Chapter 502: [Xiao Dong's memorial service! 】

In the home cooking restaurant.
The people of the Health Bureau also rushed to go and rushed, and torn off the fines and prepared to leave.
This is the face given to Dong Xuebin. Dong Xuebin did not bother to take care of it. He found out the Japanese cigarettes that were "collected" from the ship and gave them a few laps. These days are in the sea. Let Dong Xuebin mature a lot, and the temper is a little more stable than before. He feels it himself. "Several comrades, let you run like white, I am sorry, come and smoke."
"Oh, no more."
"Take the roots and walk again. If you don't smoke, you will look down on me."
"There is no such thing, then... OK."
"Oh, I will give you a few points."
"Don't, there is a fire, I have come."
When I heard the Jingjing in Dong Xuebin’s mouth, the person who took the lead in the Health Bureau felt that such a person could not offend, and couldn’t bear to be the son of the central leadership.
The proprietress returned to God and hurriedly said, "You sit, I will give you tea."
The person who took the lead said: "Don’t bother, we are leaving."
"A cup of tea and go." The boss also said.
The man waved: "It's not polite, I really don't drink it, there is still a report that I didn't check it, right..." "The voice suddenly lowered a little, and said to the boss: "You give me a mobile phone number. These days there are tasks on the top, and the hygienic corner is more strict. When there is a surprise inspection, I will give you a pre-arrangement in advance. You can be prepared, as long as the hygiene can pass, it will be fine.

The boss snorted. "That's a thank you."
"Nothing." The man said: "It is not easy for you to do business."
This attitude before and after has changed too much.
After that, the person who took the lead began to set up a close relationship with Dong Xuebin. He wanted to explore his bottom and could make a friend and make a friend.
The proprietress can't help but look deeply at Dong Xuebin who is smoking. Who is this little grandfather? Why didn’t you know who and who did these people in the health bureau change their attitude? Hey, she still has a look at her husband. What is the tens of dollars for a meal? This is not only a fine of 5,000 yuan, but also a relationship with the Health Bureau. I don't have to worry about having a health bureau to find trouble later.
After a few minutes, the people in the Health Bureau left.
The boss's face is very thick, as if she had forgotten that Dong Xuebin, who had eaten white and white drink in the state, looked at her face and smiled and ran to make a pot of tea for him. "Come, drink water and drink." She now knows what. It’s not a good appearance. It seems that the young people are flat and the money they eat is not brought to the body. But who wants people to have such a face, when they come out, they will be stunned by the people of the Health Bureau. I also know that it is not an ordinary person.
Dong Xuebin took the teapot. "Hey, big sister, don't be busy, I will come by myself."
"Don't pick it up, it's hot."
The boss looked at Dong Xuebin, and he did not expect that the other party had such a big face. "Little brother, thank you for this time."
Shaking his hand, Dong Xuebin said: "Oh, it doesn't matter to me, your health here is good."
The proprietress poured water and said: "What is the use of good? Isn't it a matter of their health bureau? This is thanks to you, right, just didn't eat well? Lai I rely on me, big sister again You fry two dishes, I personally cook!"
"No, the state is too full."
"Get some more."
"You are too polite, really full."
After talking for a while, Dong Xuebin mentioned one thing he always wanted to say. "Big brother, do you have a phone call here? Let me play one?" In fact, Dong Xuebin thought about finding a mobile phone to call before eating, but I didn’t have a penny on my body. I also ate the boss of the family. If I used the mobile phone to make a long-distance call, I still didn’t have a good idea to say it. The human condition was paid off, and Dong Xuebin opened his mouth.
The boss got up and said, "Hey, wait for me to get it for you."
"Use my mobile phone." The proprietress enthusiastically handed over a pink Nokia.
"Difficult, thank you."
Touching the pink small mobile phone, Dong Xuebin’s mood fluctuated greatly and took a breath. For a time, I didn’t know who to call first. By the way, I am in Beijing, telling her first.
Hey, Dong Xuebin dialed the number, "Sorry, the call you made has been turned off"...
Shut down? Dong Xuebin frowned, and dialed one for his mother's mobile phone. "Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off"...
Dong Xuebin was speechless, and the third dialed Xie Huilan’s mobile phone number.
One actually shuts down!
what happened? Didn't three people open the phone?
Dong Xuebin’s heart was stunned, for fear of what happened to them, so his face changed a little. He hurriedly recalled some of the numbers he remembered, and dialed the phone of Yan Meixia, the phone of Xie Huilan’s family, and the fixed telephone at the north exit of Heping Street. Even Hu Silin and Feng Vice Captain dialed their mobile phones. However, the fixed telephones are in the state of no answer, and the mobile phones are all turned off and shut down!
It seems that Dong Xuebin’s people don’t have a mobile phone!
Not so smart? What happened in the end? The phone can't get through? ?
Dong Xuebin is anxious, if you and your mom are okay, sometimes you don’t turn on the phone at night, and your mom will usually turn off the phone when he is in class, but Xie Huilan and Hu Silian’s phone calls are impossible to shut down. Because they are located there, they basically have to keep their mobile phones open for 24 hours, so as to avoid any unexpected incidents, but now their mobile phones are not open.
What's the big deal?
It’s going to be bad!
The boss saw him change his face and asked, "What happened to the little brother?"
Dong Xuebin returned the phone to him. "It's a bit of a thing, I have to go first."
Both of them saw that Dong Xuebin was in a hurry and did not leave him again. "Then you will open slowly, and come back next time, the older sister will invite you to dinner."
Out of the restaurant, Dong Xuebin hurriedly drove to the north exit of Heping Street.
five minutes……
ten minutes……
twenty minutes……
When the car arrived, Dong Xuebin ran upstairs and knocked on the door of the house.
No one is open!
Fortunately, the key to Dong Xuebin’s body was not lost. He immediately took it out and inserted it into the door lock. He shook it and pushed the door into the house.

The house was abandoned, but no one was there.
The porcelain cup that should have been on the coffee table was now broken on the ground, the water and the tea were sprinkled, the cabin door was open, a nightgown was half-slid on the sheets, the hem was pulled back, the kitchen lamp was still on, and the chopping board was A rotten tomato seems to have been released for ten days!
Dong Xuebin is impatient!
Where are you? Where have you been?
Looking at the phone on the table, Dong Xuebin continued to fight again after grabbing it!
Shut down!
Shut down!
Everyone's number is off!
paralysis! I want to die, my brother is not! ?
Dong Xuebin came back and forth in the living room of the family. In the end, he suddenly remembered a number, and hurriedly dialed the past one. This is the number of the county government back to the secretary, because with Xie’s family. The fixed number of the fixed telephone is different, so Dong Xuebin remembered when he first saw it. The mobile phone was lost. He only knows a limited number.
Dudu... Dudu... Dudu...
The phone finally passed.
"Hey, hello, secretary." "It's a female voice, it seems quite young.
Dong Xuebin refused to talk nonsense, and immediately said: "Where is Huilan? Is it out of the office?"

Hui Lan?
The girl in the secretary’s department gave a slight glimpse and hesitated:
You mean... Huilan County magistrate?

"Yes, where is she? How can the mobile phone not work?" Dong Xuebin was in a hurry. "You give me a call from her office!"
"... Huilan County is not there."
"What about Secretary Hu?"
"Hu Secretary...not at all."
Dong Xuebin’s heart is that people are not there, and the mobile phones are not open. This...
However, the other party’s next sentence made Dong Xuebin stunned!
The girl is stupid and listens to the phone. The person at the end of the phone is not the same as the county magistrate. The few people in Huilan Huilan dare to call it. They want to come to the other relatives who are the county magistrate, so they have nothing to do. Dao: "The Huilan County Magistrate and Hu Secretary went to participate in the recovery meeting this morning. Many county leaders also went to participate in the chasing hall in the northern suburbs crematorium. If you look for Huilan County magistrate, there "...
Dong Xuebin’s eyes are squeaky,
Whether to recover?
The female subject member replied: "It is Director Dong."
"Ah?" Dong Xuebin was dumbfounded. "My recovery will be?"
The girl is busy: "Do you also name Dong? It is not yours, it is Director Dong Xuebin."
I rely on!
Is that still not mine?
Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin finally understands how anyone shuts down the phone. He used to go to participate in his own recovery meeting. On that etiquette, he must shut down. I went there and chased back to the meeting. My body didn't find this cognac. My buddy still lived it! However, Dong Xuebin also understands that his funeral should have been done long ago. After all, the plane crash has been going on for half a month, until one day, maybe the mother has been waiting for Japan to salvage her body, but yesterday’s news It has already been said that some of the bodies have sunk in the sea and can't be found, so it will be dragged back to today, sweat...
No, you have to go back to the county!
Dong Xuebin immediately swayed with his family, and found a thousand dollars from the drawers of the back room bedside. He directly put it in his pocket and drove down to the gas station. After playing with oil, Dong Xuebin slammed into flames. The throttle, on the high-speed road all the way to Yantai County. The power of the top-level Cayenne is much stronger than that of the Mercedes-Benz business. No matter whether the mountain road or the high-speed road runs very smoothly, one car is overtaking.
On the way, Dong Xuebin was a little crying and laughing while driving.
I rushed to participate in the recovery of the bow, I guess I may be the first person in the ages, hey, what is this thing he called back to mom!
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