Chapter 175: [Take the case! 】

At noon, Dong Xuebin was appointed as the leader of the website hacking case team. The people in the county bureau heard that this was a little unbelievable. The case was a fire pit, and it was too late to hide. What is the relationship between Director Dong, who is still jumping tightly? Where are such stupid people? However, after seeing the angry expression of Director Dong, all the talents understand that it seems that the people are not voluntary. It is estimated that the deputy director Hu Yiguo has played a means to push the director Dong up. One day is not here, this responsibility is all for Director Dong.
Back at the office, Dong Xuebin threw the documents in his hand to the table. It’s true that his mother is being deceived by people! Another day, how can I solve the case! ?
Hey, someone knocked in the door, "Director Dong."
Incoming is a man of about 30 years old. Dong Xuebin met him at the office of the director. He is called Qin Yong. He is the deputy director from the provincial public security department. He is also the youngest deputy director of the county bureau except Dong Xuebin. People are very spirited and very aggressive.
Dong Xuebin collected the angry face. "Qin, please sit down and find me something?"
Qin Yong handed a cigarette to him. "...I am looking for you to sit. You are in the task force of the task force, is it arranged by Director Hu?"
Dong Xuebin took a sip of cigarettes and said with a smile: "Besides who Hu can still have, Hu is really a selfless person. I have given such an important burden to me and I trust him too much!"
Qin Yong heard the irony in his tone and patted Dong Xuebin's arm. "We are the one who is the Secretary of Hu. When you have credit, you must be at the forefront. If you have difficulty, you must hide in the last place. Director Hu is this. People, I also ate his loss when I first came." Qin Yong and Hu Yiguo have a very bad relationship with the county bureau. I know that the new director Dong was also calculated by Hu Yiguo, plus Dong Xuebin. He is also a young cadre, so Qin Yong came over to talk to him.
Dong Xuebin pressed the fireway: "There is no such thing as him. It is obviously the mouth of his management. What is it for me? The leader of the bureau actually agreed!"
Qin Yong frowned. "This is not the right thing. It is reasonable to say that such a clear shirking responsibility, Director Liang will not agree."
Dong Xuebin spread his hand. "Liang is also very happy to be the leader of this team. Who do I provoke who is this?"
Qin Yong is a little sympathetic to him. Indeed, this matter is too disgusting. "Director Dong, I am not good at hearing this case. This case is not broken. Now the county leaders are angry. You still have to think about the way back, don't take it. Go in yourself."
Everyone thinks that Dong Xuebin is unlucky, and no one thinks that he can break the case.
After Qin Yong left, Dong Xuebin swallowed the smoke and swallowed the cigarette in the ashtray. It was already here, and complaining was useless. This is a crisis for himself, but Isn't it an opportunity? Paralysis, I still don't believe it, I am still going to break the case! Dong Xuebin is coming up, he wants to turn responsibility into political achievements!
In the thermostatic machine room.
Dong Xuebin, who was angry, didn’t even change his shoes. The big shoes stepped in directly.
What happened?

Here is the office of the task force, in addition to the three newly graduated college police in the county bureau, there are two comrades in the information security center of the city bureau.
Wang Bo, deputy head of the task force, said with a sad face: "Dr. Dong, still found nothing, the criminals are very neat, the traces are clean, and the original line is not even worse than his real IP. The address, what you can do now is to wait for the rabbit and wait for the other party to come again."
Dong Xuebin said: "If he comes, how confident can you find him?"
Wang Bo thought for a moment, "The county government government website has 80% confidence."
Dong Xuebin, what is it? What is the problem? Waiting for the other party to drop the net is not enough?
Wang Bo saw his thoughts and explained: "The reason why we grasp this is that all five of us are on the website of the county government, although we can't defend against each other's attacks, but as long as he dares to come, we are five people. Heli should be able to find him, but the other party is very embarrassed. He just made a case. He will definitely not come to the county government website in a short time. The hacker attacked the website of the Cultural Bureau and attacked the website of the Propaganda Department. We don't know where his next goal is."
Dong Xuebin said: "If you keep a stall?"
"The power is scattered. We can't deal with him alone. The other side is very technical." Half a month ago, Wang Bo used this method to wait for the rabbits, but the criminals were too embarrassed. When they prepared for the counterattack, The other party did not reappear, or unexpectedly attacked other places. After everyone reacted, the hacker had already gotten his hands and lost the trace, so no one was confident that this old method could be used to capture the criminals unless the other party suddenly Become stupid, willing to vote for the net.
Dong Xuebin has always been ignorant of this aspect of hackers. Listening to him saying this, he blinks. "I understand that you are right, that is, just know the website or server where the hacker wants to attack." Can you lay out the layout in advance and find him?"
Wang Bo nodded, "There should be more than 70% of the grasp."
"...How long does it take to prepare?"
"The main thing to prepare is me and Xiao Wang. Xiao Han is responsible for entanglement with the other party. It also requires some software preparation, as well as an administrator account. If it is full, five minutes will suffice."
For a moment, Dong Xuebin’s confession was clear, relying on it, it’s so simple? You said it early!
Wang Bo stunned, and did not understand how Secretary Dong suddenly looked relaxed. "Director Dong, five minutes may not seem much, but this contest is often between the electric and the Flint, if the other party suddenly attacks a certain department. Website, we are ready to rush to prepare, the other party has already succeeded, it is too late to trace his address." Five minutes, that is the difference between heaven and earth, the other party is dark in the Ming, this side has an absolute advantage.
Dong Xuebin waved his hand. "Okay, go to work. If the criminal attacked which website, tell me immediately!"
"Can the Board of Directors..." Wang Bo was afraid that Director Dong did not understand. He also wanted to explain the explanation. It can be seen that Dong Xuebin was sitting in front of a computer behind the computer room. He did not say anything, smiled and several colleagues. A glance at the heart, the heart said that the layman is really a layman, things are really so simple, this month they caught the man countless times! There are so many websites of the county government and the government, and it is almost impossible to predict the websites that the other party will attack in advance.
Dong Xuebin played a mine-sweeping game on the back computer. It is necessary to know that it is a matter of time. He wants to be the leader of this task force. Where is it to take responsibility? Hu Yiguo clearly points to his own hand to deliver political achievements! Oh, of course, the premise is that criminals still dare to attack, but judging from the arrogant attitude of criminals this month, the other party is interested in targeting the government of Yantai County. Should there be follow-up malicious attacks?
Dong Xuebin can only do what he wants. Anyway, other people can't see himself. He played an afternoon mine sweeping and playing cards.
One hour……
three hours……
Five hours...
After work hours have arrived, but there are more than ten hours left from the time limit set by the county leaders. Today, it is definitely necessary to work overtime. Dong Xuebin will let people go out and buy a box lunch, and a group of people will stare at the computer while eating in the computer room. In the evening, everyone sleeps backwards in shifts. This sleeps for a while and sleeps for a while.
As time went by, Dong Xuebin was not so calm, and his heart gradually became impatient. Why didn’t he still come? It’s almost dawning!
At four or five o'clock, Dong Xuebin couldn't hold on, and he fell asleep on the table.
I don't know how long it took, a shout sounded in my ear. "Come on! On the website of our county public security bureau! Xiao Wang! Xiao Han! Get up!"
Dong Xuebin was awakened, blinking, and several network policemen were rushing to the computer.
Wang Bo slammed the keyboard while he was commanding. "Little Han, entangle him, don't let him run, Xiao Wang, catch up, don't let him discover."
The next moment, a network policeman from the city bureau took a picture and said with anger: "Run! The action is too fast!"
The other city bureau also sighed: "I have not caught up."
"Mom!" Wang Bo swears a swear word, and sure enough!
Seeing this, Dong Xuebin’s sleepiness disappeared, and he clenched his fist and said:
K six minutes!

The picture changes!
In the eyes of the chubby Hu Yiguo is looking at himself contemptuously, "Xiao Dong, you are still too young."
Dong Xuebin said that he was in a dream, but it wasn't. He slept six minutes ago, so he hurriedly shook his head and shouted. Dong Xuebin suddenly opened his eyes. Wang Bo still worked at the computer, it seems to be Sudu did not close his eyes, Xiao Wang and Xiao Hanyu screamed at the table, and the comrades of the two city bureaus also leaned against the chairs.
"Wake up!" Dong Xuebin stood up and stood up.
Wang Boyi, "Director Dong, what happened?"
Xiao Wang Xiaohan and others are also screaming and screaming, and do not understand what is going on.
Dong Xuebin raised his hand and faked the keyboard, and then ordered: "Go to the website of our Public Security Bureau, hurry, the hacker must attack!"
Wang Bojun said: "How do you know?"
Dong Xuebin looked at him, "...execute the order!"
"...Yes!" Wang Bo and others did not dare to ask more. Immediately, everyone will start preparing for the battle.
Dong Xuebin knows that they don't believe it. "The only chance is this time. If the criminals are released because they are not prepared enough, I will first investigate who is responsible!"
Wang Bo, they dare not neglect, although in the heart, although Dong is not sleeping, how can he know if a hacker comes? But the hand was still carefully executed the order, quickly prepared the work, put the loopholes, the next set, the Trojan horse, the wall, all the means that can be used!
When everything is done, everyone’s tight emotions are a little loose.
one second……
Five seconds...
Eight seconds...
There is still no movement on the screen, Wang Boxin said that, hackers' whereabouts are so predictable.
Dong Xuebin replied: "All mention the spirit! Come!"
Xiao Han did not believe, looked at Dong Xuebin, but the next moment, let everyone's voice screaming loudly - is an alarm, is Wang Bo's warning! !
Wang Bo and others are all stunned, come? by! Actually, my mother is coming? ?
I didn’t have time to ponder how Master Dong knew it. Wang Bo had a few waists and brushed all of them. All of them moved.
Little Han, he hasn’t found us yet, don’t entangle him, wait a moment, wait a moment to say Xiao Wang, let's go, don't let him discover." Wang Bo turned his head to the two comrades of the city bureau: "Follow his traces and rule out fake IP!"
Xiao Wang shouted, "The administrator account has been stolen!"
Wang Bo gritted his teeth. "Don't care about it."
"...there is information modified!"
"Don't worry, keep it steady, don't let him discover us!"
"Not good!" Xiao Wang said: "It may be discovered, the other party is cleaning up the traces of the invasion, it is too late!"
Wang Bo said: "Don't let him run! Xiao Han! Come to you!"
A comrade from the city bureau said: "This is a good time! Help me drag it for a while!"
Dong Xuebin can't help anything, watching the contest without smoke. I only have one chance. If I miss it, I don't know if I want to catch him. I must be a monkey!
Five seconds...
Ten seconds...
Twenty seconds...
The network police of the Municipal Bureau suddenly took a table, "I found it! The address was found!"
Dong Xuebin’s heart said,
Can you be sure that it is a real address?

"It must be wrong! It is your Yantai County!"
Dong Xuebin called to close the keyboard in his hand. "Good job!"
Wang Boxin has always been on the hacker, and he didn’t care so much. Now, when I heard that the hackers who had worked hard for a month without finding clues, they were caught so easily, squinting, Wang Bohe Xiao Wang did not know what to say.
Dong Xuebin is so happy. "When I catch someone, I will give you a job!"
But Wang Bo Xiao Han and others have looked at Dong They all understand that this is not the credit of their own people, they can seize the hackers, thanks to the secrets of Director Dong. No one knows how Secretary Dong knows that hackers are coming to the county public security bureau website. Is it that Xiao Dong is also a hacker! ?
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Where is the address in Yantai County? Let's grab people now, don't let him run!"
Comrade of the Municipal Bureau: "In the 2nd floor of No. 2 Building of Chunshui Road."
When I heard this address, the two people in the city bureau did not respond, but the police inspectors including Dong Xuebin were all dumbfounded at the same time! !
Yantai County, who does not know, Chunjiang Road is the county government office building of the county government, and Chunshui Road is the family committee of the county committee! And that the 2nd floor can live in the leadership!
The person who committed the crime... is the county party leader or family member? ?
[Seeking a recommendation! 】
... (to be continued)
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