Chapter 1693: [Han Fei's father's phone! 】

New office.
There are too many people in the cafeteria. Dong Xuebin didn’t eat it inside. Instead, he took the meal back and ate it in the empty office area. It feels good. The second snack in the second canteen is also exceptional. Well, the meat is very good. Dong Xuebin ate a full 10%. After two full meals, he ordered a cup of green tea and sipped, and he sighed comfortably, then he took it out leisurely. A few documents, slightly familiar with the familiar work, in fact, there is nothing familiar with it, the nature of the work in the second room of the ninth room is almost exactly the same as the second room, the only difference is the scope of work, the provinces in charge of monitoring are not the same.
Bell bell.
The phone rang at the table.
Dong Xuebin picked up his hands and said, "Hello, nine rooms."
Now this is the commander of the light pole, and the people have not reported it yet, and even have not yet settled, so he can only answer the phone.
"Xiao Dong?" The head was a male voice.
Dong Xuebin listened familiarly. "I am, are you?"
"I Zhu Weiye." is the eighth room director Zhu Weiye.
Dong Xuebin is amazed, "Hello Director Zhu, what is your command?"
Zhu Weiye said: "You are now in the ninth room. I can't tell you, just ask you something. I just read the dispatcher from the ninth room newspaper and nominated it. How do you have the name of Han Fei? Is it the person the director wants, or do you want it?"
Dong Xuebin was indulged. "I want it."
Zhu Weiye said: "If you are a little Han, this comrade is still young. I will hone and hone in the eighth room and say that I will arrange it for her in the future." It is said that a room director does not want to let people go, and does not need to give Dong. Xuebin called, and people can put it in a word, but Zhu Weiye obviously knows the background of Dong Xuebin. He also knows that Han Fei’s father is not an ordinary person, so he only played one. His meaning is also obvious, that is, he does not want to let Han Fei went, waiting for the time to mature. He will also arrange other duties for Han Fei.
I heard that Zhu Weiye didn't want to let go. Dong Xuebin is not happy either. "Director Zhu, I am looking at Xiaohan's young, hard-working. There is vitality. Our department has just been established. The whole office is me alone. It is the eagerness of Xiaohan. At that time, she needs to come here to shine. Your eighth room has matured all the time, and all the links and all kinds of work are on the right track. Without Xiaohan, you will not lose, but we are not the same here. I can't easily ask for a person, you can't stop it."
Zhu Weiye said: "He Zhou is also a good place in the second place. People are very capable and have sufficient qualifications."
"He Zhou is not bad." Dong Xuebin said: "We have no place to arrange in the second place. Without his position, can't you let people adjust it? Or is it a deputy-level inspector? Xiaohe I don't estimate it. Willing, Director Zhu, or else, do you respect the meaning of Han Fei? Do you want to see if Han Han wants to leave, let her stay, I don’t say anything, but she wants to come, then you Available to me."
Zhu Weiye said: "Your boy is doing a good job. When the front foot just walks, the foot is on the corner."
Dong Xuebin said: "It's not all for work, Director Zhu, Xiao Han, you really have to give it to me. I can't do it without her here."
"I will talk to Xiao Han first." The phone was broken.
Dong Xuebin knows that Zhu Weiye is not very happy. In addition to his wife’s help and the help of the people in the family, Zhu Weiye’s estimation is also a blessing to go. Dong Xuebin is also self-aware, and he is too irritating, and One jealousy is a big event. Zhu Weiye didn’t know it before. Now he knows Dong Xuebin’s temper tantrum. Where is he willing to put him to the side? Maybe when the big thing happened, Zhu Weiye said that he would not be implicated, but Han Fei Not the same, although the Koreans are a little bit spicy, they are relatively law-abiding. They will also like leaders to like, good relationships, no big troubles, fathers are the big members of the middle-group-part, which leaders do not want this. Kind of people? Dong Xuebin’s cross-cutting love this time, Zhu Weiye is happy to blame.
But then again, this is Dong Xuebin’s dignitary. If he changes the director of another department, Zhu Weiye will not ask if he even asks, he can’t hold it here, no one can do it, Dong Xuebin can The mouth, or the attitude that non-Han Fei does not want, the situation is different. Of course, there may be the relationship of Fang Wenping, which is not a good boy.
in the afternoon.
The eighth room.
Han Feigang and his colleagues went back to the office to sit down, Yin Chengan walked out of the house and looked at Han Fei Road: "Xiao Han, Director Zhu is looking for you."
Han Feiyi, "Which director Zhu?"
"Which director Zhu in the eighth room?" Yin Chengan also estimated that he had some letters, saying: "Hurry up, it should be a good thing." Then I went back.
He Zhou slammed a voice: "Xiao Fei, is this going to rise?"
Han Fei said: "No? I have never heard of it?"
"What does the director of the room look for? What is your heart?" Sun Zhaobang said with a smile: "It must be good news, hey, I really can't bear you."
He Zhou also said with emotion: "Yes, there will be no pistachio in our office."
Han Fei smiled and said: "Join you all the time, I am happy! I am still happy, I am OK, I am going, waiting for my news!" On the surface, Lele, actually, Han Fei is also very Hey, she has been remembering the deputy level for a long time. She also knows that she has no further seats and opportunities in this short period of time. Because she has insufficient qualifications, the only hope is this adjustment. Therefore, the more psychologically, the more inevitable Suffering from the loss, she has been staring at this thing these days.
Office of the Director.
Han Fei knocked on the door, "Director."
Zhu Weiye looked at her and smiled cheerfully. "Sit down."
"Hey." Han Fei sat across from him, "Look for me?"
Zhu Weiye thought for a moment and said, "I will open the door. I want you to go there in the ninth room. What do you think? Tell me about it."
Han Fei blinked. "I obey the arrangement."
Zhu Weiye said: "I haven't arranged yet. Just ask what you mean."
"I..." Han Fei said, "I am going."
Zhu Weiye had no choice but to help. He shook his head. "You don't have enough qualifications. You should also know that I still want you to exercise in the eighth room. It is also to cultivate your work experience and ability." I will arrange an important position for you later."
Han Fei was busy: "Director Zhu, you have been taking care of me since I came to the eighth room. I know in my heart, thank you."
Zhu Weiye smiled and said: "Get it, I am happy to hear you."
Han Fei immediately waved his hand. "I don't have Director Zhu. I don't really want to go. But the tenth room in the ninth room is a newly established department. When it is necessary to manpower, if I can contribute my own strength. That must be better, so..."
Zhu Weiye pointed to her, "I will talk, hehe, well, even if you say so, then go, your specific position is still not fixed, but it should be the second place in the ninth room, the level is estimated I will mention one level. In the past two days, people from relevant departments will talk to you. You should be prepared."
Han Fei, "The ninth room two? The director of the director?"
Dong Xuebin never said anything to Han Fei, and he did not disclose any information to her. So Han Fei thought that Dong Xuebin didn’t want her. He turned a blind eye to the signal that he wanted to work with him. He did not expect to His own is actually two rooms.
Zhu Weiye knows that things have been fixed. As long as he let people go, Han Fei will definitely go. Since he can’t keep Han Fei, it doesn’t matter if he sells Dong Xuebin’s face.
You’re promoting this time, that’s what Mr. Dong wants. This kid also let me talk, saying that you don't want it, I value you very much."
Han Fei looked strange and apparently did not expect it.
"Okay, go back, be prepared." Zhu Weiye said.
In fact, after seeing the list of the 9-room newspaper, Zhu Weiye knew that he might not be able to stay in Han Fei. If he said nothing, he said that Han Fei’s father would not be able to handle it. Hey, others want Han Fei to give her a rise. Job He Zhu Weiye does not let people down? This is all trouble. In that case, Han Fei’s father may have an idea for him. Since it is the person that Dong Xuebin wants, Han Fei wants to go here, and Zhu Weiye can’t say anything, he may I just want to tell Han Fei in this way that I am not taking care of her. If you stay, you will be given a good position at the time, but the time is not there.
Han Fei thanked Zhu Weiye again, and then he left.
After leaving the corridor, the first thing she did was to call Dong Xuebin. "Hey, Director Dong, thank you."
When Dong Xuebin heard it, he knew that Director Zhu had let go. "No thanks, report it as soon as possible. There are a lot of work waiting for you here."
Han Feidao: "Good!"
About half an hour later.
Dong Xuebin’s cell phone received another unexpected call. It was actually Han Fei’s father Han Zhenghe’s call.
Is Dong Xuebin? I am Han Zhenghe.

Dong Xuebin, "Hello, Secretary Han."
Han Zhenghe slowly said: "I heard that Xiaofei is going to work for you? This girl made me spoiled when I was a child. You don't have to give me face. The criticism is criticized. The embarrassment will be embarrassing." The meaning is obvious to let Dong Xuebin take care of Han Fei in the future.
Dong Xuebin said, "I can, Xiaofei has a very good ability, and people are very sensible. I still criticize her, waiting for her to help me."
Han Zhenghe did not mention this matter any more. "If you have time, come to the house to have a meal, let my lover cook, huh, huh."

It’s awkward.
Dong Xuebin said:
When you arrive, you must visit the door.
(To be continued.)
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