Chapter 352: [Catch the handle! 】

at night. Hotel.
After sending away Luo Haiting, Dong Xuebin smoked a cigarette with his face in the room. Of course, this matter is not finished. Lu Dahe’s forces behind him have already been smashed, and there is no plan.
Give Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan a little room, then where will he be polite? In order to carry out the work of the China Merchants Group better, in order not to affect the prestige of Xie Huilan, this is against him.
Lu Da, Dong Xuebin is not a must, he still wants to wait, but now see the other side to start so fast, and do not intend to sit still!
Toss me?
Then my mother doesn't want you to be better!
The miscellaneous Dong Xuebin has just been cleaned up, and now it is time to find the Lord!
If you do it, Dong Xuebin doesn't want to wait for the other party to make a second move. He drives directly down the street and has been crossing the two intersections eastward, then picking up the mobile phone and an old man in the bureau.
I contacted him and asked him to find out the address of Lu’s family. He didn’t stop for a moment. Dong Xuebin went straight to a neighborhood in the 1990s and parked the car outside.
Place, get off and go inside.
China Merchants Group does not have its own dormitory compound. There is only one dormitory building, which is shared with several departments directly under the county. The red brick building on the left hand side is the investment attraction.
The building of the Bureau and the Cultural Bureau, and later the family building of the CPPCC cadres, there are also cadres building in the departments of industry and commerce and taxation. The community is very large, and most of them live in cadres with head and face.
Many people refer to this community as a small family institution in the county.
Dong Xuebin strode in.
The community guard did not know him, look over there, and did not stop.
After entering, Dong Xuebin went straight to the destination - the red brick building of the China Merchants.
The number of layers that I just heard on the phone is six layers, six layers and one. Looking up, there is no barrier on the first floor except for one layer. After all, few people come to the small family.
The hospital steals things, so no one is guarding the fence. In this case, the difficulty of climbing up is too great. Dong Xuebin twisted his brow and simply entered a unit and climbed the stairs to the sixth floor to see 1
, reached out and pressed the doorbell.
Hey, hey.
Then Dong Xuebin retired and went down to the fifth floor and half.
one second……
Two seconds...
Three seconds...
Hey, the door opened, and Lu Da’s wife, Li Hong, came out and said, "What about people? Who presses the doorbell?"
Before she even looked at her eyes, Dong Xuebin, who was on the fifth floor and half, gave a cold face and commanded it! Time has come!
The air is condensed!
Seeing time to stop, Dong Xuebin transferred the menu to check the remaining time, okay, the Chinese New Year accumulated a lot of money, it was enough, so Dong Xuebin strode upstairs.
After watching Li Hong’s nephew, the scene of her sister’s disfigurement was still vivid. Dong Xuebin resisted the urge to kill her. She bent down and rubbed the edge of the door, following her arm.
Underneath into the house.
There are two people in the living room, the ones Lu Da and Dong Xuebin who have seen outside the hotel, who are similar to Lu Da.
Lv Dacai is looking at his brother with a bitter face.
Lv Da looked at the door with a black smoke and a smog of smoke on the cigarette but it was also in the air.
Dong Xuebin’s eyes narrowed and he walked to the door of a room. With a lot of effort, he pulled the door that had been solidified by time and looked at the layout. Here, it should be Lu’s son Lu Xiaolei.
In the bedroom, the child may be sent to the grandmother's house, and there is no one in the house.
One fold, Dong Xuebin entered another bedroom - the house of Lu Da couple!
After closing the door, Dong Xuebin slammed his fingers...!
Outside, the sound came in.
"Xiaohong, who is here?" is the voice of Lu Da.
"I don't know, nobody." Li Hong touched the door and said: "I don't know who is so wicked!"
Lu Dacai said: "The scorpion, maybe the child in the building would press it."
Lu Avenue: "Well, no one will be no one, big talent, then say something right, you will tell me in detail again, how could it be that the name of Dong is not gone? And me
People asked to go to the rounds. I just received a letter. The people have already let the team take it, saying that they are posing. The three people went into the hotel where Dong Xuebin lived and walked around.
And the work permit is lost! What is this? Do you want to tell me about hell? what?

Lu Dacai sighed: "I don't know what Dong Xuebin is..."
They said to the outside, Dong Xuebin did not continue to listen, and walked lightly with the house to see.
The purpose of Dong Xuebin’s visit this time is very simple, that is, to grasp the handle of Lu Da. For example, when he was with the Beijing Guoan Branch, he was from his home in order to bring down a leader.
I found a few huge passbooks. If there are secrets, many people are used to hiding it at home. Dong Xuebin is just looking for evidence. Of course, it doesn't have to be Luda.
Evidence of corruption and bribery, as long as it can make him face up and lose his prestige is enough, but the more the handle is the better, Dong Xuebin can not refuse.
Find it!
I don't believe that you have no secrets!
The Lu Da family outside is still talking, but they don’t know that the family has come in.
Under the pillow, under the mattress, under the mattress, in the middle of the cabinet, behind the big wardrobe, Dong Xuebin repeatedly searched, even the clothes in the cabinet were not missed.
Turned over the pocket and flipped the layer, the pillow and the folder between the pillow and the bedding were confirmed by the careful Dong Xuebin. It was a job, and the search was still very thick. he
The movement is very light, try not to make a little bit of sound, and after the end of the turn, put things back in place, do not want to be noticed by Lu Da Li Hong afterwards.
five minutes……
Ten minutes... twenty minutes...
The house was rummaged, but nothing was found.
Dong Xuebin looked at the pitiful deposit of 30,000 yuan on the passbook, frowned and put the passbook back, and his eyes flickered.
So innocent?
how is this possible! This old thing is hidden deep enough!
Look at the watch, at 8:10 in the evening, Dong Xuebin still does not believe in evil, and continues to dig three feet to find it again. This time, every page of every book on the bookshelf has been hurriedly turned over.
Even the tiles on the floor are gently pressed to see if there is any loose place. The result is still nothing. Dong Xuebin couldn’t help but think that the secret of Lu’s surname is hidden in the living room or child.
The house of the child? Not so much?
At this time, the outside conversation made Dong Xuebin erect his ears.
Li Hongdao: "Lao Lu, Dong Xuebin, the little rabbit scorpion can avenge the enemy, we provoked him last time, this time you find someone to do him, will he be against you?"
Lu Dacai said: "Yes, brother, I see you recently..."
"Don't worry." Luda sneered. "He is not good for me? What other tricks can he have? Checking accounts? I am not afraid to check, other life problems? I don't! Don't say
This, even if the Commission for Discipline Inspection is involved in the investigation, check the family to check my account, there is nothing at all. If Dong Xuebin really dared to check me, I still open my hands to welcome it, and so on.
Can't find it, I see how he ended up!

Li Hong didn't care: "Is it okay?"
Lu Avenue: "Do not worry, I don't know yet? How can you leave a handle to someone?"
Li Hongyi exhales, "That's good."
Upon listening to this, Dong Xuebin’s heart wrinkled. Since Lu Da said so positively, it is estimated that there is really no handle. Otherwise, he does not need to blow this in front of his family.
Cattle. For a time, Dong Xuebin was a little depressed, and there was no problem in the economy. No problem with life style? So how does his mother clean up the surname Lu? Do you really want him to ask Xie Huilan for help? Let Xie sister
Do you start? No! In that case, where is this face still placed? Before he was credible and Xie Huilan assured that things had been handed over to him, Dong Xuebin could not let his lover
For those who have no ability, they can't let other colleagues and people think that they will only rely on leadership.
Is the handle less than?
I can’t count on one another!
Dong Xuebin is ready to follow the embarrassment. It is really impossible for him to take a few pictures of Lu Da and Li Hong’s bed, a post on the street, um, just this way,
Losing face can make Lu Da lose face, but it is not difficult for a discerning person to guess that this is his own work. If the injured enemy loses a hundred dollars, Dong Xuebin’s own reputation will also be greatly affected.
A bad impression of unscrupulous means, so absolutely no use.
Suddenly, someone had a cell phone ringing outside.
Ringing bells, bells and bells.
Then there was the voice of Lu Da. "Hey, I am Xiao Lu... Yes... Yes, that thing... um... well, ok, I will pass you right away."
It seems to be the leader's phone.
The phone hangs, Lu Avenue: "I went out, don't worry, this time I didn't clean up the surname Dong. The next day, tomorrow, I still have a way to embarrass him, and promise to let him live forever.

Li Hong asked: "Where are you going? When will you come back?"
Lu Avenue: "Go to see a leader, um, it will take about an hour, or later."
"Hey." Li Hongdao: "You drive a little slower."
Lu Dacai said: "Brother, then I am waiting for you to come back?"
Lu Avenue: "Well, I still have something to discuss with you in a while. You should chat with your nephew first."
After half a minute, the door slammed and the door closed.
Dong Xuebin in the house shook his head, but he was leaving. This time, even if he wanted to take pictures of his husband’s bed, he couldn’t shoot it. Hey, he’s useless here, I want to
I think This kind of photo doesn't shoot. He can't hurt his own prestige in order to deal with Lu Da. This is not worth the loss. This is political immaturity. Well, I still have to find a way to find Lu.
Big handle.
Go back first.
The voice is silently a dozen.
If Dong Xuebin unscrewed the bedroom door, he would go out.
But the next moment, Dong Xuebin saw a scene that made him creepy. He looked at him with a stunned look, turned back and went back to the master bedroom, slamming shut.
door. He couldn't believe it. In the living room outside, Lu Dacai and his nephew Li Hong were in a hug position, where they were stopped for a while!
I go!
Dong Xuebin knows that he may find a handle against Lu Da!
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