Chapter 291: [Clear and white! 】

Chapter 291 [Clear and White! 】
Early, ten o'clock.
Yantai County Commission for Discipline Inspection, an old section of Santana carrying Dong Xuebin slowly entered.
Since Dong Xuebin came to Yantai County to take office, he still entered the Disciplinary Committee for the first time. He did not panic and went underground. He looked around and wanted to call his mom and tell them that they might not be able to return today. The hospital, but this request was rejected by the staff of the two Disciplinary Committees. They both walked facelessly in front of them, took Dong Xuebin into an office building, went up the stairs, and entered a second floor office. .
A table, a few chairs, a light.
The feeling here is almost the same as that of the Public Security Bureau's interrogation room.
After Dong Xuebin sat down, one person sat opposite, and the other disciplinary committee went out to find someone.
Dong Xuebin has not been investigated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, but it is probably understood that this battle is not clear. This is definitely not a double rule. The double rules are generally full of evidence. The Commission for Discipline Inspection will directly force the isolation, from the expressions and actions of the two people. Look, there is no double-regulation. However, this is of course not an ordinary survey question. Ordinary questions will usually be in direct contact with the leader of the person or colleague during non-working hours or the unit, and then understand some situations, and will not be so fanciful. Bring Dong Xuebin back to the Disciplinary Committee. In other words, although the compulsory investigation of Dong Xuebin is less than the double-regulation, it is not far from the double rules.
It seems that it is ironic to move yourself! Are you sure that your buddy is corrupt and accepting bribes?
Dong Xuebin smiled coldly, but fortunately he prepared a hand before returning to Yantai County, otherwise he really had to be caught off guard.
at the same time.
County government fǔ, Hu Silian hurriedly knocked on the mén of Xie Huilan’s office.
"Xie County Chief, Director Dong was taken away by the Disciplinary Committee."
The pen in Xie Huilan’s hand was slightly stunned and looked up.

"Just five minutes ago, the Commission for Discipline Inspection went directly to the County People's Hospital."
"Well, I know." Xie Huilan glanced at her eyes and continued to correct the documents in her hand. She did not say anything else.
Hu Silian looked at Xie County magistrate, y rumors stopped, and finally did not say anything, shut down mén went out, Dong Xuebin had a favor for Hu Silian, she could jump from being dismissed to becoming the secretary of the county magistrate, thanks to the difference Dong Xuebin’s recommendation, so naturally he is worried about his safety. Hu Silin knows that if he really wants to check a person with the secretary and the Disciplinary Committee, it’s unclear to say that Dong Xuebin’s Million Mercedes-Benz business is worthy of borrowing. ? As long as the origin of the assets is unknown, as long as you really want to move you, how can you tell?
The thing that Dong Xuebin was taken away by the Disciplinary Committee was quickly spread.
Everyone understands that this is the account of the secretary after the fall.
Hu Yiguo, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, Meng Xianglin, who received treatment in the hospital, Lu Dafa, deputy director of the China Merchants Bureau, and Yu Zhengzhi, director of the Education Bureau, all had some gloating, and looked at Dong Xuebin’s jokes. The people who are close to Dong Xuebin’s relationship are all in a tight heart. Like Liu Dahai, the director of the Huitian Township Police Station, who was rescued by Dong Xuebin, and several policemen, they are annoyed, how much did Director Dong do for Yantai County? thing? How many things have been done for the people? Even if you don't say this, there are definitely a lot of things that will benefit you. Now, for a business that doesn't know if it can be implemented, it will be difficult to deal with it. You are too embarrassed. Is it right to enforce the law impartially? Is there so much work and sin? If you are like this to you, then who will dare to work seriously? Too chilling!
For a time, the situation changed suddenly. Everyone thought that the director Dong was finished.
Commission for Discipline Inspection.
Two minutes later, a 40-year-old Xie Ding middle-aged man walked into the office, followed by several people.
Dong Xuebin looked at him side by side and recognized him. Although he had not spoken to him before, he went to the county party committee and county government several times to see him a few times. Duan Zhengan, Yantai County Party Committee Standing Committee, Disciplinary Committee Secretary, when Chang Lei’s former county party secretary was still in office, I heard that Duan Zhengan was a
. Although not all things followed the pace of the regular secretary, the general personnel adjustment and major events remained normal. After the support of the clerk, after the change of the dynasty, Duan Zhengan became a "pro-affiliation", and he followed the road to the road, but it is said that the relationship with Xie Huilan is not dead.
"Section secretary." Dong Xuebin said.
Duan Zhengan nodded and sat down oppositely, laughing and turning the file.
The cadres of several discipline inspection commissions have also taken their seats, facing Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin had no good feelings for Duan Zhengan, and the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee personally attended the interview. This has already explained the importance attached to Dong Xuebin, and he must take him down. The secretary of the county party committee issued to Dao, the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee Duan Zhengan, all of whom are the leaders of Yantai County. Dong Xuebin felt that he should be flattered. You really can see the buddies, so big to come to me as a deputy cadre!
Silence for about a few seconds.
A very old-fashioned youth looks at Duan Zhengan, "Section Secretary..."
"ǎo Li." Duan Zhengan did not look up. "You can do it."
Li took a deep breath and looked at Dong Xuebin without hesitation. "Director Dong, let you come today to investigate your economic situation."
Dong Xuebin smiled, "forced xìng?"
"You can understand this."
"Well, let's ask, but I have a sentence to say first."
"Hmm?" ǎo Li looked at him.
Dong Xuebin said faintly: "My mother is old and my body has not been very good. I have not only been hit by a car in these two days, but I have been scared and threatened. I have a myocardial infarction. I don’t want to think about it for the elderly. The matter that was brought to the Disciplinary Committee was known to my mom, otherwise something happened..." The tone said, "I can investigate, but don't bother my mother, investigate in secret, okay?"
Ǎo Li asked the eyes of the next paragraph Zhengan. It is said that things have reached this point, and finding a routine investigation of Yan Xiaoping is a step that must be taken. However, the physical condition of Xiao Xiaoping is also clear. Just after the operation, the dangerous period has not passed, and it is really unreasonable. Toss up.
Duan Zhengan is not a person who is unreasonable, his head is slightly.
Dong Xuebin said: "Thank you, um, I want to know what can be asked."
A disciplinary committee person is holding a pen and a book to prepare for the record.
Ǎo Li took a document and looked at it:
I want to know your salary status first. What is your monthly salary?

"You don't need me to say that you know it too? The salary of the deputy department is almost the same. You can find it by phone." Dong Xuebin raised the Erlang tu, and replied: "After the tax is deducted, all the subsidies are counted. The money that can be received in the month is about 4,000 yuan. Is the bonus still counted? If you count more, plus the case that I broke some big points before, the province and the county also gave some bonuses, at most once. It’s tens of thousands."
Ǎo Li Dao:
That is to say, your salary for one year is about 50,000 yuan.

Dong Xuebin frowned. "You have nothing to count, this comrade, even if you are not a cadre, you should know that the monthly salary subsidy multiplied by twelve does not equal the annual salary? I said, except me. In addition to the bonuses for solving crimes, there are many bonuses for the units, etc. If you really want to pay an annual salary, about 10,000.
Yantai County is relatively poor, and the salary is not as high as that of the first-tier cities in Beijing, but it is also less. The grassroots towns and counties that are particularly backward are much higher.
李o Li asked again,
What was your annual income in the National Security System last year?

"Men has regulations, this is a confidential matter." Dong Xuebin said: "But I am not in the national security. I have nothing to say. I paid the deputy director before the salary is about two thousand. After mentioning the deputy director of the general office, The salary is a little more than 3,000 yuan a month." ǎo Li nodded and wrote a few strokes on the book. They have already investigated it. Dong Xuebin said that there is no problem, and the actual situation is basically attached.
Dong Xuebin looked at the watch. "Hey, don't know what to ask, can you say that you can't do it? There is still a meeting in the afternoon."
Li Dao: "After our preliminary statistics, you can start with a salary of about 100,000 yuan in the past few years after you graduated from college and entered the system."
"Roughly the same."
"So how did your top-of-the-line Mercedes-Benz business come?"
Dong Xuebin shrugged his shoulders. "That is my friend. I borrowed it to open it."
"What friend?"
"It’s a relative. When I was in Beijing, I had a very good relationship with my family, mén, mén, like a family. You can check it out and investigate the source of Mercedes-Benz. This car is under the Jude auction company. It’s not what I bought, but I have to give it back to people.

Ǎo Li looked at him and said: "Why should the other party borrow your valuable car?"
"I didn't say it, we just like a family, how can we borrow a car?"
"What about your watch?" ǎo Li took out a picture with Dong Xuebin on it, obviously it was tōu, especially the position of the wrist was particularly obvious, and I clearly saw the watch with a lot of diamonds. "This is a report material sent by someone. After identification, this watch is Patek Philippe. The market value is less than two million. What is the source of this watch? Can you afford it if you can't afford it?"
Dong Xuebin did not think that: "It is also the friend who opened the auction house, I will borrow it."
"...not someone else sent?" ǎo Li asked.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "I know that you want me to say that someone else gave it, but unfortunately not."
Then, the disciplinary committee members asked Dong Xuebin's jade ornaments and rings. These are things worth tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. Dong Xuebin also killed and said it was borrowed. What I bought with my hard-earned money, I have to borrow it, Dong Xuebin is also helpless, but who can make the gambling stone and the bloodstone mine not quite on the countertop, let’s say he missed and gambled before. The money earned by Shi did not go to the tax bureau to pay taxes. If the current calculations are based on such a mind, the money will definitely be included in the unknown assets, so Dong Xuebin cannot say.
I asked for a while, and the Disciplinary Committee did not entangle anything. After the question was written, Dong Xuebin said what they remembered. It seems that it is a routine question, but Dong Xuebin certainly understands that this initial question is only a ǎǎo. At the beginning, there must be people outside the Disciplinary Committee checking their accounts.
Sure enough, ten minutes later, a person pushed mén in.
The man said something to Duan Zhengan and several other disciplinary committee members, and then handed over an information file.
Duan Zhengan looked at it carefully, sighed, and gave it to Li.
Li looked at it and looked up: "We got in touch with the bank and we have already found out the funds on your and your mother's account. There are a total of 300,000 on your bank card, and your mother's account is on the account. More than 100,000 yuan, a total of about 500,000 yuan, Director Dong, with your and your mother's salary, and your family's situation, this money can not be normal income, how come?"
Dong Xuebin grinned: "Don't rush to set xìng, why can't it be normal income?"
李o Li is impatient to say: "According to our investigation, you and your mother lived in the capital very poor, your father died, the doctor yào fee huā a lot of money, even the house is sold, and your mother's The work doesn't even cost $2,000. If you have more than 100,000 yuan in economic income over the past year, how can you not get 500,000 yuan in cash? And we also investigated that your babysitter, Mei Xia, was not in the first place. The penny, but now she has a set of real estate, a set of properties worth hundreds of thousands, where is she from?"
Dong Xuebin’s eyes were awkward. I didn’t expect the other party’s investigation to be clear. I couldn’t help but ask:
What do you think?

Ǎo Li Dao: "Yi Meixia's house is bought by you. The cash is also the result of your corruption and bribery. We can only think so, or ask you to tell the source of these funds, can you?"
"Corruption and bribery?" Dong Xuebin said: "You can really guess."
Ǎo Li has been working in the Disciplinary Committee for several years. I have never seen such a person like Dong Xuebin. I have been found on this item. The matter is basically clear. He actually laughs and laughs. It seems that it is simply not going to happen. "Director Dong, I hope that you will solve the problem as soon as possible. The evidence is still only a part of it. Our people are still investigating. I believe that obtaining other evidence is only a matter of time."
Dong Xuebin said: "That's what you said, who bribed me? How to bribe?"
Ǎo Li Dao: "We are asking you."
Dong Xuebin said calmly: "You can check it again. When I am on holiday, when did Dong Xuebin receive a gift of more than 2,000 yuan? When I was in office, when did I have the money of someone else in the name of my birthday? I haven’t even had a birthday! Where do you bribe me?
Dong Xuebin’s money is not so beautiful, but he has always been respectful in the issue of corruption and bribery. In this respect, Dong Xuebin has no worries, and there is no such thing. People have had what it means to bribe him. Dong Xuebin is in charge of a Huitian Township police station. The real power is the most embarrassing in all public security bureau cadres. It is the last deputy director in the rankings. People have to ask people to do things without looking for him. !
Twenty minutes later.
Duan Zhengan’s phone rang, and when he saw it, he walked out of the office,
Hey, to the secretary.

At the other end of the line, I asked the question, "Is it al generation?"
"Not yet, I am afraid I can't ask anything." Duan Zhengan said: "But now the evidence is almost the same. Dong Xuebin has no way to explain the source of this money. He always sells it. He always asks questions. It seems that this money is really suspicious. The evidence that has been found also illustrates this point. I think it can be double-regulated."
Speaking to the road, "Continue to check!"
County magistrate's office.
Xie Huilan called Hu Silin in. "How long has it been for the disciplinary committee?"
"About... is it two hours?" Hu Silin said: "Will it..."
Xie Huilan shook her head with a funny smile. "This is a child. He is also addicted to the investigation. Is he? He is willing to let him stay in the Disciplinary Committee!"
Hu Silin snorted and she found that Xie County Chief did not seem to worry at all.
Not only did Xie Huilan not take it seriously, but Dong Xuebin, who is in the Disciplinary Committee, is also a relaxed expression.
Duan Zhengan and several members of the Disciplinary Committee were stunned and burned their eyes. Why did this person still have such heartlessness? Didn't you feel a little nervous?
Do you want to double rules?
Duan Zhengan raised his brow and was keenly aware that something was wrong and hesitated.
At this moment, the house mén was suddenly pushed away. A disciplinary committee member hurriedly stepped forward and handed a document to Duan Zhengan. He said: "I have found several transfer records when I investigated the account of Director Dong. Others are still very fragmentary, but there is a huge amount."
Duan Zhengan’s heart was moving,
How much?

That humanity: "About four million."
At first glance, a few people present were down chōu, a cold air, four million? This is a big case that has not happened in more than a decade! The number is too big!
Duan Zhengan asked: "What is the source of funds?"
"This one……"
The man pulled out a strange expression, "It is the Beijing Welfare Lottery Center."
"What?" Duan Zhengan stunned, and several people next to him were together.
The man shouted: "We have just contacted the Beijing Fucai Center. After investigation, it has been determined that Director Dong has won the first prize in the lottery issued by Fucai. The prize is less than five million and the tax is about four million."
In the lottery! ?
Still the first prize? ?
Even Zhengan was shocked. When he investigated the economic problems of cadres, he was the first to encounter such a thing.
four million? If this is the case, then Dong Xuebin’s source of funds will be no problem, whether it is 500,000 on the account, Mercedes-Benz business or Patek Philippe, even if it is not borrowed by Dong Xuebin, he will buy it. Or if you borrow it and buy it first, or if you really borrow it, as long as Dong Xuebin has the income of this white sè, then everything is no longer a problem. It is too difficult to make a fuss from this.
"Is it OK?" Duan Zhengan's face sè sinking.
The man replied: "It has been confirmed, and the Welfare Center has also verified it twice."
Duan Zhengan turned his head and stared at Dong Xuebin's eyes. "Why don't you say it earlier?"
"What did you say early? You didn't ask me either." Dong Xuebin said with a hand, "There is no such thing as a big prize. I don't have any real feelings of winning. It's so lucky. I don't know if I am lucky." I dare to believe, huh, huh, now I think of it, I really won the prize. It was bought with a lottery shop in the north exit of Heping Street in Beijing. Hey, it was luck at the time, you didn’t mention that I almost forgot."
Ǎo Li almost fainted to the ground, forgot? Let it go! Who won the 4 million prize that he can forget?
Duan Zhengan and several other people can see it. Dong Xuebin did not have fear at first. He did not take this investigation seriously, and he deliberately did not say that the winning thing was to let the Disciplinary Committee work hard and make fun of them. However, if Dong Xuebin said this at the beginning, they would not have to go to the hard-working area to check the account. The direct welfare lottery center will verify it.
This 丫tǐng! Too angry!
Ǎo Li and several disciplinary committee members hate itching!
Duan Zhengan immediately went out and reported the situation to Dao.
After receiving this call, I stopped the road for a dozen seconds and then took out a few words. "Continue to check!"
Duan Zhengan understood the meaning of the secretary. He sighed and stood in the same place and thought about it. He told people to start investigations from other aspects. The source of the investigation was the report letter sent to the Disciplinary Committee to report Dong Xuebin this year. Dong Xuebin has Money, but it does not mean that he has not been bribed, has not committed crimes, can only seize a breakthrough, can also play the same role as the investigation of bank accounts.
Another time has passed.
However, I was shocked to find that the disciplinary committee members who had turned over Dong Xuebin’s old bottom were shocked and found that the director Dong was actually
! The so-called no official is not greedy, although this sentence is exaggerated, but it is not unreasonable. In the officialdom, it is impossible to do everything cleanly, but Dong Xuebin seems to be an exception, saying that the issue of bribery and bribery is true. Like Dong Xuebin’s own statement, he has never even had a birthday. The amount of the festival’s gift is also well controlled. At least the disciplinary committee did not find any big gifts. The things on the report letter are mostly catching the wind. Oh, yes. On the other hand, although Dong Xuebin has such a problem in his work style, he is not too big, and he is not enough to get up to make a fuss.
Clear and white?
Clean? ?
Duan Zhengan is somewhat silent.
The people who are next to the Commission for Discipline Inspection are also the subjective ideas of everyone. They think that Dong Xuebin is definitely not clean. No one has thought that such a result will be detected.
How could it be so clean?
Twenty minutes passed. House mén opened, and came to a cadre of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. "Director Dong, thank you for your cooperation. I have already checked it clearly. The things on the report letter are not true."
Dong Xuebin smiled and shook hands with him. "It doesn't matter, it's all for work, I understand."
The man said with no expression: "After the investigation is over, you can go back."
"Hey." Dong Xuebin stood up and smiled. "I didn't drive when I came. I don't know how to go back. Excuse me, send a car to send me a glimpse?"
The disciplinary cadre browed and jumped, "...can."
At one and a half in the afternoon, Dong Xuebin was sent back to the County People's Hospital by the Commission for Discipline Inspection.
Many people who know the news have fallen in glasses! !

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