Chapter 474: [Death!] 】

Jia Yan was hospitalized!
Once the news is confirmed, everyone involved in the China Merchants Association is furious!
The cadres and lungs of China Merchants, such as Sun Shuli and Luo Haiting, were quickly blown up and hospitalized? Can't stay late and stay in hospital at this time? When you first came, you, Mr. Jia, vowed to see that the political achievements were too hot. Now, when you see the investment promotion conference, you have to take responsibility. You have come to such a hand in a blink of an eye? No matter what? Pushing other things to others? Do you have any responsibility?
No one thought that Jia Yan would use hospitalization to escape responsibility!
Can you escape?
It is true that if Jia Yan continues to host the China Merchants Association, only six or seven investors will come. The face will definitely not look good, but the secretary should still support him. The responsibility will be finalized, but now you can I went to the hospital directly without hesitation. Before I asked the secretary, I recommended you in the Standing Committee. I also confirmed your ability to work. You are hospitalized. Isn’t this the county party secretary? ? Wouldn’t it be a joke for all the people in Yantai County and even the leaders of the city to look at the secretary!
Hospitalized the day before the opening ceremony?
Jia Yan, this is to give everyone a play!
In the hotel, the hotel was reprimanded. In a room upstairs, it was almost rude to be rude to the Dao, and the phone was called to Jia Yan!
Dudu, toot, no one picks up!
Call again, the phone is on, but no one answered.
Xie Huilan also gave Jia Yan a fight. At the end, she put down her mobile phone and put down her mobile phone. "...noisy!" Xie Huilan was in trouble. "Daofa Secretary, I see that Secretary Jia is not only unable to work, but also has great problems in the overall situation. When the time is the pick-up, does it matter? Is he a Chamber of Commerce to be a family? The county government is so full of support for him to engage in the Merchants Association, not only let him screw up, but is still hospitalized? If you want to do it, you don’t want to do it!?"
The face that had been sent to Dao had already lost his face. He had just supported Jia Yan in front of Xie Huilan Cao Xupeng and affirmed his ability. As a result, Jia Yan played such a hand. "Director Jia’s body has problems, alcohol is excessive, and is in the hospital. Infusion, he doesn't want to be hospitalized at this time."
Xie Huilan looked at him. "The cadres of China Merchants Group are receiving investors under the government. The people of the county government are also busy with this matter. Director Jia is the person in charge of the China Merchants Association. What kind of wine does he drink at this time? It is the work of the China Merchants Association. Is it important to drink alcohol? He is really awakened!"
Cao Xupeng was also fired by Jia Yan this time.
To say that Jia Yan is not pretending to be sick, even Cao Xopeng does not believe in this department, let alone other people.
It’s anger to the road, and Jia Yan’s smashing him this time is almost equal to slap in the face of everyone’s face! Too bad!
The same moment.
County People's Hospital.
"Director Jia, wake up."
"Wake me up!"
In a ward, Dong Xuebin looked at Jia Yan who was lying on the bed and fainted, licking the infusion tube on his arm, the more he looked.
Just a few minutes ago, Dong Xuebin also knew the news of Jia Yan’s hospitalization. He immediately told people that he was also in the People’s Hospital, and immediately rushed over and saw such a scene. Dong Xuebin also thought that he was loaded. He felt that Jia Yan was too idiotic. When you saw the political achievements, you came. When you see the Merchants Association, you are not allowed to be hospitalized. Want to clear your responsibilities? What is wrong and I don't want to take it? What kind of humanity are you?
How many pounds do you want to grab my political achievements?
Let your grandfather go!
Dong Xuebin took a look at his eyes, "Jia Yan! Don't pretend! Give me up!"
Jia's bed was faintly confused, and he thought about what was in his mouth. It seemed that he was really drunk, but Dong Xuebin thought that even if he was really drunk, it was also his own self.
"Director Dong." Suddenly came over to the staff of a county party committee, that is, he sent Jia Yan to the hospital.
Dong Xuebin turned around and said, "What is going on with me?"
The man smiled and said, "I also happened to go to a restaurant in the Western District to eat, and then met with Secretary Jia. At that time, Director Jia seemed to be eating with an investor in the private room. It seems that he was talking about something. It seems that the amount involved is not small, I see Secretary Jia has paid great attention to it, um, but when we finished eating here, Director Jia has already drunk, and the investor saw me knowing Director Jia, let me help him to send him a hospital."
Dong Xuebin gave a slight glimpse, "Where is the investor? Do you know?"
"I don't know." The man shook his head and recalled: "It seems to be a Beijing accent."
wrong! There may be something inside! Dong Xuebin’s heart moved and waved his hand to the county party committee.
Beijing's investors?
Wouldn't it be Huilan who came to the pit and sent it to the road? ?
Dong Xuebin is not stupid. The more he wants to think, the more likely he is. According to Jia Yan, this is not the case. The political wisdom is not too high. It will not be too bad. How can he not know that this time is to blame everyone? Even if it is a slow time, but if Jia Yan is discharged from the hospital, he must be held accountable. He can understand that he should be more clear, even if he is still hospitalized?
Dong Xuebin immediately sent a text message to Xie Huilan asking if the investor was looking for it.
A minute later, the phone drips, Xie Huilan: You are not stupid, huh, huh.
I go! It’s really what Xie sister is doing!
Dong Xuebin can even think of the picture two hours ago. There are very few investors. Nearly 100 million of the contracted projects have also been squandered. When Jia Yan went nowhere, a Beijing investor found him and might say that he wants to invest. More than 100 million large projects must be discussed with Jia Yan. Of course, Jia Yan’s listening is of great importance. This is his last straw. As a result, investors on the dinner party must fight with Jia Yan. Maybe you want to drink two or three. Jin I signed the contract at the China Merchants Association, but in the end, Jia Yan not only did not finish the wine, but also drunk himself, only to have a hospitalization.
So many wines, don't say that tonight, I am afraid that I can't wake up tomorrow morning!
This is the set that Xie Huilan gave him!
In order to let Jia Yan be hospitalized, let everyone think that Jia Yan is picking up the child! Let him drop the chain at the most critical moment!
I thought that Dong Xuebin was happy here. The last time I sent my brain to the brain, I had to slap the scorpion, and I had to pursue my own murder. As a result, this time I’m going to turn to Dao and Jia Yan. It’s too critical, just too good. It’s just like Dong Xuebin’s style. He’s still using his own way. Even if Jia Yan wakes up tomorrow, he has ten mouths that he can’t say clearly!
Look at the watch, at 8:30 in the evening.
Dong Xuebin is trying to go back to his ward and wait to see the excitement, ringing the bell, the phone in Jia Yan’s pocket rang, thinking about it, Dong Xuebin used to touch it.
The words on the screen are displayed to the secretary.
Dong Xuebin picks up, "Hey, to the secretary?"
"Which one? Change to Jia Yan!" A anger in the voice of the road.
"I Dong Xuebin." Dong Xuebin looked at the hospital bed. "Director Jia and the hospital infusion, I don't know if it is really drunk or fake drunk, and now I can't answer the phone."
There was a moment of silence.
Dong Xuebin said that the wind is cool: "To the secretary, do you want me to ask him to try? Now the China Merchants Association is the key period. The opening ceremony will be held tomorrow. Secretary Jia is sleeping here, how can I work? What will I do? This is irresponsible. I told him to get up... Hey, Director Jia! Director Jia! Don't sleep! Call to the secretary!" Suddenly, said: "No, can't call."
"Don't call him!" To the road, he said: "Xiao Dong, since Jia Yan was hospitalized, the Merchants Association is still responsible for you. You should understand the situation now. You must do a good job in the China Merchants Association. time is limited."
Paralyzed, when you kicked me off, you were very happy. Now, if you have trouble, do you think that your buddy is coming?
Dong Xuebin is very human: "But I am also hospitalized."
To the Daofa was so angry that the whole county of Yantai County’s county party secretary was so arrogant, and Dong Xuebin was alone.
You are a businessman...

"Hey, the phone seems to be out of power."
Dudu, the phone is broken.
Dong Xuebin looked at the screen that was extinguished. The heart said that it was not that I hanged your phone. It was really powerless.
Not long after, Dong Xuebin’s own cell phone rang, and when he saw the number, it was Xie Huilan’s call.
"Okay, go out of the hospital, come to the hotel, the people of the China Merchants Bureau are waiting for you to direct the dispatch, huh, huh, also hang up to the secretary's phone? You are on the line."
Dong Xuebin didn't think there was anything wrong with him. He walked out of the ward and said: "I was originally, I have to work to get rid of me. Now I have a problem and think about me. What have you done early!"
"Oh, don't complain, this time the face of the secretary is being beaten."
"That is what he found himself, who is it?"
"The face of the secretary was lost, but the face of Yantai County can not be lost, the gas is out, and the fairness is also discussed. Now your task is to bring me back to the Merchants Association Let everyone take a look at how much man Xie Huilan’s man has and can’t do it?

Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly. "It will be opened tomorrow, hanging."
"If you have difficulties, you have to overcome them. Oh, you don't have too much pressure. I will contact you on the number of investment businessmen. I will be able to pull at least a few investment groups from Beijing tomorrow. The number will not be bad. I just want them to invest. It’s very difficult. It’s okay to make up the number of support. You, now, you have to consider how many projects you can pull. Other things don’t matter, I will do it.
With her relationship with Beijing, please come to some investors to help out. Still no problem.
Can the number of people be filled?
In the eyes of Dong Xuebin, the pressure is much smaller.
Xie Huilan smiled and said: "Yes, I heard that I have also invested an investment in the secretary, and I am going to sign a contract at the China Merchants Association. It has already been set, 40 million."
Not small!
Dong Xuebin immediately had the motivation, and the paralysis was made to the road. You robbed me of half-day political achievements. Now it is finally my turn to grab your buddy!
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