Chapter 250: [Breaking 30 million! 】

Jude auctioned an office on the second floor.
The jadeite was placed on the ground with a heart. At this time, Dong Xuebin had time to take a closer look. It was gray, and there were traces of black stripes on the outside. A corner of the edge revealed a faint glimpse. The greenery, a flashlight, very transparent, very clear, like a cold ice, is the ice of the eight children, the other parts of the material also have traces of the window opened by the cutting machine, but did not see Cui sè.
"Do you open now?"
"Checks are paid, open."
"Hey, the cutter is borrowed."
Looking at this stone, everyone is a little nervous.
Dong Xuebin is no exception. After all, he did not see it with his own eyes. His heart is not 100% certain.
In the room, holding the armrests of Dong Xuebin's wheelchair, the white and tender palms were very tight, as if the heart had mentioned the eyes of the blind. Peach's hands clasped together, her eyes closed and her head swelled, and there was a word in her mouth. It seemed as if she was praying to the sky. Teacher Wei sighed there. It seemed that she was not very optimistic about the material in front of her eyes. It can almost be concluded that it cannot be lifted.
A minute passed.
Two minutes passed.
Dong Xuebin said: "Mr. Wei, please trouble me."
Teacher Wei couldn't bear to watch the company ruined in his own hands. He once again reminded: "Hey, I still have time to repent. If this material is auctioned again, it should be able to sell for about 8 million, at least not at least. If you lose money, you can make a dang, but if you have a knife, it will be too late to say anything. You should consider it clearly. Now the auction is in good shape, there is no need to take this risk!"
Dong Xuebin knows that Teacher Wei is telling the truth, there is no speech.
He said: "Open it, I believe Bin will not be wrong." Teacher Wei said: "You can gamble on this stuff, how can you see it? Many of them rely on luck!"
"Hey, I laughed hard." "Mr. Wei, I know that you are doing a good job in our auction, but doing business, it is impossible to go smoothly in the whole life. I always have to gamble once in the face. If I can’t open it, I will recognize it. There is no regrets, if you really open a larger piece of ice sculpture, isn’t it even more powerful? With these moneys, we will have a faster exhibition and don’t have to look at other people’s faces.
Teacher Wei knows that he can’t move, so he doesn’t say,
Where to open first?

Look at the side, "..." Let Bin decide.

Dong Xuebin wondered, "Start around the ice that opened the window."
"Okay." Since I decided to do it, Teacher Wei didn't grind it." When I brewed it, I lowered my head and picked up the cutting machine on the ground. I chased it on the cha, and took it to the side of the material to make the peach. The material was turned over and fixed, and then Wei teacher looked down and looked for a position. Finally, he chose the position of the jade that was exposed to the left side of the jade a few centimeters to the left, and pressed the cutter down to look at it.
He sighed and nodded slightly. Teacher Wei gave a switch "Hey, hey, the cutting machine slowly pressed down!"
The harsh sound suddenly returned to Dang in the house, and it was also a little bit worn away, separating the ice jade next to it. After a few tens of seconds, this side is coming to an end. There is no new Cui extension here. The knife is full of gray impurities, which is unfavorable. However, Teacher Wei expected this situation to be born, nor did it. I care too much, calm down my mood and continue to change position.
Niu is smashing, oh yeah!
The reason why I chose to slash around the jade that has already been opened is to see what the ice can stretch to. "Jade is the same as other things. Naturally, the bigger the value, the more valuable." Ice sculptures, it is undoubtedly the price of the sky, but if the whole stone only has the appearance of the jade, even if it is a good ice jade, the value will not be too big, even millions can not go up.
a knife...
Five knives...
Ten knives...
When Teacher Wei turned off the cutting machine, the most fascinating scene appeared!
I am really afraid of what comes, Dong Xuebin and Yan and others are stunned. There is nothing around the ice jade. The cutting edge of the cutting machine has already separated the jade. Wei teacher gently touches the hand. Jade was taken in his hand and looked big, but the surface looked a little bigger before he cut it, but in this case, don’t say the bracelet, at most, make a piece of jewelry and add a few necklaces or rings. Face, too, this ice jade is estimated to be worth hundreds of thousands!
More than 10 million moments have become hundreds of thousands?
This huge gap is almost unacceptable! ! Teacher Wei sighed deeply, and the company was finished.
Peach and 瞿芸萱 also face sè a white. Only Dong Xuebin still held a glimmer of hope. He felt that it should not be the result. At that time, he said very clearly on the phone. How could this be the case? Dong Xuebin’s face is not very good-looking.
There is still a big piece of material, then open!

Taoer deceived himself: "Yes, maybe the material behind it can be good." Teacher Wei knew that this was not possible, but did not speak, and continued to pick up the cutting machine and fell.
a knife...
Ten knives...
Twenty knives...
As the material gets more and more, everyone's heart is getting heavier, and finally it has fallen into the bottom.
It is expected that there will be less than one-third of the original, but there is nothing but impurities! Teacher Wei looked at you, ... 翟 total.
How much effort has been injected by Jude auction company, only she knows it, and now that she sees this scene, her brain suddenly feels a little dizzy, so it is so embarrassing? Ten million is so gone? She and Bin are still coming over again? For a time, I can't accept it.
Dong Xuebin annoyed: "Continue to open! I will not believe it!" Wei teacher y swears again, finally sighed, once again touched the cutting machine.
It’s okay, it’s okay!
Time passed by, and a few people, 瞿芸萱 and peaches, stared at the material on the ground, and Dong Xuebin secretly slammed his fist, God, my ancestors, don’t make trouble. Ah, almost on the line, hurry up and give it to me. But this is all the buddy's family. If you let the toss go, I still don't have a home dang. Where can I earn 10 million to open a company?
It’s awkward, and Wei’s knife has fallen steadily.
Once the cutting machine passed, the dust was flying, and it was all the broken pieces on the material.

Teacher Wei suddenly squinted and looked at the cut surface just now.
It seems like something is out!

The atmosphere is tight!
Dong Xuebin’s eyes were bright. A bunch of wheelchairs rushed up and 桃 桃 桃 桃 桃 桃 桃 桃 桃 桃 桃 桃 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏, bowed down to the stone, a time, a touch of green can not be exposed again and again in front of everyone's eyes, Wei teacher's face finally changed sè!
I don't know much about this.) Busy, "What is this?"
Dong Xuebin’s point of view is not clear and he also turned his attention to Teacher Wei.
Teacher Wei took a deep breath and said something amazing: "It's a glass! And the green is very strong!"
"Ha ha ha...", Dong Xuebin slammed the handrail of the wheelchair. "I will say it!"
He also excited: "Is it really a glass?", glass, that is the best thing in jade! Teacher Wei strangely touched the cut surface. "It is reasonable to say that it should not be. The beginning of the ice type is broken. The chances of another material being able to emerge are almost gone. Even if there is, it should be ice or below. Grade, how can there be a glass species? The chance is too much, um, but now I can't be too happy too early. This piece of green may be a cross section. Let me open it again?"
瞿芸萱 瞿芸萱 firmly said: "All this step! Open it!", Dong Xuebin smashed his hand, once again stared at the jade material.
A few minutes later, the jade was finally recorded. Looking at this green and green, everyone can't believe their eyes. The most amazing thing is that Teacher Wei has just read the words "how is it" from the beginning of his mouth, holding it in his hand. Look at this piece of green, the brain is a bit awkward and the peach is also lived by Cui sèmí, surprised and happy, hi and shocked!
It is a piece of broken glass jade!
But the weight is very good! Can definitely play the material of two pairs of bracelets! !
瞿芸萱〗 〖Xing 〗 〖Twisted Dong Xuebin’s face,
You can do something! It’s really a glass!
Dong Xuebin said with pride:
That is.

Taoer is dumb: "How much is this value?" Teacher Wei is the most authoritative person here. He said: "Now I don't dare to assert the market value of glass jade. After all, it is rarely auctioned. I will see it, few people will sell it, but if it is really counted, from this piece of jade and the kind of water, one of the two pairs of bracelets should be a little worse, can sell more than 10 million. The other pair of children must have a lot of greens, and the pair of bracelets that are played out is estimated to be nearly 20 million."
Taoer was shocked by this number. "Ah? That means adding 30 million together?" Teacher Wei nodded affirmatively. "If the emperor is green, it will be more valuable. Unfortunately, it is worse. It is also a good material that has never happened in a hundred years."
Ten million in a blink of an eye has changed 30 million, it is simply earned can not earn!
The room suddenly filled with a happy sè, and immediately let the peaches put the jade into the safe, for fear of being stolen, and then go to the processing factory tomorrow to quickly play two pairs of bracelets, just wait for the next month. The jadeite special event was the finale. Under the pleasure, he also let Taoer call all the senior executives of the Jude auction company to gather at the evening and celebrate at the Shangri-La Hotel.
At this point, Teacher Wei did not dare to read Dong Xuebin again. He also asked the sentence. "Mr. Dong, how did you see this stone?", there are people outside the sky, the facts speak louder than words, Dong Xuebin is not so much. After careful observation, I dare to say that the glass will come out. The result is really true. This has already explained the problem. Teacher Wei thinks that he may have other methods and 窍mén that others don't know, so he certainly wants to learn.
However, Dong Xuebin, who is going to see what gambling stones, is a bit confusing.
After dinner, Xixi asked him, "Don't let go of the news?" Dong Xuebin smiled. "Of course, I have to let go, and I will create the momentum. Second, I will be angry with Feng Yi."
He laughed at his nose, and the gentleness of the child was unobstructed. "It’s your ability!", and he greeted the peach, letting her post the news in the most prominent position on the website page, without using it. Sticking pictures, there is no need to say too much, only when there are two pairs of glass kinds of jade bracelet auctions in the last session, just a word, it is enough to attract some shock.
30 million things! It’s hard to be famous for this Jude auction!
Fame and fortune, Dong Xuebin feels that the hard work of these days is not in vain!
The Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee.
In a villa in the west, Feng Yi also just finished dinner at his uncle's house.
The exhibition on the other side of the company is booming, and the only Jude auction company that is blocking the road is at stake. Feng Yi’s mood is very good. At this point, he was washing a few drops of hand sanitizer in the bathroom and washing his hands. The phone in his pocket suddenly rang, and Feng Yi wiped his hands slowly and unconsciously. "Touch the phone and listen." "What?"

"Feng total, call, something is wrong!"
"Slowly, what happened?"

Just a few minutes ago, Jude’s website page posted a banner saying that there are two pairs of glass jade bracelets that will be auctioned on the jade scenes of the past few days.
This is true, that’s right. The impact of our auction on that day is too great, even if we have a lot of ice pendants, there are more than one meter high hailstone ornaments. "But it can't be compared with glass!"
Feng Yi's face changed, "How come? Bracelet? Where are they coming?"
"I don't know the specifics, but I heard that it was from the piece of material that was taken in the morning."
"What?" Feng Yi suddenly stunned, "Is there a glass of material?"
"It should be, and only then can it be explained."
Hanging up the phone, Feng Yi's face is green. That piece of material was originally his must-have. After that, the person named Dong Xuebin was too embarrassed to give up, but the glass of jade was actually inside. Is the weight enough to make two pairs of bracelets? How can this not let Feng Yi regret it! As long as you bite your teeth at that time, there are more prices! That material can be your own! Feng Yi's face is getting more and more yīn!
Dong Xuebin?
Feng Yiben intends to use the strength of the company to suppress the auction of Jude, bī, they change the day, who wants the world is unpredictable, "the other side actually put his side on the fire, Feng Yi eyelids down, he did not think so I haven’t had such a big loss in doing business for so long!
Out of the bathroom, Feng Yi thought about how to rectify them.
Let the business people sit down?
Let the tax person check it out?
Feng Yiliang is behind Feng Yi, and there are many means he can use. It is not limited to commercial means.
In the living room, the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee, the Director of the Public Security Bureau Feng Xueliang is drinking tea outside. "Feng Yi face is not good, Feng Xueliang smiled. "What happened? Didn't you still laugh?

Feng Yi called the uncle, and said: "There is something going on in the company."
"Oh? Is there a problem with the business?"
"That's not it, hey, there is an auction of jadeite in the morning. I was almost photographed by me. Who wants to kill a person named Dong Xuebin halfway, took the material away, and finally opened a piece?" Excellent jade."
Feng Xueliang feels that this name is familiar, "Dong Xuebin? What does it look like?"
Feng Yi gave a slight glimpse. "It doesn't look like it. It looks very ordinary. The public face is not noticed. I have been sitting in a wheelchair like a broken leg." At the end, I told my uncle in detail today.
Feng Xueliang frowned. "Yi, you don't want to move this person."
Feng Yi’s face was shocked.
Why? Do you know him?

Feng Xueliang waved his hand. "Let you not move, don't move."
The righteousness does not speak.
After a while, Feng Xueliang also saw that the nephew was unwilling, and reminded: "There is no deep hatred in anyway. This kind of person can not provoke the best." Some things you don't know, this relationship between Dong Xuebin and Huilan is not normal. Huilan is one of the best figures in the third generation of Xiejia. If it is not a nv person, I am afraid it has become the leader of the third generation of Xiejia. Unfortunately, Feng Xueliang does not have a camp with Xie Guobang, but there is no such thing. He praised Xie Huilan.
Feng Yi said: "Xie Huilan?"
The name, he was too deep, "The relationship between them is very shallow? What relationship?"
Feng Xueliang looked at him and smiled: "Hui Lan and he had eaten alone, helped him to transfer his work, and took him back home. Now Huilan is placed at the grassroots level. The election is also in Dongtai County. You said that he What is the relationship between the two?"
Feng Yimu stunned. "Can't you? You said they, "..."
"I didn't say anything." In fact, Feng Xueliang is not very clear.
Feng Yi was shocked to see what it is I only feel that this is too fucking, who is Xie Huilan? Feng Yi is clearer than anyone else. Whether it is background or appearance or ability to work, it is a first-class character. She has a "small relationship" with that of Dong Xuebin? This is unlikely? It’s not so open to kidding!
After leaving the Standing Committee, Feng Yi drove home.
The bell rang, the phone rang, it was from the company.
"Feng total, jade y ù 责 stone blame, or else I will contact Shanghai to see if there is..."
Feng Yi finally sighed. "Notify the various departments of the mén, the time of the jade special is half a month ahead of schedule."
The man at the end squatted, "Ah?" Isn't this a face of oneself?
"Go and do it right away!" Feng Yi had no choice but to put down the phone.
For the relationship between Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan, Feng Yi is absolutely unbelief, but does not believe in or not, Feng Yi still did not want to offend such a person, Xie Huilan's strength in the bones, Feng Yi has not seen, but also heard He can't compete with Xie Huilan! ! ~!
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