Chapter 321: [Unexpected invitation]

Chapter 321 Unexpected Invitation (one more)
The second day.
Early, eight o'clock.
When Dong Xuebin opened his eyes from the living room sand, Yan Meixia and Yan had already got up.
Xiao Yan moved his chair and sat on his opposite side and stared at him. He didn't know how long he sat. Seeing Dong Xuebin woke up, she cheered. "Brother... Uncle woke up, when are we going?"
Yan Meixia, who is talking to the bathroom pan, blames: "Let your uncle sleep more."
"Hey..." Xiao Yan was short, "Uncle, you sleep."
Dong Xuebin sat up with a smile. "Don't sleep, go after dinner, huh, huh."
When he was a little stunned, he was happy. He hurriedly held Dong Xuebin’s clothes to him, as if he was urging him to wear it.
"Hey, give you anxious, do it, and start up." Dong Xuebin scraped her nose.
Yan Meixia smiled helplessly, "Xiao Bin, you wash it first, I will throw a underneath, come back and cook."
"I am going to throw!" He volunteered: "Mother, let's cook soon!"
Yan Meixia yelled at her, "Can't run again, are you worried?" She said, she stooped up the garbage bag in the toilet and walked out from it. "Mom is coming back, you first shave your uncle. The knife is charged with electricity." Of course, this bag of garbage can't be seen by her daughter. The mess is wet. Although the cover is covered with paper, the side can still be seen. Counting, there are seven or eight, all of which are harmed by Xiaobin on her body. I think that I have used so much, and my big sister’s face is red, and I am not ashamed of myself.
After breakfast, Xiao Yan was very anxious to take Dong Xuebin and Yan Meixia down the stairs.
In the morning, the monks strolled.
Then I took a small donkey and climbed Xiangshan.
On the way home, Xiao Yan was so tired that he came to live, but he was not happy at all.
In the back seat of Mercedes-Benz business, Yan Meixia touched her daughter's head with love. "Do you have enough?"
"Yeah!" Focus on the head, "Mom, are we going back to the county?"
"Yeah, it's time to go back."
Dong Xuebin looked at the rearview mirror: "The next time you wait for your summer vacation, your uncle will also bring you to Beijing, and then you will visit the attractions that have not been visited.
Xiao Yan’s arms cheered,
Thank you, uncle!

Look at the table, three o'clock in the afternoon.
Dong Xuebin also came out for too many days. In the past two days, the mother and the daughter also had a great time. It was time to go back. So after returning to the north exit of Heping Street, the monks discussed it and decided to have dinner with Beijing first. Then drive back to the county at night, the road is not far, two hours. Seeing that there was still some time away from the meal, Dong Xuebin and Yan Meixia collected their luggage, and went to the downstairs city to buy some special products to be brought back.
The bell rings and the phone rings.
Just brushed the card with the city's cashier, Dong Xuebin took it out and immediately snorted at the mother and daughter.
Yan Meixia took care of the specialties in his hand and let him free his hand to answer the phone.
"Hey, Xie Jie." Dong Xuebin pressed the answer button.
Xie Huilan at the other end: "Is it back?"
"Come on, I am going to go at night, I guess I can go to Yantai." Dong Xuebin thought that Xie Huilan was blaming his own work, so he was a little embarrassed.
Who knows that Xie Huilan smiled and said: "If you don't come back, wait."
"Well? What happened?" Dong Xuebin stunned.
"I am on my way to Beijing. I will come back tomorrow."
Dong Xuebin snorted, "...have you come over? Do things?"
"Almost." On the phone, I can hear the sound of the car coming to the car. It seems to be on the high side. "I haven’t returned home since I came to Yantai. If I have time in these two days, I am going to go home and see if it is a New Year’s Eve. Well, when the Spring Festival is not working, you can't go back." Sounds a meal, "Well, this way, I can go to my grandfather's house around 5 or 6 o'clock, and you will also pass this time. ,Ok?"
Dong Xuebin coughed and coughed. "That, I will go too?"
"Oh, what's the problem?"
"Is it wrong to go?"
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "My mother ordered you to go, you can do it yourself."
Mrs. Han’s words? Then there is no way, Dong Xuebin hard scalp, "That... well, I will arrive later."
"This is an early year in advance. My uncle and uncle should also come over. There are still a few of my peers who should also go. You pay attention to the number of gifts. Don’t be as rampant as the last time you went to the old man’s house. Give them more. Leave a good impression, yes, do you have the kind of Changbai Mountain wild ginseng that sent me my mother last time? I am in a hurry, I haven’t bought anything decent, and if you bring a box, I will send it to me. Grandpa."
"There should be, I will take it later."
"That's it? Driving, don't say much."
"Let's go, pay attention to safety on the road." Put down the phone, Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly.
Yan Meixia looked at him. "Is there something? It doesn't matter, you are busy with you, don't care about us."
Dong Xuebin apologized: "I'm sorry, I may not be able to go today. I have to go to other people to have a meal at night. I will go back tomorrow, you two..."
Yan Meixia is very eye-catching: "Then we will go back to the county first."
Dong Xuebin fake model faked: "Hey, this is not suitable."
"Nothing, you are with me all these days...we have lost a lot of things, I am..."
Of course, Dong Xuebin does not want to wait for tomorrow to go back with the big sister and the mother and daughter. Since Xie Huilan has come, Minger may have to go with her when she goes back. He is not too afraid to let Xie and the big sister meet. The people who had lost their minds were like this, so Dong Xuebin had to go back and take their luggage, and took the big sister and Xiaoyan to the long-distance bus station, and bought them some food on the road.
"Then, are we gone?" Yan Meixia looked at Dong Xuebin, and looked at him for the first time.
Xiao Yan waved his hand and reluctantly said: "Uncle, goodbye."
Dong Xuebin smiled dumbly. "How do you get along with life, and I will go back to Don't you see it?"
Yan Meixia looked at him gently and slowly nodded.
Dong Xuebin understood her eyes and returned a soft look.
The big sister's face was hot, and finally he looked at him and took his daughter's hand to go far.
Watching them leave, Dong Xuebin turned around and breathed a sigh of relief.
The invitation of Xie Huilan’s mother, Han Jing, made Dong Xuebin really unprepared and went to thank her. And is it to thank the old master before? Dong Xuebin was not afraid, but that time he could fall out with Xie Lao for Xie Huilan’s marriage contract. He also slammed the old man in front of the public. If he met again, the old man and other Xie family would look at himself.
Come first
[...Chapter 321 [Invitation of Accidents] (One more) Green fiction text update is the fastest...] a! !
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