Chapter 406: [National treasure has also been stolen? 】

Chapter 6 National Treasures have also been stolen?
The National Museum is in a mess!
The alarm was made, the exit was closed at the time, and everyone was forbidden to leave the museum and accept the search!
When the heads of the Tojo Shinji and the museum saw that the Bodhisattva was stolen, they knew that it was definitely related to the Republic, so they immediately ordered all the Republicans in the museum to be concentrated in one place, first by the museum staff. If you can't find the problem, you must hand it over to the Japanese police, and you can't rule out the possibility of the partner committing the crime. There are indeed many republics in the museum. When they hear the staff, they only search for their bodies, and they are all angry. But Dong Takshin II can't manage that much. The museum was stolen. This is a big case that shocked the whole country. If he can't find anything and can't catch the suspect, he will also be in danger of being expelled from public office.
"Let's get it! Grass! You can't hear it!"
"What are you doing! Is there a search warrant? Why do you search for me?"
"Little Japan! You dare to touch my wife?"
More than a dozen tourists from the Republic refused to search, but the staff had already received the instructions and immediately took coercive measures.
If they are nationals, they may still be scrupulous. After all, the dispute is not good, and they may have to go to court.
But the people of the Republic have no worries. Anyway, they are tourists, the language is unreasonable, and they are expected to go to court with you? Anyway, I will leave in a few days! It is most important to seize suspects now!
Dong Xuebin also saw the scene where the staff took away the republics. The pupils shrank and the anger was even better. He hid in the bathroom of the museum one step earlier and took a breath. He said to his compatriots. Sorry, then my face was even more awkward, and my mind had passed the established plan.
Touch, the door was pushed away!
"Someone? The people in the toilet are out!"
"The documents are taken out! Which one is the Republic?"
Even a guard rushed in, kicked off the toilet one by one, and began to find someone.
paralysis! You are dying!
Dong Xuebin is in the innermost. Listening to the outside movement, I know that I will find myself soon. I will squint my eyes and wait for them to sing.
Time is fixed!
Dong Xuebin unscrewed the partition door and saw that a guard had already angered his foot in the air. He saw that Dong Xuebin was in the position and looked at him. Dong Xuebin went out sideways, closed the door and saw another A guard glanced at the bathroom and swayed out of the bathroom.
Outsiders are worried, guards and staff are running to the Toyo Museum.
One statue is set there, keeping a strange running posture.
Dong Xuebin instantly recalled what he saw and heard in the morning. On the side of his eyes, he turned to a hall on the left, blinked, and ran quickly.
This is the national treasure room of the museum. It is all national treasures of Japan. Its historical value is almost the same as that of the Republic. The economic value cannot be measured by money. It is a national heritage and a symbol of national culture and history. Precious. Now, the guards in the National Treasure Room have ran to the Toyo Museum. Only two guards are talking on the intercom at the corridor outside the National Treasure. There are no people inside!
Dong Xuebin sneered a sneak peek, so he jumped onto a booth and sealed the camera lens.
Immediately, Dong Xuebin raised his elbow again and slammed it on the glass cover of the national treasure of "Snow Boat Splashing Landscape"!
The protective glass cover is torn apart!
Dong Xuebin said nothing, and took the "Snow Boat Splashing Landscape" to take out the extra part, leaving only his own ink paintings In the clothes, after cleaning up the pieces of glass, I turned and left. I didn’t return to the bathroom of the main building that the guard was looking at, but went to the corner of a camera and stood there silently!
Time is lifted!
The sound of running and the intercom is ringing again! There is also a shrill alarm at the same time!
Dong Xuebin stunned, and the alarm equipment of the National Treasure Room was much more sensitive than the Dongyang Pavilion.
"Not good! What happened?"
"Where is it? How come there is an alarm?"
"Bad! It is a national treasure room! It is a national treasure room!"
The two guards in the corridor were shocked and scared. They rushed to the National Treasure Room to see what happened. The broken glass in the eyes made the two people scream, as if the heart had broken, this position is... "Snow Boat Splashing Landscape"? Gone? The national treasure was stolen! ?
how is this possible! ?
The news was quickly passed through the walkie-talkie to the ears of the second-class museum of Dongzhixin.
If the Bodhisattva is stolen as a big case that shocked the whole country, then the "Snow Boat Splashing Landscape" is such a national treasure that it has been stolen... It can be a big case that shocked the world!
Tojo Shinji and all the faces are green!
"How do you guard? Ah?" Tojo said: "What about people? Theft?"
The guard at the end of the walkie-talkie wiped the sweat: "We...we didn't see the prisoner, only heard the alarm, then the thing was gone, no one had ever been to the national treasure room!"
Another guard also testified: "Yes, no one has ever been in."

Far fare!
Tojo Shinji hurriedly rushed to the National Treasure Room and yelled at the intercom.
Nobody has gone in? Then you told me how the Snow Boat Splashing Landscape Map is gone? Ah? Why? Will be gone!? Find it for me right away!! Don't go out alone! Especially those in the Republic! Check it out one by one! Search all the places in the museum for me again! Dig the ground three feet and give the person to me. find out!"
That is a national treasure!
If you can't find it, Dong Tsai 2 can't imagine how the consequences are!
The deputy of the side has long been pale. He knows that even if the national treasure can be recovered, their museum will face a big cleansing. The position of the curator and the curator will not be preserved. If it cannot be found... In case the national treasure is damaged... The hand hit a cockroach. The statue of Bodhisattva is a donation he received from a Japanese businessman. The procedure is also done by him. But now the deputy has regretted a bit. For the second-level cultural relics of a republic, he lost his national treasure. It’s not a good idea to buy or sell a fool!
I knew that if I killed him, I would not accept the donation of Bodhisattva!
Lost one, lost two, who knows if there will be a third fourth? The thief was obviously a master of the high hand. God did not know that he had blocked the camera lens, and he did not know how to take away the cultural relics. Even the witnesses did not even know that he was a man or a woman. What is the skill? And it’s still blatantly coming over to steal things in broad daylight! It can even be said that it is a big shake to "take" things, such as entering the uninhabited situation, it seems to be declaring war on their museum! Too much face! Too embarrassing!
Now, Dong Tsai 2, they have not been able to take care of any Bodhisattva image, "Snow Boat Splashing Landscape", this national treasure must be found!
Otherwise they are the sinners of history!
It is a sinner of the whole country!
"Let me find! Find!" The hall echoes the temper of Dongzi letter two!
Searching for so long, even the shadow of the criminals did not see, this situation is too strange!
the other side.
Dong Xuebin used to evade the search and camera of the guards. Once again, he walked in the corner of the camera. He finally heard the sirens of more than a dozen police cars in the museum compound, and his face frowned. I know that I can't start any more, dozens of policemen can't easily open more if they use it. There are too many people, and the museum guards have strengthened their vigilance. The rest of the national treasures and cultural relics are inconvenient to take away. Xue Bin can only give up, anyway, this harvest is not small, what is a national treasure Dong Xuebin is clearer than anyone else, this is enough to cause a sensational world, enough to export gas.
It is time to go, can't lose yourself.
The scene is so chaotic, shouldn't the individual in the museum pay attention?
It must be around! All objects are solidified there!
Dong Xuebin no longer delayed, striding forward, while recalling the morning road, while walking the shortest distance to the outermost hall of the museum. It seems that things are too big, dozens of policemen sneak in, some have come in, some are anxiously on the security, and some have just come down from the police car. How many Dong Xuebin did not know the police force in this area, but looking at this battle, it should be that the police who can come are coming.
Dong Xuebin smiled coldly, and said that you know that you are anxious this time?
Also, my mother is playing Tai Chi with me? Still not returning our stolen artifacts? This time, my buddies let you try the taste of the loss of the national treasure!
The door was a bit crowded and there were not many gaps left.
Dong Xuebin leaned sideways and passed by five or six policemen. He squeezed out the four police officers on the security checkpoint. He avoided the left side of the right side and finally passed the security check and walked to the gate. The museum has been ordered. The windows and the courtyard should also be surrounded by police, so Dong Xuebin does not want to cause any accidents. He simply does not have contact. Take a little more time and spend more time, safety first.
Crossing the high threshold, Dong Xuebin stepped out of the door.
Five steps...
Ten steps...
Twenty steps...
Walking along the artificial river, I finally ran out of the museum compound.
The outsiders were already surrounded by the people, and they were stunned and looked at the neck. Obviously, they knew what happened, and several police officers with batons maintained order at the periphery.
Crossing the barrier, Dong Xuebin squeezed out from the still crowd, looking for an unobtrusive corner, and whispered!
Time is coming!

How could it be stolen? What is the museum doing!

"Who is this? It's too courageous!"
"People can't run, they are all."
The common people have been talking about As everyone knows, the main owner of the theft museum is walking behind them and laughing and playing a taxi.
Second, ask for a ticket!
[... Chapter 6 [National Treasure has also been stolen? 】 text update is the fastest...] a! !
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