Chapter 1434: [The booth that was left out in Lishui County]

Two days later. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)
Saturday, more than five in the morning.
Most of the day is still dark, but at the end of the sky, there is a slight smear of white fish that is gradually spreading, and the light of the street lamp is sprinkled on the street.
Dong Xuebin went out and called Zhang Longjuan when he got on the bus.
"Hey, Zhang Jie, are you busy?"
"No busy, ha, what happened to my little handsome guy?"
"I just want to confirm with you the time and number of tickets."
"Calculating the time difference, are you there in the early morning? Is it so early?"
"Yeah, today is the Merchants Association. I have to go to the city later. I must go some early. In fact, I should have prepared it yesterday. However, there was something wrong in the city. The venue has not yet borrowed it. Today, there are still a lot of things to be busy, so the ticket must be discussed with you first, um, or else book three? Is your company executives also coming? Three enough?"
"You don't care about the ticket."
"We can reimburse it here."
"Is this money sister still can't afford it?"
"Yes, what are you doing?"
"Hah, sister, look at the time, and give you a surprise at the time."
"What surprise? You can come, just look at your time."
"Reassured, my sister must have passed, but I have to arrange the things here first. If the time is good, let me wait for your sister Zhang’s letter."
"Oh, know that you are busy, don't worry."
"Don't worry, ha, that's not to say, my sister has a call."
"Cheng. You are busy with you. If the time is fixed, you will call me and say it."
It’s not anxious to say that Dong Xuebin’s heart is not so indifferent. The estimated plan and actual situation have changed a lot. Dong Xuebin now wants to eat this reassurance as soon as possible, but Zhang’s work is still reliable. The two also have such a deep relationship. There should be no change. He and Zhang Longjuan can be regarded as the friendship between life and death. I think that Dong Xuebin has a certain heart. I called again while driving.
"Hey, the city's China Merchants Office. [Yezi] [Yuyou]"
"I am Dong Xuebin who is in charge of investment in Lishui County."
"Oh, it’s the county magistrate. I’m just going to inform you."

Is the venue booked? Is it going now?

"Yes, you are all ready. You can come over now. You can remember the address. It is the central park on the second street of Shinan Road."

The size of the China Merchants Association is relatively large. There is no venue for the scale. The temporary decision to arrange facilities and booths in the central park.

"okay, I get it."

The Merchants Association will open at nine o'clock, and you will arrive as soon as possible.

ten minutes later.
China Merchants Small Courtyard.
Dong Xuebin’s car came on, and he stepped on the brakes.
Yesterday, Dong Xuebin informed the people of China Merchants. Now that the people are all there, Zheng Dayou and Cheng Yujie have the most stable expression. Chen Yunsong’s face is a little impatient. Chang Juan and Gong Na are both yawning and have to get up at five or more. I definitely didn't sleep well.
"Dong County Magistrate." See Dong Xuebin, everyone is welcoming.
Dong Xuebin is not nonsense. "The venue is well arranged, ready to go."
Zheng Dayou reminded: "I haven't assigned a task yet, how to arrange it?"
Dong Xuebin thought quickly and said: "Chengda Sister. You will leave the China Merchants Group to sit down. If there are investors who come to visit, you can meet and arrange the logistics work at all times. You must ensure that you have nothing to lose." Xiang Xiaohong, "Well, Xiao Xiao, you also stay, when we have a good person on the other side, you are responsible for carrying out the field visit with the investors, you have a back-to-back on several projects, all in your heart, don't Holding the project single thought, it will give the investor a feeling of distrust. As for the floating of the policy, you can talk to the investor first. I really don’t know if you want to contact me and Zheng. If the investment association still needs someone else. You can come over at any time, you don't have to keep a place, you can be flexible. There is a need for people to move there. Well, the car also leaves one for you."
Xiao Hong immediately said: "Okay."
Cheng Yujie also said that he would complete the task. []
"Chengda Sister, Xiao Xiao, I can give you both here, I must not make a mistake, remember." Dong Xuebin repeatedly smashed them, because he knows that engaging in such work, it is likely that a small detail will determine success or failure. of. Dong Xuebin quickly assigned a good job and immediately said: "Everyone else gets on the bus, goes to the city, grabs a little, opens at nine o'clock, and has to arrange the booth. There are many things to be busy."
The driver, Lao Wei, has been waiting for them in the car.
The two new Passats were bought, black, and they looked very beautiful.
Chen Yunsong and Chang Juan went to Dong Xuebin's Land Rover. Chen Yunsong took over the steering wheel and Passat was Zheng Dayou and Gong Na.
The car is driving.
All the way to the city.
six thirty.
The sky is also bright.
In the downtown area of ​​Meihe River, almost half of the cars are parked outside the iron fence of the green grassy park. They are surrounded by a large circle. When they look at the license plates, most of them are domestically produced self-owned brands, all of which are merchants in Meihe City. The car of the bureau, a lot of people came, squinting down the fence, many booths have been set up temporarily, Dong Xuebin they are not too early, but not too late.
"What time is it?"
"Things move here!"
"Come on! It's too late!"
"Director Li, is Secretary Li here?"
"What happened? Can you forget the list? Forgot to come back to me!"
There was a lot of busy shouting in the park, and the atmosphere was very urgent.
Zheng Dayou, they also know that there is not much time. The cars Chen Yunsong and Gong Na will move the project leaflets from the Passat trunk to hundreds of copies. It is not light.
Chang Juan looked at Dong Xuebin, "Dong County Magistrate, it is enough to hand it over to us. You should have breakfast first. We will definitely be arranged when you come back."
Dong Xuebin yelled at them, "Are you going?"
Chang Juan said: "You must be able to catch up, you can rest assured."
Dong Xuebin said: "Well, I will bring you back soon."
Gong Na heard the words: "Don't leave the county magistrate, or I will buy it."
"You set up the booth, hurry, I will go back." Dong Xuebin drove off the bus.
Before 9 o'clock, the booth should be arranged. The time is absolutely enough, and there is no need to worry too much. Dong Xuebin is now worried about the issue of investors. Later, he contacted for a day or two. During the period, he also talked about two or three investors. As a result, when the company negotiated with the China Merchants Bureau to book a ticket to arrange a hotel, the other party said that there was something wrong with it. Finally, after a long period of tossing, an investor did not pull it. At the end of the report, the hotel only booked the hotel room. A few of the staff of the China Merchants Bureau made Dong Xuebin very faceless. After the county did not ask, Dong Xuebin did not take the initiative to report the progress. At the beginning, he also vowed to make a military writ. Now, with this achievement, Dong Xuebin couldn’t open his mouth. At least he had to wait for Zhang Longjuan to come and say, hey, I don’t know what Zhang Jie said. Time to arrive.
It’s not far from the stalls.
In order to save trouble, Dong Xuebin bought a big bag of buns, and there was a stuffing of meat. There was no such thing as fried liver. He could only buy some plastic-packed soy milk and bring it back to the rare one. .
The gate of the park.
Dong Xuebin took the opportunity to go in.
The staff of a city investment promotion bureau over there stopped him.
"you are?"
"I am from Lishui County."
"What do you call it?"
"Dong Xuebin."
The man glimpsed, it is estimated that he had heard the name of Dong Xuebin. He couldn’t help but glance at him. He immediately turned over from the box next to him and found a work permit to hand him,
Your pass.

Dong Xuebin took it. "Okay, thank you."
"The booth in Lishui County is behind."
"Always go inside?"
"Yes, this road has always been inward."
Dong Xuebin sighed, single-handedly compared the entry and exit card, and caught it on the clothes. It seems to be quite formal. This document is to better maintain the order of the venue, in case the unrelated personnel enter, and the second is also Differentiate the identity, otherwise the investment promotion staff of any county and district will basically not know each other's county and district. If the people in Lishui County pull the people from Chenggang County to think of it, it is a lot of money for the investors to send flyers. It is convenient to have a work permit, at least at a glance.
Inside the park.
The green grass is green and the morning is fresh.
The park is not small, and there are hills, but the back of the mountain is obviously not the venue. The booths are basically concentrated in the front square of the entrance.
Go and go.
Go and go.
Dong Xuebin looked at the booth at the left and right, but did not find the brand of Lishui County.
It took about three or two minutes to go in. Dong Xuebin saw Zheng Dayou and Chang Juan Gong Na and others, and they seemed to be arguing with others.
"This is too far!"
"There is no place in front."
"That can't be arranged for us here."

It’s not too biased, investors will go shopping inside and out.

"So why are other people's booths in a good place in front? What about our Lishui County?"
"Secretary Zheng, this is the exhibition area arranged above. You are useless to me. I am a errand, the booth has been fixed, and I can't change it."
"Who is it?"
"The mayor of China decided The staff member said a few words and left.
Only a group of people from the Lishui County Merchants Bureau left a black face without saying anything.
Dong Xuebin also calmed down and looked at the booths that hung their Lishui County brand. They were almost all under the hill. The location was the worst and farthest in all the booths, and even the temporary booths were better than others. The material is poor and the tables and chairs are old.
Hua Li, the deputy mayor in charge of investment promotion?
Hemp! Are you still dead?
China Merchants Association does not notify me in advance! Now give me this disgusting person?
Dong Xuebin had an ignition. At the time, Huilan’s account had not been counted with Huali. I didn’t expect the other party to smack himself on several occasions! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)
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