Chapter 246: [And hospitalized again! 】

Chapter 246 is hospitalized again!
"Director Dong!"
"ǎo Dong!"
Twisting, whistling, swallowing...
The landslides swept through the Yangtze River and made a loud noise!
Soon, everything went to calm, the heavy rain gradually smashed, and the sediment layer in front of it was thickened two meters again, and even the aftermath spread to the feet of everyone, but everyone was unconscious, Xie Huilan and Cao Xupeng looked at Dong Where Xuebin disappeared, Liang Chengpeng took off his raincoat and slammed it on the ground. Chen Fa and other people shouted the name of Director Dong. The rescued people and relatives cried together, and their loved ones reunited. The trapped people were rescued, but Dong Xuebin never returned!
There is nothing in the sand layer dàngdàng!
Several police officers at the Huitian Township Police Station fell to the ground and finished! It’s all over!
Liu Dahai stared at it there, slamming the ground, he looked around, grabbed a shovel and rushed up!
"Liu! What are you doing!" The two police officers seized him subconsciously.
Liu Dahai squinted his arms and said: "Save people! Director Dong is still inside!"
The policeman hurriedly said: "You can't go! The sediment layer is still unstable! Going there is death!"
Liu Dahai glared at him. "You two rabbits gave me a loose release! My life is just saved by Secretary Dong! I am afraid of what my mother is!" A police officer from Huitian Township saw the situation and went to the sand with a sleeve. On the rush, the result was held down by two or three rescue teams.
Liang Chengpeng said: "Be calm!"
Xie Huilan suddenly said: "How come the rescue car has not come yet! Call! Find me someone!"
The person next to a county bureau wiped his tears and quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. "Hey, where are you going... How come to the South Exit... Is it bad on the road?" Before he said anything, Cao Xupeng Just grabbed the phone and yelled at the other side: "What are you doing? ah? Don't give me an excuse! If you can't get there in five minutes! All the mothers will roll me out! I heard no. ?"
One minute……
Two minutes...
Liang Chengpeng swayed back and forth in the same place, "first send the wounded away!"
Chen Fa and others endured grief and went up to send several ordinary people to the hospital.
Who knows that a few ordinary people said: "Don't see Director Dong come out! I won't leave!"
An old lady wiped the tears in her eyes. "I don't want to go! Director Dong is definitely fine! Certainly nothing!"
Other people who were rescued did not have a mobile nest. They all stayed and stared at the position where Dong Xuebin had just stood. Everyone is looking at everything from the beginning to the end. If there is no Dong Xuebin, their relatives have been trapped in the bus, and one can't live! However, just like that, everyone knows that the possibility that Dong Xuebin can survive is almost zero!
Is Dong Xuebin still alive?
It’s barely alive.
At the last moment when the celestial landslide was killed in an instant, Dong Xuebin exhausted his strength and plunged into the position where the ǎonv child named Niu Niu stood before, that is, the car that the bus turned over. Around the car mén, the sediment was slowly infiltrating, leaving little room for Dong Xuebin. He plunged head-down like a swimming jump, and he couldn’t get into the car for a while. The sand was coming, great impact. And the gravel inside almost broke Dong Xuebin's legs to nòng, with a heart in his heart, Dong Xuebin desperately slammed the car mén finally entered the compartment.
The whole area is mud, which is infiltrated by the car mén, leaving less and less space for him.
Dong Xuebin wants to stand up, but the leg seems to have been broken. The tearing pain is not heard at all. It is strong and strong. Dong Xuebin climbed to the vicinity of the car mén and used a chair to resist the car mén, slowing down the sediment. Infiltrated into the speed, then, Dong Xuebin sighed and leaned there, looking at the dark compartment, he smiled slowly and closed his eyes, waiting quietly for the coming of death.
The wet sand has already touched Dong Xuebin’s chest, and the air in the carriage is too small.
Ten minutes, he probably only has ten minutes left! Even if the air is still there, the flood is drowned!
Dong Xuebin leaned on his neck and suddenly regretted it. He still had a lot of things to do. Zhengke did not mention it. In order to save a few ordinary people, it is worth it. If there is a reporter holding a microphone and asking Dong Xuebin, Dong Xuebin will definitely say that it is worthwhile, but calm down and think about it. It’s worth saying that it’s worth it. Yes, Dong Xuebin still feels unworthy, he is still young. Still not married, there is still a lot to go, for others to catch their own lives, it is worth a fart!
I am still too impulsive.
However, if Dong Xuebin is given another chance to choose, he will probably still go to save people.
Dong Xuebin is not the kind of person who is good at thinking rationally. When he is hot, he will not care about it. When he saves people, he really didn’t think so much, that is, after he finished his work, he would regret after taking a picture of mén. Next time there are people in distress, he is expected to stand up. Otherwise, in the years to come, what he regrets is not to save people, but to regret why he did not save people!
From this perspective, Dong Xuebin is a very tangled person.
One minute……
Two minutes...
three minutes……
More than two meters high sediment, a chair obviously could not completely block, the sand in the car has not passed the neck of Dong Xuebin, he began to feel that breathing is a little difficult, the chest is panic, so, Dong Xuebin The thighs that strongly support the fracture stand up and are barely supported by the carriage.
Six minutes...
Eight minutes...
ten minutes……
Time has passed, and Dong Xuebin’s life has come to an end.
People are dying, and most of the things they think are ridiculous. Dong Xuebin is thinking now, if he gives himself another chance, he must be selfish and must enjoy the fun of enjoying life. How high can rise? money? How much can you earn? Wife? How much can you 呃 呃 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个Thinking of this, Dong Xuebin feels that he is actually very optimistic, and he can still think about the bad things!
Eleven minutes...
Twelve minutes...
The sand drowned again and the entire bus was almost filled.
Drilled from the car mén? Two or three meters above the sand, absolutely must die!
Waiting in the bus? The air is gone, or it must die!
Dong Xuebin breathed slowly and sighed, but he did not feel the oxygen in his lungs. His head was getting dizzy and his eyes were getting more and more flowers. Slowly, Dong Xuebin finally fainted because of extreme hypoxia. The surrounding area once again fell into a deeper and darker darkness. This feeling is very familiar to Dong Xuebin. In that car accident, it was in this state after being hit by the bullet in the head.
Is this dead?
Oh, it should be.
I don't know how long it took, a few voices came from my ear.
"Wake up! He woke up!"
"Fast! Call the doctor! Call the doctor!"
"ǎo Bin!"
Dong Xuebin’s eyelids couldn’t be opened. He only felt that his body was sore and sore. When he heard these voices, Dong Xuebin’s heart was slightly stunned. Hey, he didn’t die? After a while, I finally opened my eyes. Dong Xuebin looked at it and found that he was in the hospital. There were some equipments next to it. Dong Xuebin also saw the tears of his mother, Xiaoping Xiaoping, and there were several doctors around. And the nurse is busy.
Xiaoping Xiaoping cried: "Hey Bin, you, do you listen to see Mom?"
Dong Xuebin squeezed an ugly smile. "I am...not...scorpion." The strength is very soft and the speech can't continue.
When Xiaoping Ping licked his mouth, he cried there.
Dong Xuebin was distressed: "Mom, I will say... I am a big blessing... I can’t die..."
"Mom was scared to death by you! I was scared to death!"
After that, Dong Xuebin was fainting again, and mímí made several dreams. When he woke up again, it seemed to be dark. Dong Xuebin opened his eyes slightly and felt that his body recovered a lot and he was no longer so uncomfortable. At this time, Xiao Xiaoping just took some fruit and walked in from outside the ward. Dong Xuebin was weak: "Mom, what hospital is this, the environment is quite good, and the Yantai County People's Hospital has such a good ward?"
Yan Xiaoping’s eyes were red.
This is the capital city, Jishuitan Hospital.

Dong Xuebin glanced, "How come to Beijing?"
"You said, you have been fainting in the Yantai County People's Hospital. The hospital has issued a notice of critical illness. Later, the hospital recommended that you go to the big hospital in Beijing to give it a try. It was sent to Jingli for treatment." Xiao Xiaoping's nose chōu Chōu, when she signed the critical notice, her whole person almost collapsed. I don’t know how to write the name. "Do you think it is a morning thing? You are faint for three days!"
Dong Xuebin screamed, "So long?"
Yan Xiaoping has a heart and a sigh: "The doctor said that you are coming back to life. In that case, the average person has already died."
Dong Xuebin was busy: "Yes, how do I get out of the bus?"
It turned out that after Dong Xuebin was trapped in the bus, the heavy rain stopped, and there was no more gravel and mud on the mountain. At this time, the rescue car came. After several twists and turns, the bus of the tourist bus was opened, and the inside was dizzy. Dong Xuebin, who had fallen over, got it up. Fortunately, the rescue was timely. My mother said that if even one minute and two minutes later, Dong Xuebin’s life would definitely not be saved. It was a life!
Dong Xuebin is happy, and his heart says that his buddy is really big!
"What hurts me? How can I not move my legs?"
"Bone fracture, fracture."
"Hey, is there no sequelae?"
"No, the doctor said that he can basically recover in more than two months."
"Oh, that's good." Moved his arm, nothing big, now the leg can't move.
The bell, the bell, and the phone of Dong Xuebin are constantly ringing.
Xiao Xiaoping was already used to it. He picked up the phone and gave a voice. Then he told the person over there about Dong Xuebin. In just one ǎo, about a dozen people called to greet them. It is obvious that Yantai County already knows that Dong Xuebin has passed the dangerous period, and Xiao Xiaoping responded one by one.
Dong Xuebin did not answer the phone, let the mother help me thank you for your concern.
Taking advantage of this time, Dong Xuebin turned his eyes to a newspaper on the table. It was a provincial newspaper. The headline of the front page seemed to have its own news. So he reached out and touched the newspaper and read it in front of him. The above recorded in detail the scene of Dong Xuebin's rescue of people. Standing in the heavy rain, using a shovel to dig down the scene of the sand, Dong Xuebin himself was a little embarrassed, lyrical!
At this time, the mother suddenly looked at her mobile phone. "It is the call of Secretary Liang."
"This is the answer." Dong Xuebin reached out and answered the phone. "Hey, Secretary Liang, I am a director."
" oh, oh, good!"
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "I am worried about it, I really can't help it."
Liang Chengpeng listened to his state very well, and the hanging heart was also put down. "It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine. You can make a contribution to this time. Sixty-seven people are killed, you are saved, know. Your deeds have not only been on the headlines of the provincial newspapers, but even the provincial TV stations have been repeatedly broadcasting these two days. They have also specially made a special report for you, and have both the campus kidnapping case and the jumping house case. Brought it."
Dong Xuebin was stunned: "Too much."
"This honor is what you deserve, take care of your illness, and wait for you to come back. I will ask you for your help!"
"Cough, that sputum, is it a second class or a first class?"
"You, huh, the city has already made a commendation, of course, it is a first class!"
The first-class merit in peacetime is even harder than going to heaven. Many people who have made major contributions have not had the opportunity to get first-class merits. Dong Xuebin’s mood is just fine. This is the performance of Chi Lululu, plus the former two. After the merits and third-class merits, he went one step further from the nomination of Zhengke. Dong Xuebin quickly thanked him. "Thank you, Director Liang, I will try to recover as soon as possible and return to the front line as soon as possible."
Liang Chengpeng said: "Don't, you can't, the county has approved your three-month holiday, you give me a good health, and don't think about anything else!"
"Cough, understand, understand."
"Okay, don't delay your rest, huh, huh, you can give us a face!"
Just hang up the phone, the phone slammed again, and look at the number, it is Liu Dahai.
Dong Xuebin smiled and laughed, "Old Liu, it is me."
Liu Dahai was silent for a moment, and his voice was hoarse and hoarse: "How is your body?"
"Hey, hey, it hurts, there is nothing wrong with the upper body, that is, the leg is broken."
"Director Dong, I... I am..."
"The big men are grinding their cockroaches, and there is something to say, I am waiting to eat fruit, huh, huh."
Liu Dahai bit his teeth: "Director Dong, my life is yours in the future, something to talk to you!"
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "I have done it. Don't come here. I may not be able to go back to Yantai County in the past two months. You have to work on the other side, don't make any luàn."
"do not worry!"
Not long after, Chen Fa, Feng Vice Captain, Qin Yong, Tang Yan, Da Yan, basically Dong Xuebin’s relatives and friends have called, Dong Xuebin naturally will not pick one by one, his body also If I couldn’t hold it, I gave the phone to my mom and asked my mom to help me. However, let Dong Xuebin be a little bit sullen, that is, Xie Huilan did not call a phone call, and asked no questions.
At the end, Dong Xuebin had to fight in the past.
Dudu, toot, toot, the phone is on, but there is no sound over there.
"Hey, Xie County Chief?"
"Cough, I don't know what, I don't have anything to do, I will report it to you."
Dong Xuebin snorted, and then he knew that Xie was angry. He quickly said: "I can’t help but can’t help it. This time, what is this? You said that situation, if I don’t go, Those people are not all dead? I can't help but hesitate, cough, that, I promise, this time is absolutely guaranteed, next time there is such a thing, I definitely hide far, who loves who to go It doesn't matter to me, do you think it is not?"
Xie Huilan finally spoke. "You can be really big. Now who knows the name of Director Dong in Yantai County?"
"Xie sister, I am really wrong. It is not an example."
"What's wrong with you? It's me wrong. I shouldn't mobilize work for you at all!"
"Oh, look at you, don't be angry, don't be angry, I'm not okay."
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "It's okay, the two legs are broken, the whole body is bruised, and the fainting is three days. I almost screamed, huh, huh, what is this? ǎo sickness, disaster, right?"
Dong Xuebin said: "Let you worry."
"Oh, I don't worry, what is your director Dong? Ten gangsters can't beat you, the bullets can't beat you, the stones can't stand you, the landslides can't bury you, huh, what are I worried about? Now is I will throw it into the deep ocean of the Pacific Ocean. You will be in front of me the next day, and I am not surprised at all!"
Dong Xuebin blushes: "Don't you chill me?" This is really an accident."
"... well, I am going to the meeting."
"Don't talk, you are angry here, I can't sleep at night, I am serious."
"I am not angry."
"Oh, you can't be angry with this tone?"
"What do you want me to say? I said that because I miss you, I haven’t eaten since the day before yesterday. I said that because I am worried about you, I can’t guarantee the sleep of three o'clock in these two days? I said that because I miss you, Call the hospital over and over again to ask if you woke up?"
Dong Xuebin’s heart is warm, and Xie Huilan is so tight!
Xie Huilan's tone eased some I went to the meeting, take care of yourself.

"Well, you pay more attention to your body, but don't sleep or eat. I am fine here."
"Let's get sick, wait for you to go back to Yantai County, see how I can clean up you!"
"Hey, you have to kill it, but don't withdraw my official." Last time Xie Jie said that.
"Oh, when can you forget your official hat!"
Hanging the line, Dong Xuebin comfortably lay back and looked up at the ceiling.
It’s great to be alive! !
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