Chapter 436: [Yu Li County Secretary! 】

Chapter 436 Secretary of the County Magistrate!
Dafeng County, Chengguan.
In the afternoon, the spring is full, and the sun slowly ignited one side of the earth.
This is the first time Dong Xuebin has come to Dafeng County. He has driven a street through Toyota. Now there are some green mountains and green waters in Yantai County, but there are some modern buildings with very modern style. The road surface is also wide and slightly. In the urban construction and economic exhibition, it is higher than Yantai County. It may be because of the opening of the China Merchants Association that a patrol motorcycle can be seen passing by on the street every three and a half.
Is it quite big? Shit's investment promotion!
When I came out, I didn't eat. I was hungry. Dong Xuebin stopped the car at the door of a restaurant. The noon meal had passed. There was no one inside.
A waitress looked at the door and took the menu and walked up.
After finishing the food, Dong Xuebin asked: "Girl, I heard that your county is going to have a business association?"
The waiter snorted, "It will be officially opened tomorrow, for two or three days. Many investors have arrived today. Well, you are also investing?"
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Almost, do you know where the merchants are staying?"
The waiter thought for a moment, "I didn't pay attention to this, but every time the China Merchants Association and the larger activities are generally with the Ruihe Hotel, it is the cooperation unit of the county guest house." Reaching for the direction of the west, "just in Over there, if you drive, you can't use it for ten minutes. Lubei."
"Okay, thank you very much."
"You're welcome, then I'm going to pick up the dishes."
Filling his stomach, Dong Xuebin checked out and went straight to the hotel that the waiter said.
Dong Xuebin came to Dafeng County this time to grab their projects. He didn't know what his county leaders meant, so he simply turned off the phone and prepared to do it alone. Since you have made a lot of experience, it’s not a bad idea to grab our project. The city also supports the
competition in Dafeng County. That buddy also competition with you! Go to your uncle's investment promotion! Go to your grandfather's political color! Grab the things in our county and he will spit it back! When I was a robber, I was quite confident? Where is it so simple!
The Ruihe Hotel is about ten stories high, very stylish and very large.
I saw a high-end car driving into the parking lot, there is a Mercedes-Benz, there is Cadillac, there are 8, there are Porsche cross-country, Dong Xuebin knows to find the right place, after stopping the car, he has stepped into the road In the hotel lobby, go to the front desk and pick up the ID card and throw it at the waiter.
"Is there an appointment?"
Investors live in the sixth floor or above. Those suites and high-end business rooms have been reserved by Dafeng County. Only investors who are registered with China Merchants Group can stay for free. Other guests are not forbidden to enter, but only six floors below the room. The place is gone. Finally, Dong Xuebin opened a standard room with the fifth floor, went in and took a hot bath, dried his head and then went upstairs to the first floor of the hall, sitting in a corner of a smoking area and smoking a cigarette. Observe the people around you.
Some people are obviously the staff of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Dafeng County. They are politely accompanying the merchants to come in and come to the front desk to help them open the house card.
It’s not too small.
Dong Xuebin saw several investors in the province and had seen it on TV.
There are also some CEOs of big companies in the city, and even a line of Americans, several of them are gold.
Dafeng County, where did you find so many powerful investors? Dong Xuebin knows that there should be some "friendships" in the role. It is purely for the purpose of giving Dafeng County the power and face. It will not invest, but Rao is such that Dong Xuebin is more and more angry. These people move casually. A few hundred million yuan of money can be put in place. You have done a good job in attracting investment in Dafeng County. Actually, you still squint at our Yantai County to grab us a small project of 10 million? Or is Liefeng the county magistrate personally out? From the very beginning, you are ready to hit our faces! grass! what!
Suddenly, several people came in at the main entrance of the hall.
Dong Xuebin, the leftmost person, recognized it. Because of Lifeng’s relationship, he deliberately checked the information of Dafeng County this morning. This person is Wang Bo, the secretary of Lifeng. The person who can let the secretary of the county magistrate personally receive the reception is of course very weighty. Dong Xuebin looked at it with his eyes open.
Hey, Korean?
How do you have a familiar person?
The Korean who is familiar with Dong Xuebin is about forty years old. His temperament and momentum are very good. He walks calmly like a trainer. It seems that this is the highest position among the pedestrians. Wang Bo has been with him. A few small eyes around the South Koreans also smiled and said a word to the middle-aged. Dong Xuebin squinted his eyes and suddenly thought about it. It was him, Park Yong-hsi, the master of Korean Taekwondo, who had a very high position in the field of Taekwondo and is also the top five players in the world of Taekwondo.
Dong Xuebin didn't pay much attention to Taekwondo, but since he played a round with South Korea, he later read the news from time to time, and of course he recognized Park Yong-hsi.
This is a master.
Although Dong Xuebin played a lot of Taekwondo black belt masters, he also knows that black belts are not the same as black belts. Even if they are black belts with seven paragraphs and eight paragraphs, sometimes the strength gap is very large and cannot be used. The segmentation distinguishes strength, just like those who entered the Olympics in the Taekwondo Black Belt, three paragraphs and four paragraphs. Under the fair competition, the coaches of the six sections of the Taekwondo Hall are estimated to be no opponents at all. The rankings are only a little bit by age and qualifications. Going up does not mean strength, and this Park Yongxi is obviously a master with both qualifications and strength. It is completely incomparable with those black belts that have been handed over with Dong Xuebin. This point, Dong Xuebin saw him a game by chance. I will know later.
Dong Xuebin’s eyes glanced at him and looked at him deeply.
Park Yong-hsi also seemed to feel the gaze not far away, and looked at it slightly.
The two looked at each other and paused for about a second. They each opened their eyes. Dong Xuebin continued to smoke slowly. Park Yongxi followed Wang Bo upstairs.
How did the master of Taekwondo come here?
In order to find a buddy to report the enemies of the taekwondo hall?
Dong Xuebin had to think about it, but when he thought it was wrong, he was arrested by the South Korean police when he was in Korea. Later, Huilan helped find the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to get himself out. In this case, he was in Yantai County. It seems that things can't escape the eyes of those who care. If they are really coming to their own, he should go to Yantai County, how can he run Dafeng County? Also participate in the China Merchants Association?
Yes, it seems that I heard that Park Yong-hsi’s mother is Chinese? Did you do business in China before you died?
This makes sense. Dong Xuebin also remembers that Park Yong-hsi has spoken Chinese in an interview. He is quite fluent. This is half of Chinese descent. Is this time investing? But where do you choose? You choose Dafeng County, this broken place! There is no eyesight!
Park Yongxi’s 80% of the Koreans are signing with this. Dong Xuebin’s attitude towards them from Dafeng County can be read out vaguely. It is reasonable to say that the Americans should be highly valued by Dafeng County, but Dafeng County does not. Those old beauty is someone who is looking for them to make up the number of scenes, not to invest, but there is Wang Bo personally accompanying Korea, and the project signing may have already been discussed. Park Yongxi’s mother seemed to be rich when she was alive, and investment should not be small. Thinking of this, Dong Xuebin is even more unbalanced.
I was going upstairs to go back and ponder, and several voices suddenly rang behind me.
"Li County magistrate."
"The county magistrate."
Dong Xuebin’s footsteps looked back and looked back. I saw that Lifeng had just entered the hotel lobby with several county government cadres. Several investors greeted them, saying hello, greeting, and climbing. He smiled and responded with several leaders. He was very polite to every investor, and he was not arrogant when he was in Yantai County. Dong Xuebin was sneer.
Treat yourself to your comrades and you are not at all concerned.
When you met a foreign investor in a foreign province, did you smile and look at your relatives?
At this time, the elevator door opened, the county magistrate secretary Wang Bo walked out of the elevator, Li Feng indicated that he came over, just want to say something, the corner of his eyes suddenly saw Dong Xuebin sitting in the rest area, Li Feng face slightly sinking, cold Looked at him with a sly look, called Wang Bo, and said a few words to him. When Wang Bo listened, his face changed. After a few voices, he turned around and looked at Dong Xuebin’s eyes coldly and strode up.
"You are Dong Xuebin?" Wang Bo's tone is very rude. He is the secretary of the county magistrate. The identity is originally there, and Dong Xuebin is only the director of a foreign county. There is no need to be polite with him.
Wen Yan, Dong Xuebin sneaked at him without looking at him. "Who are you? Do I know you?"
"What do you mean by coming here?" Wang Bo heard about the incident of the county magistrate in Yantai County yesterday. "When did the investment promotion bureau of Yantai County drive to Dafeng County?"
grass! Do you still have a face?
Dong Xuebin was on fire. "That must first ask you Dafeng County! When did your investment work go to our Yantai County? Ah? Don't be cold! Whom do you want to look at?"
Wang Bo angered: "How do you say it!"
"I will talk like this! Don't like listening? Don't like to hear it!"
There are several staff members and investors around to hear all in one, I said that this person, the secretary of the county magistrate dare?
骂 Leadership influence is too big, but also taboo, but a correspondent... Dong Xuebin certainly dares to swear.
Wang Bo was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. "This is our investment promotion meeting in Dafeng County! It is not Yantai County! Now you will leave now!"
Dong Xuebin smirked and laughed. "Leave? Who do you think you are? I have been on vacation for a few days! How come you have been here for a few days and you are still hampering you? How are you? I am coming to Dafeng County and breaking the law? The Americans just got in! A few Koreans have personally accompanied you to the building! Even foreigners are allowed to stay! Why are you not allowed to enter? You Dafeng County is engaged in ethnic discrimination!?"
[... Chapter 436 [The Secretary of the County Governor! 】 text update is the fastest...] a! !
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