Chapter 364: [La Lai 1 pen is 1 pen! 】

The next day, morning.
China Merchants Bank Courtyard.
The bell ringing, the bell, and the phone of Dong Xuebin’s office rang.
It was Zhao Xinglong’s Zhao County Chief.
Director Dong, how is your body?

"Thank you Zhao County Mayor for concern, it’s all right." Dong Xuebin knew that he was talking about drinking.
"You, don't be so hard in the future, three pounds of wine, watching you drink, I almost died of heart disease, huh, huh." Zhao Xinglong is in a good mood, "but this project can be finalized, but also The credit of your three bottles of wine, I reported to the county magistrate Xie, Xie County magistrate gave a high degree of recognition on your work performance, and also placed great hopes on the future work of the China Merchants Group, this single project won the beautiful, It’s also crucial when I win it. I heard that the investment atmosphere of China Merchants has been very high for the past two days. That’s right.

"Thank you for the leadership's affirmation, I must live up to the trust of the leaders."
"Well, the future work will look at you, and do it well." Zhao Xinglong encouraged a few words.
Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin thought about it and let Guo Panwei convene a meeting of leaders of various departments, but did not go to the small meeting room, but with his office.
A few minutes later, Sun Shuli, Lu Da, Luo Haiting, Lin Pingping, Jiang Hailiang and others all arrived.
Dong Xuebin looked at them. "Maybe everyone knows. Yesterday afternoon, our China Merchants Group officially signed a new pork processing plant project this year. It is estimated that the investment will be 20 million yuan. The county attaches great importance to this project and has already indicated that it will be treated as The key projects came to catch up. Just the county magistrate Zhao called me and conveyed the high recognition of the work of the China Merchants Bureau by the county magistrate and the county government."
Luo Haiting listened and immediately took the lead.
Hey, Lin Pingping and Jiang Hailiang also responded.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Here, I want to praise Comrade Lin Pingping. This project has been traced from signing to signing, and one subject has contributed."
Lin Pingping smiled very embarrassedly.
Yesterday’s things broke out early. Jiang Hailiang knew that the reason why this project was so successful was that most of them were the strength of Dong Xuebin. If it weren’t for the three bottles of Maotai, I still don’t know if the project could fall in Yantai County. Next, Jiang Haiping couldn't help but look at Lin Pingping next to her eyes. Some of them were not convinced, and some were small, and the bonus of 150,000 was very red.
However, Dong Xuebin summoned the leaders today, apparently not just to praise Baidu’s wealth in the business. After all, it was the old comrades, Luo Haiting and Lu Da. They saw it. Lu Da’s eyelids hang down, and a pair of things did not matter. Luo Haiting used Yu Guang to sneak into the face of Sun Shuli’s deputy director. Luo Haiting I know that Sun Shuli has not been very convinced of Dong Xuebin. It is the age of Dong Xuebin, and the second is his ability to work. But now Dong Xuebin has just drawn a 20 million list when he took office. After the millions of investments made by Sun Shuli, and Dong Xuebin’s praise of a subject in such a big way, he can actually understand God as a beating of Sun Shuli. Everyone knows that Sun Shuli has a very good relationship with Jiang Hailiang. It is also strongly biased towards the second division.
Sun Shu’s face is expressionless and he can’t see what he is thinking.
Will be scattered, everyone has gone out of the office of Director Dong.
Jiang Hailiang bowed to Lin Pingping, "Oh, Lin Kechang, congratulations."
Lin Pingping smiled and said: "I heard that the second division is also talking about a big order? It is my congratulations to the Chief of Jiang."
"I am, there is nothing to do with it." Jiang Hailiang waved his hand and said a few words before he turned to catch up with Sun Shuli.
Luo Haiting saw that Sun Shuli did not even return to his office. He called Jiang Hailiang downstairs and made a phone call on the road. He directly negotiated with the investor about the project. Luo Haiting understands that Lao Sun still refuses to accept Dong Xuebin. This is to want to follow his wrist in business. Director Dong supports one subject. Then he supports the second division. The two seem to use these two departments to be more energetic, but As an outsider, Luo Haiting is still far away. She believes that this situation should be exactly what Secretary Xiao Dong would like to see. The more intense the competition, the more likely it is that the impossible task of 500 million will be completed.
After eating with the canteen, Dong Xuebin walked around the department casually. He was very pleased to see the situation. Now the China Merchants Group is just like the one he just saw last week. The face is full of enthusiasm, do the documents to do the documents, call the investor to call, and not only the business one department and two subjects, even the receptionist to the upstairs office staff are very emotional .
Dong Xuebin returned to the upstairs office with satisfaction and smoked.
Under his series of measures after he took office, the current China Merchants Bureau basically has no problem. Dong Xuebin’s future work direction should also be transferred from the inside to the outside, that is, how to pull investment, for a top-level pass or not, The most direct thing is to look at the performance of this department. What Dong Xuebin is doing now is also to complete the task of 500 million, to do something for Yantai County, to do something for the people, and to be able to mention it for himself. At Xie Huilan and Yu, the 500 million indicator must be completed.
With this goal, Dong Xuebin did not rejoice for yesterday's 20 million contract. This is only the first step, but obviously not enough. He needs more funds to fall into Yantai County.
In the afternoon, Dong Xuebin called Lin Pingping to the office.
"Secretary, are you looking for me?" Lin Pingping closed the door and walked in.
Dong Xuebin said: "How is the work going on? Is there a new list?"
Lin Pingping prepared the documents and handed them to him. "After the year, a total of four projects were chased by one department, one of which was 20 million in the pork processing factory. However, except for this, the rest of the projects have not progressed, such as electric bicycles. In the processing line project, the investors have clearly stated that they will go to the city of Chenzhou City, and there are other similar ones. No investor has the intention to invest in Yantai County. I am preparing for the project in the afternoon. Let's give up the previous few Baidu rights, and re-set the new tasks below."
Dong Xuebin took the document and looked at it. "Is it too early to give up?"
Lin Pingping blinked. "But if you continue to chase it, you will not see results. Instead of putting resources on it, you might as well contact other people who are interested in investing. Well, I think so."
Dong Xuebin put the materials on the table, "Scout the net? This work method can't be said wrong, but if I want to be an investor, I will hesitate when I face a project. After all, money is my own, and investment is bound to happen. Be cautious, it doesn't necessarily reveal the intention of investing at the beginning. Doesn't Liang always explain this? So I think we have to come up with some momentum that we must gain, meet a project, meet an investigator, and Have the belief that you must stay with him, and work with this conviction, so that investors can feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the of the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou royals. Night Kill God God Seal Thrones Demon Evil World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned Little Zhou Emperor Wushu Qiankun Night Kill God God Seal Throne Provoking World Exceptional Heavens The devil is proud of the world’s strongest abandonment of the great Zhou Dynasty’s attention to ours. Even if they do not intend to invest, we must fight for it.

Lin Pingping turned around and said, "So, let me fight again?"
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "I know that you don't agree with me. I think it is a waste of resources?"
"No." Lin Pingping was busy.
"In fact, I don't know if this set of things is feasible or not, but now the investment promotion work does not change the strategy. It is impossible to cross the river by feeling the stones." Dong Xuebin saw very clearly, "If it is the same, still follow The way of working in the past, do you think that the task of 500 million is hopeful to complete? That is, let's talk to you, I don't want to talk to you with confidence. In fact, I have no confidence in my heart. No."
Lin Pingping smiled a bit. Director Dong said this to her and expressed his trust and value to himself. This made her heart very warm.
"So..." Dong Xuebin knocked on the table. "It’s the change strategy. What do you say?"
Lin Pingping nodded. "There are two of the three projects that are absolutely impossible. The investors have already signed up with other counties and cities, but the last one, um, there is still a little hope, then you mean, I personally tried to fight for it in the past, and try to keep people with the greatest sincerity."
Dong Xuebin smiled and said, "Let's go, the specific details of the project tell me about it, I will participate in the list again."
Lin Pingping, you go to the business?
Dong Xuebin said: "What's wrong? Your eyes are very doubtful?"
"No, absolutely no." Lin Pingping smiled bitterly: "I just think that if you have a list of millions of millions, you don't have to personally..."
"Why isn't it necessary? I am the director of China Merchants Group. I have to take the lead. How about the millions of orders? Is it rare?" Dong Xuebin took a cup of tea and smiled: "Don't say a few hundred." Ten thousand, now I am looking for hundreds of thousands of investments. I am looking forward to million is not a small amount, every investment is very important, and there is not much emphasis on small investment.

Lin Pingping’s face was awkward,

"...tell me about that project."

This is a project of harmless treatment of chicken manure. It is an energy-saving and environmental protection project. It is expected to be built near a large-scale chicken farm in the south of Yantai County. After the project is completed, it will process chicken manure per day and produce 9736 tons of feed per year. I am applying for a project, and I expect to introduce about 10,000 yuan."
"The project is not small."
"This way, you contact the investor in the afternoon, let's have a meal together at night."
"Well, I will do it right away."
After a few days of work, Dong Xuebin has found some feelings of being the top leader. However, sitting in the office all day is not the style of Dong Xuebin. Therefore, in order to get the 500 million indicator as soon as possible, he has to personally go down and invest, hundreds. Ten thousand or tens of millions, it’s a sum!
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