Chapter 445: [The applause of the old 0 surname! 】

Chapter 445, the applause of the people!
This shocking secret made the atmosphere in the swimming pool suddenly blow up.
Several China Merchants cadres looked at each other and were blind.
Wang Bo almost opened his mouth and sweared. He also heard about the taekwondo hall. After reading the news, he was still happy for a long time. Who wants Dong Guanbin to do it? This is too wicked! It turned out that I ran to South Korea very early and made such a big move! What kind of party member is this fucking? What kind of national cadre is this fucking? This is too inattentive! Also swept the taekwondo world? What fighting power are you?
But the people on the other hand are upset.
"Idol! You are so handsome! Sign me a name later!"
"Buddy! Do them! Let them see and see Chinese Kung Fu!"
Everyone can scream at the entire hall, and they can't even open the door to the taekwondo hall. Everyone has mentioned Dong Xuebin to the same height as the masters like Park Yong-hs, and the cheers are coming up one after another. .
The translation has translated all the words just past.
Li Xiaoan was very annoyed, yīn looked at Dong Xuebin coldly, and let the people who lost such a big face in their country are in front of them. This is the new hatred and old hate!
A Korean businessman’s face is not very good-looking, and he whispered something with Park Yong-hsi.
After listening to Park Yongxi, he shook his head slightly and said to Dong Xuebin: "I’ll forget it today."
Dong Xuebin said with a smile: "How come?"
Park Yong-hsi is very masterful. "You just swam, and you have consumed a lot of energy. You don't have shoes in your swimming k-shirts. The ground is slippery. This situation is not fair. Of course, I don't mean a few months ago. That's the case. I didn't want to make any comments on the original. Who is right or who is wrong? It doesn't make sense to say anything, but for the reputation of our Taekwondo Association, you and I can't compete in this contest. Avoid, I came to China this time, one is to invest, and the other is to find a person who made a break, who wants to meet here."
It’s just that one person has made the entire Korean Taekwondo community lose face. This tone they obviously can’t swallow, and it’s plain, Park Yongxi must find this scene.
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "I don't care, I don't want to fight with you. The outcome is meaningless to me, but the truth... Let's talk about it. The person behind you hit our people, what happened? You can make a god, but this is absolutely not a problem!"
Park Yong-hsi shook his head and said: "I have a little friendship with Xiao An's father. If I am there, no one can move him."
"Do you have to evil trend?" Dongxue Bin cold channel: "I said I wanted to hit him, you're the one hundred spare no stopping me!"
Park Yong-hsei frowns, "I admit that your hand is good, but the words are too big?"
"Then try again?" Dong Xuebin's eyes suddenly glimpsed, and strode toward Li Xiaoan.
Park Yong-hsi thinks that he is somewhat supportive. From the point of view of the match, the two of them can be separated from each other. The strength is not disparity. In this case, he wants to distract himself while playing against himself. Attacking Lee Hyo On? This is not to put yourself in the eyes!
In fact, Dong Xuebin thinks so.
Because he can't lose, he still has no use for this killer!
Two steps...
Three steps...
Park Yong-hsi stopped him and kicked sideways!
Dong Xuebin did not panic and walked away from the side, taking advantage of the situation and taking a step forward.
Four steps...
Call, the side kicks again! Dong Xuebin’s dangerous and dangerous situation, Park Yongxi’s tuǐ almost wiped his head and swept it over!
Five steps...
Lee Hyo On is close at hand!
But when I can get here, Dong Xuebin is doing everything in his power to push b to the extreme. Park Yongxi, who is around him, looks at it. If he goes on like this, he will not be close to Li Xiao’an’s own estimate and he will be hit by Park Yong-hsi, so Dong Xuebin is at When Park Yong-hsi attacked again, he read it in his heart!
Time is certain!
He took another step on his side!
Time has returned!
Everyone only felt that Dong Xuebin’s body flashed slightly, and he quickly drove Pu Yongxi around him. Park Yong-hsi didn't think that Dong Xuebin was so fast. He didn't respond to him and he just avoided it. It was too late to catch up with it.
Under the gaze of everyone's surprise, Dong Xuebin's slap in the face of a slap in the face of Li Xiaoan!
Li Xiao'an didn't want to hide, but there were a lot of people around, and he couldn't go around. He was knocked over to the ground with a scream, and his face was swollen!
"Dong Xuebin!" Wang Boda was shocked!
"...%%¥¥#&m;......" Li Xiaoan!
"Drink!" Park Yongxi behind him whispered.
Dong Xuebin felt the wind in his ear and couldn't escape it...!
He bent over slightly.
Park Yong-hsi’s fist crossed the head of Dong Xuebin. By bending over, Dong Xuebin’s stomach was smashed by Li Xiao’an’s stomach. It was exactly the same as the place where Li Xiao’an had played Wen Jing’s man. Shibi body, immediately reached out and grabbed the camera in Li Xiao'an's pocket, and threw it back hard. He called, and the camera flew out in an arc. He fell to the ground and fell, falling into the water!
The swimming pool was quiet for two seconds!
Then a burst of cheers suddenly burst!
"Good! Play well!"
"Ha ha ha! Oh! It's beautiful!"
Li Xiao'an's face made everyone very uncomfortable. This time I saw that the beggars couldn't get up. They were all in a good mood. They also saw the legendary figure who swept through Korea in this legend! This is what people are arrogant!
Every time Dong Xuebin beats people, it is not for the sake of the show, nor for the sake of his ability. He just wants to get back a truth and ask for a statement. Now that the photos are gone, Li Xiao'an is also punished. Dong Xuebin has not stopped. With so many people watching, he can't take care of it.
When Park Yongxi saw it, he sighed deeply. "But it, nothing." Didn't make a move with Dong Xuebin.
Li Xiaoan lay on the ground with a red face: "&m;&m;...%%..."
Park Yongxi went over and looked at his injury. He shook his head and didn't answer him. This time, Li Xiaoan was too much. It may not be a bad thing for him to suffer. It’s just that Dong Xuebin’s just a few rushes to make Park Yongxi’s heart sink. If it’s true and fair, he really won’t win the grasp of Dong Xuebin. It’s no wonder that the black belt coach is not an opponent. It.
But... what is this effort?
Rao is Park Yongxi and has never heard of it.
Wang Bo immediately made a phone call and then rushed to Li Xiao'an to help him. The more he didn't want to go into trouble, the more investors, the investors were beaten. Wang Bo didn’t know how to explain it to Lifeng. If it’s not good, the investment of these Korean businessmen is not all gone. Lie Feng let his secretary personally accompany these people, you can see the importance that the county magistrate attaches to them, but now...
Dong Xuebin looked at Wang Bo, and they were very disgusted. The people in their own county were bullied. You didn’t say a word, even the reason was ignored. Now a foreigner is beaten and you are anxious to be like a grandson? Also called the ambulance and report it above? what!
Dong Xuebin stopped looking at them, turned and went back, and looked at the Wenjing man. "How about the brothers? The ambulance should be coming soon, and then bear it."
Wen Jing man held his hand with pain and pain, "Thank you! Thank you!"
His daughter snorted and cried: "Thank you, uncle!"
"Oh, the little guy is really sensible." Dong Xuebin licks the head of the little girl, "No thanks."
Wen Jing’s wife worried:
Young man, those Koreans seem to be VIPs of the county government, you are like this... don’t hurt you.

Dong Xuebin was happy, whispered: "Big sister, rest assured, I am fine. Their county leaders hated me early. I have nothing to do with this. Isn’t it just beating? Oh, can give Let's ask the people to be fair. What is this little trouble?"
Wen Jing’s man’s eyes were a bit red, and he squeezed Dong Xuebin’s hand and said thank you again.
Hey, Xu Yan didn't know when he came up, smiled and slammed his head and swelled his head. As a result, everyone responded in unison, and the applause went back and forth to Dang in the swimming pool!
"瞧瞧人! This is what a cadre looks like!"
"Yes, I just heard people call him the director? No wonder the younger seat is so tall."
"Yeah, this style of deaf people, this is discouraged!"
What is my style? Dong Xuebin was a little embarrassed and said: "Don't do this, I don't have anything to say about things. I just did the duty of a national cadre and fulfilled the obligations of a party member. I also want everyone to know, not all. Cadres are like some people. Everyone must have confidence in our party and have confidence in the government! Our party is the party of the people! Our government is the government of the people!"
As a result, everyone’s applause was even more enthusiastic.
"well said!"
"Yes! It is the government of our people!"
Xu Yanyi smiled was amused by Dong Xuebin, but Xiao Dong was able to say this at the end, and let her secretly nod.
The staff of China Merchants is very difficult to see, and some people are jealous of them. Wang Bo’s face is yīn, hate to be like what, but also fulfilled the duties of a national cadre? Which country cadre is as horrible as you are? You really have a face to say!
However, hate to hate, Wang Bo did not dare to point to Dong Xuebin's nose to say anything, but this matter was originally reported to Lifeng.
Wang Bo is also a bit embarrassed, mainly because Dong Xuebin's combat power is too exaggerated!
A mixed martial arts person, a singer-song master who can even be ranked in the top ranks of the world... Who is willing to provoke?
Happy New Year!
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