Chapter 335: 【Magic show! 】

Chapter 335 Magic Show! (two more)
County Party School.
The auditorium, on the rostrum.
The music of the background accompaniment is still going on. The music is mainly drum sound, which is very intense. It is estimated to be a recording with a one-handed brick program. After Dong Xuebin took the microphone on the stage and simply rounded the sentence, all the eyes of the people looked at him. Many people didn’t know that there was something in it. They applauded and applauded him. I was looking forward to the performance of the legendary figure of Director Xiao Dong. Some people know what is going on, cold-eyed jokes, and finally some county leaders, such as Huang Li and Geng Yu, are frowning and watching Dong Xuebin explain how to solve this.
Just throwing Dong Xuebin’s face alone.
Not handled well?
That shameful face is not only Dong Xuebin, but also the face of Xie Huilan who promoted his superiority!
The five bricks were tied together, almost to the neck of Dong Xuebin. At this time, the rhythm of the music was slow, and the music was over. Then the music of the next rhythm began. Dong Xuebin delayed a lot of variety before the game. It should be over, and I changed a new song. Dong Xuebin felt that the rhythm of the song was just right. He inserted the microphone in the shelf, smiled and gently pulled the sleeve up.
Looking at this posture, is it going to break the bricks?
The deputy head of the county, Geng Yu, shook his head, and you, a director of the China Merchants Bureau, went to smash the bricks. What it looks like, he thinks that the political wisdom of this small director is too bad.
Many people think so, but a word from Dong Xuebin has made a lot of people stunned.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Before I start, I will give everyone a magic."
Become magic? Is the program not a one-handed brick? Someone squatted underneath.
Temporary change of program? Qin Yong and Hu Silian and others indulged in watching the stage.
Geng Yu, Huang Li, Liang Chengpeng and others are slightly nodding, magic? Change the show? It seems that Xiao Dong is not stupid. He knows that avoiding the weight is light. Now, in this case, temporarily changing the program is actually a last resort. Weigh the pros and cons. This kind of choice can also lose more face and lose more magic than bricks. Mysterious and elegant, it is in line with the image of the China Merchants Bureau. It first converts the attention of the audience, uses other programs to transfer the topic to the past, and then ignores the one-handed thing, which is also barely strong. Mainly this magic, whether it can attract people, this is the key to shifting the topic.
Dong Xuebin appeared to be very confident. He said to the background: "Can you give me a deck of cards to make a god?"
A moment later, a staff member took the deck of cards and the new ones were not removed.
"Thank you." Dong Xuebin took the props, unpacked and took out the cards, and lifted them up for everyone to see. "Let's please see, this is the new card, the most common kind of poker sold on the street. Also on the back of the card, please note that this is not a magic card, no mark 噢.
The camera zoomed in. The big screen behind the podium gave a close-up of poker, and everyone saw it clearly.
Many people nod their heads underneath, it is indeed ordinary poker.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Well, it is simple to confirm this. What I have to do now is to hand the cards to everyone's hands. Please cooperate with the leaders and colleagues. Anyone can make God, don't let I saw the place to take a free card from the poker, and don't let other people see it. After a while, I will take a chance and then I can guess what brand is in everyone's hand."
Many people don't believe it.
Generally speaking, this kind of magic needs to have child care, that is, internal response. However, many people know that Dong Xuebin is rushing to the ducks this time. There is absolutely no preparation for this. Is it necessary to perform this kind of magic in this situation? Can it be made?
Dong Xuebin handed the card, "Miss Su, help me?"
"Happy to help." Moderator Su Jia took the poker and walked off the stage, and the card was held in his hands. This is not only Dong Xuebin, but even other people can't see the board.
Su Jia first went to the county leadership.
Huang Li gave a face, "I take one." After that, he reached out and squeezed a card from the middle and squatted on his hand.
Geng Yu also reached out and took a card from it.
Later, the road did not move, Xie Huilan and Chen Tongbing each took a card. After finishing this, Su Jia took the card and walked behind the auditorium. On the way, from time to time, some people reached for the cards. Later, Qin Yong and Hu Silian also pulled one from Su Jia.
The cards are a little less than a half.
See Su Jia also give the card, Dong Xuebin wiped the sweat of his head, holding the microphone: "The host, that sly, can make God come back, you really let me out, do not take you to tear down the Taiwanese You still want to give a card without leaving it. I have limited strength, not tired of me?"
He said it was very humorous, everyone laughed happily.
Su Jia snorted and stopped the card. "Can I make a god?"
Dong Xuebin gnawed his teeth, and at the end he nodded his head. "Put it!"
Huang Li looked at the music, and said that this kid would quite adjust the atmosphere.
Su Jia touched a hand in his hand.
"Okay." Dong Xuebin slammed his hand. "I will talk about the cards in your hands. I have to be lucky. Note that the following is the moment to witness the miracle!"
This is too familiar, and everyone laughs.
Dong Xuebin took a deep breath and grabbed it. He rubbed his hands together and punched his fist. For a second, five seconds, ten seconds, his face was red. Suddenly, Dong Xuebin spit out the tone and his eyes brightened. "The first one that looks at the card seems to be yellow. Let me first say the card in the yellow hand, square, right?"
Huang Li smiled, picked up the card and showed it to him. No, he had a red peach in his hand.
Dong Xuebin knew that he couldn't guess correctly. Where would this be magic? Hurry and shouted for three seconds!
Time is back!
Under the gaze of the audience, Dong Xuebin said: "The first one to take the cards seems to be yellow. Let me first say the cards in the hands of Huang, the red peaches, right?"
Everyone is looking to the yellow.
Huang Liyi, slightly raised the card, the camera lens is aimed at the board, the red peach, actually right!
Dong Xuebin smiled, "The next one is the county magistrate, the 3!"
Geng Yu didn't look at the card himself. He heard a bow and opened it. Hey, it was really a spade. He raised his face to the camera and immediately applauded!
Someone shouted: "Don't say it in order!"
"Yeah, skipping and saying no? What is this for me?" Someone gave him a problem.
Dong Xuebin said: "Yes, this one in your hand... oh, good card, is the king right?"
The man stunned, but he had no choice but to pick up the cards for everyone to see. It was really a king.
So many people have seen it now, and all three cards have been right. This is definitely not a coincidence. Of course, the set of words that Dong Xuebin said in his mouth is obviously not reliable. It must be What are the skills, or how to call the magic? But no one knows what is going on.
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "What about my card?"
"Xie County magistrate this..." Dong Xuebin's meal, he returned with b, he smiled: "It is a billboard."
Billboards, there are usually extra cards in poker, some are blank, and some are advertisements. Xie Huilan elegantly pinched the board with a slight touch, and sure enough, it was a billboard!
Hey, the applause thunder, this magic is really interesting!
Xie Huilan smiled and looked at Dong Xuebin.
Then, Dong Xuebin used b to tell the cards in the hands of everyone, one, five, ten, and no mistakes at one time.
Huang Li also nodded secretly. This little Dong, there are really two things. A program that was completely unprepared beforehand really made him perform very well. Now, just let this magic be done, then ignore the one-handed program. Directly, the rebound will not be so big. Of course, the impact is definitely there. A one-handed brick show has suddenly changed into a magic show. Even if the show is good, it is not beautiful in itself. The bottom cadres can Whether you are being overwhelmed or not, even if it is? People will only see that you will not deal with interpersonal relationships, which will attract people to hate, not to mention the contradictions are brought to the party of all cadres. This influence is very bad, and it will attract people to question and resent.
But now, there is no way to avoid it, and it can only be done.
Of course, if you can really pull the one-handed brick out of the style of China Merchants, without damaging the face of the Director of the China Merchants Bureau, this embarrassing nature will not be there any more, all happy, but... this is obviously not realistic, where is there in the world? What can be the best of both worlds? The blushing neck is thickly smashing the big bones and smashing the bricks. Even if you are ten years old, you can’t find elegance for a hundred years. Show this brute force. As a leader of the China Merchants Bureau, this is a faceless thing. Cheng also expects Dong Xuebin to take out the flowers?
Soon, the poker performance was over, and Dong Xuebin thanked him.
But seeing this, there is still a channel underneath: "Right, isn't it a single-handed brick?"
"Yeah, what about the bricks? I am still looking forward to I don't say I have forgotten it, right, how to change it into a magic show? How to report it? Can this be mistaken?

"Is this not a fool?"
Dissatisfied with the sound, some are purely holding the jokes of the mind, such as Lu Da, he took the lead under the head, let Dong Xuebin perform a one-handed brick, want him to make a fool in public, if Dong Xuebin really Oh, this joke must be spread throughout the county.
Xie Huilan and Huang Li frowned at the same time.
Qin Yong was in the back to give Dong Xuebin a dazzling look, let him hurry to the end, so that the show was fooled into the show, which is already good.
However, Dong Xuebin did not end the game. He smiled and looked at the stage and said something that made everyone scream. "Haha, let everyone wait, since I reported a one-handed program, how can I forget? Okay, well, the warm-up time is over. Please enjoy the magic show below - one hand and brick!"
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