQ
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