Chapter 286: 【Fed up! 】

Late, ten o'clock.
In an office of the County Public Security Bureau, Yan Chengpeng called Dong Xuebin in, "Xiao Dong, you sit first." Dong Xuebin stood still, "Hey, the accident, did the accident be identified?", "Come out "Yu Chengpeng looked at him. "It is the person who hit the Toyota of this study group."
Paralyzed, it really is them, Dong Xuebin is coming up, the mother is the account, he has to calculate with the people, and he has to say a word, go to the hotel to catch people.
However, Qi Chengpeng stopped him, and after sighing in his heart, he said the instructions of the white 〗 〖Book to him again. "The meaning to the 〖Book〗 is, don't investigate the driver's responsibility, Try to be low-key and let them pay for some medical expenses."
Dong Xuebin squatted, "What?"
"The big picture is heavy." Yan Chengpeng reluctantly said.
When I heard this, Dong Xuebin was a little unbelievable. "The overall situation? This is also called the overall situation." Secretary, I don't understand it, what is the overall situation? The people are the big picture! The people's things are big things! Now for the sake of Today, the Japanese delegation will sacrifice the interests of the people! It depends on the law and nothing! What is the overall situation? Who is the overall situation? I don’t think it is Yantai County! It is his overall situation to the secretary!"
"Don't talk nonsense!", Yan Chengpeng said that this little Dong really dared to go out to vulture.
Dong Xuebin angered and said: "You don't know. In the afternoon of the car accident, the police have made a lot of concessions. They hit people and hit people. If you lose tens of thousands of dollars, you will let go. You know How do the people and the crowds who are being beaten look at us? They are all in our hearts! When I left, I told the driver repeatedly that he couldn’t drive without driving! It was driving without a light! But they didn’t listen at all, at night. It’s smashing people! It’s not a civil dispute! It’s not a civil dispute! It’s a criminal case! It’s a crime-breaking case! What’s wrong? Those 〖days can be treated specially? Can you drive a green light all the way? Are they human? Are the people in Yantai County not a person?"
"Xiao Dong, your mood I understand, but...", Dong Xuebin said: "It was my mother who was hit. My mother almost died there. Dear Secretary, I am also a student of Dong Xuebin. A few times, I have done some things for the people, but what is going on now? I can't even compare the drivers of a small 〗 〖Day? For an investment that doesn’t have a single character, I don’t even have the power to enforce the law. My mom has to let them hit it in vain? "Why did Cheng Chengpeng think that this thing is very fucking, sigh, and said nothing."
Dong Xuebin knows to see that he is not pleasing to the eye, pressing his promotion, and always wants to clean up himself, but Dong Xuebin did not expect to be blatantly biased towards those who 〗 〖Day, even the basic principles and laws Regardless of the disregard, "the deception is too great! Everyone who made contributions to Yantai County has a common vision. Now, not only has it not benefited, but it has been suppressed everywhere. What the is this!"
Send to the road!
Do you really think that I am bully? ?
Yan Chengpeng was afraid of him, and said: "Let's do it, you go to the hospital to accompany your mother, this thing." I am helping you negotiate.

Dong Xuebin said with excitement: "I don't miss their tens of thousands of dollars!"
"I know, let the driver give your mother a face-to-face apology, so you can't see it?"
Apologize is over? Jiang Xuebin is mad at it. Of course, this result cannot be accepted.
Yan Chengpeng patiently said: "These are all 〗 〖Day, there are too many things involved, one is not likely to cause many other problems, then the driver Zhang Zhifeng, although I am 〗 〖Chinese nationality, but very good The trust, even if it is really caught, Sakamoto will also give him a lawyer. "Adding your mother's injury is not too serious. I think the crime of escape is basically unrealistic. I can't judge what punishment, but it will give you a lie. Come here, Xiao Dong, "I am also for you, just to make a breath... worth it?"
value! Of course the value!
In Dong Xuebin’s view, isn’t human being alive? ?
Qi Chengpeng did not know that he did not listen to it. He repeatedly advised him for a long time. At the end, Dong Xuebin went back.
Out of the Public Security Bureau, Dong Xuebin drove straight to the county people's hospital on the road, the phone rang.
It was just called by the police officer who had just visited the hotel to investigate the case. "Hey," Director Dong, the above notice said that the accident escape case would not let us continue to investigate. "The unlicensed driving does not allow the record to be recorded. Is this too much? The 〗 〖Day of the gang is also, there is no attitude of admitting the wrong, killing and saying that your mother was hit, it is... This case is too hot!", Dong Xuebin’s eyes Cold, "Don't recognize?", "Why that's it, they also said... it was your mother who ran into it."
grass! Dong Xuebin’s anger is raging.
Who else said anything?

And there is Meng’s director of the China Merchants Bureau. When he came over, he also reprimanded the people in our public security bureau. The expression is like saying that we are making a fuss. It is clear that we are handling the case impartially, how can we make it wrong? And Meng is very biased by those who are 〗 〖Day, I have not asked how to ask, and I want to give those small 〖〗 It seems that they have hit people. It should be like this!", "Meng Xiangyu" Dong Xuebin blinked.
"The Board of Directors, we are outside the hotel, what do you say now?", the person asked.
Dong Xuebin laughed aloud. "What can I do if I am instructed?"
"Can go..."
This incident is not only the cold of Dong Xuebin’s heart, but also the heart of the Public Security Bureau’s police officers. Everyone is very respectful to the small chairman, and the leading cadres who can make a living for the people can’t find a few in the province. Therefore, many of the directors’ mothers were outrageous. In addition, Mr. Dong’s mother was a member of the Public Security Bureau and a majority of the Public Security Bureau. Now he was hit by a car and could not be fair. The sad mood of rabbits’ foxes gradually spread. Open, not to mention the fact that those small 〖days were extremely bad at the time of the investigation, which made many case handlers unable to stand up.
"We all listen to you, you tell me!" The policeman said firmly.
On the other end of the phone, a young male voice was heard. "Dong Dong, can't you catch it?" Not everyone is afraid of things. The few people left there have already discussed it. They are not willing to end the case. It’s too big!
Wen Yan, Dong Xuebin's heart is hot, some moved.
"The squad...", "Let's give instructions!"
Dong Xuebin took a breath" "stand by field!"

"Yes!", hung up the phone, Dong Xuebin drove into the hospital compound, he did not think about how to deal with it for the time being, as the director said, even if the person is arrested, the driver can not be judged. Too heavy a penalty, but when the anger is abolished, the situation of Dong Xuebin can be awful, and the road will be deducted from the head of the scorpion, all of which can be invested in the investigation. The profitable person will also hate himself. "Jin Chengpeng said that Dong Xuebin is also asking himself at the moment to make a breath, is it really worth it?"
In the ward.
Yan Xiaoping was looking at the moonlight outside the window, next to the bundle of blood and mud with a donkey "Mom." Dong Xuebin went into the house." "Why don't you sleep?"

Yan Xiaoping looked at her eyes and looked at her son with a smile. "I just slept for a while, not sleepy." Right, did the driver catch it? "Dong Xuebin's expression is stiff: "I have already found it." "Well, don't be too tired, go back to the rest early, grab the people and let the people go." ","I know.

After talking with my mother for a while, Dong Xuebin saw that the spirit of the elderly was not bad. He let go of his heart and let his mother sleep well. He went out to the medical duty room and found the doctor who was working night shift. He asked him. The mother's condition, "Wang Dafu said that the recovery is not bad, blood pressure and heartbeat are controlled, as long as the sleep and relaxed mental state, and nursed back to hospital for a period of time.
On the other side, a middle-aged man walked into the ward.
Ji Xiaoping suspected him ".................., are you?"
The middle-aged man said with a face: "I am the director of the China Merchants Bureau, Meng Xianglin, who is responsible for the reception work of the delegation." China Merchants? Yan Xiaoping is not clear, but I also know that the director of the China Merchants Group is a cadre of the normal level, which is higher than the level of his son. So he is also cautious. He is sitting on the bed with one hand and barely sitting up. "Mr. Meng, I can’t get out of bed, I am slowing you down. "Sit quickly. She thought the other person was coming to visit the doctor.
Meng Xiang’s nose is expressionless:
No, I will leave if I say a few words.
Xiao Xiaoping also noticed that the other’s attitude was not very good, and she was puzzled.
"This is the case. The person who hit you is actually the original study group of 〗 〖, specifically for the investment in the construction of the factory in Yantai County, the amount is very large, even the county party committee to the 〗 〖Book and Xie County are very attached." Seeing Xiao Xiaoping, he stunned. Meng Xianglin continued: "So let me tell you about it, take care of the overall situation, and wait for the medical expenses paid by the other party tomorrow. This will stop here. You also advise Director Dong. Do not do anything special, everything is for the development of Yantai County, can not because this matter affects the investment of investigation, Xiao Yan, you are also a teacher, a party member, I think there should be this awareness."
Yan Xiaoping was shocked. The county party committee and the county magistrate attached great importance.
Meng Xianglin said: "You also know the temper of Director Dong. The above is not to worry about him. Let me come over and communicate with you. If the investigation is really due to Director Dong, it will be very unfavorable for your son's future development. No one can afford it.
, Xiao Xiaoping’s face is white,
Xiao Bin will take responsibility?
Meng Xianglin came here to personally do Xiao Xiaoping’s work. He is very reluctant, but he is reluctant to do so, in case Xiao Xiaoping If Dong Xuebin does not agree to go to the rescue, things will not be handled well, so Meng Xianglin must talk to Xiao Xiaoping about "speaking". In fact, she is scared to scare her, let her know the stakes, a rural woman, do not dare to come. Confronted with the county, "...Is it clear? You haven't suffered any serious injuries. When you let them pay for some medical expenses, don't hurt your son." Xiao Xiaoping said: "I know, I Immediately talk to Xiaobin!", Meng Xianglin nodded with satisfaction.
Xiaoping Xiaoping is really anxious. He didn't expect things to be so complicated. He was actually an investor who valued the county committee's 〗 〖Book. In the heart of Xiao Xiaoping, the son is the first one. Nothing is more important than Xiaobin. How do you feel? It doesn't matter, but it can't harm Xiaobin. I can't delay my son's future. I think that here, Xiao Xiaoping's heart is uncomfortable, but he still has to endure it. He can't let his son get into trouble because he is really letting the county party 〗 〖Book Remembering to hate Xiaobin, the future of Xiaobin was completely ruined.
Xiaopeng Ping wants to worry more and more, suddenly, she looks pale!
"Then I am gone." Meng Xianglin is ready to go back.
At this time, I saw Xiao Xiaoping suddenly slamming his chest in pain. The big sweat of the beans fell ticking, dripping, dripping, dripping, and the monitoring instruments on the side of the bed began to rush to the police, and the blood pressure was getting higher and higher. 120...130...there is 0...150, the heartbeat frequency is getting faster and faster, 80...100......120......135...栾晓萍 reaches for the pillow" I want to touch the quick-acting rescue pill, but touched two But did not get it, the next moment, Xiao Xiaoping was black and fainted in the bed!
Meng Xianglin frowned, not expecting her to be so scared.
Standing for a few seconds, Meng Xianglin did not have a quick step out of the ward, ready to leave.
The instruments in the ward are connected to the nurses' desk. The ward alarm nurse station will also receive it in the first time. In the corridor, Wang Dafu and several nurses ran quickly, and Dong Xuebin also followed with anxiously, they all I don't understand that Xiao Xiaoping had a good condition. Why did it suddenly happen again? Even blood pressure and heartbeat were more serious than when I was just sent to the hospital. It seems to be an acute heart attack.
mom! You must not have anything!
Dong Xuebin’s eyes were red, and he did not pay much attention to him when he passed by Meng Xianglin. A mind was in the ward.
Meng Xianglin didn't say anything. If Xiao Xiaoping was really dead, he didn't want to touch the scorpion. He went straight to the elevator and took the elevator and went downstairs.
Pushing open the ward door, I saw Xiao Xiaoping swaying sideways on the bed. "I don't know!"
Dong Xuebin hurriedly grabbed the hand of Wang Dafu. "Doctor! Fast! Save my mom!"
Dr. Wang quickly swept his blood pressure and heart rate map, and said to the nurse: "Send the rescue room! Hurry! Call Zhao Dean and Sun Director! Immediately rescue!", Dong Xuebin busy asked: "What happened to my mom? Yes? It’s just fine!
Wang Dafu said with a sigh of relief:
It may be a sudden heart attack caused by excessive mood swings. The specifics cannot be confirmed. I have to check further.
After explaining with Dong Xuebin Wang Dafu immediately ordered a nurse to inject the medicine, asked them to prepare immediately, and then turned back: "Generally high blood pressure patients, the heart condition will not be very good, although your mother has not had heart disease, but also ..." Dong Xuebin’s face has changed a few times.
Can you save it?

"I can only say that I will do my best." The doctor did not say anything to death.
Looking at the doctor and a few nurses pushing the bed and rushing forward, Dong Xuebin smacked his face with both hands, slammed it up, grabbed his hair against the wall, his hands were a little trembling, just mom The condition is still not a big problem, the doctor also said that he will be discharged from hospital in a few days. How can he suddenly become ill? Is the mood fluctuating too much? Impossible, my mom still laughs when he leaves, seems to have been frightened by the car accident?
and many more!
Wait a minute!
Dong Xuebin suddenly remembered something. He grabbed a nurse who walked over the tray. "Who is in my mother's ward?" The nurse stunned. "I seem to see a man coming in."
Dong Xuebin said: "Is it Meng Xianglin?"
"...I don't know, I am Meng Xianglin?" Dong Xuebin remembered that Meng Xianglin was in the corridor before, but he was not very sure. When he thought of it, he looked up and saw the surveillance camera above the hospital corridor. Then, "Nurse, take me to the monitoring room, and transfer the video that has just entered this floor within 20 minutes!" If the other person's request, the nurse must turn and leave, but Director Dong made a speech, she Of course, there is no way to say anything. The people in the Public Security Bureau have the right to check these. So, she went to the nurse station and called the hospital leader. On the phone, the hospital immediately agreed to the request of Director Dong and took him in. Monitored the video room and began to call up a section of video data. Dong Xuebin pressed his anger and looked at the monitor without hesitation.
"Is this time?"
Two staff members pointed at the monitor.
Dong Xuebin’s head is low,
...right, zoom in!

In the surveillance video, the back of a middle-aged man suddenly came into view. Dong Xuebin recognized it at a glance. It was Meng Xianglin who saw him walking into the ward where his mother was in the face. About five minutes later, It was the mother's illness, and Meng Xianglin quickly stepped out of the house and walked out the corridor.
Dong Xuebin is completely angry, this old bastard! !
I don't have to ask Dong Xuebin to guess what Meng Xianglin is doing. It must be because the car of the delegation has escaped. He is going to scare the mother and not want her to publicize and investigate the responsibility of the delegation! Yan Xiaoping has just been scared by the car accident, the mood is not very stable, and now Meng Menglin is scared, and suddenly the onset will explain the passage!
Send to the road! Meng Xianglin!
I am the grass of your two uncles! !
Dong Xuebin only felt a rush of blood on his head. He slammed his hand on the ground, and his mother let the car hit. You not only did not help her to seek justice, but also found someone to warn her to scare. she was? What is this going to do? This is to put my mother to death! Is this my mother letting 〖day〗 I hit a car? How does it seem that my mother drove the 〖day〗 myself? Who the is the victim? ?
it is good! it is good!
Don't you just remember that political achievement? Isn't it that I am not pleasing to the eye?
If Dong Xuebin let you get this political achievement, my mother and your surname! !
Dong Xuebin picked up the bag and went out to the hospital. He drove to the hotel where the delegation was staying! ! ! !
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