Chapter 235: 【serve】

In the gorgeous community, the sound of cockroaches and insects splashed.
In the kitchen, the beauty of a white dress is softly cut with fruit, and the fruit bowl is placed on the side.
"Mother." He called: "My brother hasn't come for many days. He, is he not coming in the future?"
Yan Meixia’s fruit knife was slightly sighed, and she sighed and handed the cut apple to her daughter.
No, Director Dong is too busy these days. Last time, I’m not letting you read the newspaper. Dong Jiegang After breaking a case of a jailbreaker, I still got a second class merit. Well, after he has finished busy for a while, he will see our two women. Your brother has not said that you have to have good grades in the final exam. Will you give you a present?"
I feel good and I am very happy.
Yan Meixia loves to wipe her hand with her handkerchief. "Go and talk to your classmates."
He nodded and walked to the living room with a fruit plate. He whispered: "Everyone... eat... eat fruit."
"Hey, I eat bananas." The moon grabbed the banana and took a bite.
"I eat apples, thank you." In the morning, I used a toothpick to poke a piece of apple.
The blushing face whispered: "No, you are welcome, Liu Yang, you also eat."
Liu Yang played a mobile phone on the sofa and heard the words, "I just had enough to eat, not to eat."
Moon month laughed and said: "He, he will play mobile phone, he does not eat, we eat, hey, um, delicious."
Two women and one man are all classmates in the second class. Apart from Dong Xuebin, I still don’t dare to talk to the boys. Liu Yang is also on the road, and he was brought up here by month and month. The moon and the morning are good friends of the newcomers. During the summer vacation, they all like to write summer homework together. The day before yesterday is in the morning, and yesterday is the month and month. Today is the turn of the family.
Yan Meixia dragged her plump body to pour tea, and she was very enthusiastic about her daughter's classmates.
Looking at the face of Yan Meixia on the moon, I was very depressed: "Auntie, you are so beautiful, like a sculpture in a mold."
Yan Meixia was a little embarrassed. He smiled and said: "No, your mother is beautiful."
Moon month said: "My mom is far worse than you, hey, blow, how can I grow so cold?"
I smiled in the morning, "You have a self-knowledge."
"Go to death" month and month, screaming and licking her.
Liu Yang followed the mother who saw her eyes and sighed that the mother and daughter were really more beautiful than one. When I just transferred to school, in fact, even if you don’t say anything in your mouth, it’s inevitable that some of them will look down on her. She doesn’t understand pop music. She has a little bit of technology and she has never seen her. The typical rural countryside People, I have never seen a few worlds, but now, seeing that the mother and daughter lived in such a good house, Liu Yang’s contempt for the heart also changed a little, and the mother’s rich flesh saw him confused.
Several classmates talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was very cheerful.
Yan Meixia looked at her daughter’s smile, and she was very pleased. I thought that Dong Xuebin had not contacted them recently. It seemed that they had forgotten them. Yan Meixia sighed softly. She owes too much to Director Dong. Too much, money, the hukou of the maiden, the school of 茜茜, and the house, are all given by Director Dong. But now, Yan Meixia wants to repay him and he can’t make up his strength. Even the work of the nanny is notorious. Yan Meixia wanted to call Dong Xuebin to ask, but he was afraid of delaying his work and did not dare to fight.
Hey, hey, hey.
Doorbell rang.
Yan Meixia stunned, and couldn’t think of who would come so late, and walked over to open the door,
Ah, Dong, Director Dong.

As soon as I heard it, my eyes blinked and I greeted my face. "Brother"
But the next moment, Dong Xuebin's hand wrapped in gauze entered the line of sight of the mother and the daughter. Yan Meixia exclaimed, "What happened to your hand?" Busy open the door and let him in.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "When I was out of the task, I was hurt. I couldn’t move for ten days and a half. I’m a big sister. I have to live with you for a few days."
"Brother" blinked and cried, almost cried.
Dong Xuebin quickly said: "Oh, my brother is fine, don't cry, don't cry, hey, come to the guest?"
Yan Meixia went down and took off his shoes. He put the slippers on his feet gently. "It’s a classmate."
Dong Xuebin smiled, Xiao Yan can make friends, and it is also good for her character improvement, um, not bad.
They also stood up at the month and morning, and called the voice brother with the name of 茜茜.
Dong Xuebin nodded slightly. "Don't stand, don't stand, sit down, hey, go with your classmates, say don't cry, what is this hurt, go, give your classmates some water." I urinated for an afternoon, and now I’ve got through it too much. It’s like being hungry when I’m hungry. Now, although the abdomen is flustered, it’s not as uncomfortable as it was just now. For a while.
Yan Meixia bit his lip and look at his hand. "You, you, I will give you some medicine."
Dong Xuebin shook his head and said: "No, I just came out of the hospital. The medicines are all right. Right, I have been too busy these days. I haven’t been asked about it. Why are you going to summer vacation? How about the exam? "Yang just transferred to school. I used to follow Mei Meixia to go to the street to have dinner. The homework was delayed for half a year. Dong Xuebin was afraid that she could not keep up with the progress."
Moon month, hahaha: "We took the fifth place in our class and entered the top 30 of the grade."
The red face looked down and seemed to be waiting for Dong Xuebin to praise her.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said, "Hey, how good is it? It's not bad. It seems that there is no less work. Oh, I should answer you. If you are good, you want to buy it for you." Let me say, look at me today, happy, what do you want?"
I hurriedly said: "I, I don't want anything."
Dong Xuebin said: "Which line, let's talk about one. If you have passed this village, you will not have this store."
Look at the morning, whispered: "MP4, want MP4"
Aside, the moon smiled: "What is the meaning of MP4, how good a mobile phone is, the new smart machine, hey, it is a bit expensive, it is four or five thousand."
I looked at Liu Yang’s cell phone that I had been holding in my hand, and I was a little envious. I used to go to school in the village. Most of them were children in the village. There was no money in the family. There were few people who could use the mobile phone. After I went to the county, I found other students and myself. The gap, many people have mobile phones, Liu Yang, there are mornings, months and months, so I feel that I am very special, the feeling of inferiority is stronger.
Dong Xuebin understood it at a glance. "Then buy a mobile phone."
He panicked: "No, really, not too expensive."
Yan Meixia also said: "Yes, she is a child, can't use that, you just..."
"虞大姐." Dong Xuebin took the chin and pointed to his pocket. "My wallet is inside, help me take it. Well, there should be about 5,000 yuan in it. I will take it out. You are free to accompany you." I went to the mall to buy her a machine, what kind of thing I like to pick, if you don’t have enough money, you should fill it in first, and come back to me.
Seeing Mei Meixia hesitated and didn’t do it, Dong Xuebin gave her a look,
Fast ""
Yan Meixia had to do it, thankful: "Thank you."
I was excited when I heard it. "Brother, I... I..."
Dong Xuebin said with a smile: "Let's study hard in the future, and you will be able to take the top five in the class next time. Brother will give you a reward."
When I saw Dong Xuebin, I really took 5,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone. I immediately shouted, "Hey, your brother is very kind to you."
There was some envy in the morning, and her mobile phone was not smart at all. It was just a thousand dollars. I didn’t expect my brother to be so generous.
When I was told by my classmates, I felt very face-like, and my face was shy. "Well, my brother bought me a computer."
Liu Yang blinked, "What computer."
虞茜茜 pointed to the open bedroom door, a white computer is placed on the desk.
The moon screamed and screamed: "Is Apple's ultra-thin notebook? Tianna is my favorite book."
In the morning, I also stared at the laptop with a value of 10,000 yuan, and swallowed. "Let's go check it out?"
The moon and the moon rushed in. "Haha, I will see it first."
Morning morning and Liu Yang followed the room and touched the keyboard a few times. In the morning, she said with emotion: "Hey, your brother really hurts you. This book is very expensive. At the beginning of the month, he wrapped his parents for two months, their family. Didn't buy her." Liu Yang also looked a bit stunned.
Lunar month said: "Ah, okay, you borrowed me for a few days, okay?"
I’m so sweet,

In the living room.
Yan Meixia saw that the children went to the hut and took a cup and went to the front of Dong Xuebin thoughtfully. He gently blew the hot tea, and the coolness was almost the same. Yan Meixia carefully held the cup and sent it. Dong Xuebin’s mouth, owing to the tip of his toes, slowly fed him. Dong Xuebin said that he still cares for the big sister, although there are so stupid and stupid, but this thoughtful but no one can match.
Dong Xuebin sipped a few mouthfuls of water and suddenly changed his face.
Yan Meixia was shocked and panicked: "Is it burning you? I am stupid, sorry I am sorry."
"Not hot" Dong Xuebin took a breath and stretched his face: "Come with me."
Yan Meixia was not clear, so he followed the back of Director Dong and found that he actually went into the bathroom. After he followed up, Yan Meixia did not respond. He looked at Dong Xuebin with a sigh of relief, one second, two seconds, three seconds. Zhong, looked at it for a long time, Yan Meixia finally pondered the taste came, screamed, his face was so red, and bitterly biting his lip and aiming at Director Dong’s pants, did not speak.
Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly: "Hey sister, I can't do it manually, I am bothering you."
Yan Meixia saw him with the color of pain, and his heart was a pumping, and he couldn’t care for anything. He quickly closed the toilet door.
Dong Xuebin was also very embarrassed. He stood in front of the toilet and coughed a few scorpions.
Yumei Xia is a very conservative woman, from clothes can tell, except when she slept over even short skirts are never wore the knee, in addition to white and flesh-colored underwear, she even slightly darker color of underwear I have not bought, even though has given birth to a child, but ideologically conservative but still that very honest woman, now let her help a man unzips his pants to get at, it is so humiliating to take Yumei Xia.
However, Yan Meixia did not say anything at this time, a bite, Yan Meixia half-squatted in front of the toilet, one hand holding Dong Xuebin's pants, one hand to find the zipper of his trousers, touched, touched two Next, I touched a lot of places that I shouldn't touch. The third time I found Meixia, I found the head of the zipper. I licked my lips and pinched the zipper. She looked at the side and slowly squatted down.
Oh, the lock is open.
Yan Meixia's face became more and more red, and the weak little hand squeezed the zipper and reached into his crotch.
Dong Xuebin breathed in, and felt the hot temperature of the big sister's little hand when he arrived. His head was low and he just looked in from the neckline of the neck of Yan Meixia who was squatting. It was a deep cleavage and flesh-colored bra. Under the white long skirt of the knees and thighs, the two plump legs are also exposed. The white and greasy pieces are full of mature and tempting tastes. The whole body is like a ripe fruit. of.
Yan Meixia was half-headed: "Director Dong, I, I took it out?"
Dong Xuebin was sweating, and he said that you are hurrying, and the buddies can't hold back. "Hmm."
Yan Meixia did not want to see it now, she had to help Dong Director to find a good direction, so she blushes and licks her own hand, biting her lip and adjusting the direction. "Now... can be."
Dong Xuebin was relieved and relaxed.
Five seconds...
Ten seconds...
Twenty seconds...
Xu is stunned for too long, but Dong Xuebin can’t solve it.
Yan Meixia did not speak, and did not dare to urge, so she was holding her hand next to her.
Being caught by such a mature woman, gradually, Dong Xuebin found that he had reacted, and he was willing to quickly solve the problem of rubbing his stomach. He quickly put on his pants to cover up the cockroaches, but he could not make any effort. The following reaction is getting more and more powerful.
Yan Meixia naturally felt it, and her hands trembled, and the eyelashes shook slightly.
Dong Xuebin was a little bit sorrowful and felt that he was lost today.
One minute……
Two minutes...
Yan Meixia’s waist has begun to be sour, but she does not dare to scream.
Outside, the sound of snoring floated, "Mother? Mother? Brother? Where have you been?"
Behind the morning morning, "Is it going out?"
Yan Meixia looked anxious and stunned, and tried to promise and didn’t know what to say.
Or Dong Xuebin reacted quickly, and immediately said: "Well, your mother is also, I am giving me an arm to change the gauze. You can watch TV for a while, and that's it."
Hey, "My classmates are leaving, I will send them."
Dong Xuebin said to the outside: "Cheng, go early and go back early, pay attention to safety, let your classmates come back next time." Several people in the month and morning also separated from Dong Xuebin and Mei Xia through the toilet door. Outside, there was a door closing and several people went out. Dong Xuebin, standing in the bathroom, exhaled and apologized and bowed his head: "Hey sister, you can't stop, you, yeah, stick to it."
Yan Meixia whispered incomprehensibly, and took the acid in her left hand, and changed her right hand to hold it.
Dong Xuebin’s heart groaned, hurry up and hurry.
Not long after, the sound of slaps splashed in the toilet, Dong Xuebin finally solved the problem, and it was very good.
Yan Meixia reached out and pressed the toilet to flush the water. She stood up with a sore waist and smothered her face and put it back. However, because Dong Xuebin’s physical reaction has not yet fallen, Yan Meixia spent a long time, about one or two. Minutes or so, it was the return of the original owner, pulling his trousers back, and then stepping forward, quickly unscrew the faucet and put on the soap, and washed it several times.
Dong Xuebin coughed: "Thank you."
Yan Meixia didn't say anything, held him out of the bathroom and let him sit down on the sofa.
Dong Xuebin saw that she didn't talk, and she was very embarrassed. She thought that she couldn't move her hands before she recovered. Today's things can be more than once, such as wearing a large size, such as wearing clothes, such as eating, even getting up and wearing shoes. Dong Xuebin can't do it himself. He has to help Meixia to help, a good woman from the family, so... Well, it's a bit too embarrassing. "This, um, or else I will go back."
Yan Meixia, "Where are you going back?"
"...the hospital."
"Then, then you wait for me to change clothes, I also live in the hospital to take care of you."
"Oh, I am not afraid of bothering you, you are a girl, that..."
Yan Meixia blushes: "I, I am fine."
"Cough, oh, really nothing?"
"...It's okay."
Dong Xuebin said: "Then don't go, these days, um, trouble you."
Yan Meixia whispered: "Director Dong, you are so good to us, this is nothing, I, I am fine."
"It’s been said all the time, how can I still call the director of the old director Dong Dong, called Xiao Dong, Xue Bin or Xiao Bin."
"... um, learn, learn Bin."
Dong Xuebin laughed and said: "This is虞大姐, you also sit down and rest."
Yan Meixia waved his hand, "I am not tired, you can eat some fruit."
Dong Xuebin is also hungry. "Okay, thank you."
Yan Meixia gently sat beside him, picking up the fruit plate and inserting a petal with a toothpick, dragging his hand and sending it to Dong Xuebin’s mouth, waiting for him to chew and chew the orange, and Yan Meixia also held his hands and let Dong Xuebin spit the orange seeds into her hands. After throwing them away, Yan Meixia inserted another apple for him. After she finished eating, she pulled out a napkin and dipped it into the mouth of Dong Xuebin, put down the fruit plate, and took out the cigarette in Dong. In the mouth of the secretary, he lit a fire with a lighter. At the end, Yan Meixia dragged the ashtray and waited for the ash to fall.
Dong Xuebin sighed and was moved by his heart.
This is also the big sister, who changed someone else, who will serve you like this? ?
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