Chapter 1100: [The relatives are controlled! 】

Zhaoyang is four.
Beijing, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.
Dong Xuebin took a taxi, and after paying the money, he made a sigh of relief and walked toward Villa No. 1 of the Standing Committee, and quickly pressed the doorbell.
The door opened.
Han Jing’s face came out,

Dong Xuebin panted and said: "What the is it?"
"Advanced to say." Han Jing let Dong Xuebin enter the house, Xie Guobang is also in the living room.
Dong Xuebin immediately screamed, "Dad." He was in a hurry, he was a little asthmatic.
Xie Guobang nodded to the son-in-law and reached out and patted him: "Sit down and have a cup of tea."
Dong Xuebin could drink it. I heard that he was a little anxious when he had an accident at home. "Dad, Mom, you two told me about it first. I haven’t been practical yet. Is Grandpa bad? No, I have been there yesterday. Grandpa is very spiritual."
Xie Guobang said: "It is not this matter, let my aunt talk to you."
Han Jing sighed. "Xue Bin, I will sit down and rest."
But I haven't waited to say that the doorbell rang again, Han Jing said a sentence, and so on, and then went out to open the door, and the result came the third old Xie Guojian.
"Big brother, big sister." Xie Guojian said.
Han Jing looked at him, "How come?"
"Isn't this first to say hello to you? Xiaobin, I am preparing..." Suddenly, Xie Guojian saw Dong Xuebin in the house, a slight glimpse, "What is Xiaobin?"
Han Jing sighed: "Advanced is coming."
Xie Guojian walked in and said: "Xiao Bin, I am looking for you."
Dong Xuebin’s eyes and eyes did not understand what it was.
"I still want to talk about it." Han Jing pulled them all on the sofa. Immediately after the words stopped, I said: "Xue Bin, we have a relative in our family, called Zhong Lizhen, a little older than me, um, actually speaking, relatives. There is no blood relationship, but we lived in a compound when we were young. When I was in high school, she went to elementary school, but I used to play with her. The relationship has always been very good. I have always treated her as a sister, and Guojian has a good relationship with Lizhen. Huilan also called her when she was a child. Life is awkward."
Dong Xuebin waited to listen.
Han Jingdao: "Lizhen's mother died early. Later, after Huilan went to school, Lizhen's father also passed away. She may want to change an environment, or because of work, she went to country M, every two years. I came back to see us, but the relationship was not weak."
Huilan called the watch?
That is what I said?
Dong Xuebin said: "And then?"
Xie Guojian couldn't help but say: "She studied for a doctor at the age of twenty, and later she did research on military defense and has been developing in M."
Han Jing continued: "This time, Lizhen may have made a breakthrough in some areas. Some research results have been made. It is very important that although Lizhen entered the nationality of M, she also helped her relatives. My heart is still in the country, so I am willing to come back to develop. I actually greeted me and Guojian a year ago. This research has made a breakthrough, she wants to bring the research results back to China. ""
Good thing.
Dong Xuebin looked at them.
"But..." Han Jing annoyed: "There is no release of people in the M country, even if Lizhen says that he wants to withdraw M country international, even if she does not ask for the return of research results. Jane is in. Even if you don’t have time to research the data, you can make another one, so..."
Dong Xuebin frowned: "Why do you still want to come back? What do you mean?"
Xie Guojian said: "If other people are okay, but Lizhen is studying this technology... is world-leading, and of course they dare not let go."
"There is no way?" Dong Xuebin said.
Han Jingdao: "I have also attached great importance to this matter after I heard about it. I have negotiated many times through diplomatic channels, but they have no effect."
Dong Xuebin said: "Can they still put people under house arrest?"
Xie Guojian looked at Dong Xuebin. "This is not a thing."
Dong Xuebin thinks too, this group of M people do everything!
Xie Guojian said: "As far as we know, Lizhen has been under house arrest in a scientific laboratory. She is not allowed to contact the phone, she is not allowed to contact the Internet, and even her actions are restricted. We last contacted Lizhen, or Half a month ago, that was a help message that she sent us over the Internet. I wanted us to help her return to China. But after that, no matter how the contact was made, the other party had no news, so we are not sure about the specific situation. Only by some means to find out the research institute where Lizhen is located, we suspect that Lizhen is there now!"
Hearing here, Han Jing’s eyes are a little red.
We don’t even know if Lizhen is alive or dead!

Xie Guojian comforted: "Lizhen should have nothing to do, probably just being controlled. Without Lizhen, their research will not be too fruitful. They are reluctant."
Han Jingdao: "I hope."
Xie Guojian looked at Dong Xuebin: "Now the above is very important to this matter, and we have already issued an order. In any case, we must safely pick up Zhong Lizhen back home."
Dong Xuebin asked: "What technology is it?"
Xie Guojian hesitated, "Confidential matters, I can't disclose this."
Han Jing explained: "Yu Ershu is not a foreigner. I don't know the specific technology. I only know that it is very important. Even the old man pays much attention to it."
Dong Xuebin probably also understood that the above is to want this technology, Han Jing wants Zhong Lizhen to come back safely, so he said: "What do you want me to do?"
Han Jingyi hesitated, could not say or Xie Guojian said: "Since the last trip to F Zhouhai, the information has been filed with the military, and the military has also contacted There are few people who want to save the shackles by other means, but they have not succeeded. Now I know that 伱 is our family. Of course, I dare not force what to do, but ask me to ask if I go. How much can you know?"
Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly.
Is this let me go?
grasp? How can you be sure!
Suddenly, the older brother Xie Guobang spoke. "I will show one more way. I strongly disagree with this matter."
Han Jing looked at him and said: "I thought I wanted my son-in-law to take risks. But isn't there any way now? Lizhen doesn't know how to die..."
Xie Guobang yelled at her. "I know that Xiaobin is a big man. He can take the National Treasure from the R Museum and return safely. But this time it is a person to be saved. What is going to be a country, where is it so simple? Xiaobin alone is impossible. Besides, we don’t know Huilan’s temper. If she knows how to turn over her face, I don’t care!

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