Chapter 1145: [Back to the county! 】

one day……
Two days...
Three days...
This morning, the day is still not bright.
Dong Xuebin finally finished the matter in Beijing. He had already resigned with the Xie family last night, and things were packed up early. So after coming out of the hotel, Dong Xuebin directly took a taxi to the airport. He should have returned the day before yesterday. In the county, but too many things could not go back with the cadres of the Finance Bureau. I had to temporarily change a flight and got the first flight this morning.
In the car.
Dong Xuebin made a phone call to Yan Yizhi, the director of the county finance bureau.
"Hey, strict secretary."
"...Dong County Magistrate."
"Excuse you to rest?"
"Nothing is ok, I just woke up."

Is the finances in the county still going to go this month?

"Strongly strong, but a little overhang, anyway, this month's salary will not be issued for the time being, and the secretary of the Mongolian and the governor of Jiang are also asking about the funding."
"I asked yesterday, the central government's money should be coming soon, just these few days."
"Hey, the last time you said that you were afraid of an accident, don't say it, so I didn't report it with the funds. The secretary and the governor of Jiang didn't know it. I said that you are still in the capital to get funding, so Didn't come back with us, you see me saying that..."
"Well, wait for me to go back and report to the governor of Jiang."
The first is to find reasons for Dong Xuebin to come back late. Second, Yan Yizhi is not in a hurry to invite the county.
Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin nodded slightly. Yan Yizhi was still on the road. The other day in the Wangfu Hotel room, he misunderstood the deputy director of the Finance Bureau Chen Xiaomei. Chen Xiaomei later vaguely revealed that he had to rely on Dong Xuebin. The meaning is that the words are conveyed to Dong Xuebin and Dong Xuebin understands. However, because Chen Xiaomei came by himself. Dong Xuebin still couldn’t quite understand whether Yan Yizhi had let her do this. Perhaps Chen Xiaomei’s self-assertion was just that she wanted to rely on it, but now it seems. Yan Yizhi also means this. He and Chen Xiaomei have always been Mongolian people. This time, even after such a big thing went back, they did not reveal the tone with the Mongolian secretary. They are already speaking to Dong Xuebin, and they are also a clear team.
One of the main departments of Dong Xuebin is the financial work. Now the top leaders of the Finance Bureau are surrounded by him, and they have laid a solid foundation for his future work. Otherwise, the people under the command will not be allowed to move. How else?
This step is a good step.
Dong Xuebin is still satisfied with the trip to Beijing. He said that it is a great gain to take away the reimbursement of Zhong Lizhen’s business. It’s a great harvest of the 50 million yuan grant and the deputy director of the Finance Bureau. It is. Most of them are also the credit of Xie Guoliang, Uncle Huilan. If you don’t see the background and energy of Dong Xuebin, the two irons of Yan Yizhi and Chen Xiaomei are estimated to be unable to stand up to Dong Xuebin for a lifetime.
The airport is here.
Dong Xuebin paid the money to get off. Walk into the airport lobby. While picking up the phone, he called Ma Bin, the director of the Lianshui County Office.
"Hey, Director Ma."
"Dong County Magistrate. It is me."
"I am going to do the plane right away, probably at nine o'clock."
"Okay, then I will contact you at the airport immediately."
"Well, then trouble you?"
"You are too polite, it should be."
Because of Dong Xuebin's old classmate Yao Cui, Ma Bin has been sitting on wax all the time, and has always been very careful with Dong Xuebin.
Boarding boarding pass...
Have security check...
The bell rings and the phone rings.
Ma Bin called back again, "Hey, Dong County."
Dong Xuebin said: "What happened to Director Ma?"
Ma Bin said: "I just contacted this. This, the county government's car is no longer there. The Ci County chief left the car last night. Another one was also taken away by a cadre on a business trip. I also contacted. No, I don’t know what I can come back to. This... Do you think else I will ask the bureau?
It’s not that Ma Bin deliberately didn’t arrange it. It’s really too poor in Lishui County. Even the county magistrate’s car is a ten. Ten thousand yuan of self-owned brand cars, even the bottom of the bureau, there is no special car, so it is imaginable.
Use the car of the bureau?
This influence is not good, and the buddies are not in charge.
When Dong Xuebin first arrived, he paid attention to these details, so he said: "Where is the county party?"

The county party’s car is richer than the county government.
Ma Bin hesitated.
But the county party committee...the family of the leader today is married.

"It is the son of Zhang Shuji and the daughter of Pu Shuji."
Secretary Zhang? Zhang Wanshui, deputy secretary of the county party committee? Mongolian cadres?
Pu Shuji? County Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Pu An? The old fritters of the middle school?
Dong Xuebin’s mind suddenly revealed the information of these two people, getting married? No way?
"The daughter of Pu Shuji, I remember a lot bigger than the son of Zhang Shuji?" Dong Xuebin asked, he wondered, how do the two marriages? Although the time to Lishui County was not too long, he also heard Yao Cui say something about the leadership. It seems that Zhang Shuji and Pu Shuji have a bad relationship.
Ma Bin snorted. "No, no, cough, I didn't make it clear. It's not that Zhang's son and Pu Shuji's daughter are married. It's... every one."
Each knot?
Dong Xuebin’s eyes are awkward, and there are things in it.
The children of the two county party committees are married on the same day? How do you smell the medicine?
Ma Bin lowered his voice and explained: "The relationship between Zhang Shuji and Pu Shuji has never been very good... Well, this is also a coincidence, because today is the only day of the two months, especially the days of marriage. Zhang Shuji and Pu Shuji also booked this day, the result... After the hotel was booked, the two families came across and found out that the day had collided, but whoever wants to cancel the day, the face will always be A little bit... cough, then it’s like this now, even the hotel is the same. After all, our county is such a hotel that is still OK. It’s a good thing to say it, it’s quite messy.

It is messy.
Even if Dong Xuebin is not in Qinshui County, he can almost feel the atmosphere there.
Deputy Secretary Zhang is the third hand of the county party committee. According to the statement, Pu Shuji should give it a hand, but Pu Shuji is also estimated to be a temper, and their relationship has been bad, and the two have become more energetic. This seems to be a matter of two people, but in fact it is not at all. Is this marriage definitely an invitation? Also have a banquet? Still a hotel? Oh, what about the cadres underneath? Whose wedding are you going to? Go to the deputy secretary of Zhang? That must have offended Pu Shuji! Going to Pu Shuji’s house? That must also offend Deputy Secretary Zhang!
Yes, this is too wide.
The county government leader who travels on the bus is estimated to be offended by both ends. What is it!
Dong Xuebin is also a bit of a headache. It is not the time to go back.
Dong Xuebin is not afraid of offending people, but he certainly does not want to offend when he is not guilty. Many friends have multiple roads and many enemies have more walls.
I also learned about the details with Ma Bin.
At this time, the boarding gate opened and the staff began to check the ticket.
Dong Xuebin said: "I am going to board the plane, let me not say it."
"Then I will contact you to contact the county party committee? Have you seen any cars?" Ma Bin said.
Dong Xuebin knew that the relationship between the county government office and the county party committee was very stiff. He said that the estimate was useless. He said: "You don't care, I will contact you."
"This, or I am with the county magistrate..."
"This is a small matter, don't bother with the magistrate, just like this."
"That... OK."
Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin sighed and borrowed and borrowed a car. His deputy county magistrate was really helpless, but think about it from another angle. If the conditions are very good, the county with excellent economic development is very good. District, it is also not possible for him to go to Dong Xuebin.
Still content.
Dong Xuebin checked in and boarded the plane. While dialing the phone to Yao Cui, he had to borrow a car from the county committee. Naturally, Dong Xuebin did not need to personally come forward, and the secretary would go.
"Hey, Dong County, you are good." Yao Cui's clear voice sounded.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Is it inconvenient to talk?"
"Convenient, I am at home, I haven't got up yet."
"Is it bothering my old classmate to sleep?"
"Oh, you don't be so polite, if my parents heard it, I have to slap me, Xuebin, are you today's plane?"
"Well, it’s nine o'clock, but there is no car at the county government. No, I want you to hear it from the county party committee and borrow one."
"Okay, then I will contact you."
"can you drive?"

Yes, but it’s rarely open.

"You have to come over and pick me up?"
"Well, you dare let me drive, I dare to pick it up, right..." Yao Cui suddenly smiled. "You are not coming back, the county..."
"What happened to Zhang Shuji and Pu Shuji's children?"
"You know? It's this thing, hey, it's a mess. I took two invitations for two days in the last two days. I want to call you and ask, you are still shutting down."
"The phone is dead."
"Then you see..."
"When I go back, let's talk."
"Cheng, then I will ask the car."
On the plane, Dong Xuebin consciously took the organ off, and tied the seat belt to keep his eyes closed.
Although Zhang Wanshui is a Mongolian person, he is, after all, the deputy secretary of the county party committee. The third-handed, it is obviously inappropriate not to go to his son’s wedding. However, although the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, Pu An, is ranked in the middle of the Standing Committee, he has not stood in the queue. He has been sitting in the middle for a long time. From the perspective of Jiang Fangfang, it is obviously the most practical point of drawing up Pu'an. Dong Xuebin has already stood up to the ginger. On the side of the county magistrate, I naturally want to expand the voice of the Jiang cadres on the Standing Committee of the County Committee. Therefore, it is not appropriate to go to the wedding of Pu’s daughter.
Why are you so rushing together!
The Lishui Hotel is a cooperative unit in the county. If your responsible person sees the two leaders on the same day, they will not hint at it in advance?
one day……
Two days...
Three days...
This morning, the day is still not bright.
Dong Xuebin finally managed to finish the matter in Gyeonggi City. He had already resigned with the Xie family last night, and things were packed up early. So after coming out of the hotel, Dong Xuebin directly took a taxi to the airport. He should have taken the day before yesterday. Back to the county, but too many things did not go back with the finance bureau's cognac, had to temporarily change a flight, got the first flight this morning.
In the car.
Dong Xuebin gave an e-mail to Yan Yizhi, the head of the county finance bureau.
"Hey, it’s a long time."
"...Dong County Magistrate."
"Excuse you to rest?"
"Nothing is ok, I just woke up."

Is the finances in the county still going to go this month?

"Strongly strong, but a little overhang, anyway, this month's work and capital will not be issued for the time being, and Meng Shuji and Jiang County magistrate are also asking about the funding."
"I asked yesterday, the money of the Central Committee should be coming soon, just these few days."
"Hey, the last time you said that you were afraid of an accident, don't say it, so I didn't report it with the fund. I don't know the book and the county magistrate. I said that you are still fighting for the city. Grant, so I didn't come back with us, you see me saying that..."
"Well, wait for me to go back and report to the governor of Jiang."
The first is to find reasons for Dong Xuebin to come back late. Second, Yan Yizhi is not in a hurry to invite the county.
Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin nodded slightly. Yan Yizhi is still on the road. In the room of Wangfu Hotel in the past few days, he misunderstood the deputy director of the Finance Bureau, Chen Xiaomei, and Chen Xiaomei later revealed that he had to rely on Dong Xuebin’s meaning. Conveyed to Dong Xuebin. Dong Xuebin also understood, but because Chen Xiaomei came to himself, Dong Xuebin still couldn’t quite understand whether Yan Yizhi had let her do this. Perhaps it is Chen Xiaomei’s self-assertion that she just wants to rely on it, but now it seems. Yan Yizhi also means this. He and Chen Xiaomei have always been Mongolian people. This time, even after such a big thing went back, they did not reveal the tone with Mengshu. They have already expressed their views to Dong Xuebin. A clear team.
One of the main departments of Dong Xuebin is the financial work. Now the top leaders of the Finance Bureau are surrounded by him, and they have laid a solid foundation for his future work. Otherwise, the people under the command will not be able to command. . How does that work?
This step is a good step.
Dong Xuebin was satisfied with the trip to Gyeonggi City. He said that it was a big deal to get rid of the memory of Zhong Lizhen, that is, the 50 million yuan grant and the deputy director of the Finance Bureau. The harvest, of course, most of them are also the credit of Xie Guoliang, Uncle Huilan. If you don’t see the background and energy of Dong Xuebin, the two irons of Yan Yizhi and Chen Xiaomei are not likely to stand in the team for Dong Xuebin. Here.
The airport is here.
Dong Xuebin paid the money and got into the airport hall. On the one hand, he picked up the handcuffs and gave a call to Ma Bin, the head of the government office of Lianshui County.
"Hey, the horse owner will take it."
"Dong County Magistrate, it is me."
"I am going to do the plane right away, probably at nine o'clock."
"Okay, then I will contact the department to pick you up at the airport."
"Yeah. Then trouble you?"
"You are too polite, it should be."
Because of Dong Xuebin's old classmate Yao Cui, Ma Bin has been sitting on wax all the time, and has always been very careful with Dong Xuebin.
Boarding boarding pass...
Have security check...
Bells and bells, the electric bang is ringing.
Ma Bin called back again, "Hey, Dong County."
Dong Xuebin said: "What happened to the horse owner?"
Ma Bindao: "I just linked it to this. This is the case. The county government’s car is no longer there. The county magistrate opened the car last night, and another one was also mentioned by a cognac. When I am gone, I don’t know how to come back. I don’t know what will come back. This... Do you think I will ask the public security bureau?
It’s not that Ma Bin deliberately didn’t arrange it. It’s really too poor in Lishui County. Even the county magistrate’s car is a 100,000-yuan self-owned brand sedan. Even the bottom of the bureau has no special car, which is imaginable.
Use the car of the public security bureau?
This influence is not good, and my buddies are not in charge of public security.
When Dong Xuebin first arrived, he paid attention to these details, so he said: "Where is the county party?"
"The county committee's car is more affluent than the county government." Ma Bin hesitated. "But the county committee...there are family members who are leading the marriage today."
"It is the son of Zhang Shuzhen and the daughter of Pu Shuzhen."
Zhang Shuzheng? Zhang Wanshui, deputy secretary of the county party committee? What is the Ministry of Cognac?
Pu Shuzheng? County Jiyun Committee Secretary Pu An? The old fritters of the middle school?
Dong Xuebin’s mind suddenly revealed the information of these two people, getting married? No way?
"The daughter of Pu Shuzheng, I remember a lot bigger than the son of Zhang Shuzheng?" Dong Xuebin asked, he wondered, how do the two marriages? Although the time to come to Lishui County was not too long, he also heard Yao Cui say some things about the guides. It seems that Zhang Shuzhen and Pu Shuzhen have a bad relationship.
Ma Bin snorted. "No, no, cough, I didn't make it clear. It's not that Zhang Shuzhen remembers his son and Pu Shuzhen's daughter to marry. It is... each is different."
Each knot?
Dong Xuebin’s eyes are awkward, and there are things in it.
Are the children of the two county party committees married on the same day? How do you have a smell of ignition?
Ma Bin lowered his voice and explained: "The relationship between Zhang Shuzhen and Pu Shuzheng has never been very good... Well, this is also a coincidence, because today is the only day of the two months, especially the auspicious days, the county is married. A lot of them, Zhang Shuzhen and Pu Shuzhen remember that they also booked this day, the result... After the hotel was booked, the two families came across and found that the days collided, but who would cancel the day, There will always be a bit of face... cough, then it will be like this now, even the hotel is the same, after all, our county is such a hotel that is still OK, this thing is still a coincidence, anyway, very messy ""
It is messy.
Even if Dong Xuebin is not in Qinshui County, he can almost feel the atmosphere there.
Zhang Shushu's book is the third hand of the county party committee. According to the statement, Pu Shuzheng should let one let, but Pu Shuzheng is estimated to be a temper, and their relationship has been bad, and the two have become more energetic. This seems to be a matter of two people, but in fact it is not at all. Is this marriage definitely an invitation? Also have a banquet? Still a hotel? Oh, what about the cognac underneath? Whose wedding are you going to? Going to Zhang’s deputy book? That must be to offend Pu Shuzheng! Going to Pu Shuzhen’s home? That must also offend Zhang’s deputy book!
Yes, this is too wide.
The county government, which is on a business trip, is estimated to be guilty of both ends. Do you want to hide in advance? What is it!
Dong Xuebin is also a bit of a headache. It is not the time to go back.
Dong Xuebin is not afraid of offending people, but he certainly does not want to offend when he is not guilty. Many friends have multiple roads and many enemies have more walls.
I also learned about the details with Ma Bin.
At this time, the boarding gate opened and the staff began to check the ticket.
Dong Xuebin said: "I am going to board the plane, let me not say it."
"Then I will give you a link to the county party committee? Look at the car?" Ma Bin said.
Dong Xuebin knew that the relationship between the county government office and the county party committee was very rigid. He said that the estimate was useless. He said: "You don't care, I will contact you."
"This, or I am with the county magistrate..."
"This is a small matter, don't bother with the magistrate, just like this."
"That... OK."
Hanging up the eaves, Dong Xuebin sighed and borrowed and borrowed a car. His deputy county magistrate was really helpless, but think about it from another angle. If the conditions are very good, the economic development is excellent. The county area is also not able to go to Dong Xuebin.
Still content.
Dong Xuebin checked in the plane and gave Yao Cui an e-mail. He had to borrow a car from the county committee. Naturally, he did not need Dong Xuebin to personally come forward, and the secret book would go.
"Hey, Dong County, you are good." Yao Cui's clear voice sounded.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Is it inconvenient to talk?"
"Convenient, I am at home, I haven't got up yet."
"Is it bothering my old classmate to sleep?"
"Oh, you don't be so polite, if my parents heard it, I have to slap me, Xuebin, are you today's plane?"
"Well, it’s nine o'clock, but there is no car at the county government office. This is not, I want you to know with the county party committee and borrow one."
" Then I will be linked."
"can you drive?"

Yes, but it’s rarely open.

"You have to come over and pick me up?"
"Well, you dare let me drive, I dare to pick it up, right..." Yao Cui suddenly smiled. "You are not coming back, the county..."
"What is the marriage of Zhang Shuzhen and Pu Shuzhen?"
"Do you know? It is this thing, hey, it’s all in a mess. I have been holding two invitations for two days in the last two days. I want to call you and ask, you are still shutting down."
"The handcuffs are dead."
"Then you see..."
"When I go back, let's talk."
"Cheng, then I will ask the car."
On the plane, Dong Xuebin consciously turned his hand off and took off his seat belt to keep his eyes closed.
Although Zhang Wanshui is a Mongolian person, he is, after all, a deputy secretary of the county party committee. The third-handed, it is obviously inappropriate not to go to his son’s wedding. However, although Ji’an’s book, Pu’an’s ranking in the Standing Committee is a middle-class, he has not stood in the queue. He has been sitting in the middle for a long time. From the perspective of Jiang Fangfang, it is obviously the most practical thing to draw up Pu’an. Dong Xuebin has already stood on the side of the governor of Jiang. Naturally, he also wants to make a big impression on the voice of the Jiang Department of the Department of Health and the Communist Party Committee. Therefore, it is not appropriate to go to Pushu’s daughter’s wedding.
Why are you so rushing together!
The Lishui Hotel is a cooperative unit in the county. If you are in charge of the two leaders, you will not be suggested in advance.
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