Chapter 457: [Amazing! 】

Chapter 457 is amazed!
Is Li Hong dead?
Did the people I saw yesterday die today?
Dong Xuebin immediately sat up on the netg with his mobile phone and frowned. "What happened?"
Vice-President Feng seems to be in the car. He has a motive voice. "I just came back from the scene. Someone reported the case around six o'clock. I said that there was a woman in a lane on the west side of the small family's house. It was like a blood. It seemed to be hit by a car. When the ambulance and the traffic police rushed over, the person was already dead. The document on his body was Li Hong. He had already called Mr. Lu to confirm that the deceased was his wife."

Car accident?
Dong Xuebin said strangely:
Your criminal police team also went to the scene?

Deputy Feng Feng said: "Because there are traces of people who have been beaten by the deceased, we suspect that it is not a car accident, or someone may deliberately murder, or push the deceased to the car, but because the driver has not caught it, the specific Investigation and evidence collection, just want to know about the situation with the China Merchants Bureau, I heard that Li Hong’s emotional life is a bit... chaos, this is also a survey direction."
Vendetta? Love kill? Dong Xuebin felt that the problem was a bit serious. After hanging up the phone, he put on his clothes and drove down the stairs to go straight to the China Merchants Corporation compound.
A police car parked downstairs, and two police officers were talking to Luo Haiting Sun, who had just arrived at work.
When Santana stopped, Dong Xuebin got off the bus and waved at the staff of several investment promotion bureaus around him. "Go back to work! What are the fun!"
Several staff members were busy and went into the office building.
The two policemen immediately respected: "Director Dong." In the system, Dong Xuebin's prestige has been very high.
Dong Xuebin asked, "Is the driver caught?"
"A surveillance video one kilometer away found the car, it is a gold cup car, is arresting." After the two police officers learned about Li Hong's situation, the record was completed and the police car was gone.
Sun Shuli sighed softly, Luo Haiting's mood is not too high, the relationship between them and Lu has not been very good, and Li Hong will naturally not be harmonious, but they are all a small family, buy food every day. Looking up, I don’t see you, who wants to meet yesterday? Neither of them has a little gloating emotion, but the mood is very complicated. Dong Xuebin is also.
A good person, no, no, no?
However, the death of a deputy director's family did not affect the normal work of China Merchants. When Dong Xuebin returned to the office, he called Lu Da for the first time, expressing his comfort and approving his vacation. Although the relationship between the two people is not to be dealt with, at this time, if Dong Xuebin does not care about it, he will not be able to say it. It seems that he is too small. Lu Da is at least his own soldier. He must say it.
However, the emotions of Lu Da in the phone did not seem so bad as Dong Xuebin thought, but the voice was very low, and the cry of his son Lv Xiaolei was bursting.
Dong Xuebin shook his head slightly, and I don’t know if Lu Da was really sad. It’s still not very important. If the latter, this is too heartless, so I’ve been married for so many years, even if Li Hong is with your brother. When you get together, you shouldn’t even have tears?
Forget it, Dong Xuebin, the family affairs of others, is too lazy to manage.
The work of the China Merchants Group was carried out in an orderly manner. Except for some people who sneaked on the affairs of Lu Daai, the work was not affected.
But no one thought that things were just just beginning!
At ten o'clock, Dong Xuebin got the news. The driver of the Jinbei Cup was caught. It was a school bus driver in an elementary school. In the morning, he was preparing to pick up the person. When the result was crossed with an alley, Li Hong was suddenly pushed. In the past, I bumped into the front of the Golden Cup. According to the driver, he was already scared. From the window, the woman couldn’t do it. She stepped on the gas pedal and waited for him to look back from the rearview mirror. The person who has the deceased has not found it. He only feels like a man, and the others don’t know.
Really killing him?
Or is it a manslaughter?
At that moment, Dong Xuebin even thought of Lu Da. I heard that their son was ill. In the morning, Li Hongqi’s early 80% was to go to the hospital to see the children. Then, did Lu Da’s father not follow? Is it not that they both quarreled with the road, and then killed Li Hong when they were beaten? This is not impossible. Of course, his brother Lu Dacai’s suspicion is also very big. Listening to the voice of Feng’s vice captain, the police have already launched an investigation in this direction.
The China Merchants Association is about to open soon. At this festival, Dong Xuebin does not want to invite any negative news from the China Merchants Bureau, so he is very concerned about this case.
ten minutes……
half an hour……
One hour……
After a series of investigations and evidences by the police, a piece of evidence found suddenly surprised all the case handlers!
At the same time, Dong Xuebin took a call and was called by Feng Vice Captain. After listening to Lao Feng’s words, Dong Xuebin’s face suddenly changed, and he could not believe it!
how is this possible? ?
Soon after, a police car drove into the China Merchants Bank. Everyone thought that they were investigating Li Hong’s case. But who would like several criminal police officers to enter the office of Director Xiao Dong? After a while, I got the news. Dong Xuebin calmed down and went downstairs with several criminal police officers and walked in the police car.
Director Dong was taken away?
Luo Haiting and Guo Panwei are so shocked, how is it! ?
County bureau.
trial room.
Dong Xuebin yīn, sitting on a chair with a scorpion, and taking a few cigarettes, looked up at the Executive Deputy Director Hu Yiguo. "Interrogating a national cadre, I hope that you should go through the procedures and procedures. I also went to China Merchants to ask me? Director Hu, have you passed?"
Hu Yiguo and Dong Xuebin are also old-fashioned. They have been unruly in the game.
Hu Yiguo looked at him seriously. "You can rest assured that we have applied for the formalities."
"That's good." Dong Xuebin squatted next to the two criminal police. "What do you want to know, let's talk."
Hu Yiguo said: "When I got up between 5:30 and 6 o'clock this morning, where are you? With whom? What are you doing?"
Dong Xuebin smashed cigarette butts. "In the morning, I am sleeping with my family."
"In the family committee of the county committee? Is there a witness?"
"What do you mean?"

No witness?
Hu Yiguo threw a document to the table with a photo on it. It was a lady's patent leather bag.
This is the bag of the deceased Li Hong. Then you explain to me why there is a bag on you. Fingerprint? And there is more than one? From the bag to the bag!"
Dong Xuebin apparently knew this from the telephone of Captain Feng, and blinked. "Do you suspect that I killed Li Hong?"
"We are investigating and do not rule out this possibility!"
Dong Xuebin said with a smile: "Then tell me tell me, what am I doing to kill her?"
Hu Yiguo also pulled out a document. "According to our understanding and investigation, Li Hong has repeatedly clashed with you and injured the face of your nanny. Before that, someone saw you and Li Hong in the China Merchants Bank yesterday. There have been disputes and squabbles, plus the signs that Li Hong has been beaten before he died. This package also has your fingerprints. Director Dong, what is going on here, can you explain it to us?"
Dong Xuebin said coldly: "This should be your investigation. I can make a clear statement to you. I have not left my house since I arrived home last night. As for why there are my fingerprints on the package, I don't know, maybe it was before. When I touched Li Hong, my finger touched it. Maybe someone wants to frame me. Is there no fingerprint in other places? Is it on her clothes? Is it only on the bag?"
Hu Yiguo said: "The clothes of the deceased are cloth, and the fingerprints above can't be left."
"What about monitoring equipment? There are no cameras in the family's home, but what about the main intersection?"
"This proves that you have not left the family home in the morning, do not drive, or walk the dead end of the monitoring equipment, the camera can not record, and no one can prove that you have been at home. Of course, we did not say that people are killing you. Yes, maybe you had a squabble with the deceased, and Li Hong was inadvertently hitting the front of the Jinbei car. From the legal point of view, this is a manslaughter."
"Let his mother fart!" Dong Xuebin was on fire.
Hu Yiguo also knew that he couldn't ask anything. After finishing the record, he left.
As soon as he left, a criminal policeman smiled and said to Dong Xuebin: "Director Dong, we also believe that this matter has nothing to do with you, but the evidence is very unfavorable to you. Only the fingerprint of you and the deceased Li Hong is on the bag. Outside... even Lu’s fingerprints are not.

Dong Xuebin, why don’t you know?
fingerprint? How can Li Hongbao have his own fingerprint? paralysis! Which grandson is framed me?
Dong Xuebin felt that this was too strange. After thinking for a long time, he didn't understand it. Even if someone wanted to frame him, he had to take Li Hong's bag and let him do it a few times. This kind of fingerprint can stay on But Dong Xuebin has no impression on this aspect. Is it a ghost when someone sleeps? It is impossible!
I want to come and think, suddenly, Dong Xuebin stunned and slammed his head!
He remembered one thing. When he first took office, he used to sneak into the pictures of Li Hong and Lu Dacai. Before that, he went into the bedroom of their husband and wife and wanted to turn over the evidence of Lu Da. The result did not turn over. At that time, the things in the big closet, the things under the netg, the things in the cabinet, Dong Xuebin, but they all went over again, this patent leather bag is also!
by! The original fingerprint is like this!
Dong Xuebin has already understood that no one is framed by himself, because no one knows that there will be his own fingerprint on the bag. This is a coincidence!
paralysis! What kind of disgusting things have let the buddies give up?
How can you explain? Said that he had sneaked into Lu everyone? This is definitely not good!
Dong Xuebin felt that the matter was serious, and his heart snorted, it was a little bad! a.
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