Chapter 1825: [Sudden situation! 】

A silence.
The meeting room was a bit strange and quiet.
Dong Xuebin, look at everyone, "6 to 5, then set it."
The matter has come to an end, the results have not changed, they can not have the time to retreat Dong Xuebin, can only watch Dong Xuebin succeed. If Dong Xuebin is a local cadre of Jiaolin County, if Dong Xuebin has worked in the seat of the county party secretary for more than one year, if the Standing Committee can only use the voting method to force over the county magistrate, then Dong Xuebin The secretary is definitely incompetent, but now Dong Xuebin has no foundation, and secondly, there is no communication. On the first day of the official work, the third day is forced to force the people to stand on the standing committee and press Zhang Dongfang. The old man of Jiaojing County, a vein, is of course gratifying to the Dong Xuebin faction.
Look at the table.
The meeting opened a lot of time, it is almost twelve o'clock.
The people on the side of Zhang Dongfang are not very beautiful, and no one has spoken.
Dong Xuebin did not gloat, nor did he hang his joy and heart emotions on his face. It seemed that he had just done a very common thing. The more he did, the more he attacked Zhang’s people. They really I don’t know where Dong Xuebin’s confidence comes from, so he is sure that the old secretaries of those old secretaries will stand in his ranks? Impossible, they believe that Dong Xuebin is certainly not clear.
See this county party secretary for the first time!
Obviously the top leader, but this is too much to follow the routine? ?
Zhang Dongfang analyzed it, and he also sighed silently. I can't help but accept this fact. In fact, I think about it. At the beginning of the Standing Committee, the initiative of the meeting was firmly in the hands of Dong Xuebin. It is obviously something that is not good for him. Dong Xuebin even dared to take the initiative. Come out, forcibly took the initiative, and Zhang Dongfang did not expect it beforehand, no preparation, this was only leaked by Dong Xuebin!
Zhang Dongfang is very upset. He really valued the problem of the station team. But the result of the unexpected is not the development he imagined. However, the people who sent their own factions were there, and Zhang Dongfang quickly adjusted his face back and became calm and uncomfortable. It did not seem to care very much. The feeling for everyone is that Zhang County is still confident and playing cards. A pair of attitudes to the Japanese leader. In fact, he really has confidence in his heart, lost this time? It doesn't matter, there is next time. Next time, Zhang Dongfang does not believe in a little boy who is almost half of his own age. He also did not pay too much attention to this new county party secretary. After this incident, Zhang Dongfang will not underestimate the enemy. The next time he will definitely come up with 100% energy to fight against Dong Xuebin.
"Okay, it’s time for a lunch break." Dong Xuebin said that he said everything he said, and he did it all, and he knocked on the table. "Dismissal."
Everyone is sorting out things on the table.
Dong Xuebin got up and the first one walked out of the conference room.
The latter several members of the Standing Committee looked at his back in a subconscious way. Some people whispered a few words, and some people went out in twos and threes.
When I first came out, Dong Xuebin heard the sound of the rain in the hustle and bustle. Even though it continued to be continuous, it seemed to be heavy rain. I couldn’t help but glance at the outside of the window. Sure enough, the rain had already gone down a lot, and there were many places in the yard. Water, even looking up, the wall of their office building floor also infiltrated some leaks, the house is too old and too broken, the new county party committee is about to be completed, there is no repair, so it has caused a more serious situation. Looking at the stagnant water that infiltrated the wall from the tick, Dong Xuebin shook his head slightly.
A female subject suddenly went upstairs and stood up with Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin asked: "When is the rain? Is the weather forecast today not reporting rain?"
The female subject member recognized Dong Xuebin and said with respect: "Dong Shuji, this is the case. We have a lot of mountains here. Sometimes the climate changes very quickly, so the weather forecast is often inaccurate. This rain is more than ten o'clock. Zhong Gang’s start was sleet, which was quite small. Later, after ten minutes, it was big. I don’t know when it will stop. It seems that it will be afternoon or evening.

The first rain in the spring of this year is coming.
Bang, lightning and thunder, the rain is the feeling of getting bigger and bigger.
Office of the Secretary.
Dong Xuebin now knows how busy a secretary is. When he came back, he had not had time to relive the victory on the Standing Committee. The phone between the secretaries outside was screaming.
Su Yan, who finished the preparation of the conference documents, also came back, and answered the telephone one by one. After a short time, Su Yan knocked on the door and opened the office door of Dong Xuebin. "The secretary, the following reports frequently occurred in traffic accidents, and it has already started. Nanshui The road there was collapsed, the road was temporarily closed, and there was the east gate. The traffic was severely blocked. Many cars were blocked in the rain for more than an hour."
At noon, the sky outside is almost black, just like the night.
There was another thunder in the bang, and the lights in the office flashed a few times, almost stunned.
Dong Xuebin immediately said: "Notify the following immediately, take the emergency plan." He did not give specific instructions, because it is the county government and the following things, Dong Xuebin is now the county party secretary, do not have to do everything, so it may affect the work. Efficiency, let alone he is not familiar with the work here. He only needs to take the instructions of the general direction. It is natural that the relevant departments will take measures. Of course, he is not purely a shopkeeper, or he has played. Several phones paid attention to the sudden heavy rain.
I hope nothing.
Dong Xuebin did not want to have an accident in the county on his first day.
However, sometimes the more you don't want anything, the more it will give you!
The dining car that gave the meal to the government was also blocked. At 12 o'clock, everyone didn't eat any food. Dong Xuebin was still in the office, so he asked him to step up the reminder of a dining car. Hungry, the result of the Political and Legal Committee Secretary Chang Lin hurriedly knocked open the door.
"Secretary! An accident!" Chang Lin was a little rainy, and there were some water pearls on her hair, as if she had just returned from the outside.
Dong Xuebin’s eyes were tight.
Whatever, you slowly said.

Changlin Expressway: "The fire rescue command center just received a report, and several tourist buses from the city went to Qinglan Mountain in our county. It arrived in the morning, and the result just caught up with the heavy rain. The report was The driver of the coach bus said that he had lost contact with the people on the mountain for three hours. There were less than 100 people in the car. They were teachers and students, and they were the spring tour organized by the city and the middle school."
Dong Xuebin’s face changed slightly.
So many people?

"Yes, I just contacted the search and rescue team and rushed over." Chang Lindao.
Dong Xuebin stood up and said, "How can I not get in touch?"
Chang Lin explained: "The terrain of Qinglan Mountain is not good, communication equipment is very disturbed there, there is no signal on the basic mobile phone on the mountain, and this mountain has not undergone planned tourism development, but has made some simple roads. It is convenient for tourists to climb, but the fog is big, the long and easy to lose the sense of direction, the terrain is complex, the unfamiliar people will get lost after going through the road, and even the cliffs, there are many tourists in the county every year in Qinglan Mountain, even the fire brigade There was also a search and rescue team that was only responsible for the Qinglan Mountain. It is now so big under the rain, and it has lost contact with the student teachers on the mountain for so long. I am afraid that something will happen!"
Dong Xuebin digested it and suddenly nodded. The loud voice: "The light rescue team is not enough. Immediately add police force. I can use it for you. Contact local towns and villages to send people to search and rescue! You must ensure that you can take the city one. The teacher and the students gave me peace and peace!"
Chang Linyi should, "Understand!"
Dong Xuebin said: "Is your car upstairs?"
"Where, you are..." Chang Lin looked at him.
Dong Xuebin casually grabbed his coat and put it on his body. "Be your car, go to the scene together, don't worry if you look at me personally." After that, he went out with Chang Lin, and Su Yan naturally followed. On, Dong Xuebin turned back and said to him: "Contact Zhang County, tell him."
Su Yan quickly called the other side and exchanged a few words. Several people also went out of the corridor. Su Yan said: "Zhang County magistrate has gone to the scene." After a pause, he said: "I heard that there are people on TV stations. Also went."
Dong Xuebin frowned, "know it." This old Zhang, the action is quite fast.
Chang Lin estimates that Zhang Dongfang just lost Dong Xuebin at the Standing Committee. This is to try to reverse the situation as soon as possible, participate in the rescue command and rescue, and come to a political show. He has already been short on the votes of the Standing Committee. Find it elsewhere.
Dong Xuebin does not care about this. You Zhang Dongfang went one step earlier and he is now more concerned about the safety of the children and teachers.
Bell bell.
The phone rang Dong Xuebin didn't know the number, but he still picked it up and got into a police car while holding an umbrella in Suyan.
"Hey, I am Dong Xuebin."
"I am Qian Litao, secretary of the municipal party committee of Baohong City!"
The voice over there was full of energy, Dong Xuebin gave a slight glimpse, "... Qian Shuji, hello."
Su Yan and Chang Lin in the car listened, and they also jumped. They knew who was on the phone. They all held their breath. This is a kind of instinct for a city party secretary.
But the secretary of the money only said a word. "I know about it. Now the whole city is very concerned. The children and teachers in our city must save me the fastest time. Listen, well, I am talking about I must, give me all the power to search and rescue, and no one can go wrong!"
What can Dong Xuebin say? Can only say: "Reassured, we promise to do our best."
Dududu, the phone hangs over there, as if the money secretary is very prejudiced against Dong Xuebin. (To be continued.)
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