Chapter 554: [Xiao Dong is angry! 】

Wedding hall.
Hearing this ugly dish of the West is actually a woman named by Dong Xuebin forty. He can’t wait to give the waitress out to Rui!
Woman forty?
You give me a plate of tofu?
What kind of dish is this fucking!
Looking at the district committee 〗 〖Book Lady not so good-looking face sè, looking at the sly scorpion of the Yuehua District Governor, Dong Xuebin wanted to use it to return, but only remembered that he had experimented with e-sheng The rest of the time was used up. Later, after two days of squatting, it was also sunken in the Liuxiang Hutong. It was only a minute or so, and the bean curd was served on the table five minutes ago. grass! This is what his mother is doing! The horse fart is on the horse tu! wrong! It’s a slap in the face of the horse!
Many people around have heard it, and the wedding banquet has been quiet for a few seconds!
Hey, a few students at the back of the table suddenly laughed at the sound. Under the infection, there were some people who were not in the system.
There is no one who can lead this table.
The district head, Yue Yuehua, is in his early thirties. In a few years, he will be 40 years old. Dong Xuebin ordered this dish to be equal to telling the Yuehua District Mayor that you are beautiful now. After a few years, you will be like this dish. What? Yan Daren is even more there. People are already forty years old. Is this what she is now? Everyone looked at Dong Xuebin, and said that you can really do it. A dish of dish ruined the district committee 〖Book and the district head!
Dong Xuebin’s heart screamed and rushed to stand up and take the tofu residue away. He gave it to the waiter.
Hurry up and withdraw it! What dish name!

The waitress went away and took the dish.
Dong Xuebin slammed his head, "Nothing to say! I punished three cups! Three penalties!"
Now, I don’t care if I don’t drink alcohol. Dong Xuebin dumped the bottle and poured it.
a cup...
Two cups...
Three cups...
When the wine glass was empty, Dong Xuebin sat back in amazement. At this time, he was not very convenient to speak for the first time. He said that he was ignorant, so he hoped that someone could help him with a sentence. He did not deliberately want to swear. Who knows that Chu Qinghua next to a cough, actually did not replace the Xue Xuebin round, I do not know whether it is intentionally want Dong Xuebin ugly, he snorted, took his son and daughter, fù went to the next table toast, and left the topic Here, Chu Qinghua’s today’s club has no words, and suddenly makes the atmosphere even lower.
Dong Xuebin’s heart was cold, and he looked at the eyes of Tsinghua and his surname Chu. What do you mean?
However, Wang Yuling spoke screamingly. She took the hand of Mrs. Yan: "What menu! Is there such a dish name? Do they want to open a restaurant?"
Dong Xuebin said: "The menu picture is not clear. Who can see that it is the dish?"
Wang Yuling said: "They are sensational!"
Dong Xuebin said: "Women forty, how come they have to come up with a huā."
"Oh, yes, the woman's forty-one branches Yu Ling giggled: "I am now, it is much more beautiful than me.

Yan Daren shook his head and smiled and patted Wang Yuling's hand.
Dong Xuebin and Wang Yuling sang a sum, and reluctantly counted the matter. Dong Xuebin was a sigh of relief, and his heart said that his own soldiers were better. His impression of Wang Yuling was even more changed. Xiao Wang was really good. However, the round went back to the past, although Hao Yuehua and Yan Daren did not speak again, and their expressions were restored to their previous appearances. However, Dong Xuebin, who thought about what they thought, was not known. According to Dong Xuebin’s understanding, the length of the Yuehua District Chief It should not be so small. Her mind is all work. She should not misunderstand this point. Anyone can see that Dong Xuebin is not intentional. However, Yan Daren is not clear, Dong Xuebin does not understand. she was.
How come you have such a fuck!
Dong Xuebin was very angry. After more than half of the banquet, Hao Yuehua had an excuse to have a first leave. The leader of the family could come to eat a meal and give face. It is impossible for people to stay until the afternoon. Seeing that Lu Yuehua left, Dong Xuebin did not move and walked to the front desk.
"Your boss!" Dong Xuebin stared at a waiter.
The waiter knows that the characters coming today are not small, and they dare not sneer at the back. "The boss is in the kitchen, and the left turn is."
Dong Xuebin turned and walked over, and a brother asked the face of sin.
After the kitchen.
After writing a door for the idler to enter, several chefs skillfully fiddled with the fruit.
This is a newly opened restaurant for two weeks, and the kitchen is brand new.
The owner of the restaurant, Li Lu, was holding his shoulder and commanding it. "I will say it again. Today, there are a lot of expensive main dishes on the wedding banquet. The fruit plate dessert can't be scorned. I will give it to my heart and take everyone's homework. Hey, Pharaoh, the apple is smashed, you still use it? Change it, take the new one, Xiao Chen, it’s already a little faster, the dessert is a little bit of time, remember, a total of twenty-two.
The man pushed away.
Dong Xuebin walked in with a recipe and threw the menu on the floor. "You are the boss Li Lu? First," "Thirst Li Road frowned and looked at him. "I am, what happened?" Big, thirty years old.
Dong Xuebin said with a deep face: "What did you say? Do you want to do it in your restaurant? Woman forty? You give me a plate of tofu?"
Li Lu’s eyes moved.
This is a special dish for us. It’s a little joke. Don’t you be serious?

"Do you have such a joke?" Dong Xuebin annoyed: "The family usually comes to eat. You don't say anything when you do this. Everyone laughs and finishes, but who do you give to the dish today? And Yan Daren! Is this a joke? Take a plate of tofu and smash? Li Bo! You can really do business! Just kidding to the head of the Yuehua District? Ah?"
Li Lu yelled at him, "Which are you?"
"Where do you care for me?" Dong Xuebin pointed out, "Mr Yan is still there, you bring the dishes of your restaurant, the chef has apologized now!" If the people in the restaurant took things over, apologize. Dong Xuebin is much better here. Maybe he can eliminate the strictness of the strict people. Although he and the district committee〗 〖Wang Anshi did not come together, but did not tear the face, there is no conflict of interest, if it is because of this matter People, it is not worth the candle, there is absolutely no need for it.
"Apologize?" Li Lu was shocked. "Is Lady Yan’s instructions?"
"……its mine!"
"You?" Li Lu Shen sè a loose, tone is also indifferent and said: "Sorry, there are illustrations on the recipe, even if the name of the dish is a little fuzzy, is it still invisible on the picture? If someone clicks, it is known later. Point, why should we apologize? Do not like this dish is not finished." Obviously, he is very jealous of Mrs. Yan, but not too embarrassed to Dong Xuebin, the tone is very hard.
Dong Xuebin looked at him coldly. "Illustration? You show it to me! In addition to the pepper above! Can you see that this is a dish of tofu?" He kicked his foot and kicked the recipe to the page.
Li Lu did not bow his head, and said: "Is that you didn't see it clearly, but still depend on us?"
I am grass! Are you still with me? Are you still rumored with words?
"Here is the kitchen, the rabbits are coming in, please go out." Li Lu didn't care for him any more. He turned his head and continued to speak loudly to the chef: "It's all meticulous."
Dong Xuebin is really hot.
Suddenly, the back door opened, and the director of the Ping An Street Office, Chu Qinghua, came in. "Hey, Director Dong is also? I thought you went back, is it for the dish?"
Dong Xuebin looked at Chu Qinghua. He just left without saying a word. Dong Xuebin did not forget this matter.
On the side of Chu Qinghua, facing Li Ludao: "Li boss, there is a problem with the recipes of your restaurant, what woman is forty, what kind of food? You made me and Director Dong very embarrassed!"
"Director Dong?" Li Luhu suspected.
"This is the director of the Guangming Street Office." Chu Qinghua introduced.
The road smiled bitterly: "Chu Chu, we are also the recipes that I asked before, just a joke, I don't think much, or else, I will let them change the recipes today, and I won't add women forty dishes in the future. Do you see it? It is not that we think about it."
Chu Qinghua nodded. "You look at it, right, the dessert is not good?"
"I will do it right away, there are five more minutes."
"Yes, someone urged, you hurry."
"for sure."
Dong Xuebin's cold eyes fell on Li Lu's face. Just now, his words Dong Xuebin can be recorded. You have a dish at the restaurant and gave me a pit. I almost took the second hand in Nanshan District. To offend, if you take the initiative to apologize to me, with Yan Daren to accompany a crime, how can this thing be said, Dong Xuebin is not a person who cares about it, a dish name, no need to make a big move, but now what? Not only did you apologize for your restaurant, but I still didn't see the recipe? Give me a face sè?
"Director Dong ~ ~ Chu Qinghua smiled and said, "Don't move this for the fire, go, go out for a drink.

Before Chu Qinghua didn't give himself a face, Dong Xuebin didn't give him a face. He stared at Li Lu's eyes. "Li Bo, I will say it again. You are going out to apologize to Mrs. Yan. This is all right!"
Li Luyi frowned and simply turned back and didn't look at him. Even though Dong Xuebin was also the director of the street office, his attitude toward Chu Qinghua was completely different from that of Dong Xuebin. Perhaps they felt that their restaurant was located at Ping'an Street Office, and there was no Guangming Street Office. Relationship?
ignore me?
Li Lu! Lee's Restaurant!
okay! This is not over!
Dong Xuebin focused on him and nodded his head. He gave his face a shameless thing.
He turned and left.
However, Dong Xuebin did not see that the one he turned back to, Chu Qinghua and Li Lu slightly confronted one eye, and the two laughed at the same time. @.
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