Chapter 223: [Jailbreak case! 】

in the afternoon.
The setting sun fell, and the vines and red clouds stained most of the sky.
In the court of the family, hey, Dong Xuebin called up in disappointment, hungry, he speeded up the pace of going downstairs, and planned to go out to get some food. Originally, Dong Xuebin wanted to have dinner with Xie Huilan, but I thought about it. When the whole cadre meeting in the afternoon, Xie Jie pretended not to know herself, obviously she had her consideration. In the final analysis, the principle of risk aversion was too noisy. Dong Xuebin Naturally, I wouldn’t be stupid to find her as a boyfriend, and Xie’s sister came to see it. Many jobs should be familiar. Many relationships should be smooth and very busy. Therefore, Dong Xuebin is not convenient to bother her in these two days.
In the courtyard, Dong Xuebin and Hu Silian, who came home from work, took a face.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said hello, "Director Hu, are you back?"
"Well, just bought the vegetables, are you?" Hu Silin electric bicycle basket contains some potatoes and chicken breasts.
"There is no food at home, I went out to find something to eat."
"Hey, my sister is not at home?"
"I moved out in the first few days. I didn't let my eldest sister come back after the most recent final exam."
Hu Silin smirked and smiled. "I love to work overtime today. I go back to eat alone. If you don't give up, I will give you a meal?"
Dong Xuebin quickly waved his hand. "Don't be careful, how can you be so funny."
Hu Silin ate and laughed: "I am the director of the office. It is my job responsibilities to do logistics." It is said that the wind is outside, although the wind is not big, but the dust that is brought up is a little bit ugly. Open your eyes, Hu Silian hurry and push the car forward. "Wind, it is going to rain, don't go, then pour you, this thing in my basket can just do two dishes, go to your home?"

Looking at the sky, Dong Xuebin had to nod his head. "That is bothering you."
"Oh, what are you polite with me." Hu Silin kicked the car and took the dish upstairs.
Dong Xuebin's family.
Hu Silian went into the door for a change of slippers, grabbed the apron and sleeves from the clothes rack next to him and turned into the kitchen. The apron set, Hu Silin smiled and washed vegetables and cut vegetables. That police uniform should be heroic on her body, but at the moment it looked very charming and gentle, and couldn't help but let Dong Xuebin see more.
"I didn't expect Hu to be a good wife and a good mother."
"Oh, Secretary Dong, I am not afraid of your jokes, and my family is my lover to cook and bowl."
"Is it? That big brother is a typical good man."
"He counts a good man, that is, he is honest, he will cook a few dishes."
After ten minutes, Hu Silian cooked the dish and put it out in one plate. "I don't know if it's right for you, I don't cook anymore, and I have some hands."
Dong Xuebin added a chopstick and tasted it. "Well, it’s delicious, it’s better than the big sister."
Hu Silian also sat down with a bowl of rice, and smiled softly: "You want to eat, I will cook for you every day, huh, huh."
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Oh, but I am afraid that Hu Da Ge will be anxious with me."
Joke a few words, Dong Xuebin's impression of Hu Silian is better, he does not know what this long-sleeved woman looks like in front of other leaders, but at the very least, Dong Xuebin has not heard of who she is cooking for. In the half year that I came to Yantai County, Hu Silian did not help him. Although there was nothing in the big things, there were a lot of little things.
After the meal, Hu Silin rushed to clean the dishes, and also packed up the kitchen.
Dong Xuebin is very embarrassed, "Sister Hu, thank you today, I will invite you to eat with Hu Datian."
Hu Silin walked out of the kitchen and smiled. She just wanted to say something. The phone rang. When she looked at the number, her face suddenly changed. She answered: "Hey... yes... yes... I will go back soon!" To explain to Dong Xuebin, Dong Xuebin’s mobile phone also rang. It was Liang Chengpeng’s personal call, let him return to the bureau and listen to the dignified tone. It seems that something is wrong.
Dong Xuebin grabbed the bag without saying anything, "Sister Hu, go, take my car."
Just next to the building, Qin Yong and Zhao Jinsong also walked out of the unit corridor. When they saw Dong Xuebin, Qin Yong immediately greeted him. Obviously he also wanted to take his car. Zhao Jinsong hesitated, but did not come over. Upon seeing it, Dong Xuebin was beckoning, "Director Zhao, let's go together." Dong Xuebin's political wisdom has recently improved slightly. On the issue of big and big, Dong Xuebin saw it very clearly, and the bureau must have made a big event, otherwise it would be It is not necessary to urgently convene a meeting of the county bureau leaders. Now is not the time to consider personal grievances.
Zhao Jinsong and Qin Yong both accidentally looked at Dong Xuebin, and hesitated, Zhao Jinsong followed the Mercedes-Benz business.
Ten minutes later, the command center meeting room.
Not only Liang Chengpeng Hu Yiguo and others, but also the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the Political and Legal Committee Huang Li actually arrived.
Huang Li is a young man with small eyes. His eyebrows are very thick. He opens the door and sees the mountain. The first sentence makes everyone take a breath. "I just received the news that a prison in the neighboring county was born a prisoner and escaped." Eighteen prisoners, after the local department’s pursuit, captured 11 people, killed seven people, and ten prisoners were at large. The direction of escape was probably Yantai County. This is the information of ten people. Let’s take a look. !"
Robbers, guilty, almost all of them are the masters who have no evil.
Huang Li’s heart was very heavy. After the case, the city was so angry that he did not wait for the prisoners to drop the prison leader. This shows the anger and determination in the city. I believe that even if the jailbreak is over, it will definitely continue to be in charge of the leadership. And the responsibility of other relevant personnel, now the task is to capture the prisoner, the city Bureau issued instructions, if necessary, can make God to kill the prisoner on the spot, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the people.
Simply say the urgency of the situation, Huang Lidao: "Old beam, you arrange the task."
Liang Chengpeng nodded, Lang said: "Qin, director, all the main intersections, go down the photos, check the vehicles, Director Hu, contact the armed police team, stand by, Director Hu, the command message of the commander feedback to me at the first time, Director Zhao... "Even if the rest of Dong Xuebin was also assigned a task, he was responsible for the investigation of Huitian Township and a major intersection adjacent to the county.
The situation is urgent and the overall situation is mobilized.
Dong Xuebin and Qin Yong Hu Silian and others left the conference room.
Qin Yong stared at Dong Xuebin with a dignified look. "Be careful."
"You are also." Dong Xuebin took the car downstairs and went straight to Huitian Township. On the road, they gave Liu Haihai a phone call.
When Dong Xuebin went to the Huitian Township Police Station, he immediately took photos of the ten prisoners. Every policeman was responsible for a village. Dong Xuebin asked them to investigate the village and ask if there were any suspicious persons. Then, Dong Xuebin took Liu Dahai Chen and others, on the grab, went directly to the intersection with the county, the patrol police traffic police staff is not enough, here they can only be responsible.
It’s dark, and the wind is blowing, it seems that a thunderstorm is coming.
Just after Dong Xuebin waved and released a Jetta, the intercom was suddenly heard. There were several prisoners in a bungalow in the northern suburbs of the county. The police reported that there was a neighbor there. In the evening, he saw a few bald men turning over the wall into the neighbors. Those people were not good at first sight. He thought it was Robbery or stealing, so immediately reported the police, from the characteristics described by the reporter, can not be wrong, that is the group of prisoners!
However, the northern suburbs are far away from Dong Xuebin. He thought about it and still didn't pass.
The walkie-talkie continued to make a sound, and the nearest Hu Yiguo had taken the criminal police to arrest people.
However, to all the surprises, when Hu Yiguo arrived, the current house number was not right. The reporter said that it was clearly a small courtyard. The address given by the commander was a two-story simple building. . Hu Silian, who is in charge of the command of the town, carefully checked the telephone recording. It was not the northern suburbs. It was actually the western suburbs. It was the operator who was excited to report the address. There is also a long road in the northern suburbs!
Hu Silin's face was white, and she refused to reprimand the operator, and immediately corrected the address!
Dong Xuebin is in the western suburbs. It is only five minutes away from Changshun Road in the western suburbs. Upon receiving the news, Dong Xuebin also stunned. He almost gave the operator the ancestors of the 18th generation, paralyzed, human life. When did you actually make a mistake? Dong Xuebin rushed to the Mercedes-Benz, greeted Liu Dahai and others to get on the bus. As soon as he stepped on the gas pedal, he rushed toward the distance. Hey, several pistols were already on the road.
A small courtyard door.
Dong Xuebin made a gesture, and Chu Feng immediately opened the door!
Liu Dahai and Dong Xuebin rushed in with a gun, and there was no one in the courtyard. The door of the North House was open with lights inside.
Dong Xuebin took the lead and dragged the seat to step into the house. However, the room was terribly quiet and there was no sound at all. Dong Xuebin’s heart sank, vigilantly and Liu Dahai, they left and left to the bedroom door inside. On, one, two, three, Dong Xuebin suddenly force, slammed the door open, the gun on the hand is aiming!
"Ah!" The call is behind a policeman!
There were no traces of prisoners in the bedroom, but under the bed there were two women's feet with blood on them.
Dong Xuebin’s head is white, the first is anyway late!
Liu Dahai was a little bigger, biting his teeth, and greeted a policeman. The two men moved the bed to move the bed to the left.
Suddenly, a woman’s body was exposed to everyone’s eyes. A woman’s head was tied with a knife. Her face was stained with blood. She couldn’t see her age. Her shirt was messy, her chest was pulled down halfway, and the bottom was bare. There is a lot of mucus on the inside of the thigh. It is obviously a person who has been raped before death. With the movement of the bed, the body of a seven-eight-year-old boy is also exposed, and the stomach is tied with seven or eight knives. It’s terrible to die, shocking!
Dong Xuebin was angry, "Grass! Live! Give me a search! See if there are any clues!"
At this time, the sirens were shocked, and Hu Yiguo and Qin Yong also took people!
Seeing two bodies, Hu Yiguo’s face changed.
The blood is still flowing. People haven’t died for a long time. They go door to door and check, they haven’t run far!

Qin Yong’s heart is heavy, and two people are dying, so it’s gone!
The scene was too depressed, and Dong Xuebin was only. This kind of scene was rarely seen. I felt awkward at the end of the day. He didn’t stay with the scene again. He called Liu Dahai a few people and drove not far away. On the main road, check out the door-to-door!
A few minutes later, the county party committee, the county magistrate and several county leaders have arrived.
For the serious mistakes of the commanding of the Bureau, he was very angry with the road. He pointed to the face of Liang Chengpeng and stole him. If there is no mistake in the commanding heart, the police can make God rush to the scene at the time of the incident. Can be saved back. Liang Chengpeng’s face was not refuted. This incident is indeed their internal responsibility, and his heart is also uncomfortable.
All night, the police searched like crazy, but the prisoner seemed to have found a hidden hiding place, no longer showing up.
The next morning, in the heart of the command, Hu Silin looked at her head with her face and her eyes were bloodshot.
At the bottom, the police officer saw him and advised: "Director Hu, you haven’t closed your eyes for a night, are you..."
Hu Silin looked at him. "Is there a clue?"
"The prisoner is very embarrassed, and there are no witnesses yet."
Hu Silin waved his hand and let him go out. He sighed and went upstairs to go to Liang to explore the tone. Hu Silin knew that this time the commander had caused a big disaster. Although the operator was responsible, the responsibility of Hu Silin’s leadership was also in jeopardy. Seriously, the position may not be able to keep it. No, the county party committee has named the commanding heart, and 80% of his position is unstoppable.
Along the way, everyone’s attitude towards Hu Silin has changed. Those who used to meet Hu’s smile when they met, are not bowing their heads to see, but they are sloppy and then quickly leave, some people still Fortunately, fortunately, such as a deputy director of the county bureau office, knowing that Hu Silian is about to step down, his heart immediately became active and asked the leaders to report work.
People go tea cool.
Hu Silian sneered, and there was nothing unexpected about it.
She went upstairs to find Liang, found Qin Yong, and found a lot of leaders who had a good relationship with her. But we didn't consciously avoid her, just talk to her, no one is willing to help, after all. Things are very sensitive, no one wants to touch the mold. Hu Silin’s heart is getting colder and colder, smiles dimly, knowing that it’s not eight now, and that his position is gone 100%. This is the warmth and warmth of the people. When you are able to use you, everyone is polite, and now it’s difficult. People are too lazy to talk to you.
Hu Silian is not a child. She has been playing at the grassroots level for nearly ten years. She is very clear about the faces of these leaders. But knowing it, knowing it, and understanding it, it’s still a matter of my own, Hu Silin is still very It’s so good. Looking at the indifferent attitude of the leaders, Hu Silian almost succumbed to tears and endured her forbearance. She no longer asked for help, and she was flying in the same way. Everyone was the same.
At ten o'clock, the commanding heart once again held an emergency meeting, and most of the county bureau leaders arrived.
The minutes of the meeting have been replaced by a deputy director of the office named Hao, which is already a clear signal. Hu Silian looked at Hu Yiguo who had just entered the conference room and smiled at Director Hao, but he didn’t even look at himself. Hu Silin’s heart was bitter and didn’t say anything.
Liang Chengpeng first made a summary of the progress of the case, and conveyed the instructions issued by the county party committee and the municipal bureau. The prisoners were all captured within two days. This is a dead order. It is stricter than the previous instructions to solve the case within a time limit. The city is angry and the county committee is angry. In order to prevent the big case that shocked the province from continuing to deteriorate, in order to prevent Yantai County from appearing again. The dead and wounded, only gave two days!
Everyone has a tight heart and feels a urgency.
Then, Liang Chengpeng’s voice turned,
What do you think of the misconduct of the commanding heart yesterday?

Hu Yiguo first spoke. "The serious mistakes of the commanding heart caused great losses to the county. Not only did they miss the best time to arrest the prisoners, but they also took two lives. I suggest that the relevant leaders be held accountable!"
Zhao Jinsong looked at Hu Silian and said: "I agree."
Wan Tao, director of the Chengguan Police Station, also nodded.
Liang Chengpeng sighed. "The approval of the county leaders is serious. I propose to revoke the position of the director of Hu Silian's office. For the time being, Director Hao is responsible for the command."
Two people must have someone to stand up and take responsibility. Director Liang is impossible. Director Hu is impossible. The best candidate is undoubtedly Hu Silin. Hu Silian held the last trace of hope and looked at Qin Yong and Sun Changhong. Over the years, Hu Silian and the two of them walked very close together. They also helped them a lot and revealed a lot of news. However, Qin Yong and Sun Changhong looked at Liang Secretary without squinting and did not respond to her.
Hu Silin’s eyes flashed a smack of self-deprecating, bowing his head and not arguing.
Liang Chengpeng said: "If you agree, then..."
"……I disagree!"
Hu Silin glanced at it and brushed it to the director of the sound.
Liang Chengpeng frowned, and looked at Dong Xuebin who spoke.
Dong Xuebin was somewhat annoyed. "No one wants to see such a thing, but that is the problem of the operator at the bottom. What is the relationship with Director Hu? Even if there are joint and several responsibilities, then why are there no responsibilities for everyone here? Director Hu has been working hard for many years in the post, because it has removed his position? This is too chilling! I suggest giving up at most one warning, and other things will be called after the prisoner is caught!"
Wan Tao looked at him. "Two people have died, and one punishment is over?"
Dong Xuebin looked at him coldly. "Wan is the director. The location of the case is in the scope of your city police station. The report of the commanding heart is also transferred from your police station. You also have records there. If you want to say this, then your responsibility is not investigated. Investigate?" See Wan Tao changed his face, Dong Xuebin said: "The task now is to solve the case, not to investigate who is responsible, not to talk about it here!"
Hu Silin’s tears almost fell. She didn’t think that the key moment, Qin Yong did not speak, Sun Changhong did not speak, but this new deputy director spoke for her, knowing that in addition to a few contacts, in addition to giving Dong Xue Bin had a meal, Hu Silian had no deep contact with him!
Hu Yiguo knocked on the table. "The county leaders have already approved it. They are very angry with , if not..." Chang Lei fell down. Hu Yiguo, who had no backing, was a lot more honest recently, and it seems that he is gradually trying to lean toward the road. the meaning of.
Dong Xuebin interrupted very rudely: "I know that the case has not been broken yet. It is a nonsense to say anything. The replacement will be a big taboo. Director Hu’s ability to work is clear to everyone. You can’t kill it because of a small mistake. The merits of a comrade, then the heart of the people will be scattered. Director Liang, I propose that Director Hu should be guilty of sin, and the case will come to an end and it will not be too late to deal with it."
Liang Chengpeng has already set the tone, plus the opinions of the county leaders, even if he has a good personal relationship with Dong Xuebin, this time it is impossible to allow him to come. "It goes without saying that the influence of the commanding heart is very bad, and the leaders are not held accountable. Responsibility, can not explain to the people, ah, just like this, revoke all administrative positions of Hu Silin, after the new appointment. "Everyone understands, even if there is any appointment, Hu Silian will certainly be transferred to a department of idle, There is no chance of turning over in this life.
Dong Xuebin disagreed: "Director Liang, Director Hu has been in these years..."
Liang Chengpeng secretly smiled and knew that Dong Xuebin’s mouth was so powerful that even if he didn’t make sense, he could tell you three points. So he waved his hand and didn’t let him go on.
Hurry up and solve the case, meet!

If another person repeatedly slams himself against the meeting several times, Liang Chengpeng turned his face early, but he can see that Dong Xuebin did not have a political purpose to help Hu Silin speak. He said that Director Dong’s feelings are not good. Wrong, although people are impulsive, they are still very When the fools can see that Hu Silin’s general trend has gone, he can not hesitate to offend other leaders and stand up and talk for her. Liang Chengpeng vs. Dong Xuebin The understanding of this is a deeper level. I feel that in the system of intrigue, Xiao Dong’s character is indeed too rare.
Out of the meeting room, Dong Xuebin calmly walked back.
Later, Hu Silin followed her with red eyes, "Director Dong."
Dong Xuebin looked back and said, "I am sorry, "I don't help you."
Hu Silian shook her head hard and felt very moved. "Director Dong, I don't say much. I remember your life today, thank you!" Today, Hu Silin saw a lot of things and saw a lot of people. Under the circumstances that he knew that it was impossible, Director Dong also did not hesitate to offend Director Hao. He slammed against Director Liang and ran into them. In order to help them say a fair word, Hu Silin touched it.
In fact, Dong Xuebin did not think much, mainly because he had too many people who offended, and the debts were not overwhelmed, and many were not afraid of anything. In Dong Xuebin's opinion, Hu Silin has helped him a lot. Before he cooked himself, he made a meal for himself. So no matter what he or she did, he certainly had to help her to say something, not to mention Dong Xuebin thought that Hu Silin was so smart. Dry women... It’s a pity to withdraw. ! ~!
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