Chapter 140: [Save her! 】

Chapter 140 [Save her! 】(10000, ask for a monthly ticket!)
These seven days of K have been used by Dong Xuebin without hesitation.
"How come the car is still not coming, is it a traffic jam?"
"Who knows, it is estimated that the two cars will be connected again, wait for the next car."
Reading network)"
There is a big road in front of me, and there are people around me complaining that the car is coming too slowly. It is the time period before Dong Xuebin and the station waiting for the bus seven minutes ago. In the moment when I came back to God, Dong Xuebin thought of a lot of things. I saw Xie Huilan in the restaurant. It shouldn’t be too long now. The Xiaohegou in the north of the bridge is not far from here. Now Xie Huilan should just watch it. When the little girl falls into the water, it will take time to get it.
Dong Xuebin slammed his mobile phone and hit Xie Huilan’s phone at the fastest speed.
Thank you, Xie, hurriedly, pick up the phone, don’t go to the water, don’t go.
The thing that most worried Dong Xuebin was still there. Xie Huilan didn't answer the phone. The phone rang a dozen times and no one answered. It was broken and broken. Xie Jie must have thrown the phone to the shore to save people. Yes, no, she may have just seen the little girl falling into the water, so she can’t answer the phone.
How to do? How to do?
Dong Xuebin was almost anxious to drop the phone, this is the scorpio.
I can’t absolutely let Xie’s sister die and she must save her.
Although I don’t want to think so, Dong Xuebin still has to admit that there is really a little bit of inconsistency in Xie Huilan’s innermost feelings. This has nothing to do with whether or not there is anything wrong with it. It’s purely a man’s lascivious mentality, so I know Xie Huilan is about to leave the world forever. Dong Xuebin is in a state of epilepsy. He can no longer calm down. While holding the mobile phone, he continues to call Xie Huilan’s phone and rushes toward Xiaobeigou in Qiaobei.
Dumming...beep...beep...the phone is still no one picks up
Ma Yu Dong Xuebin slammed his phone and ran wildly like crazy
Waiting for me, I will be there immediately and I will hold it.
Dong Xuebin didn't know if he couldn't catch up. What he can do now is to run forward without a fate. Fifty meters...100 meters...two hundred meters...three hundred meters... suddenly the word flashing in the brain, Dong Xuebin’s footsteps paused. The old man’s phone said that no one around him wanted to save Xie’s sister, but he couldn’t get into the water because of the aquatic plants. Even if he rushed, he could do nothing. Maybe he would give his life. On the side of the brush, Dong Xuebin saw a canteen on the side of the alley, and ran to the past.
"Boss" Dong Xuebin touched the ground and took a hundred dollars to the table, "Give me a knife"
The owner of the canteen stunned and didn’t move.
Dong Xuebin was anxious, and he shot the work permit on the table. "The police will take the knife quickly."
The boss sneaked into the fruit knife with the bottom of the counter and a red apple peel. "We don't sell knives. This is our own use, you..."
Dong Xuebin put away the work permit and the fruit knife and went out of the commissary. He continued to use all his strength to fly.
After turning into a small bungalow, Dong Xuebin went all the way. The street outside was very prosperous, but it was originally rural, the ground was relatively remote, and the small river in Ludong was rarely cleaned up, so it was only water and grass. Some domestic garbage, Xie Jie must want to cross the small river to the opposite food street to eat, so Dong Xuebin who guessed the route of Xie Huilan quickly determined the location of the accident, the river ditch not far from the east Is definitely there
Be sure to catch up, be sure to catch up.
Five hundred meters... six hundred meters... seven hundred meters...
It’s been three minutes in the past. If there are more than three minutes, the old man should call himself to inform Xie Huilan’s death.
Hurry up, Dong Xuebin, how do you run so slowly, then he will hurry.
Time has passed three minutes and fifteen seconds...
Time has passed three minutes and thirty seconds...
Suddenly, this bungalow has faintly seen the end. When Dong Xuebin went to college together, he came to the food street several times. He also walked through this road and knew that the bungalow could see the river ditch, so his feet were even more Forced, almost broke the leg
Five steps
Ten steps
Twenty steps
Came out from the alley
Suddenly looking at the opposite river ditch, where? where? Where is Xie Huilan?
Fifty meters away, there is almost no ice on the river. Most of the place is full of water. A little girl who is just drinking water is lying on the ground and desperately coughing with a scorpion. There are three or five middle-aged people on the shore. The man and an old man shouted anxiously at the river. One of them put his foot into the water and held a bamboo pole on the fork.
Found there
The blood of Dong Xuebin’s body rushed to the top, and he said,
I will hide from me.

A few people on the shore, a pair of Dong Xuebin who ran far away: "What are you doing with the young man? It’s all water plants, you are dead, you are dead."
The man holding the bamboo pole squatted into the river a few times, "the girl grabbed the pole"
Dong Xuebin has already ran to the front. "When the pole is taken away, I let you hide." When several people haven’t reacted yet, Dong Xuebin didn’t even take off his clothes and shoes. He jumped into the water by inertia. A few people on the shore were shocked enough. The middle-aged man hurriedly pulled away the bamboo poles and screamed, and shouted something dangerous, like water plants, but Dong Xuebin could not hear.
Cold, surrounded by biting cold
The water is a bit stinky, but not so turbid, the dark bottom of the water is full of cluttered water plants.
Just as the water, Dong Xuebin’s feet just plunged into the grass, but fortunately, he reacted quickly and hurriedly took his foot and accepted it. He escaped the crisis and forcibly opened his eyes, regardless of the river’s eyes. The numbness of the child's soreness, eagerly looking for Xie Huilan's figure, left, right, obliquely above, obliquely below...
found it
Dong Xuebin finally saw Xie Huilan at a position two meters away from the lower side. At this moment, Xie’s face was pale, her lips were purple and purple, her hair was floating on the top of her head, her eyes were closed, and her body struggled. Has lost consciousness, Dong Xuebin’s heart stunned, is it late? I'm late? But I have no time to think about Dong Xuebin. He endured the tingling of his heart and tried to swim there. Xie Jie, don’t die, stick to it and stick to it. I will take you ashore.
The rush of all the way has exhausted Dong Xuebin’s physical strength. Now he is only a conviction to save Xie Huilan.
one meter……
Two meters...
Dong Xuebin swam, and surrounded Xie Huilan's waist, his feet licking the water, his right hand licking the water, desperately pulling her up. At the foot of Xie Huilan, it was like a ton of heavy lead. It couldn’t be pulled up. Dong Xuebin could only see the blackness of her right foot and wrist. I don’t know how many water plants were wrapped around. Dong Xuebin, your uncle, slammed down a fierce child, and the fruit knife in his hand was also opened in vain. He held down Xie’s leg and cut it under her feet.
Water grass
But when Dong Xuebin wanted to drag Xie Huilan's leg to swim ashore, his feet were tight and he was entangled in the water. Dong Xuebin struggled a few times, but the grass was getting tighter and tighter, and he couldn't open it. At this time, Dong Xuebin felt the approach of death, the strength was gone, the air in the chest was gone.
Dong Xuebin’s K was all used up. He had no retreat. He gnawed his teeth and supported the last strength. He took the knife and cut off the water under his feet.
Hold on, I will go ashore soon.
Dong Xuebin cheered on himself while holding Xie Huilan’s cold body and playing online.
One meter five from the water
One meter away from the water
Half a meter from the water
哗啦 董学斌’s head finally found out the water, screaming, screaming, screaming, screaming and screaming.
Not dead, I am not dead
I can turn my head and look at Xie Huilan. Dong Xuebin’s face is white again, and she hurry to hug her on the shore.
A few people on the shore were already shaken by Dong Xuebin’s brave gesture. I didn’t even think that this person actually had a fruit knife.
"How is the girl?"
"Save people quickly and save people, are you still alive?"
A tired Dong Xuebin moved Xie Huilan's body, let her lie flat on the shore, touched the nose, for a second, two seconds, Dong Xuebin stunned, quickly grabbed her wrist to touch the pulse, one In seconds, two seconds, three seconds, Dong Xuebin stared at Xie Huilan's pale face and said nothing.
Nothing to breathe, my heartbeat is gone, Xie sister... is dead.
died? died? I still haven't caught up?
Everyone on the shore saw Dong Xuebin’s expression and understood. Some people sighed, and some people did not dare to look away.
Suddenly, the child rescued by Xie Huilan shouted with a crisp voice: "The teacher said, this time to do artificial respiration, brother, you can save the aunt."
Paralyzed pair of artificial respiration
Dong Xuebin’s heart ignited a faint hope. When she opened her leg, she rode on Xie Huilan’s body. Her hands pressed against her chest and pressed hard. Next, two times, three times, suddenly, a lot of river water from her mouth. In the middle, Dong Xuebin slammed his head down again, hesitating for a moment, kissing Xie Huilan’s cold lips, whistling in, blowing, one mouth, two mouths, three mouths, and being together, dead on his chest. Press on
"Xie sister blinks fast, don't die fast."
Look, two times, three times...
One mouth, two mouths, three mouths...
"Xie Huilan, can you wake me up and hear me talk? Hurry up."
After several artificial respirations, Xie Huilan still did not move.
The old man on the side sighed and said: "Young man, do you know this girl? Hey, let her know about her family."
The child began to cry. A few people around do not think that the woman on the ground can live.
When Dong Xuebin heard this, he was angry. "Who informed the fart who said that she is dead? Ah?" Dong Xuebin loves to swear whenever the mood fluctuates greatly. This is the characteristic of the Jingcheng people, but everything is right. The Jingcheng people of the Eight Classics, don't worry about the little girl who is more quiet, don't worry about the young girl who is too young, it is a normal thing to take out a few swear words in her mouth. It is a mantra. "Xie Huilan, you wake me up. Right now"
After pressing a few chests, Dong Xuebin once again bowed his head and kissed Xie Huilan’s mouth, calling, calling, calling, calling...
"Cough and cough..." is a cough
Dong Xuebin’s mouth was filled with a few mouthfuls of water spit from Xie Huilan’s mouth.
"Ah, she coughed."
"Live over and live."
Dong Xuebin’s eyes were red, and she continued to help her with her chest, and lived Xie’s sister.
In a few moments, Xie Huilan, who spit out a few mouthfuls of water, looked around in confusion, and smiled at the charming mouth. "What happened to me?"
Dong Xuebin stopped and pressed. "You really laughed? You almost died, do you know?"
Xie Huilan rubbed his face with his hand, and then he remembered something. "...What about the child?"
"You have been saved." Dong Xuebin came down from her. "Just lying on the shore, the child is fine."
"Auntie, hey, I am fine, thank you Auntie."
Xie Huilan smiled awkwardly, but her strength was weak. This sound did not sound much. "Xiao Dong, how are you here? I am not letting the plants get entangled? Cough and cough..." Xie Huilan licking her neck Coughing a few times in pain, "...I remember that I have been earning for a long time and I don't seem to be making a profit, coughing, how can I still be alive?"
Dong Xuebin really admired her calmness. This situation can still be so sensible. "I also happened by chance."
"Girl ah..." The old man said with emotion: "You are lucky, you met this guy. After you fall into the water, we want to save you on the shore, but there are water plants in the water who can't go, can only take A bamboo pole makes you hold it, but you seem to have no consciousness. At this time, the young man around you ran from a distance, hesitated and did not hesitate to jump into the water to save you. We all looked silly and thought that This young man also has... Who knows that he actually brought a fruit knife, just cut the water grass to save you, but when you went ashore, you didn’t breathe, you didn’t have a heartbeat, we all thought you couldn’t do it, or this saved you. The young man, who has been giving you artificial respiration without giving up, you wake up."
A middle-aged person also said: "You can take a life."
Another humanity: "Yeah, thanks to this little brother, there are very few people in this year who are desperate to save lives regardless of their own safety." In their view, Xie Huilan may not know this when he rescues people. There are water plants in the film river ditch. I don’t know if the water plants can kill them. But Dong Xuebin’s launching can save people. It’s obviously blocked and told him, but even if people still want to jump out of the water, this makes Everyone is very touched.
After listening to everyone's words, Xie Huilan, who was lying on the shore, gave a slight glimpse to Dong Xuebin. "... Hey, this will let me say something."
"You can do nothing." Dong Xuebin was so tired that his heart was loose, and he could no longer stand up, panting half on the floor. In fact, Dong Xuebin was not as great as they thought. Xie Jie had helped him a lot, and he did not want a woman with a good impression to die in front of herself.
Xie Huilan’s feelings are undoubtedly the biggest. She doesn’t understand why Xiao Dong happens to be here. I don’t understand why Xiao Dong happens to have a fruit knife. I don’t even understand why Xiao Dong, who only has a few faces with himself, will Risking such a big life, jumping into the water to save yourself
A grateful word seems to be far from expressing the gratitude of Xie Huilan.
But she still has to say: "Xiao Dong, thank you, thank you."
Not long after, police cars and ambulances arrived.
Dong Xuebin finally took some physical strength and stood up. He reached out to help Xie Huilan. "Xie, I will help you on the ambulance."
Xie Huilan frowned, but she smiled and shook her head. She said with a sly voice: "If you tell them, I will not go to the hospital, cough and cough, there is nothing big, and then you can let the New Year's Everyone went to the hospital to see me. It’s not good in the institution. It’s coughing and coughing. You understand.
Although the temperature has not reached zero, it’s also a big winter. Xie Huilan, who is soaked all over, fights hard. In the chill, the coat that I just borrowed from the people did not play any role, mainly because the clothes inside were too wet, and she was not good at a woman.
Dong Xuebin said: "Hey, give you a cold, cough, go to the hospital, go to a temporary bed, no one will know that you are in the hospital." Dong Xuebin knows what Xie Huilan is worried about, if Dong Xuebin himself is older than the New Year He was hospitalized. He didn't want to tell his parents and family members. He didn't want his colleagues to know that it was a sick person. How can I feel like a subordinate and a colleague? It’s also a hassle for people to send you a condolence ceremony. don’t tell others that it’s over?

Xie Huilan smiled. "Listen to me, don't go to the hospital. I can guarantee that if I enter the hospital's door, I will cough and cough. I won't have five minutes for my family and some people to know. I don't want them to come."

Dong Xuebin stunned, "Isn't it possible to register without your ID card?"
A bitter smile, Xie Huilan said: "Don't say this, okay? Come, help me back... cough..."
Dong Xuebin stared at her: "If you don't want people to know, my family is not far away. Would you go to my place to slow down?"
"...the big New Year is too bothering, go... my brother."
"Do not disturb, my family will be me alone."
Xie Huilan yelled at him and smiled. "That... well, it will bring you trouble."
After Dong Xuebin communicated with the ambulance, when they left, they went to the shore and took Xie Huilan’s high heels and mobile phone handbags back, but there was one left, and she might fall into it when she took off. In the river, helpless, Dong Xuebin helped Xie Huilan to go to the police car still parked there. He said to a policeman who was about the same age as himself: "Man, do you discuss anything? Can you send me and my leader to peace?" Street north exit? Not too far."
The police hesitated. "...I will call you a taxi."
Dong Xuebin found out the drenched documents from his arms. "It's all a system, it's troublesome."
The police glanced, and smiled very happily: "That line, get on the bus."
Peace Street North Exit.
The police car parked in the community, not far from the corridor entrance. Thanks to the two policemen, Dong Xuebin, who was frozen enough, trembled and shook Xie Huilan and got off the bus. Xie Huilan’s feet were a pair of dirty and wet flesh stockings, and he couldn’t walk with high heels. So Dong Xuebin Take off your shoes, "... wear my shoes."
Xie Huilan raised his hand and stopped him. "There is no two steps, and I have nothing to do."
"The underground is full of firecrackers and can smash your feet."
"That will make you barefoot."
"Then I... carrying you upstairs?"
Seeing Xie Huilan gently tapped his head, Dong Xuebin bent down and squatted down. At this time, the back of the two came the touch of the meat, Dong Xuebin snorted, held back the heartbeat, backhand wrapped around Xie Huilan's thigh, standing When I got up, I walked upstairs and walked into the house. I didn’t let her down. She directly carried Xie Huilan into the bedroom of the hut, and then carefully put her on the bed.
You should take off your wet clothes first. Then, take a hot bath or you have a cold."
Xie Huilan was powerless: "The head is a little dizzy, I can't take a shower, I have to lie down, you should wash it first."
Unwilling to look at her, Dong Xuebin’s eyes unconsciously stayed on her lips for a second. When she thought of artificial respiration, she didn’t know how many times she kissed her. Dong Xuebin’s face was red and coughing from the cupboard. I grabbed a few pieces of my own clothes and hugged them in my arms. "...well, if you are uncomfortable, you will call me loudly. I will close the door for you." I thought about it again: "I will give you a cup of hot water." Let's have a warm body?"
"The stomach is full of wandering river ditch water, coughing and coughing. I don't want to drink any water now." Xie Huilan smiled and smiled. "Xiao Dong, my life is all back to you." Not so polite, huh, I am not your leader."
Dong Xuebin knows that after this incident, his relationship with her must be further, but there must always be a process. He is not good at acting too casually, and Xie Huilan’s official prestige is very strong and strong. Dong Xuebin wants to be free. Also a little casual, "Well, then you rest."
After slowly closing the door, Dong Xuebin went to the bathroom and took off the clothes that were on the body and started to take a bath.
The hot hot water is dripping on the body, and the taste is not so comfortable. The whole body is warmed up, and some unventilated noses are instantly smooth. While washing Dong Xuebin while squatting Xiaoqu, Xie Huilan, who had already become a corpse, actually let himself use K miraculously to save it back. K’s role is simply too great, and the change in his life is too great, since that time. After the car accident accident got K's unexplained ability, the road of his own life seemed to be smooth, thinking about what to come, what to think, what, what, I can't say it.
After taking a shower, Dong Xuebin changed his clothes and the people immediately became spiritual.
After drying his hair, he wanted to see how Xie Huilan was doing, but before he went out, the sound of the bedroom door suddenly sounded, and then he listened to the footsteps of the bare feet on the concrete floor. More and more, the next moment, a trace of - not hanging Xie Huilan actually appeared in the bathroom door, she rushed in with a mouth open, did not look at the stunned Dong Xuebin, a toilet tank, vomiting Start to spit the river ditch in the belly.
Dong Xuebin looked silly, the slender slim figure, simply... I was dizzy, I didn’t wear anything.
Fortunately, Dong Xuebin has already tasted a woman, and I have seen the body of a sly. After a slight stupid eye, I quickly squinted my eyes and reached out and gave Xie Huilan a smooth back to make her vomit a little more comfortable. By the way, there is also the idea that she can help when she loses her balance. In fact, he couldn't see Xie Huilan's body when he twisted his head or closed his eyes, but it was not a problem that he could not see. He had to let the leader know that he could never see it, so he had to hold his eyes tightly.
Xie Huilan's back is a little tidal, but it is very supple, the skin is very delicate, and the palms are the corners of the bones. It is really thin.
After a while, the vomiting sound in my ear gradually became smaller. After a while, Xie Huilan’s hoarse voice was heard.
Thank you, huh, let you laugh.

Khan, you still laughed at this time, "I will help you back home?"
"Wait for me to sip, cough." The footsteps were a little swaying, and it seemed that she was dizzy.
"You don't go away, then fall." Dong Xuebin squinted: "You give me your arm, I am holding you."
"Oh, don't get in the way, you open your eyes, nothing."
Dong Xuebin was shocked. "Hey, how can I do that?" Hearing that she was still walking forward, Dong Xuebin was really afraid that she would fall. She had just showered and slipped, so she had to put her hand on her eyes. Take it down, boldly smashing the eyeball into a small gap, vaguely looking at Xie Huilan, grabbing her big arm to hold her, and following her to the pool.
Xie Huilan's face is much thicker, and she didn't rub her hand on her chest or underneath. Her face didn't twitch and unscrew the faucet. She washed her face generously, licked her mouth, and then looked back at her dizzy head. Dong Xuebin squeezed a smile, "I won't let you back, it's really bad, dizzy, hehe, go back to the house?"
Dong Xuebin hurryed and covered his eyes. "Yes, you go slowly."
"How do you go with your eyes closed? If you don't get in the way, let's open it."
"That..." Khan, the leaders are not shy, they are still ashamed.
Dong Xuebin slowly opened his eyes, but did not look forward, because then the light can also see Xie Huilan in the light, he put his gaze in the opposite direction, using the light to capture the road ahead, step by step Xie Huilan returned to the bedroom. After Xie Huilan got into the bed, Dong Xuebin dared to open his eyes, turned over the cupboard, and took out a white shirt and a pair of trousers from inside. "Xie, I haven’t passed through these clothes." It’s also cleaned up. If you don’t want to give up, let’s make do with it. I will buy clothes for you in the afternoon.
It’s not so light when I go to the toilet. It’s called what’s wrong.
"Oh, thank you."
After putting down the clothes on the bed, Dong Xuebin looked down and saw a pile of wet clothes that Xie Huilan threw on the chair. She turned around and asked her for advice. But she saw Xie Huilan’s already closed eyes, Dong Xuebin’s mouth. If you are on the side, swallow it back. As you ponder, just hold your clothes in your arms, carefully close the door, take the clothes to the bathroom, pour the washing powder into the enamel pot with peony flowers, and fade the clothes list. Put in the plastic basin.
Xie Huilan's bra is black, and it is embroidered with a bright red flower. It is very tempting.
Dong Xuebin was a little surprised. He really didn't think that Xie Huilan, the central leader, would wear this kind of hot underwear. The bigger the official, the more attention should be paid to the image should be more conservative? Oh, too, the underwear inside is invisible to others, who knows sexy?
Dong Xuebin swallowed and began to wash her clothes, gently rubbing the black bra.
Hey, Xie Jie is married, but she is alone in her family. Should she still be single? Hey, if you can have the opportunity to marry her as a wife, it is undoubtedly a great thing, and my political wisdom is not high. Xie is so smart, she can give herself a job at work. It is also a very important thing for her career to come to her. However, Khan, Dong Xuebin is just a matter of meaning, people are so beautiful, officials are so big, and their age is bigger than themselves. How can they look at themselves? And I am still prepared to talk to you about a vigorous love. How can you be half-hearted?
Autumn pants... shirts... trousers... coats...
After washing these things, Dong Xuebin will be able to put it into the dryer and roll it, then take Xie Huilan's short meat stockings.
The stockings may have stepped on the ground while on the shore, a bit broken, no need to wash again, but Dong Xuebin still carefully cleaned her. Dong Xuebin also rarely washes clothes for women. He does not want to take Xie Huilan's flattering. He mainly wants to satisfy his own inner feelings, and has passed the addiction and eye addiction. Otherwise, he missed this time and will have a chance to bump in the future. Central beauty led underwear and stockings? I haven't got this store after this village.
When I washed all the clothes, Dong Xuebin was very satisfied and hung them around the heating in the living room.
I opened my door to the bedroom and wanted to see Xie Huilan's situation. But when I saw it, it was a piece of white flower. Xie Huilan might have turned over. At this time, she turned her back to herself. The whole body was exposed from the neck to the foot. Outside the quilt. Dong Xuebin’s heart was hot. He pressed the pressure impulse and walked slowly to the bed. He squeezed the quilt and gave it to Xie Huilan. In fact, the eyes were not stunned, but this position must be done. Who knows Xie Huilan will I don't wake up suddenly, so it's a respect for the leader to keep my eyes open.
Huh, I am very blessed today, holding her in the water, kissing her on the shore, carrying her at the door of the house, looking at her in the toilet, and licking her underwear and touching her stockings...
Recollecting the scene of the scene, Dong Xuebin looked at the watch with enthusiasm and simply went downstairs to buy clothes and shoes for Xie Huilan. Taking advantage of Xie Huilan's black high-heeled shoes, Dong Xuebin bought a pair of high-heeled shoes of the same size in the nearby shopping malls, and then went to the counter selling women's clothes to get clothes. After the checkout, Dong Xuebin and the store floor The pharmacies that were linked together bought some cold granules and antipyretics, and they came home.
For more than an hour in the past, I don’t know Xie’s wake up.
Hey, Dong Xuebin opened the door with a large bag of clothes and saw Xie Huilan on the phone as soon as he entered.
"...also gives you a New Year's greeting, huh, huh, not used, I am now... cough and cough... I haven't been with my family now... I don't get in the way, I have a cold... um... um... cough and cough... huh I want to take it, I don’t have to go all the way, just like this, okay?
Xie Huilan is leaning on the door frame of the bathroom, her hair is wet, and it smells like a shampoo. Changed to Dong Xuebin's shirt and slacks, slightly larger, but barely fit. Put down the phone, Xie Huilan smiled and rubbed his eyebrows, look at Dong Xuebin, eyes on the bra in the living room hanging on the autumn pants, "...sorry, huh, let you help me wash the clothes."
Dong Xuebin’s face was slightly hot, and he quickly said:
I think the clothes are very good. The river ditch has a taste. If you don’t wash it at night, you can’t wash it out, so you didn’t agree with it... that, hanging in the living room. Because there is heating, if it is not right, I will hang it on the drying platform? It is slower to dry."
Xie Huilan waved his hand. "It doesn't matter. Say it's not so polite."
"...Oh, are you taking a shower? How are you feeling?"
"Do not wash it, the head is still dizzy, maybe a little fever."
"Hey, that's exactly why I bought antipyretics. Yes, clothes and high heels are also bought for you. You still wear new ones. My clothes are not too... not very good." Dong Xuebin raised his hand. A pile of clothes, eyes inadvertently fell on Xie Huilan's shirt, the heart immediately jumped up in disappointment, his shirt was white, very thin, Xie Huilan did not wear anything, chest printed on the shirt two The small mark is very obvious, whether it is traces or curved, it is very clear.
Xie Huilan couldn't find this problem, but she was very calm, and she didn't hide it. She smiled and moved her shoulder. "Your clothes are very good, and it is comfortable to wear a bit wider, huh, you bought these, etc. I changed it when I left. Now I have no strength, no cough, no cough, yes, clothes are expensive? Come, I will give you money."
Dong Xuebin helped her with a sigh of relief: "You don't ask me to raise money. Try the thermometer first, and it is the right thing to hurry up."
She turned over the thermometer from the drawer and gave it to her. Dong Xuebin knew that she was not convenient to unlock the button here. She turned into the kitchen and took a little rice porridge with the leftover rice yesterday. After Dong Xuebin took the porridge bowl out, Xie Huilan also took out the watch, looking at the degree - thirty-eight degrees nine.
Dong Xuebin stunned. "No, it’s a dizzy, this is a high fever. You should drink the porridge soon, and then take the medicine." Blowing the heat of the porridge bowl, Dong Xuebin put the spoon in and carefully Handed it to her, "You are careful, hot." Dong Xuebin is really concerned about her distressed her, is that kind of man's concern for women, but this thing can not be called Xie Huilan know, if she let her know that she is so to her A little bit of inconsistency, isn't it easy to get close to the relationship? So Dong Xuebin tried to expose himself to a subordinate's expression of concern for leadership.
After drinking porridge and taking medicine, Dong Xuebin took her back to the hut to let her lie down.
I thought that Xie Huilan was taking a few mouthfuls of water. It’s not so bad. Now it’s better to go to the hospital because of such a high fever. I can’t think of Dong Xuebin’s suggestion. I have already suggested her when I was on the river bank. Xie Huilan Didn’t listen, if I urged her to go to the hospital again, although it was kind, I might have left someone with the illusion that she would not welcome her. This is not beautiful, some words... can say it again. Can say two times but can't say the third time.
Lying in the bed, Xie Huilan looked at Dong Xuebin, "not only saved my life, but also took care of me after the busy year, coughing, coughing, and swearing."
Dong Xuebin gave her a quilt cover. "Yes, I have been busy for two days. It will be fine for you to take care of you for three or five days. Right, is your lover there? Is it necessary to make a call?" This sentence is purely temptation.
Xie Huilan smiled shallowly and gracefully licked the hair before the forehead. "I haven't gotten married yet, how about you? Have a girlfriend?"
not married? Dong Xuebin smiled in his heart, "Hey, I am... no object."
"Oh, if you are so young, you will be given a deputy. I will definitely have someone chewing on the back. I also came over like this. If I let me suggest, you should consider considering the family. At least, you are too young and immature. The people will be a lot less." Xie Huilan smiled and smiled, "Oh, but I am not qualified to say you, I am also here... well, it is easy to live alone, right?"
"You are right."
"You, you and yours." Xie Huilan shook his head and shook his head. "Don't take me as a leader, okay?"
"Hey, um." Dong Xuebin said that your official prestige is so full, and you can't move the "good", "good" or "right" leadership. I can't take you as a leader, but Dong Xuebin I also know that this does not blame Xie Huilan. I have to hone for a few years in her position. The tone of speech is not changed in one day or two. In which position, you have to say which position, " think now Do you feel better?"
"Much better, the scorpion is not so itchy."
"That's good, do you want to eat some food at night? Is it a lighter match? I don't have a good cooking. Would you like me to go out and buy a few dishes?"
"Don't bother, drink porridge." Xie Huilan suddenly patted the bed, "Xiao Dong, you come sit down."
Dong Xuebin hesitated and sat halfway on the bed with respectful respect.
Suddenly, Xie Huilan gently reached over and pulled Dong Xuebin’s hand.
Dong Xuebin was shocked, I am x, what do you mean? Do you touch my hand?
Xie Huilan’s next move made him know that he was self-confident. Xie Huilan smiled and raised another hand and slowly patted Dong Xuebin’s back.
Xiao Dong, I’ve done all these things for you. In my heart, thank you, huh, huh, I may be a bit wrong, but in the ground of Beijing, I still have a little energy. If you encounter something, you will come to me."
Dong Xuebin noticed that she is not talking about the Central Propaganda Department, but the capital city.
She has influence with the entire capital? Isn't she the news bureau?
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