Chapter 161: [Yellow! 】

on Monday.
After the ups and downs of the weekend, Dong Xuebin still came to work with the mood of Xing Yi, and did not do anything else, just to be the deputy director of the grassroots.
Although Xie Huilan is helping her activities, the specifics have not yet been settled, but it is not far from the ten. It is estimated that there will be a letter of confidence in these two days. Therefore, what Dong Xuebin has to do with the unit recently is to make low-key and low-key and then low-key. An An has steadily mixed this transition period and must not make any mistakes before the transfer.
"Director Dong is early."
"Director Dong, good morning."
"Director Dong, I heard that you want to be promoted?", a member of the Finance Department who has a relationship with Dong Xuebin whispered.
Then, another person from the Disciplinary Committee also came up, "... Director Dong, are you going to move?"
Wei Xuebin was a little sweaty. "I don't know, hey, where did you know it?",
"Hey, everyone said that, you have to transfer to the public security system. Is this really true?"
Dong Xuebin said that there is nothing in this organ that can't help. Xie Huilan's activities are estimated to have alarmed a lot of people. This is probably the case. However, Dong Xuebin did not intend to hold everyone at first, so he answered a few words in a vague way and said that he was not very clear.
If you change to someone else, even if it is the deputy director of the General Office, I am afraid that I will not be able to alarm so many people, but it is necessary to transfer the director Xiao Dong, or to drop directly from the national security into the popular system of public security, this is It’s not the same, so in just half an hour, the branch office almost knows that Xiao Dong’s director wants to be promoted. For a time, everyone’s mistakes and regrets are regrettable, and they are reluctant to discuss what they have. .
The director of the deaf family, Xiao Dong, has the ability. The national security department has completed the public security. It is not a normal adjustment in such a big step. It seems that it is necessary to transfer the leadership position of the deputy department. This is not something that ordinary people can do. There is no point. Who will help you so much in the background? Oh, unfortunately, Director Xiao Dong has gone so far, what can be done after the troubled city west branch? No problem can be saved!
In the comprehensive office, Tan Limei Chang Juan and others also heard about this.
Wang Xin’s eyes are red.
Director Dong, are you really going to leave?
She was really reluctant to meet such a good leader.
Tan Limei is also the same, but Director Xiao Dong Gao Sheng, she can not say that he does not want him to go, "Director Dong congratulates you."
Chang Juan smiled and said: "Your rising speed is probably going to break the record.",
Dong Xuebin was happy to smile and said: "Not sure yet, don't say that, everyone work."
Guo Panwei also smiled and congratulated Dong Xuebin. When Director Xiao Dong entered the small office, Guo Panwei also followed the foot and went to the party to pour water into the water. Guo Panwei was very shocked when Director Xiao Dong wanted to transfer away. He knew that Director Xiao Dong was capable, but he did not expect that he could be so big, not only in a few months, but also in the short period of time. The deputy department even jumped out of the national security system, and went to the public security department to take up leadership positions. People who have normal backgrounds can't do this kind of thing. It has to have a big background.
Dong Xuebin knows why Guo Panwei is so enthusiastic today. He is remembering his position under his ass.
In the morning, Dong Xuebin neither actively nor scornfully helped the leaders send documents.
When he went to Xu Yan's office, Xu Yan suddenly stopped him. "Xiao Dong, sit down and talk."
Dong Xuebin knew that Xu Yan had also heard about it. He coughed and coughed, and I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t say hello to Xu Yan. It’s really not authentic.
Shu, cough, I am... ...",
Xu Yan looked at him. "Would you like to transfer?"
Dong Xuebin said: "It should be, but the specifics have not yet been fixed. I have never told you about it..." He did not dare to say that if Xu Yan refused to let himself go, what could Dong Xuebin do? Continue to let Xie Huilan help the event? That would make Xu Yan offended. Xu Yan is the biggest leader who helped him after Dong Xuebin entered the government. Dong Xuebin is very close to her. Of course, she doesn't want to be separated from her.
Xu Yan smiled a bit. "I thought you would be honest after you mentioned the sub-discipline." You, you can't help yourself.

Dong Xuebin smiled.
"Is it necessary to go to the grassroots level? The environment there is different from that in Beijing. You must pay attention to your side, especially your stinky temper. You must converge and converge." Xu Yan naturally reluctantly wants Dong Xuebin to go, such a close subordinate, so A subordinate who can go to a difficult situation, where to find it later? However, she was reluctant to give up. She was still happy with Dong Xuebin. "Public security is more open than Guoan. If you go, it will be good for your future development, especially at the grassroots level." Dong’s ability, it’s not difficult to make some achievements, let’s do it, don’t give me a shame!

Dong Xuebin said, I didn’t expect Xu Yan to say such words. I was slightly touched. "Director Xu, I, I have...",
Xu Yan understands what he is thinking and smiles: "To tell the truth, I don't want you to transfer, but for you this transfer really makes sense. Do you think I will delay your future?",
Dong Xuebin said with gratitude: "Thank you for the Xu Bureau." I have been causing a lot of trouble for you all the time. Your teachings are all in my heart.

Xu Yan smiled. "I really remembered it. My words, you have always been an ear."
"Cough, no."
"Okay." Xu Yan looked through the documents at hand and said, "Who do you think is suitable for picking up your class?"
Dong Xuebin was hesitant. "...this, my business is still not good." Well, but Guo Panwei is good, qualified enough, capable, and slick. "Dong Xuebin does not want to push Tan Limei or other people to go up, but the first is gender, and the second is qualifications. When Daokaner gets stuck, they don't have any choices. If you want to go, there is only Guo Pan. Wei.
Xu Yan nodded. "Well, you go back to work, don't be serious because you have to transfer your work, huh, huh."
"You can rest assured that I will definitely keep my last shift."
After returning to the comprehensive office, Dong Xuebin called Guo Panwei to the small office. "Climb sits down and sits."

Guo Panwei did not understand anything, carefully sitting opposite Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin smiled and looked at him. "Climbing, you are almost thirty years old? You are an old man who has been comprehensively organized. In the past few years, I have done a lot of work in general. I have a lot of heart and I have seen it in my eyes. Yes, Xu, I just asked me about it. "I gave you a look at her. You'd better be mentally prepared. My work here may make you take over.
"Ah?", Guo Panwei stunned, and immediately excited: "Thank you Director Dong for cultivation, thank you Director Dong!",
Dong Xuebin waved his hand "", and recently showed his good performance...", thinking of Xu Yan's words, he moved over like a cat, "Don't lose face to me." ",
Guo Panwei has been remembering the position of deputy director of the General Office since a long time ago, but there is no need for him to fight for it. He thought that when Director Xiao Dong left, he would definitely promote Tan Limei or Sun Zhuang who had a good relationship with him. Who wants Dong Xuebin to recommend himself as the deputy director. This makes Guo Panwei so excited that he can't speak. Director Xiao Dong has a very good relationship with Director Xu. Xu is unlikely to buy the face of Director Xiao Dong. This deputy director of myself... has basically been fixed!
Before noon, Dong Xuebin went to a few well-influenced leaders, where the director of the National Government of the Republic of China went to the city to meet. He was not in the office. The documentary committee secretary Song Shoujie and the general director Li Qing were all there. Everyone was small. Director Dong’s encouragement, he affirmed his work performance and told him to carry forward his spirit in other positions. Anyway, they are all official words.
After having lunch, Dong Xuebin, who was busy for one morning, returned to the office and everything was done, and he was ordered to go down.
However, the accident is always so sudden!
At about 12:20, when Dangdang and Tan Limei didn't knock on the door, they hurriedly pushed the door of Dong Xuebin's small office. "Director Dong! Not good!",
Xi Xuebin yelled at her, "What's wrong?" By relying on it, is it not a branch and it is on fire again?
Tan Limei pointed to the outside and said: "There is someone calling your name at the door of the compound. He said...say...","
"Call me?", Dong Xuebin glanced, "Call me why?"
"You... you still go out and listen."
Dong Xuebin snorted in his heart and walked quickly with Tan Limei. He looked at it, good guys, all the people in the hall looked out in the hallway, and there were several people in the political office who looked out the window. See Dong Xuebin, everyone whispered whispering. Dong Xuebin felt uncomfortable, and quickly looked out to the outside. It was too far away to see anything. He only knew that there was a middle-aged man standing outside the fence. The middle-aged man was pointing at the main building of the branch and shouting loudly!
"Dong Xuebin! You give me out! I know that you are working here! Don't think that I can't find you when I hide! What time do you owe my gambling debts? Ah? 250,000! One penny too Can't be less! You must give it to me before today! Dong Xuebin! Surname Dong! You give me a roll out and pay back! I am willing to gamble and lose! Come out to me!"
Wen Yan, Dong Xuebin's face is sinking!
The middle-aged people were very vocal, and the people who shouted the whole unit heard it. Everyone looked at the window with awkwardness. Director Xiao Dong still gambled? I owe more than 200,000 people?
Dong Xuebin picked up his mobile phone and dialed six calls. "Look for two people to turn the other person outside! I want to see who is framing me!", from the figure, Dong Xue Bin didn't know the middle-aged man at all. Since he called his own name, since he found his own unit, he must have been instructed by someone, Wei Nan? Guo Shunjie? Zhou Guoan? Yan Lei? Dong Xuebin’s offended people are also these four, except they will not have others! paralysis! Thinking about low-key thinking about not getting into trouble! If you don’t have a day or two, you should transfer it away! But his mother's troubles are always one by one!
Six people responsible for wiring: "Director Dong, we have sent people."
Dong Xuebin said: "Well, don't let him run!",
However, when I saw two people wearing police uniforms rushing into the compound, the middle-aged man was excited and ran.
Six police officers from six places chased them out, but after five minutes they failed to return. They didn't catch people!
Dong Xuebin was so angry that he ran away. Is this reasonable and unclear?
Dong Xuebin immediately said to the two police officers who came back: "You are both tired in the mess room for a while, if the person comes back, he must be caught."
The six police officers knew that Director Xiao Dong had a good relationship with the six leaders. He said: "You can rest assured!"
The discerning eye also saw it. At the first time of the incident, Director Xiao Dong was going to arrest people. The middle-aged man who should not go back to the debt, but ran off the ground, apparently someone The chance of framing Director Xiao Dong is enormous, and now it is at a critical time for Director Xiao Dong to work. This may be even bigger. It seems that there is anyone who wants to undermine the promotion of Director Xiao Dong.
Tan Limei looked angry and said: "Director Dong, this is someone who has framed you!"
Guo Panwei angered: "The means are too mean, but the average person will not believe."
In the past, the West Branch did not have a similar incident. The leader of a finance department had a lover outside. The result was known to the lover’s husband. He found the West Branch to yell and scream, and finally six. When I came out to control people, I finally lost it, but the leader of the Finance Department was later transferred to a false position, and did not move any more after retirement.
Dong Xuebin has calmed down a bit. This matter should not affect himself. After all, the doubts are too much to end his career without a single evidence. How simple is it! But who did this thing do? The technique is so arrogant, it should not be the person who works in the institution. Yes, Wei Nan is the most likely! Paralyzed! This bastard! If you find evidence! See if I can't kill you!
I waved to let the staff of the comprehensive office continue to work. Dong Xuebin returned to his office.
When the Secretary came back from the meeting at noon, should he explain the explanation to him? Xu Yan seems to have to say that, but I can't think about it. It seems that there is no such thing as a silver-free one hundred and two. Yes, wait until the middle-aged person talks about the hand, and don't believe that he doesn't tell the truth. So that I can explain it clearly.
Wait, wait, wait, the middle-aged people are not coming back.
Dong Xuebin instead waited for a call from Xie Huilan.
"Hey, Xiao Dong, have you offended the leadership of your unit?",
Dong Xuebin’s expression is
what happened?

"No? Then why do you not have to agree to the transfer of the first and second hands of your branch?"
Dong Xuebin’s squatting in the hole reveals a rush of "Xie Sister, you also know that I have dealt with a lot of difficulties for the branch to save a lot of fire, and the offending leader can’t talk, but the leader may trust me too much, so I don’t want to let me go. And just now, someone called me at the door of our unit and said that I owe him a gambling debt, but there is no gambling at all. I don’t know that person. I guess Wei Nan huā money hired someone to frame me! ",
"...has this thing?",
It happened twenty minutes ago. ,
Xie Huilan said: "Xiao Dong, I have already opened the road for you, and the appointment book can be brought down at any time. But if the head of your unit is to let you live and die, I have no way. You know that this is not the father’s personal opening, my father. There... my face is limited and can only help you to open the relationship, but other things...",..."
Dong Xuebin was anxious. "If the Secretary does not let people go, I will not be able to go?",
"It can be said that if the top leader is pressing on you, it would be useless to want to leave you. After all, your relationship is now in the West Branch, Xiao Dong. You should do the above work as soon as possible, as long as your secretary nods, you The appointment has arrived in two days, yes, don't drag it too long, otherwise I am here... okay?"
Hang up the phone." Dong Xuebin took a heavy shot of the table, Mom! What kind of disgusting things let me catch up?
Does the Secretary not let go? I have made so many contributions to the branch! So much power! Ok! Now I am going to be promoted! I want a bright future! You are not letting me go? Don't let me stay in the branch to continue to give you a fire? Continue to give you ass? Do you have anything to do with this!
Dong Xuebin wanted to get more and more fire, but when he thought of Xu Yan’s embarrassment, he pressed the fire and wanted to talk to the Secretary.
Different length office.
Hey, when I heard the knock on the door, Yan Anguo said that he would please.
Dong Xuebin entered the house, "Hey Secretary."
At first glance, Xiao Dong, who laughed and laughed a second ago, immediately slammed his face and frowned. "Xiao Dong, Guoan's rules, you should know, you still gamble?"
Dong Xuebin bit his teeth and resisted the temper: "I swear at the door that I don't know. I am the Secretary. I am who you should be clear. How can I go to gamble as a civil servant? I even have that person." I don't know, this is someone who framed me!",
Pan'an National Road: "I don't care whether it is true or not, but you all make people come to the unit, that is, you are not in the job!",
"But my roots come...",
"No explanation!",
The fire that Dong Xuebin finally pressed down came up again. "Hey, Secretary, I am working because of this..."
Zhai Anguo looks at him "Xiao Dong, you are still young, you still need to hone. Now when you step by step and step by step, the grassroots level is still too early. I am also thinking about you. You look at today's business. ... yelling at the gate of Guoan is too bad. What do you think of other people in the branch? Ah? What do you think of the people? You, still, in the branch, stepping on the temper, waiting for the time, I Naturally, I will promote you, Xiao Dong, don't worry, you can't eat a fat man."
Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief. "I feel more satinable at the grassroots level."
Pan'an National Road: "If you follow this immature look, you will definitely fall to the head, or the kind that you can't get up again when you fall, I just came from the grassroots. I know less than you. Dong, I am thinking for you!",
Dong Xuebin is angry, one for one for my consideration, one for one, for me, you really want to think about why I took my transfer? Do you know how many people I have sinned for this? what? I haven't gone yet. How do you know that I can't? You are thinking for yourself! Not for me at all!
"Xiao Dong, this matter does not need to say that I and the political commissar pass, she also means this.
The first hand and the second handle are not released. Even if Director Jiang is open to the person, this transfer will not work! In exchange for the transfer of the average person, the top hand is unlikely to be so dead. If you can’t hold it, you will probably want to offend people and leave people. Who doesn’t know the beauty of adulthood? But Director Xiao Dong is different. His importance to the West Branch is too great.
This time, Zhai Anguo was ironic. In fact, why did he not understand the situation at the branch office? Someone deliberately framed Dong Xuebin? However, Zhai Anguo did not want to let Dong Xuebin go, so he used this to stop Dong Xuebin’s transfer with a tough attitude. There is no way to make An Guo also love and hate Xiao Dong. Although the things of Xiao Dong and Yan Lei end up making themselves very faceless, but Xiao Dong really has real skills, how can such a good talent make him go? He also set himself in the ground for consideration of Dong Xuebin. As he said, the grassroots can be no worse than the capital. Xiaodong’s unspeakable temper is the deputy director, and he has to get into trouble.
But when I think that I can do this, I might let Xiao Dong have an idea in my heart. He said: "Wait a minute, after we have the right position in our office, I will help you solve the problem of your deputy, and wait a few years. Keep your temper steady, and then consider the things at the grassroots level.
"He didn't have no selfishness. When he first came, the city west branch had so much trouble. If he wanted to come, he wouldn't be less. If Director Xiao Dong really left, then where can I find a second director? Therefore, a very small promise of the Ang'an country only approved the promotion of Xiao Dong. He felt that the sweetness he had given him was already enough. Only when he entered the agency for a few months, he went to the deputy department. The pressure on the top of the country was also great!
For Dong Xuebin, this is obviously far worse!
Sub-disciplinary position?
Is the sub-discipline function of the Guoan Branch and the deputy department of the grassroots level? It’s a hundred thousand miles!
After a few years, go to the grassroots level? At that time, it is impossible for me to directly correct the subject! At most, it is a sub-disciplinary job! Clearly, you can let me wait a few years? Let me waste a few years in the West Branch? I am almost twenty-four years old, and I started to be later than others. I have been able to delay for so many years!
Dong Xuebin is almost confused not willing to fight with the Secretary for a few words.
But the attitude of Zhai Anguo is very clear--it is not letting people go!
Too disgusting! !
Disgusting to the family! !
After I was exhausted and tired, I took a lot of political achievements for the branch office. But in the end, is this the end?
Just because an inexplicable person shouted something unfounded at the door of the unit, would I be forced to rise to the official? Just because I have too many merits, because I have too much credit, you use me to use it, regardless of my future? Still want me to stay here to wipe your to fight the fire? I also rub your uncle to wipe! Why? My merits are still wrong? Not so bullying people! Not so selfish! ?
[Long time no request for a ticket! Let's take a look at the ticket! Thanks! 】

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