Chapter 125: [A big newspaper! 】

Early the next morning. www.YZum reading novels to the leaves ~
Sun’s teacher at Bohai Auction House called Dong Xuebin, saying that the chain of pearl necklaces has been re-established, and that it will be previewed in the morning and asked Dong Xuebin not to come to the scene. In fact, this upcoming shot is not a small shot, the real small shot even the preview of this program is not. Dong Xuebin listened, no past, only to let Sun teacher help to prepare for the formal qualification of tomorrow's admission, because he really did not have spare cash to pay the deposit, and he can only walk the back door without penny.
At 7:30, Dong Xuebin, who had brushed his teeth, came to Huo’s home.
He is holding a bag and going out to go out. "Hey thought you had to sleep late, how come so early?"
Dong Xuebin said: "I didn't say it last night? I will go to the newspaper with you! I want to see what the name of Gong is doing!" When I heard this, Zeng Yidong said: "Small Bin, don’t make trouble, stay with your family, and you can solve it yourself."
"What can you solve? The surname Gong is bullying on our heads. What does it mean to let his younger brother come to your house at night? Ah? What do you mean? Talk about chatting and chatting? Shit!" to death, "life and death at night if you had not stop me, I went out early to beat him up! What! trusted in themselves that vice president will do whatever they want? Who does he think he!"
The raccoon glared at him: "You are not allowed to go, listen to you at home!" squatting for a while, recommending Dong Qiang to press him on the sofa and let him sit down, "Go to work, If you can't do it, you can't do it. If you don't do anything, don't go with it, listen to it, watch TV at home and play computer at home, so don't let the unit take a holiday and don't run around.
After repeatedly licking him a few words, he took the bag out of the house.
But Dong Xuebin did not listen to her. After ten minutes, he also went out. He was trapped by someone and was dismissed. He was beaten. The surnamed Gong has bullied him into such a situation. Can he only resign in this way? grass! Why? Dong Xuebin thought of it again because of the arrangement of the old named Gong, who was hit by his hair in Suhang, and his heart suddenly filled up with hatred. This is not over! Absolutely not finished!
Jingyu Times.
Three or three members and reporters came into the newspaper office to come to work.
Dong Xuebin, who was at the door of the car, took a look at the right and looked at it. He was not stupid. He rushed in to find the surname Gong’s account. He knew that he wanted to face, and the deputy president’s pressure to force her to interact with his brother was too difficult. Dong Xuebin is here to prepare for the first reason. He does not believe that there is no reasonable leader in the newspaper. As long as he can find out the frame of the section, he will be able to make an innocence. It is better to be able to expose the true face of the old guy surnamed Gong. If you can shake the position of his deputy president, it would be better.
Just about to go inside, Dong Xuebin suddenly saw a somewhat familiar face, only to think of it at a glance, this person is very similar to the man who took the rose huā upstairs to find a scorpion that day, is older than him One point, the head-up pattern on the forehead is a bit heavy, and it’s gone, this is definitely the vice president of Gong!
"Mr. Gong."
"Good morning, Gong Gong."
Vice-President Gong smiled and nodded with them, and walked in with a leather bag.
Dong Xuebin forcibly suppressed the fire and resisted not going to slap him. After Zhou Guoan’s incident, Dong Xuebin’s temper was long. He knew that this was not a good thing. He had to control. It’s not the best way to beat people. I can solve the problem of time, and may even bring trouble to myself. After all, I am also a person in the system. It is better to meet some hooligans, but here is the public newspaper, managed by the Beijing Daily Newspaper Group, and the daily newspaper The group is a subordinate unit of the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Committee, so Dong Xuebin cannot be impulsive, and attention should be paid to the parties.
After the disappearance of the surname Gong was in the line of sight, Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief and swayed into the newspaper.
The guard looked at him and moved his mouth, but he took it again and did not stop him.
Seeing "Dong Xuebin thought that the other party was shocked by his own official prestige. In fact, people saw him go too far and strong, and felt that Dong Xuebin was definitely doing things, so he did not stop him.

Hey, Director Xiao Dong?
Someone called him later.
How come you?

Dong Xuebin looked back and turned out to be Cao Ping. "Oh, I am looking for someone."
"Looking for it? No? Who are you looking for?" Cao Ping’s impression of Dong Xuebin was excellent. He knew that after he was the leader of the organization, he did not call Xuebin, and he became the director of Xiao Dong.
Dong Xuebin did not know the leadership office. He said: "Thank you, I came here for the sake of embarrassment. She told me yesterday." Seeing Cao Ping stunned, Dong Xuebin said: "I I just want to see your newspaper leaders say the truth, the president, the editor-in-chief, their office, you can tell me just one."
Cao Ping said: "I don't want you to say that Dong Dong actually reacted to the leadership of the higher level, but Chuan
"Cao Jie, tell me."
"Well, oh, do you see the six-storey white building? Our reporter department is working with the second floor. You go up to the top floor, and the elevator is left to turn to the editor's office, but, I Telling you that these are useless, there is no appointment, you are not a newspaper person, they will not let you go upstairs."
Sure enough, Dong Xuebin, the elevator on the first floor, was stopped by the defending person, let him go there to register.
Before the service desk, Dong Xuebin said to the female worker: "I am looking for your editor-in-chief."
"Is there an appointment?"
"Excuse me, your surname."
"What is your business?"
"Look for him to reflect some situations."
"Excuse me..."
Asked a lot, but finally did not let Dong Xuebin go upstairs, saying that the editor-in-chief is in a meeting, no time. Who are you ignoring, Dong Xuebin wants to get angry, but he is forced to recite a few words to be calm, and after a sigh of relief, he said to the female staff: "Then I am looking for a whole happy Dong, now in the reporter department.

The man called and asked, just nodded to the security guard in front of the elevator.
Dong Xuebin got on the elevator, the elevator stopped on the second floor, and a reporter from the reporter went out. However, Dong Xuebin did not leave, but pressed the sixth floor. Hey, the elevator door opened, and the service was directly opposite. Taiwan, next to it is a large partition office area made of frosted glass. The office that Cao Ping said is also in the partition. If there is no newspaper card, you can only enter the service desk.
"Sir, who are you looking for?"
"Look for your editor-in-chief."
"Is there an appointment?"
It was a lot of cross-examination. At the end, Dong Xuebin was blocked by the editor-in-chief at the meeting. Just when Dong Xuebin took a table and wanted to say something, the door of the office area opened, and a 50-year-old did not. The middle-aged man who came out came out. When the female staff saw it, he called the editor-in-chief, and then pointed to Dong Xuebin: "Someone is looking for you, saying that it is necessary to reflect what happened.

Dong Xuebin rushed forward and went forward. "Hello, I will delay you for a while, I want to follow..."
The editor-in-chief pressed the elevator button and interrupted: "You should sit down and wait for a while, wait until I finish the matter."
Dong Xuebin frowned, but still said the sound is good.
This is a full two hours, and it will take a rest at noon. The elevator door will open and the editor-in-chief will appear. paralysis! Have you ever had a baby? Dong Xuebin stood up to the anger and stood up from the rest area. He opened the door and saw the mountain road: "I want to reflect some of the situation of the vice president of your newspaper, Gong. In the previous period, he colluded with a customer and made a trick, let the customer say that it is the work attitude of the department. There was a problem, Vice President Gong took this to remove Cui Weidong, let her go to the journalist department, and even deterred...,..." When it comes to this, Dong Xuebin’s voice is down, only two People can hear, "also intimidated Zeng Dong to read love with his brother" did not agree, the result was sent to Jiangyan Province to do a very dangerous unannounced visit work, this bad behavior, your newspaper does not care?

The editor-in-chief is still a bit boring. When I listen to this, I am a little tired. "I am not responsible for this. You should go to the relevant leaders to reflect on it."
"Which leadership is that?"
The editor-in-chief ignored him. After taking a kraft paper bag from the front desk, he turned his head and went into the elevator.
Dong Xuebin is on fire, grass! After waiting for two hours, I will give me a sentence for Tai Chi? Taking a breath, Dong Xuebin said to himself: The buddy is reasonable, not to make trouble, pay attention to the impact, must pay attention to the impact!
Dong Xuebin finally suppressed the fire, and a step was also on the elevator. "The editor-in-chief, the vice president of Gong actually took the job and threatened the members. Is this a bad influence? Shouldn't this kind of atmosphere be stopped? You may not know Because of the persecution of Vice President Gong, Zeng Yidong was assigned to Suzhou and Hangzhou by Da Laoyuan. As a result, another female reporter was beaten by the local black tour guide. If I arrived in time, I still didn’t know what would happen. What about it."
The editor-in-chief screwed his brows angrily. "This is something inside our newspaper. If we find out, we will solve it ourselves. You don't have to worry about it."
"Can someone have to check it?" Hey, the second floor arrived, the editor-in-chief quickly stepped down the elevator and went to the reporters department.
Dong Xuebin let himself try to be patient and chase after him: "Editor-in-chief, this matter..."
"What are you doing! Ah?" There was a buzz from a middle-aged man. Dong Xuebin looked for his voice and looked at the past. "There are three people standing behind a row of desks, one is the old guy of Vice President Gong. The other two are Zeng Yi Dong and Cao Ping. Dong Xuebin saw the name of Gong’s pointing to Cui Weidong’s nose and said:
What do you want to go to Suhang? A little unannounced visit has screwed me up! The man was beaten! Also dropped the camera? it is good! it is good! You really have the ability!

Vice-President Gong is such a younger brother. The relationship between the two is very good. Therefore, when the younger brother who saw his high vision was in his thirties, there was no object. He was anxious in his heart. Later, he took the test and tried his mind. Zeng Yidong and his younger brother said that they had a combination. Whoever wants the younger brother to look at her at a glance, every day, with her own, she is not happy, and Vice President Gong is very happy, and he has to step up to give them a match. It was counterproductive. I recommended that Dong Dong did not agree. I not only took a table with myself, but I have never taken the phone of his brother since then. Vice President Gong was provoked by Zeng Yidong’s move. On the other side of the younger brother's anxious urge, so I took the hand and put Zeng Yidong down, issued a match, I want her to taste the pain. But on the phone yesterday, Vice-President Gong did not hear the suggestion that Dong had to change his attitude. Later, he also made a voice of his own, and his younger brother returned to his own complaints at night, and Vice President Gong. Completely irritated, stinky girls, I don’t know how to be good, my brother’s annual salary is several times that of yours. It’s your blessing to see you, are you still not happy? Are you still picking fat? Ok, then I will let you have a good day in the newspaper!
The seesaw said: "Mr. Gong, I don't want to be beaten. I don't want to be robbed of the camera, but no one can predict the accident. Isn't this the risk of being a reporter? Again, it is very Sorry, I was a minister. I worked in the department for four years. You now make me suddenly become a first-class reporter. I think you are overestimating me."
By her, the vice president of Gong is extremely ugly. "You can't do the work of the department. You can't do the work of the reporter department. Ok, good." Since this is not the case, um, will you open the elevator? ? Will you? That would be easy. Last week, the elevator had just resigned. "You have to replace her for a few days!" Vice President Gong let down to the lowest level of the office. It is impossible to adjust her to open the elevator, but He is still capable of doing it for a few days.

Open the elevator?
The expression changed!
The chief editor frowned, "Quiet!"
Vice-President Gong, on the other hand, saw him and explained: "The editor-in-chief, this kind of work attitude is really awkward. I just returned from Jiangyan Province and didn't even get a photo."
endure! To be patient! Dong Xuebin gnawed his teeth and smashed his fists. He said to the editor-in-chief: "Have you seen it? Let an old man who has worked for the newspaper for four years to open the elevator? Isn't this abusing power? Is it not cool? I am wondering. How can such a person become a deputy president!"
"Xiao Bin!"
Vice-President Gong, a singer, heard that he was the one who yelled at the phone last night, his face violently black: "Who are you? Is this a place for outsiders to come anywhere? Go out!"
Dong Xuebin looked at the editor-in-chief: "The editor-in-chief! Do you want to make sense in everything? He abused his job three times and five times..."
"Enough!" The editor-in-chief turned to the next person: "Call the security guard to get him away! What mess! Let's talk to the reception next time! Don't go to the newspaper!"
Vice-President Gong looked at Dong Xuebin with a cold look. He said something about you, ran here to scatter wild?
Dong Xuebin began to be patient, patience, patience and endure the present in the first minute of entering the newspaper - he could not bear it!
Attention to the impact?
I am going to your mother's influence! !
The violent Dong Xuebin flipped his head and turned a desk in front of him!
"Paralyzed! Boom me away? Today, do you want to make things clear to me! My mother will not leave!"
Everyone was shocked by Dong Xuebin, how many people in the reporter department counted, and brushed and looked at him in a wrong way!
The editor-in-chief did not expect this kid to dare to withdraw from the newspaper and stunned.
Dong Xuebin saw him look at himself and pointed at his nose and said: "Look what! You know what you want me to wait, how long have you been waiting for me? I waited for you for two hours with the sixth floor! Forbearing you for two hours! Calling you to sing a singer, you really put your own characters now? If you don’t care about anything, you will be a official! You can also be the editor-in-chief like this!
The editor-in-chief was very angry and was too angry. "Call the security!"
Under the stunned gaze of the crowd, Dong Xuebin pointed his finger at the deputy director of the culprit. "And you! Old things! Don't let your brother sneak in the mirror! Is he worthy of me?" You yelled at his mother and took the power to press me Dong Xuan? She was beaten because of your inexplicable unannounced visit work! Paralyzed! Are you still colluding with a customer of the Ministry to frame me? You are too courageous!"
The people in the press department, look at me, I see you, and this kind of thing?
Vice-President Gong is mad at his face. "What is crazy! Get out!"
I am afraid that things will be too big, and I will go up and pull him, "Xiao Bin!"
Dong Xuebin’s temper came up, and no one would listen.
Hey, don’t pull me, you must make things clear today, no so bully!

The elevator door opened and the two security guards ran over!
Vice-President Gong is arrogantly pointing to Dong Xuebin. "It's him! Get him downstairs! Right! Hit 110!"
The two security guards rushed over.
"I see who his mother dares to touch me!" Dong Xuebin touched his slammed the work permit on the table. There is no national security on the documents, only a badge and a police officer. Dong Xuebin also knows that this matter has a bad influence. Of course, he does not want others to know his work unit. The police look at the logo. Most people only think of public security.
At first glance, the two security guards stopped and squinted toward Vice President Gong. They can't dare to take any charge of assaulting the police.
Dong Xuebin is more prosperous, pointing to the nose of Vice President Gong: "If you are a surname, don't think that you are a great president. You don't think that you have a good relationship with the newspaper leadership!" I don't want to make trouble, but this thing is too and disgusting. He and the squatting station are reasonable. He has to ask for a statement. Of course, he is not a brainless thing. If you change your responsibilities, Dong Xuebin will never lose his temper. Because it is a newspaper, it is the scope of the Propaganda Department, and that person has owed his own feelings and said that there is something. Looking for her Xie Huilan...but the leader of the Central Propaganda Department, "Well, isn’t your newspaper not in charge of this matter? Isn’t nobody giving me a statement? OK, OK, I will give you a statement today. !!"
Touching out the mobile phone, Dong Xuebin called Xie Huilan's phone without saying anything! (To be continued)

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