Chapter 331: [Send off! 】

Chapter 331 is off! (first more)
Saturday morning.
Minger is thirty years old, and the sound of firecrackers rising everywhere on the street is full of joy.
Dong Xuebin was the first time to go to Yantai County for the New Year. He walked on the road and looked at the red lanterns and red satin slogans hanging on both sides of the street. His face also had a smile, Xie Laozi’s recognition, official position. The high rise, the new power of ability, and the warmth of the big sister, a bunch of news that Dong Xuebin was excited, he was in a very good mood, taking advantage of Xiaoqu, the march of the Volunteers from his mouth.
This makes people happy and happy.
A family member of the cadre who had just stepped out of the door of the bureau’s family’s hospital heard it, and couldn’t help but admire it. The political literacy of the director Xiao Dong’s family was high, and the songs sang the national anthem.
In the county government compound, Dong Xuebin walked into the office building and took the stairs.
In front of a deputy magistrate's office, he reached out and consciously knocked on the door.
There are a lot of rules in the officialdom. Even knocking on the door is very particular. If the lower level reports to the superior leadership office, it is rude to knock on the door. It is not rude. It is not respectful because it is not respected. It’s inevitable that Qilian’s knocking will give people a kind of urging. It’s the permission of the superiors. The subordinates usually find the leadership office. They can only knock on the door twice, but they have to knock gently. Use force, otherwise it is just a knock on the door that looks like nothing. It will make you sinful when you don't know. This is the officialdom.
"Please come in." The voice of a middle-aged man sounded in the room.
Dong Xuebin opened the door and closed the door with his backhand. He smiled and said: "Zhao County Chief, I will give you a year first."

Is Xiao Dong coming?
Zhao Xinglong nodded with a smile.
You are also good for the New Year, sit down.

Dong Xuebin didn't know what he was looking for, and he sat down on the meeting.
Zhao Xinglong was in his early forties, with a big eyebrow and a big eye. It looks like a big man in the farmland of a farmer’s village. He is quite simple. He is the deputy magistrate of Yantai County. He is mainly responsible for attracting investment, which is the leader of the China Merchants Group. Since Xue Bin took over the China Merchants Group, he will definitely have to deal with Zhao Xinglong, the leader in charge, but Dong Xuebin did not contact him because of his work.

China Merchants Lao Meng was hospitalized in the morning.
Zhao Xinglong didn’t have too many visits and came to the door.
Have you heard that?

Meng Xianglin? Dong Xuebin said: "Isn't Meng Director just discharged from the hospital? Or is it brain congestion?"
Zhao Xinglong Yim, "I heard that the condition is unstable in the morning. Well, the China Merchants Group is now a group of dragons. I don't think you have to wait until the year later. I have communicated with the county magistrate. You will officially take office now. Oh, the county can have a lot of expectations for you, and do it well."
Dong Xuebin quickly promised.
"In fact, it is said that I am taking office today. You have to wait for the year after you go to work." Zhao Xinglong took up a cup of warm water and took a sip of his mouth. He said: "Tomorrow is 30 years old. Today, the China Merchants Group is on holiday, um, let If you take office in advance, you are mainly afraid of any sudden or urgent situation during the Spring Festival. Don't find the person in charge at the time. You have a preparation. You can transfer the work of the bureau today."
Dong Xuebin nodded, and it was no different to him in the morning.
Out of the deputy magistrate's office, Dong Xuebin drove back to the bureau and collected things in his office. The left stay, the take away, this is the last day of his own, think about it. The blink of an eye has been doing this for a year, really fast.
He was awkward at the time.
Hey, Vice Captain Feng of the Interpol team knocked in the door.
"Old Feng." Dong Xuebin said with a smile: "Is there a job?"
Vice-President Feng sighed. "No, I heard that you are leaving today, hehe..." He was a bit sad.
Dong Xuebin pointed to him. "Oh, the big masters don't put this face, and they won't see it later. The China Merchants Group is also in the city, and there are more opportunities to deal with it." In the year of the bureau, he went with Dong Xuebin. The more recent ones are Liang Chengpeng, Qin Yong and Feng Vice Captain. Of course, Liu Haichen’s gang police station will not say anything.
Then, many people from the county bureau came to Dong Xuebin to go to the other, Qin Yong, Gong Zongwen, and many leaders of the underlying departments, so that Dong Xuebin was very moved. At noon, they called everyone to have a meal together and counted.
In the afternoon, Dong Xuebin took his own belongings to the car and officially unloaded the burden of the deputy director.
Now, let's go clean, and move the house by the way in the afternoon.
Who knows, Dong Xuebin just drove the car into the family's home, and saw several police cars parked under his own building. About seven or eight police officers were waiting there, and Feng Vice Captain was among them. Dong Xuebin couldn't help but slam the Mercedes-Benz business in the courtyard and get off the bus.
"Director Dong."
"The Board of Directors."
Several people have come together.
"Old Feng, what are you doing?" Dong Xuebin smiled.
Vice-President Feng sighed: "I heard that if you want to move, come over and help."
Dong Xuebin waved: "I went back all the way back, and I took it with my heart. This is still working. I have come here to say something like this. There is nothing in the house. I moved alone."
Vice-President Feng did not say anything, and several other people did not mean to go.
Dong Xuebin is the present. These seven or eight people basically know each other. Some of them have broken the case with him. Some of them have arrested the Japanese delegation with him. I also advised a few words, they still did not go, Dong Xuebin was helpless, and my heart was very warm, so I looked at a few of them, I had to smile and patted the shoulders of the two people closest to him. "Okay. , moving and moving, thank you."
"It should be."
"Yes, Dong Bureau, you are welcome."
Going upstairs, Dong Xuebin asked: "There is no case today? Don't delay your work."
Deputy Feng Feng said: "The work has been given to other groups. In the past two days, my task was to rehearse with a few people. Is there a county cadre Spring Festival party this evening?" The cadres have a Spring Festival party, which is not enough every year. Activities, but because of the difficulty of the 30th and the first few days, in general, this cadre Spring Festival Evening is the first day of the 30th or the first two days.
Dong Xuebin said: "I have heard of this, but as for the work, let it go?"
Vice-President Feng reluctantly said: "The instructions have been directed downwards. Every cadre party has a department to arrange a program, at least one, and people must be comrades in the department, and it is impossible to pay for it. Anyway, meaning It is necessary to make the lively and grandiose, and all departments must participate in it, saying that it is to strengthen the building of spiritual civilization and promote the exchanges between the comrades of various departments. Tonight, the leaders of Xie County and all the departments directly under the county will participate, so not only we The bureau and other departments also attach great importance to it. Some departments have heard that they have been preparing for rehearsal three months ago."
Is political significance greater than entertainment?
Dong Xuebin will naturally go to participate at night. He is a bit interested. What kind of programs can be prepared in the head and mind of a group of institutions.
Sing the national anthem?
Shouting that I love Beijing?
Khan, if this is the case, Dong Xuebin feels that he should take a sick leave.
There are not many things in Dong Xuebin's family. Clothes, suitcases, documents, books and magazines, these basically have no weight. Even the computer or the notebook, just leave, the other items in the house may not belong to Dong Xuebin, refrigerator washing machine. , desktop computers, etc., all at home when he was at home, so after picking up for more than half an hour, Feng Vice Captain, they moved things downstairs and stuffed them into Dong Xuebin's Mercedes.
After the incident, Dong Xuebin thanked: "Thank you all today."
"Board, you go slowly."
"Director Dong, sit back in the air."
A few policemen said goodbye to each other. In fact, no one wants Dong Xuebin to leave.
Suddenly, several police cars and vans sneaked in and entered the home of the bureau. Dong Xuebin recognized the cars at a glance, which was the Huitian Township police station. Sure enough, the director Liu Dahai and deputy director Chen and others have come down from the car, followed by Chu Feng, there are two nephews, all of whom are police stations.
Dong Xuebin said with a good air: "Old Liu Lao Chen, how come you all come."
Liu Dao’s tone is very low.
I heard that you are leaving, we... send you.

Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "I have eaten food for half a month ago, and I have to send it to you. I will not go to another county. I have more opportunities to meet in the future. You are one by one, huh, huh..."
Liu Haihai’s forty-five-year-old man, after seeing Dong Xuebin, was actually red-eyed and couldn’t say it with a stomach.
Dong Xuebin quickly pointed to him. "Old Liu, big man, don't give me this set."
Liu Dahai said with excitement: "Director Dong, the mountain landslide rushed down. If it weren't for you, I couldn't live now. I am the life of Liu Hai, you saved it, I..." Even after so many days, Liu Dahai Some people still can't accept the things that Dong Xuebin has transferred. Perhaps in the eyes of others, Dong Xuebin is a very impulsive and immature cadre, but in the eyes of the Huitian Township police station, they feel that there is no better leadership than Dong Xuebin. Now, under the hands of Director Xiao Dong, everyone is very practical and very happy.
Dong Xuebin smiled and hammered his shoulder. "Grinding, don't be like an old lady. How many times have you said this?"
Chu Feng and the big scorpion two scorpions and others are also watching Dong Xuebin, as if there is a lot to say.
In fact, needless to say, Dong Xuebin also understands.
At the end, Chen took a few cigarettes and alcohol and came up. "Director Dong, this is a bit of a surprise."
"You are forcing me to make mistakes." Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly, but still thought about picking things up and accepting it, "Thank you, thank you, hello, there are a few tears over there." , wipe it clean, like what, huh, I know that you sent me off, I don’t know if I want to give me a funeral." I wanted to joke a mediation atmosphere, who wouldn’t have laughed alone. .
Dong Xuebin endured some acid eyes, saying: "Old Liu, the security work in the township, you pick the child? Hurry and take your soldiers back, all scattered."
Everyone has not moved.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "The guys, have to look at me, tears are happy?"
Suddenly, there were noisy noises coming from the entrance of the courtyard. Actually, there were more than 30 ordinary people. Many people still hold fruits and vegetables in their hands.
Dong Xuebin stunned. He recognized several of them, all the people who helped him when he was in office.
I don't know who organized it. Dozens of people actually came to Dong Xuebin to see him off.
A middle-aged woman walked fast. The first one came to Dong Xuebin. As soon as he grasped his hand, his tears fell. Dong Xuebin went to neighboring provinces for more than half a year to uncover a case of trafficking in women and children. The woman was The mother of the abducted girl, she was very emotional, and could not even say anything, but finally opened Dong Xuebin’s hand and stuffed a large bag of eggs for him.
Dong Xuebin hurry to hold the egg. "Thank you, big sister, thank you."
A couple also came over. "Director Dong, I heard that you have to transfer away, we... this is what my daughter painted. Since that time you saved her, she almost chanted you every day." That time, Dong Xuebin and the school rescued the parents of the students who were jailed by the prisoners. On the painting, they twisted and painted a person and held a gun at another person, apparently painting Dong Xuebin’s murder.
Dong Xuebin holds the painting: "It’s really good to paint, thank you for your daughter."
An old lady also trembled and crowded the crowd. "Director Dong, you are a good person, a good official. A good person is safe in his life. My family is poor, and there is nothing to get it. You must accept this fruit." This is In the landslide, the old man rescued by Dong Xuebin bus.
Dong Xuebin holds the old lady's hand: "Aunt, thank you."
Some people behind, Dong Xuebin can't tell who it is, and there are more and more things in his hand. When Liu Haihai saw them, he rushed to help Dong Xuebin to take things together.
Today is a very unforgettable day for Dong His emotions are also very excited. Looking at so many people to send off their own trips, Dong Xuebin’s eyes are a bit blocked and his eyes are red.
Village, I can learn from Dong Xuebin and He De, I can't afford it, thank you, I thank you all."
The cadres and family members of many bureaus in the family's courtyard saw this scene, and they could not help but pay a tribute to Dong Xuebin.
No matter how unfamiliar you are in the county party, no matter how immature you are in politics, as long as you are really good to them and really do things, the people will think that you are a good official, and Dong Xuebin’s life is a dead end. The people who saved the people have won the respect of everyone.
Mercedes-Benz business opened a family home.
Dong Xuebin turned back, the villagers had not left, they stood at the door and watched him.
To wipe the corners of the eyes, Dong Xuebin couldn't help but drop a tear. This scene was very touching to him. Dong Xuebin felt that for these eyes, for these folks, his hard work of the year was worth it!
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